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SULIT 4541/1

1 Which of the following represents the arrangement of particles for a material which has
very strong forces of attraction between the particles?
Antara berikut, yang manakah mewakili susunan zarah dalam satu bahan yang
mempunyai daya tarikan antara zarah sangat kuat ?

2 Which one of the following substances consists of atoms?

Antara bahan berikut yang manakah terdiri daripada atom-atom?

A Solid sodium chloride

Pepejal natrium klorida

B Carbon dioxide gas

Gas karbon dioksida

C neon gas
Gas neon

D Water

SULIT 4541/1

3 The figure below shows the symbols for lithium atom and oxygen atom.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan simbol bagi atom litium dan atom oksigen.

7 16
Li O
3 8

Which of the following shows the right chemical formula for the compound that formed
between lithium and oxygen elements?
Antara berikut yang manakah formula kimia yang betul bagi sebatian yang terbentuk
antara unsur litium dan oksigen?

B LiO2
C Li2O
D Li2O2

4 The following information is about element X.

Maklumat berikut adalah mengenai unsur X.
 Can be used as catalyst in industry
 Boleh digunakan sebagai mangkin dalam industri
 Forms complex ions
 Membentuk ion kompleks

Which of the following is correct about element X?

Antara berikut yang manakah benar mengenai unsur X?

A It is a soft solid
Ia adalah satu pepejal lembut

B It has a low melting point

Ia mempunyai takat lebur yang rendah

C It forms coloured compounds

Ia membentuk sebatian berwarna

D It cannot conduct electricity in solid state

Ia tidak boleh mengalirkan elektrik dalam keadaan pepejal

SULIT 4541/1

5 Which of the following shows the properties of covalent compound?

Antara berikut yang manakah sifat sebatian kovalen?

A Dissolve in covalent solvent

Larut dalam pelaru tkovalen

B Higher melting and boiling point

Takat lebur dan takat didih tinggi

C Conduct the electricity in solid state

Mengkonduksikan elektrik dalam keadaan pepejal

D Conduct electricity when dissolved in covalent solvent

Mengkonduksikan elektrik apabila larut dalam pelarut kovalen

6 Diagram 6 shows the apparatus set-up of the electrolysis of substance X.

Rajah 6 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi elektrolisis bahan X.

Substance X
Bahan X

Diagram 6
Rajah 6
Substance X is an electrolyte. What is X ?
Bahan X adalah satu elektrolit. Apakah X ?

A Iron
B Glucose
C Naphtalene
D Lead (II) bromide
Plumbum (II) bromide

SULIT 4541/1

7 The pH scale indicates the degree of acidity or alkalinity of a solution

Which of the following pH values is for strong alkaline solution?

Skala pH menunjukkan darjah keasidan atau kealkalian sesuatu larutan

Antara berikut yang manakah nilai pH bagi larutan alkali kuat ?

A pH 13
B pH 10
C pH 6
D pH 3

8 Which reagent is used to identify the present of chloride ion, Cl- in a solution?
Reagen manakah digunakan untuk mengenal pasti kehadiran ion klorida, Cl- dalam satu

A Silver nitrate
Argentum nitrat

B Barium sulphate
Barium sulfat

C Sodium hydroxide
Natrium hidroksida

D Potassium thiocyanate
Kalium tiosianat

9 Large molecule that contain repeated molecule unit are called

Molekul besar yang mengandungi unit molekul ulangan disebut

A polimer

B monomer

C polimonomer

D makromolekul

SULIT 4541/1

10 Diagram 10 shows the formula of a nitrate salt.

Rajah 10 menunjukkan formula bagi suatu garam nitrat.

Diagram 10
Rajah 10

Which of the following are the possible ions of X?

Antara berikut yang manakah mungkin ion bagi X ?

I silver ion, Ag+

ion argentums

II hydroxide ion, OH-

ion hidroksida

III carbonate ion, CO32-

ion karbonat

IV ammonium ion, NH4+

ion ammonium

A I and III only

B I and IV only
C II and III only
D II and IV only

11 Which chemical reaction releases heat to the surrounding?

Tindak balas kimia manakah yang membebaskan haba ke persekitaran?

A Dissolving sodium hydroxide in water

Melarutkan kalsium karbonat ke dalam air

B Dissolving ammonium nitrate in water

Melarutkan ammonium nitrat dalam air

C Dissolving potassium carbonate in water

Melarutkan kalium karbonat dalam air

D Dissolving potassium hydrogen carbonate in water

Melarutkan kalium hidrogen karbonat ke dalam air

SULIT 4541/1

12 Ethanol is used as a solvent in the preparation of cough syrup.

Which of the following is the homologous series of ethanol?
Etanol digunakan sebagai pelarut di dalam penyediaan ubat batuk.
Antara berikut yang manakah siri homolog bagi etanol ?

A Alkane
B Alkene
C Alcohol
D Carboxylic acid
Asid karbosilik

13 The diagram below shows the changes of the sulphur in Contact Process.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan perubahan sulfur di dalam proses Contact.

S SO2 SO3 H2S2O7

Which of the following are the correct changes in the oxidation state of sulphur?
Antara berikut yang manakah benar tentang perubahan nombor pengoksidaan bagi

A 0 +4 +6 +6
B 0 +4 +6 +7

C 1 +3 +6 +8

D 1 +4 +6 +6

14 The following equation shows the formation of water.

Persamaan kimia berikut menunjukkan proses pembentukan air.

H2(g) + ½ O2(g) → H2O(l) , ∆H = ─ 287 kJmolˉ¹

Which of the following is true regarding the above equation?

Antara berikut yang manakah adalah benar mengenai persamaan kimia di atas?

A Activation energy for the reaction is high.

Tenaga pengaktifan bagi tindak balas tersebut ialah tinggi.
B If 1 mole of oxygen reacts 574 kJ of heat energy is absorbed.
Jika 1 mol oksigen bertindak balas, sebanyak 574 kJ tenaga haba diserap.
C Combustion of 1 mole of hydrogen releases 287 kJ of heat energy.
Pembakaran 1 mol hydrogen membebaskan 287 kJ tenaga haba.

SULIT 4541/1

D 1 mole of water that is formed in the reaction received 287 kJ heat energy.
1 mol air yang terbentuk dalam tindak balas menerima 287 kJ tenaga haba.

15 Which food additive can prevent the activity of microorganism in food?

Bahan tambah makanan manakah boleh menghalang aktiviti mikroorganisma dalam

A Pectin
B Lecithin
C Benzoic acid
Asid benzoik
D Ascorbic acid
Asid askorbik

16 Figure below showed two touching metal in jelly solution.

Rajah menunjukkan dua logam bersentuhan di dalam larutan agar-agar.

Metal plat
Kepingan besi

Aluminium plate
Kepingan aluminium
Jelly solution
Larutan agar-agar

In the above reaction, aluminium

Dalam tindak balas di atas, aluminium

A reduce
B oxidized
C as the oxidizing agent
sebagai agen pengoksidaan
D number of oxidation will reduce
mengalami pengurangan nombor pengoksidaan

SULIT 4541/1

17 Profesional cyclists usually fill their bicycle tyres with gas X which makes the bicycle
Pelumba basikal profesional biasanya mengisi tayar basikal mereka dengan gas X agar
basikal menjadi lebih ringan.


Which of the following elements X, Y, W and Z in the Periodic Table is suitable to be used
in bicycle tyres?
Antara unsur X, Y, W dan Z berikut di dalam Jadual Berkala, yang manakah sesuai
digunakan dalam tayar basikal?


18 Metal X is soft and shiny. It reacts with cold water to produce an alkaline solution.
What is metal X?
Logam X adalah lembut dan berkilat. Ia bertindak balas dengan air untuk
menghasilkan larutan yang bersifat alkali.
Apakah logam X?

A Magnesium
B Sodium
C Copper
D Zinc

19 Which statements are true about elements when going across Period 3?
Pernyataan manakah betul mengenai unsur-unsur apabila merentasi Kala 3?

I The atomic size of elements increase.

Saiz atom bagi unsur-unsur semakin bertambah.
II The electronegativity of atoms of the elements increase.
Keelektronegatifan atom bagi unsur-unsur semakin bertambah.
III The properties of the oxide of the elements change from basic oxide to ampotheric
oxide and acidic oxide.
Sifat oksida berubah daripada oksida bes kepada oksida amfoterik dan oksida asid.
IV The nuclei force of attraction of atoms towards electron to achieve stable electron

SULIT 4541/1

arrangement becomes weaker.

Daya tarikan nukleus atom terhadap elektron untuk mencapai susunan elektron yang
stabil semakin lemah.

A I and II
I dan II
B II and III
II dan III
C III and IV
III dan IV
D I and IV
I dan IV

20 1.04 g of metal M react with 0.48 g of oxygen to form M oxide.

Determine the emperical formula of M oxide.
1.04 g logam M bertindak balas dengan 0.48 g oksigen untuk membentuk
oksida M.
Tentukan formula empirik oksida M.
[ Relative atomic mass: O = 16, M = 52 ]
[Jisim atom relatif: O=16, M=52]

C M2O3
D M3O2

21 Diagram 21 shows an action carried out at 450 ºC in a compresser that contains

mixture of hydrogen gas and nitrogen gas.
Rajah 21 menunjukkan tindakan pada suhu 450 ºC terhadap sebuah pemampat
yang mengandungi gas hidrogen dan gas nitrogen.

Diagram 21
Rajah 21

What happen to the frequency of effective collision of the molecules?

Apakah yang berlaku kepada frekuensi pelanggaran berkesan molekul-molekul
tersebut ?

A Decreases

SULIT 4541/1

B Increases
C Remain unchanged
Tidak berubah
D Decreases then increases
Berkurang kemudian bertambah

22 Diagram below shows a snail.

The snail shell contains a natural ionic compound.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan seekor siput.
Cangkerang siput mengandungi sebatian ion semula jadi.

Cangkerang →

Other than oxygen, what elements are contained in the ionic compound?
Selain oksigen, apakah unsur-unsur yang terkandung dalam sebatian ion itu?

A Calcium and carbon

Kalsium dan karbon
B Calcium and hydrogen
Kalsium dan hidrogen
C Sodium and carbon
Natrium dan karbon
D Sodium and hydrogen
Natrium dan hydrogen

SULIT 4541/1

23 Table 3 shows the results of an experiment for three chemical cells P, Q and R.
Jadual 3 menunjukkan keputusan eksperimen bagi tiga sel kimia P, Q dan R.

Chemical cell Pairs of metals Voltage (V) Negative terminal

Sel kimia Pasangan logam Voltan (V) Terminal negatif
P X–Y 0.45 X
Q X–Z 0.60 Z
R Y–Z 1.05 Z

Which of the following arrangements of metals X, Y and Z is in descending order of

electropositivity in the electrochemical series?
Antara berikut yang manakah susunan logam X,Y dan Z mengikut tertib elektropositif
menurun dalam siri elektrokimia?

A Z, X, Y
B Z, Y, X
C X, Y, Z
D X, Z, Y

24 The table below shows the potential difference of three simple voltaic cells.
Jadual di bawah menunjukkan nilai voltan bagi 3 sel voltan.

Cell Pair of metal Potential Negative terminal

Sel Pasangan logam difference(V) Terminal negatif
Nilai voltan (V)
I Mg and Cu 3.0 Mg
II Mg and Zn 1.5 Mg
III Zn and Fe 0.5 Zn

What is the potential difference of a simple voltaic cell for pair of iron and copper ?
Apakah nilai voltan bagi sel voltan untuk pasangan besi dan kuprum?

A 0.0 V
B 0.5 V
C 1.5 V
D 2.5 V

SULIT 4541/1

25 Table 25 shows fertilisers and their respective relative molecular mass.

Jadual 25 menunjukkan beberapa baja dan jisim molekul 12 relatif masing-masing.

Relative molecular
Fertiliser/Baja mass/Jisim relatif molekul

Ammonium sulphate ,(NH4)2SO4

Ammonium sulfat

Ammonium nitrate, NH4NO3

Ammonium nitrat

Potassium nitrate, KNO3

Kalium nitrat

Table 25
Jadual 25

Which of the following fertilisers contains the highest percentage of nitrogen by mass?
Yang manakah antara baja berikut mengandungi peratus nitrogen mengikut
jisim yang paling tinggi ?
[Relative atomic mass of N = 14]
[Jisim relatif atom N=14]

A Urea
B Ammonium nitrate/Ammonium nitrat
C Potassium nitrate/Kalium nitrat
D Ammonium sulphate/Ammonium sulfat

26 The following equation shows the reaction between silver nitrate and sodium chloride.
Persamaan berikut menunjukkan tindak balas antara argentum nitrat dan natrium klorida

AgNO3(aq) + NaCl(aq) → AgCl(s) + NaNO3(aq)

What is the mass of the insoluble salt produced when 50 cm3 1.0 mol dm-3 silver nitrate
reacts with 50 cm3 2.0 mol dm-3 sodium chloride?
[Realtive atomic mass : N = 14, O = 16, Na = 23, Cl = 35.5, Ag = 108]
Berapakah jisim garam tak larut yang terhasil apabila 50 cm3 1.0 mol dm-3 argentum
nitrat bertindak balas 50 cm3 2.0 mol dm-3 natrium klorida?
[Jisim atom relatif : N = 14, O = 16, Na = 23, Cl = 35.5, Ag = 108]

A 8.50 g
B 4.25 g

SULIT 4541/1

C 7.175 g
D 14.35 g

Diagram below shows the structural formula of a substance.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan formula struktur bagi suatu bahan.

What is the substance?

Apakah bahan itu?

A Soap
B Detergent
C Sulphuric acid
Asid sulfurik
D Carboxylic acid
Asid karboksilik

28 Diagram below shows electron arrangement of element M.

Rajah menunjukkan susunan elektron bagi unsur M.

Which symbol represents the atom of element M?

Simbol manakah yang mewakili atom bagi unsur M?


SULIT 4541/1

29 Figure below shows the set- up of apparatus for the experiment to determine the chemical
properties of sulphuric acid.
Rajah menunjukkan susunan radas bagi mengkaji sifat kimia asid sulfurik.

Which of the following are the results from the above reaction?
Antara berikut yang manakah merupakan hasil tindak balas di atas?

A Zinc sulphate and water

Zink sulfat dan air

B Zinc sulphate and hydrogen gas

Zink sulfat dan gas hidrogen

C Zinc sulphate,water and carbon dioxide gas

Zink sulfat, air dan gas karbon dioksida

D Zinc sulphate, water and carbon monoxide gas

Zink sulfat, air dan gas karbon monoksida

30 Ceramic is suitable for making the exterior of space shuttle because ceramic
Seramik sesuai digunakan untuk membuat bahagian luar kapal angkasa kerana seramik

Space shuttle
Kapal angkasa

SULIT 4541/1

A can store charges

boleh menyimpan cas
B has high melting point
mempunyai takat lebur tinggi
C can resist to chemical corrosion
tahan terhadap kakisan kimia
D can withstand high pressure and heat
tahan terhadap haba dan tekanan tinggi

31 The rate of reaction increases when several drops of copper (II) sulphate is added to a
mixture of magnesium powder and dilute sulphuric acid.
Which statement best explain why the rate of reaction increases?
Kadar tindak balas bertambah apabila beberapa titis kuprum (II) sulfat ditambahkan
kepada campuran serbuk magnesium dan asid sulfuric cair.
Pernyataan manakah yang paling sesuai menjelaskan sebab kadar tindak balas

A The activation energy is lowered.

Tenaga pengaktifan direndahkan.
B The frequency of collision is increased.
Frekuensi perlanggaran ditingkatkan.
C The concentration is increased.
Kepekatannya ditingkatkan.
D The temperature of reaction is increased.
Suhu tindak balas dinaikkan.

32 Table below shows the total volume of hydrogen gas collected when zinc reacted with
hydrochloric acid.
Jadual di bawah menunjukkan jumlah isipadu gas hidrogen yang terkumpul apabila zink
bertindak balas dengan asid hidroklorik.

Time (s) Volume os gas (cm3)

Masa (s) Isi padu gas (cm3)
0 0
15 22
30 38
45 45
60 48
75 48

What is the average rate of the reaction ?

Berapakah kadar tindak balas purata bagi tindak balas ini?

A 0.37 cm3 s-1

B 0.64 cm3 s-1
C 0.80 cm3 s-1

SULIT 4541/1

D 1.47 cm3 s-1

33 The following equation shows the complete combustion of an alkene.

Persamaan berikut menunjukkan pembakaran lengkap suatu alkana.

2CxHy + 7O2 → 4CO2 + 6H2O

What are the values of x and y?
Apakah nilai bagi x dan y?

x y
A 2 6
B 2 4
C 6 2
D 4 2
34 Diagram below shows the structural formula of a compound.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan formula struktur untuk suatu sebatian.

What is the IUPAC name for this structure?

Apakah nama IUPAC bagi struktur ini?

A Ethyl butanoate
Etil butanoat
B Butyl etanoate
Butyl etanoat
C Methyl ethanoate
Metil etanoat
D Ethyl ethanoate
Etil etanoat

35 The following word equation shows the preparation of soap.

Persamaan perkataan berikut menunjukkan proses penyediaan sabun.

Fats + sodium hydroxide → glycerol + soaps

Lemak + natrium hidroksida → gliserol + sabun

What is the name of the process shown by the above equation?

Apakah nama proses yang ditunjukkan dalam persamaan di atas?

SULIT 4541/1

A Fermentation
B Neutralization
C Dehydration
D Saponification

36 Paracetamol is an example of
Parasetamol ialah satu contoh

A an antibiotic
B an analgesic
C a traditional medicine
ubat tradisional
D a psychotherapeutic medicine
ubat psikoterapeutik

37 Diagram below shows an energy level diagram.

Rajah di bawah menunjukkan gambar rajah aras tenaga.


Based on diagram above, it can be concluded that

Berdasarkan rajah di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahawa

A The heat of neutralization is -57 kJ mol-1

Haba peneutralan ialah -57 kJ mol-1
B 57 kJ of energy is needed for the reaction.
57 kJ tenaga diperlukan untuk tindak balas itu
C The products of reaction contain more energy than the reactants
Hasil tindak balas mengandungi lebih tenaga berbanding bahan tindak balas
D The temperature at the end of the reaction is lower than that at the beginning of the
Suhu pada ahkhir tindak balas adalah lebih rendah berbanding pada awal tindak balas

SULIT 4541/1

38 The following is the thermochemical equation for a reaction.

Berikut adalah persamaan termokimia bagi suatu tindak balas.

Zn + CuSO4 → ZnSO4 + Cu ∆H= -210 kJ mol-1

Calculate the heat change when 50 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm-3 copper (II) sulphate solution reacts
with excess zinc.
Hitung perubahan haba apabila 50 cm3 larutan kuprum (II) sulfat 1.0 mol dm-3 bertindak
balas dengan zink yang berlebihan.

A 10.5 kJ
B 105 kJ
C 420 kJ
D 4200 kJ

39 The rusting of an iron nail in a test tube containing water can be speed up by
Pengaratan paku besi dalam tabung uji berisi air dapat dipercepatkan dengan

A Coiling it with a more electropositive metal

Melilit paku itu dengan logam yang lebih elektropositif daripadanya

B Placing the test tube in a refrigerator

Meletakkan tabung uji itu ke dalam tabung uji

C Adding sodium chloride into the test tube

Menambah natrium klorida ke dalam tabung uji

D Pouring a layer of oil on top of the water in the test tube

Menuang selapisan minyak ke atas air dalam tabung uji itu

40 The flowchart below shows the conversion of butane to carbon dioxide gas involving two
Carta alir menunjukkan penukaran butena kepada gas karbon dioksida melalui dua
langkah tindak balas.

What are reactions I and II ?

Apakah kedua-dua tindak balas I dan II?

SULIT 4541/1

A Addition Hydrolysis
Penambahan Hidrolisis
B Substitution Oxidation
Penukargantian Pengoksidaan
C Addition Combustion
Penambahan Pembakaran
D Hydration Combustion
Penghidratan Pembakaran

41 Which of the following isotopes is correctly matched with its use?

Antara radioisotop yang berikut, yang manakah betul dipadankan dengan kegunaannya?

Isotope Use
Isotop Kegunaan
A Cobalt-60 Detection of leakages of underground pipes
Kobalt-60 Mengesan kebocoran paip bawah tanah
B Carbon-12 To estimate the age of ancient artifacts
Karbon-12 Menganggarkan usia artifak purba
C Phosphorus-30 Fertilizer
Fosforus-30 Baja
D Iodine-131 Treatment of thyroid disease
Iodin-131 Rawatan penyakit tiroid

42 The table shows the electron arrangement of atom R, S, T and U.

Jadual berikut menunjukkan susunan elektron bagi atom R, S, T dan U.

Atom Arrangement of electron

Susunan elektron
R 2.4
S 2.6
T 2.8.1
U 2.8.7

Which of the following atoms can form ionic bond?

Antara pasangan atom-atom berikut, yang manakah boleh membentuk ikatan ionik?

A T and U / T dan U
B R and U / R dan U
C S and U / S dan U
D R and S / R dan S

SULIT 4541/1

43 Which of the substance below can be used to neutralize the insect sting which is alkaline?
Bahan yang manakah antara berikut paling sesuai digunakan untuk meneutralkan
sengatan serangga yang bersifat alkali?

A Carbon
B Vinegar
C Common salt
D Sodium bicarbonate
Natrium bikarbonat

44 A precipitate is formed when hydrochloric acid is added to solution X. Which of the

following solution is most probably of solution X?
Mendakan terbentuk apabila asid hidroklorik ditambah kepada larutan X. Antara larutan
berikut, yang manakah mungkin adalah larutan X?

A Zinc nitrate
Zink nitrat
B Silver nitrate
Argentum nitrat
C Calcium nitrate
Kalsium nitrat
D Magnesium nitrate
Magnesium nitrat

45 Diagram 45 shows the orderly arrangement of atoms in a metal.

Rajah 45 menunjukkan susunan atom-atom yang teratur dalam suatu logam.

The metal is ductile because

Logam itu mulur kerana

A the forces of attraction between the metal atoms are very weak.
daya tarikan antara atom logam sangat lemah.
B the forces of attraction between the metal atoms are very strong.
daya tarikan antara atom logam sangat kuat.
C the layers of metal atoms cannot slide over one another when a force is
lapisan atom logam tidak boleh menggelongsor antara satu sama lain

SULIT 4541/1

apabila dikenakan daya

D the layers of metal atoms can slide over one another when a force is
lapisan atom logam boleh menggelongsor antara satu sama lain apabila
dikenakan daya.

46 The following equation represents the combustion of methane.

Persamaan berikut mewakili pembakaran metana.

CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O

Calculate the volume of carbon dioxide formed at standard temperature and pressure if
3.2 g of methane is used.
Kira isipadu karbon dioksida yang terhasil pada suhu dan tekanan piawai jika 3.2 g
metana digunakan.
(Relative atomic mass: H=1, C=12, O=16)
[Jisim atom relatif: H=1, C=12, O=16]
Molar volume of gas at standard temperature and pressure 22.4 dm3 mol-1
Isipadu molar gas pada suhu dan tekanan piawai ialah 22.4 dm3 mol-1

A 4.48 dm3
B 2.24 dm3
C 1.63 dm3
D 1.12 dm3

47 Figure below shows set-up apparatus of chemical cells.

Rajah di bawah menunjukkan susunan radas sel kimia.

The readings of voltmeter is 1.10 V

Bacaan voltmeter ialah 1.10 V

What is the readings of voltmeter if zinc rode replaced with aluminium and zinc sulphate
solution are replaced with aluminium nitrate solutions
Apakah bacaan voltmeter jika rod zink diganti dengan aluminium dan larutan zink sulfat

SULIT 4541/1

diganti dengan larutan aluminium nitrat.

A 0V
B 1.10 V
C Less than 1.10 V
kurang daripada 1.10 V
D More than 1.10 V
lebih besar daripada 1.10 V

48 Which of the following is the structural formula of a saturated hydrocarbon?

Manakah formula struktur berikut adalah satu hidrokarbon tepu?

49 The diagram shows a reaction between copper metal and silver nitrate solution.
Rajah berikut menunjukkan suatu tindak balas antara logam kuprum dengan larutan
argentum nitrat.

SULIT 4541/1

Which of the following is true?

Antara berikut yang manakah benar?

A Copper is oxidised C Blue colour of solution turns

Kuprum teroksida colourless
Larutan berwarna biru bertukar
B Brown solid deposited on copper D Oxidation number of silver increases 0
Pepejal perang termendak di atas to +4
kuprum Nombor pengoksidaan argentums
meningkat dari 0 ke +4

50 Diagram below shows the apparatus set-up used to investigate the reaction of acidified
potassium manganate (VII) with iron (II) sulphate solution.
Rajah berikut menunjukkan susunan radas untuk mengkaji tindak balas antara kalium
manganat (VII) berasid dengan larutan ferum (II) sulfat.

Which of the following is the colour change of the two solutions?

Antara berikut, yang manakah perubahan watna bagi kedua-dua larutan itu?

SULIT 4541/1

Iron (II) sulphate solution Acidified potassium manganate (VII)

Larutan ferum (II) sulfat Kalium manganat (VII) berasid

A Green to brown Purple to colourless

Hijau kepada perang Ungu kepada tidak berwarna
B Brown to green Purple to colourless
Perang kepada hijau Ungu kepada tidak berwarna
C Brown to green Orange to green
Perang kepada hijau Jingga kepada hijau
D Green to brown Orange to green
Hijau kepada perang Jingga kepada hijau


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