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Uhrzeit nennen 3 1 L2 pdf

Was höre ich 3 1 L3 sitevison
Die Wochentage 3 2 L1 sitevison
Die Fächer 3 2 L1 sitevison same as wochentage, names of subjects
Memory Test 3 2 L1 interactive practice task for weekdays and subjects. ARROWS PLS
1. match words for weekdays
2. Complete the words for subjects . E,g - DE_ _ S_ H

Arnavs Stundenplan 3 2 L2 sitevision Time Plan for Arnav insert table for 3 days m, d, m - uhrzeit, facher, pause, 2 facher common to all 3

Grammatik 3 2 L2 PDF Factsheet explaining first paste the same time plan as above - look at the time plan and notice the use
1. the use of am with weekdays and um with time. if am and um .. highlight am and um
2. the use of lernen and haben to talk about what one studies at school.
Sentences to be only with ich

Die Monate 3 3 L1 sitevison same as wochentage - names of months and their translations

Zum Üben 4 1 L1 interactive Practice sheet

Das Quiz 4 1 L1 PDF Das Quiz edited to blanks Answering questions is tough for L1. This needs to be fill in the blanks only. We
need 8-10 sentences. Some are below:
Berlin ist die _______ von Deutschland.
______ ist der längste Fluss Deutschlands.
Deutschland hat _____ Bundesländer.
M_____ liegt im Süden.
Deutschand hat 9 B__________.
Das größte (biggest) Bunesland heißt B________.
Hamburg liegt im _________

Wo liegt das? 4 1 L1 sitevision factsheet a simple factsheet about 4 directions. You can simple explain what these are
called in German. And how to make sentences like Dresden liegt im ...
S4G2L1 Intro slideshow 4 2 L1 slideshow 3 slides 3 slide PPT. one slide to have one image of the same size. Slide 1 - Berliner
Mauer, Slide 2 - Brandenburger Tor, Slide 3 - Reichstag.

Was mache ich 4 1 L1 pdf Pictures of following activities with names (regular verbs only) - singen, TO BE UESD LATER
Tennis spielen, Fußball spielen, zusammen lernen, am Computer
arbeiten, in die Kantine gehen, tanzen, malen,

Konjugation 4 1 L2 interactive This is a practice task. ARROWS PLS

Mixed conjugation exercise with verbs given in the above task.
1. Match exercise - pronouns on one side and verbs on the other
2. Fill in the blanks (MCQs)

Regelmäßige Verben 4 1 L2 PDF Assessment task to evaulate if a child can conjugate regular verbs with
all pronouns.

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