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MAT 3330/4300: Solutions for problems assigned week 43 and 44..

Problem 9.F.
m m
Ink . Since l(In ) = 1, then l∗ (E) ≤
Let E ⊂ l(Ink ) = m < +∞. Let En =
k=1 k=1

(n+1−2−|n| , n+1], and let E = En . Then l∗ (E ∩In ) = l∗ (En ) = 2−|n| 6= 0, and
∞ ∞
l∗ (E) = l∗ (En ) = 2−|n| = 3 < +∞. Since each In is a Borel set and
n=−∞ n=−∞
consequently Lebesgue measurable, it follows that E ∩ In is Lebesgue measurable
if E is Lebesgue measurable.

If E ∩ In is Lebesgue measurable then E = E ∩ In is Lebesgue measurable
since the collection of the Lebesgue measurable sets is a σ-algebra.
Oppgave 9.G.
If l∗ (A) = +∞, we can take G = R. Let us assume that l∗ (A) < +∞. Let F be
the algebra generated by the half-open intervals. From the definition of the outer

measures there exists a sequence (En ) of sets in F such that l∗ (A) ≤
l(En ) <
∞ ∞ ∞
l∗ (A) + 
En . Since l∗ (A) ≤ l∗ (
2 and A ⊂ En ) ≤ l(En ) ≤ +∞ we
n=1 n=1 n=1
may assume that the En ’s are disjoint of type En = (an , bn ]. Then we get that
∞ ∞
l∗ (A) ≤ (bn − an ) < l∗ (A) + 2 . Put G = 
(an , bn + 2n+1 ). Then A ⊂ G , G
n=1 n=1
is open and

∗ ∗
l (A) ≤ l (G ) ≤ l(an , bn + )=
∞ ∞
X X   
(bn − an ) + < l∗ (A) + + = l∗ (A) + .
n=1 n=1
2n+1 2 2

Oppgave 9.H.
Since a set consisting of a single point is Lebesgue measurable with measure equal
0, we get that B − {n + 1} is Lebesgue measurable and l∗ (B) = l∗ (B − {n + 1}).
We may therefore assume that B ⊂ (n, n + 1). Let A = (n, n + 1) − B. By 9.G
there is an open set G such that A ⊂ G and l∗ (A) ≤ l∗ (G ) ≤ l∗ (A) + . We
may assume that G ⊂ (n, n + 1). Let K = [n + 2 , n + 1 − 2 ] − G . Then K is
compact and K ⊂ B. Now we have
1 −  = l∗ ([n + , n + 1 − ]) = l∗ (K ) + l∗ (G ∩ [n + , n + 1 − ])
2 2 2 2
≤ l∗ (K ) + l∗ (G ) ≤ l∗ (K ) + l∗ (A) + .

We get that l∗ (B) + l∗ (A) = 1 ≤ l∗ (K ) + l∗ (A) + 2, which gives us l∗ (B) ≤
l∗ (K ) + 2 and the claim in the exercise will follow from this.
Oppgave 9.I.
The first claim (about open sets) follows directly from the conclusion of 9.G. As
for the second let us first prove the claim when A ⊂ (−n, n]. Let  > 0. For

k = −n, . . . n − 1, let Ak = A ∩ (k, k + 1]. Using the conclusion of 9.H, we can

find a compact set Kk ⊂ Ak such that l∗ (Kk ) ≤ l∗ (Ak ) ≤ l∗ (Kk ) + 2n 
. Put
K = Kk . Then K is compact with K ⊂ A. Looking more closely into the
solution of 9.H., we see that the compact sets constructed there actually were Borel
sets (beeing the difference of a closed interval and an open set). Therefore K and
each Kk are Lebesgue measurable, and since our union is disjoint (and the Lebesgue
measure is equal the outer measure on the Lebesgue measurable sets), we get that
l∗ (K) =
P ∗
l (Kk ). So we get that

n−1 n−1
∗ ∗

l (K) ≤ l (A) ≤ l (Ak ) ≤ (l∗ (Kk ) + ) = l∗ (K) + .
k=−n k=−n

The second claim of the problem in the case when A is bounded will directly from
Now let us assume that A is not bounded. Let  > 0. Let this time An = A ∩
(−n, n + 1]. It follows from above that we can find a compact set Kn ⊂ An such
that l∗ (Kn ) ≤ l∗ (An ) ≤ l∗ (Kn ) + n . Now since An is an increasing sequence of
Lebesgue measurable set whose union is equal A, we get that lim l∗ (An ) = l∗ (A).
On the other hand the above inequality implies that lim l∗ (Kn ) = lim l∗ (An ) and
the conclusion for an arbitrary A will follow from this.
Oppgave 9.J.
Let  > 0. Using 9.G and the fact that any open set can be written as a disjoint

union of open intervals, we get that A ⊂ In where (In ) is a disjoint sequence

l(In ) ≤ λ(A) + 2 . Since λ(A) + 
of open intervals and λ(A) ≤ 2 < +∞ the
∞ ∞
l(In ) < 2 .
series l(In ) is convergent, so there is a number m such that
n=1 n=m+1
Put G = In . From this we easily get that ||χA − χG ||1 = λ(A M G) = λ(A −
G) + λ(G − A) ≤ . It is easy to see that χG can be approximated by a continous
piecewise linear non-negative map f such that ||χG − f ||1 < . Using this and
Minkowski ’s Inequality we get the second inequality of the problem (here I leave
out further details).
Oppgave 9.K.
Sketch of the proof. First assume that A ⊂ (n, n + 1]. By 9.G. let Gm be open

such that A ⊂ Gm and λ(A) ≤ λ(Gm ) ≤ λ(A) + m . Put B = Gm . Then this
B has the desired properties. For general A, put An = A ∩ (n, n + 1], choose Borel
set Bn satisfying the conclusion with respect to An and modify Bn by intersecting

with (n, n + 1]. Then the conclusion still holds. Now put B = Bn . It is easy to
see that this set satisfy the desired conclusion.
To prove that every Lebesgue measurable set is the union of a Borelset and a
set of Lebesgue measure zero, we can argue in a similar manner, but instead of

approximating from above by open set we use 9.H and approximate from below by
compact set which by the arguments of 9.H. also could be taken to be Borel-sets.
Oppgave 9.L.
Sketch of proof: It is easy to see that it follows from 9.J. that the conclusion holds
for non-negative simple function and then for arbitrary non-negative integrable
functions (by the definition of the integral and Minkowsi’s inequality. Then split-
ing f in a positive and negative part, and approximating these with contionous
functions separately, we obtain the conclusion.

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