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Effect of Particle Size of Bentonite on Rheological Behavior of the

Drilling Mud

Article  in  Petroleum Science and Technology · September 2011

DOI: 10.1080/10916461003663065


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2 authors, including:

Mahmoud I. Abdou
Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute


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Effect of Particle Size of Bentonite on

Rheological Behavior of the Drilling Mud
a a
M. I. Abdou & H. El-Sayed Ahmed
Production Department, Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute
(EPRI), Cairo, Egypt

Available online: 14 Sep 2011

To cite this article: M. I. Abdou & H. El-Sayed Ahmed (2011): Effect of Particle Size of Bentonite on
Rheological Behavior of the Drilling Mud, Petroleum Science and Technology, 29:21, 2220-2233

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Petroleum Science and Technology, 29:2220–2233, 2011
Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1091-6466 print/1532-2459 online
DOI: 10.1080/10916461003663065

Effect of Particle Size of Bentonite on Rheological

Behavior of the Drilling Mud


Production Department, Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute (EPRI),
Cairo, Egypt

Abstract Control of the particle size and concentration of particulates in mud is

critical in developing a mud system that yields good well stability and prevents fluid
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invasion. Bentonite is an essential component of drilling fluid in water-based systems

and the results of testing carried out on the drilling fluids suit the requirements of
American Petroleum Institute (API) standards and Oil Companies Materials Associ-
ation (OCMA, 1975) specifications. Therefore, this study deals with the investigation
of the rheology of water-based mud using bentonite of different grain sizes (38, 63,
75, and 106 m) at different concentrations (4, 5, 6, and 7.5%). Four samples of
water-based mud were prepared of different grain sizes (38, 63, 75, and 106 m) at
a concentration of 4% and the rheological behavior was recorded; this was repeated
at different concentrations (5, 6, and 7.5%) and the particle size distribution was
demonstrated for all grain sizes. This article illustrates that the components of flow,
plastic viscosity, and yield point are absolute flow properties. They reflect the colloidal
and surface-active behavior of solids present in drilling fluids. Both properties affect
the apparent viscosity as measured by a Fann VG meter (Fann, Houston, TX).

Keywords bentonite, drilling fluids, gel strength, particle size, rheology, viscosity,

Control of the physical properties of drilling mud systems is important in enabling the
development of new oil wells and maintaining oil well operation. The engineering of
different muds for drilling operations requires access to routine particle size analysis
capabilities. Control of the particle size and concentration of the particulates in the mud
is critical in developing a mud system that yields good well stability and prevents fluid
invasion. The mud particle size should be small enough to bridge across the pores within
the formation being drilled, thus forming a filter cake that prevents the drill solids and
other mud components (e.g., polymers) from entering the formation. This helps to avoid
fluid loss, maintains the well pressure, and can stabilize shale-based formations. However,
the mud particle size must also be large enough to ensure that in-depth penetration of the
mud into the pore structures does not occur, because this would itself lead to formation
damage via pore blockage (Sharma et al., 2004).

Address correspondence to Mahmoud Ibrahim Abdou, Production Department, Egyptian

Petroleum Research Institute (EPRI), 1 Ahmed El Zomar Street, Cairo, Egypt. E-mail: mahmoud_

Rheological Behavior of Drilling Mud 2221

Much research has been dedicated to understanding how to match the particle size
of drilling mud to the type of rock being drilled in order to prevent invasion of solids into
the formation and resulting reduction in permeability. Abrams (1977) proposed that the
median pore particle size of the bridging additive should be equal to or slightly greater
than one third of the median pore size of rock to prevent pore blockage. Also, Hands
et al. (1988) proposed that the particle size below which 90% of the volume of material
is found should be equal to the pore size in order to limit mud penetration into the
pore structure. It has recently been determined that damage can result from the invasion
any polymers present in the mud into the formation, along with any fine particulates
formed during the drilling process. It is therefore important that the filter cake produced
by the mud is capable of filtering out these fine particles within the filter cake to be
controlled. Drilling mud can either be formulated as water-based or oil-based systems.
Each mud system will contain many components, such as bentonites to control the mud
rheology, a mineral as a weighting agent, abridging solid, wetting, thickening salts, and
other additives (starches and polymers) are added in order to reduce filter loss which this
salts and other additives can have a large effect on the mud particle.
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Experimental Methods
During any drilling operation it is vitally important to control the physical properties of
the mud. The properties are controlled at such values that the mud provides optimum
performance. Two of the most important properties to control are viscosity and gel
strength. Viscosity and gel strength ate related to (1) removal of cuttings (2) holding
cuttings and weight material in suspension when not circulating, (3) releasing cuttings
at the surface, (4) reducing to a minimum any adverse effect upon the wellbore, and
(5) providing information about formations penetrated.
The rheological properties of the mud samples used in this study that were measured
included apparent viscosity (AP), plastic viscosity (PV), yield point (YP), gel strength
(GEL), thixotropy (Thixo), and filter loss. The control mud samples were prepared from
bentonite and fresh water to obtain water-based mud of different grain sizes at different
concentrations. The particle size of activated bentonite and its effect on the rheological
behavior were studied. The samples were prepared by using dry sieving mesh of different
sizes: 38, 63, 75, and 106 m. A particle size under size of 75 m represents a fine
sample and a particle size above 75 m represents coarse samples. The preparation of
drilling fluids and its requirements of materials are suited to the world specifications of
Baroid Petroleum Services (1975), ASTM (2005), American Petroleum Institute (2003,
1997), Magcobar Services (1978), and AMOCO (1978). The samples of the bentonite
were prepared from the treated one and collected from the sieving of grain sizes 38, 63,
75, and 106 m, then four samples of water-based mud were prepared by adding bentonite
of different sizes (38, 63, 75, and 106 m) and different concentrations, respectively, of
4, 5, 6, and 7.5%.

1. 20 g (4% bentonite C 500 mL water)
2. 25 g (5% bentonite C 500 mL water)
3. 30 g (6% bentonite C 500 mL water)
4. 37.5 g (7.5% bentonite C 500 mL water)
2222 M. I. Abdou and H. El-Sayed Ahmed

1. Add the activated bentonite of different sizes to 500 mL fresh water in the appropriate
container to prepare sample with different concentration and density of 8.7 lb/gal.
2. Mix all the component for 20 min in a Hamilton mixer then cured for 24 hr.
3. The samples must be stirred for 15 min for refreshment before starting the measure-
ment operation of the rheological properties (Gueven et al., 1988).

Results and Discussion

Effect of Grain Size and Concentration on Rheology of Bentonite

Bentonite Concentration 4%. The rheological properties displayed a significant increase
in the apparent viscosity of grain sizes 75 and 106 m compared to grain sizes 38 and
63 m, plastic viscosity displayed an increase in grain size 63 m compared to the other
grain sizes, yield points of grain sizes 38, 75, and 106 m were equal but higher than
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the grain size of 63 m, gel strengths of grain sizes 63, 75, and 106 m were equal but
higher than the grain size 38 m, and thixotropy of grain size 38 m was higher than
the other grain sizes, as shown in the Tables 1 and 5 and Figures 1 and 5.

Bentonite Concentration 5%. Tables 2 and 6 and Figures 2 and 6 reveal that the apparent
viscosities of the four grain sizes were approximately equal, and the plastic viscosity of
grain size 63 m was higher than the other grain sizes (63 > 106 > 38 > 75 m).
The yields of grain sizes 38, 63, and 106 m were equal but higher than the grain size

Table 1
Rheology of 4.0% bentonite at different sizes

Grain size, m AV PV YP GEL Thixo

38 10.5 3 15 10 5
63 10.5 5 12 12 3
75 12 3 15 12 1
106 12 4 15 12 1

Table 2
Rheology of 5.0% bentonite at different sizes

Grain size, m AV PV YP GEL Thixo

38 17.5 4 27 31 4
63 19 6 26 21 1
75 15.5 1 15 20 3
106 18.5 5 27 21 4
Rheological Behavior of Drilling Mud 2223

Table 3
Rheology of 6.0% bentonite at different sizes

Grain size, m AV PV YP GEL Thixo

38 30 4 54 63 1
63 34 4 60 64 1
75 34.5 4 61 56 21
106 35.5 9 53 54 19

Table 4
Rheology of 7.5% bentonite at different sizes
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Grain size, m AV PV YP GEL Thixo

38 48 17 79 80 35
63 49.5 9 81 59 28
75 30 6 48 45 14
106 42 1 83 65 10

Table 5
Filtrate loss of bentonite at different sizes and concentration

Grain size/
Filter loss at conc., % 38 m 63 m 75 m 106 m

4 21 22 22 24
5 19 21 20 22
6 17.5 16.5 16.5 16
7.5 13 13 13.5 12.5

Table 6
Apparent viscosity of bentonite at different sizes

Grain size/
AV at conc., % 38 m 63 m 75 m 106 m

4 10.5 10.5 12 12
5 17.5 19 15.5 18.5
6 30 34 34.5 35.5
7.5 48 49.5 30 42
2224 M. I. Abdou and H. El-Sayed Ahmed

Figure 1. Effect of particle size for 4.0% bentonite on rheology (color figure available online).
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Figure 2. Effect of particle size for 5.0% bentonite on rheology (color figure available online).

Figure 3. Effect of particle size for 6.0% bentonite on rheology (color figure available online).
Rheological Behavior of Drilling Mud 2225

Figure 4. Effect of particle size for 7.5% bentonite on rheology (color figure available online).
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Figure 5. Effect of particle size of bentonite on filtrate loss (color figure available online).

Table 7
Plastic viscosity of bentonite at different sizes

Grain size/
PV at conc., % 38 m 63 m 75 m 106 m

4 3 5 3 4
5 4 6 5 5
6 4 4 4 4
7.5 12 8 5 6
2226 M. I. Abdou and H. El-Sayed Ahmed

Figure 6. Particle size distribution of bentonite (passing 38 m) (color figure available online).

75 m, gel strength of the grain size 38 m was higher than the other grain sizes, and
thixotropies of the grain sizes 38, 75, and 106 m were equal but higher than the grain
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size of 63 m.

Bentonite Concentration 6%. Tables 3 and 7 and Figures 3 and 7 show that the apparent
viscosities of the four grain sizes were approximately equal, the plastic viscosities of the
four grain sizes were low, the yields were equal, gel strengths of the four grain sizes
were equal, and thixotropies of grain size of 75 and 106 m were equal but higher than
the grain sizes 38 and 63 m.

Table 8
Yield point of bentonite at different sizes

Grain size/
Yield at conc., % 38 m 63 m 75 m 106 m

4 15 12 15 15
5 27 26 20 27
6 54 60 61 53
7.5 93 97 100 126

Figure 7. Particle size distribution of bentonite (passing 63 m) (color figure available online).
Rheological Behavior of Drilling Mud 2227

Table 9
Gel strength of bentonite at different sizes

Grain size/
Gel at conc., % 38 m 63 m 75 m 106 m

4 10 12 12 12
5 31 21 20 21
6 63 64 56 54
7.5 83 78 73 77

Bentonite Concentration 7.5%. Tables 4 and 9 and Figures 4 and 8 reveal that the
apparent viscosities of the four grain sizes were equal but higher than the grain size
75 m, plastic viscosities of the four grain sizes are gradually valued as (38 > 63 >
75 > 106 m), the yields were equal but higher than the grain size 75 m, gel strengths
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of grain sizes 63 and 106 m were equal but higher than the grain sizes 75 and 38
m, and thixotropies of the four grain sizes are gradually valued as (38 > 63 > 75 >
106 m).

Effect of Grain Size and Concentration on Filtrate Loss of Bentonite

Filtration and wall-building properties of the drilling mud were determined by a filter
press, which was measured in milliliters at 100 psi of pressure through a special filter
paper for 30 min. Wall-building characteristics were demonstrated by the thickness
deposited on the filter paper at the end of this period to the closest 0.8 mm. Table 10 and
Figure 9 show the filtrate loss of water-based mud at different grain sizes and different
concentrations, which display a decrease in filter loss from 21 to 13 mL at grain size
38 m with increasing concentration from 4 to 7.5%; a decrease in filter loss from 22
to 13 mL at grain size 63 m with increasing concentration; a decrease in filter loss
from 22 to 13.5 mL at grain size 75 m with increasing concentration; and a decrease in
filter loss from 24 to 12.5 mL at grain size 106 m with increasing concentration. The
particle size passing 38 and 63 m showed lower filter loss (13 mL) than 75 and 106

Figure 8. Particle size distribution of bentonite (passing 75 m) (color figure available online).
2228 M. I. Abdou and H. El-Sayed Ahmed

Table 10
Thixotropy of bentonite at different sizes

Grain size/
Thixo at conc., % 38 m 63 m 75 m 106 m

4 5 3 1 1
5 4 1 3 4
6 3 4 7 9
7.5 6 8 4 6

m at 7.5% bentonite concentration, which satisfies the OCMA (1975) specification for
bentonite evaluation.
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Particle Size Distribution of Bentonite

The particle size distribution of bentonite samples used for this study is presented in
Figure 6 for grain size 38 m, Figure 7 for grain size 63 m, Figure 8 for grain size 75
m, and Figure 9 for grain size 106 m.

Figure 9. Particle size distribution of bentonite (passing 106 m) (color figure available online).

Figure 10. Apparent viscosity relation with concentration and grain size (color figure available
Rheological Behavior of Drilling Mud 2229

Rheological Properties of Bentonite with Concentration and Grain Size

Apparent Viscosity. Apparent viscosity (AV) is determined by the number and size of
particles, fluid viscosity, and attractive forces between particles and particles and fluid.
Table 6 and Figure 10 show that AV increased with increasing concentration of
bentonite at all four grain sizes. The particles passing 38 and 63 m (Gueven et al.,
1988; Hemphill, 1996) showed bentonite yield at concentration 5.0% was greater than
75 m due to reduction of bentonite grain size between 63 and 75 m.

Plastic Viscosity. Mud is composed of solids that contribute to apparent viscosity. By

definition, plastic viscosity is the shearing stress in excess of the yield point that will
induce a unit rate of shear. Plastic viscosity is that part of flow resistance caused by
mechanical friction. This friction occurs (a) between the solids in the mud, (b) between
the solids and the liquids that surrounds them, and (c) with the shearing of the liquid itself.
For practical field purposes, however, plastic viscosity depends upon the concentration
of mud solids.
Table 7 and Figure 11 show that PV increased with increased concentration of
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bentonite for all four grain sizes. The particles passing 63 m showing higher plastic
viscosity than all other grain sizes at 5.0% bentonite concentration.
In mud samples containing high solids by volume, the friction between the particles
is increased. Under this condition, plastic viscosity is increased with an accompanying
increase in apparent viscosity. Decreasing the size of the solids at constant volume
also increases the plastic viscosity. There is a net effect of increasing surface area and,
consequently, friction. In all drilling fluids, there is an increase in surface area of the
particles due to the grinding action of the bit.

Yield Point. Yield point, the second component of resistance to flow in a drilling fluid,
is a measurement of the electrochemical or attractive forces in a mud. These forces are
a result of negative and positive charges located on or near the particle surfaces. Yield
point is a measure of these forces under flow conditions and is dependent upon (a) the
surface properties of the mud solids, (b) volume concentration of the solids, and (c) the
electrical environment of these solids (concentration and types of ions in the fluid phase
of the mud). High viscosity results from high yield point or attractive forces.

Figure 11. Plastic viscosity relation with concentration and grain size (color figure available
2230 M. I. Abdou and H. El-Sayed Ahmed

Figure 12. Yield point relation with concentration and grain size (color figure available online).

Table 8 and Figure 12 show that YP increased with increased concentration of

bentonite for all four grain sizes. The particles passing 38 and 63 m at a concentration
Downloaded by [Enstinet] at 02:04 15 January 2012

of 5.0% showed a higher yield point than 75 m due to reduction of bentonite grain size
between 63 and 75 m.
Yield point is that part of resistance to flow that may be controlled by proper chemical
treatment. Because the attractive forces are reduced by chemical treatment, the yield point
will decrease. Reduction of yield point will also decrease the apparent viscosity.

Gel Strength. Gel strength measurements denote the thixotropic properties of the mud.
They are a measure of the attractive forces under static or nonflow conditions. Yield
point, on the other hand, is a measurement of attractive forces under flowing conditions
and should not be confused with gel strength. However, because both gel strength and
yield point are a measure of the force of flocculation, as the yield point decreases, the gel
strength will usually decrease. A low yield point does not necessarily indicate a condition
of 0/0 gels. Additional deflocculant may be needed to reduce gel strength but without
any appreciable reduction in apparent viscosity.
Table 9 and Figure 13 show that GL increased with increased concentration of
bentonite for all four grain sizess. The particles passing 38 m showed higher gel strength
than all other grain sizes at 5.0% bentonite concentration.

Thixotropy. Thixotropy is the property exhibited by some fluids of forming a gel structure
when allowed to stand and then becoming fluid again after stirring. Most water-based

Figure 13. Gel strength relation with concentration and grain size (color figure available online).
Rheological Behavior of Drilling Mud 2231

Figure 14. Thixotropy relation with concentration and grain size (color figure available online).

muds exhibit this property due to the presence of electrically charged particles that link
together to form a rigid matrix. The strength of the gel that is formed is a function of
the amount and type of solids in suspension, as well as time, temperature, and chemical
treatment. In other words, anything that promotes or prevents the linking of particles will
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increase or decrease the gelation tendency of a mud.

Table 10 and Figure 14 show that thixotropy increased with increased concentration
of bentonite for all four grain sizes. The particles passing 38 m showed higher thixotropy
than 63 and 75 m at 5.0% bentonite concentration.

Effect of Temperature on Apparent Viscosity of Bentonite

All mud samples were prepared by thorough mixing in a multimixer (Baroid, Houston,
TX) Viscosity and gel strength measurements were made with a Fann VG meter (Fann,
Houston, TX) using standard procedures. Flow properties of muds were studied at 80ıF,
120ıF, 160ıF, and 180ıF. The results of the test samples are given in Table 11.
The typical effect of temperature on the flow properties of these drilling muds
composed of 5% bentonite with different grain sizes is illustrated in Figure 15. It was
found that apparent viscosity increased with an increase in temperature. However, the
curves were not linear and did not appear to follow any definite trends or patterns. In
addition, by increasing the temperature up to 180ıF the results were the same for the
fine sizes up to 75 m but not for the coarse size of 106 m.

Table 11
Apparent viscosity of 5% bentonite at varying temperatures

Grain size/
AV at temp., ı F 38 m 63 m 75 m 106 m

60 17.5 19 15.5 18.5

80 20.5 21 17.5 21.5
100 21.0 21.5 19.0 22.5
120 21.5 22.5 20.5 23.5
140 22.0 23.0 21.0 24.5
160 23.5 23.5 22.5 25.5
180 23.5 23.0 23.0 27.5
2232 M. I. Abdou and H. El-Sayed Ahmed

Figure 15. Effect of temperature on apparent viscosity of bentonite (color figure available online).
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Conclusion and Recommendation

1. Yield of bentonite occurs for different particle size distributions at minimum con-
centration 5.0%.
2. The particles passing 38 and 63 m showed higher AV, PV, YP, GL and lower
thixotropy than coarse sizes of 75 and 106 m at bentonite yield.
3. Filtrate loss of bentonite particles passing 38 m were relatively lower than the other
sizes at 5.0% concentration. According to OCMA (1975) specifications, filtrate loss
of bentonite at 7.5% concentration satisfies the American Petroleum Institute (API)
limits for all grain sizes.
4. Apparent viscosity of bentonite increases with increased concentration for all particle
5. Plastic viscosity of bentonite relatively increases with increased concentration for all
particle sizes.
6. Yield point of bentonite increases with increased concentration for all particle sizes.
7. Gel strength of bentonite increases with increased concentration for all particle sizes.
8. Thixotropy of bentonite changes slightly with increased concentration for all particle
9. Filtrate loss of bentonite relatively decreases with increased concentration for all
particle sizes.
10. Apparent viscosity of bentonite increased slightly with increased temperature for all
particle sizes.
Grain sizes of 38 and 63 m are recommended, which satisfy API and OCMA (1975)
specifications at a concentration of 5.0% bentonite.

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