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Plant Physiol.

(1967) 42, 76-88

Photosynthesis, Transpiration, Leaf Temperature, and Stomatal

Activity of Cotton Plants under Varying Water Potentials
J. E. Pallas, Jr., B. E. Michel, and D. G. Harris
Southern Piedmont Conservation Research Center, USDA, ARS, SWC, Watkinsville, Georgia
Department of Botany, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia
Received April 22, 1966.

Summary. Cotton plants, Gossypiunt hirsutum L. were grown in a growth room

under incident radiation levels of 65, 35, and 17 Langleys per hour to determine the
effects of vapor pressure deficits (VPD's) of 2, 9, and 17 mm Hg at high soil water
potential, and the effects of decreasing soil water potential and reirrigation on
transpiration, leaf temperatture, stomatal activity, photosynthesis, and respiration at
a VPD of 9 mm Hg.
Transpiration was positively correlated with radiation level, air VPD and soil
water potential. Reirrigation following stress led to slow recovery, which may be
related to root damage occurring during stress. Leaf water potential decreased with,
but not as fast as, soil water potential.
Leaf temperature was usually positively correlated with light intensity and nega-
tively correlated with transpiration, air VPD, and soil water. At high soil water,
leaf temperatures ranged from a fraction of 1 to a few degrees above ambient,
except at medium and low light and a VPD of 19 mm Hg when they were slightly
below ambient, probably because of increased transpirational cooling. During low
soil water leaf temperatures as high as 3.4° above ambient were recorded. Reirriga-
tion reduced leaf temperature before appreciably increasing transpiration. The upper
leaf surface tended to be warmer than the lower at the beginning of the day and
when soil water was adequate; otherwise there was little difference or the lower
surface was warmer. This pattern seemed to reflect transpiration cooling and leaf
position effects.
Although stomata were more numerous in the lower than the upper epidermis,
most of the time a greater percentage of the upper were open. With sufficient soil
water present, stomata opened with light and closed with darkness. Fewer stomata
opened under low than high light intensity and under even moderate, as compared
with high soil water. It required several days following reirrigation for stomata to
regain original activity levels.
Apparent photosynthesis of cotton leaves occasionally oscillated with variable
amplittude and freqtlency. When soil water was adequate, photosynthesis was nearly
proportional to light intensity, with some indication of higher rates at higher VPD's.
As soil water decreased, photosynthesis first increased and then markedly decreased.
Following reirrigation, photosynthesis rapidly recovered.
Respiration was slowed moderately by decreasing soil water but increased before
watering. Respiration slowed with increasing leaf age only oIn leaves that were
previously tinder high light intensity.

Mlost micrometeorological studies presently deal lems involved has been presented by Collis-George
xvith changes in the whole or segments of pastures, (11). With the foregoing in mind, these stuidies
rangelands, forests, or ctultivated crops. In any of patterned after earlier stuidies on corn (29), were
these cases, it is the contribution of each plant directed toward understanding how young cotton
that eventually integrates into the response obtained plants react to environmental changes in htumidity
for the biota or commuinity. How some plants and soil water stress at several radiant energy
behave in relation to broad changes in the environ- Transpiration, photosynthesis, stomatal ac-
ment may be presently known in a general way, but
otur knowledge is incomplete, especially under con-
levels. leaftperature, anthesiratomatal-
tivity, leaf temperature, and respiration were eval-
ditioiis of environmental stress. A suirvey of prob- tuated.
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Materials and Methods period was supplemented by tuirning oIn slim-line
cool-white flulorescents to suipply 6 Langleys/houir
of radiant energy.
Genterail. The test planit was Gossypiumn liirsut- Estimates by means of an Epply thermopile
turnz L., Empire, adapted to the Southeastern United with Schott filters indicated that of radiation in-
States. cident on tuirgid cotton leaves, 8 % was reflected,
Procedures of handling the soil and plants prior 80 % was absorbed, and 12 % was transmitted. Of
to experimentation were standardized as follows: this, only 7 % of transmitted buit 55 % of reflected
after Cecil sandy clay loam was passed through a was long-wave radiation (0.97 to 4 ,u). Abouit
10-mesh screen and air-dried, 2.86 g of Krilitim 70 % of the incoming long-wave radiation (6 %
(Monsanto Chemical Company) (15) and 1 g of of total radiation) was absorbed by leaves. All
dolomitic limestone per kg of soil were mixed with valuies are near reported valLues (6, 32, 33).
the dry soil. The latter established a pH of 6.5.
The stiudy vwas divided into 2 parts. From the
WXater was added to the plastic limit and again the 31st throuigh the 36th day of age, the effects of
soil was air-dried. jlust prior to uise, 2 g of 6-12-12 hulmidity at 3 radiation levels were stuidied. From
commercial fertilizer per kg of soil wac added. the 37th day of age to termination of the experi-
WN hen the plants were 16 days old 0.1 g of NH4NOQ ment, the effects of soil water stress were stuidied
per kg of soil was applied. by means of an irrigation-drying-reirrigation cycle.
Pennington green-coated, acid-delinted seeds Julst before experimental day 1 (31st day of
were germinated in vermicuilite at 30°, selected and age), 69 plants were selected for uiniformity, and
transplanted 24 hours after sowing into 3.6 kg of randomly divided into 3 groulps (A, B, and C).
soil in asphalted 92-ouncc- cans. Sufficient water In each grouip 10 plants were uised for measuirement
was added to each can to approximate the -0.05 of transpiration, 2 for leaf temperatutre, 1 for
bar soil water matric potential determined from photosynthesis, 6 for resp.ration, and( 4 were des-
(lesorption curves developed using pressulre mem- ignated for sacrifice or replacement of plants
brane (34) and tension table (22) apparatus. damaged duiring handling. To provide equlal total
Because these methods do not measure the other light exposuires prior to the start of part 2, the
major component of soil water potential, osmotic grouips were shifted from bay to bay as in(dicated
potential, the latter is not incltuded in any of the in table I.
estimates of soil water potential presented in this To minimize water stress effects while studxying
paper. vapor pressulre deficit (V-PD) effects of the air on
Forty-eight houirs after sowing, the plants were transpiratioin and photosynthesis, all plants wvere
transferred to the growth room and held at 250, watered to approximately -0.05 bar at 2000 the
60 % relative htumidity, and 65 Langleys/hotur (1 evening preceding days 1, 3, 5, aind 7. 'Matric
Langley = 1 cal/cm2; all radiant energy values potential of -0.0n5 bar was selectedl in lieui of field
reported were measured with a Beckman-Whitley capacity because the latter cann't readily be es-
Total Radiometer, Model H 188-01) 1 for 14-hour tablishedl in small containers. Aeratioln problems
photoperiods; and at 20° and 90 % relative humidity were not anticipated at -0.0.5 bar.
for 10-houir nyctoperiods. The cycle was repeated After day 7 plants were not rewatered until
uintil the plants were 30 days old. \Vhen weights estimates indicated soil water matric potential hadl
at the end of the day indicated average water reachedl -15; bars on an average in all contailners
potential had dropped to or below -0.3 bar, suffi-
cient water was added to restore -0.05 bar. Aver- Table I. Location of Plant Group (A-C) Durinq
age wind speed near the plants was 1800 mi/hour. Experiinicntation
The lights were gradually raised to their re- All bays bad full sunlight equivalenit (65 Langleys/
quiired intensity from 0600 to 0800 by increasing hr) on days 2, 4, and 6. All other days the bays had
voltage, and from 1800 to 2000 the intensity was sunlight equivalent as follows: bay 1. full; bay 2. one-
gradually reduced to off. What we have termed half (35 Langleys/hr); and bay 3, one-fourth (17 Lang-
flull, one-half, and one-foturth suinlight equiivalents leys/hr). The ambient temperature w-as programmed
were obtained by uising 96 300w, 48 300w, and 48 for 250 (measured in the outgoing air duct) and usually
150w incandescent lamps. To help cotunteract light maintained -v 10 throughout. The relative humidity was
qulality effects on growth (14) becauise of an in- programmed to be 60 %, except for day 1 (90 %) and
creasing proportion of far-red as the growth roon day) 5 (30 %) and seldom deviated as much as 3 %
lights dimmed, the last 15. minuites of the photo- Average air velocity was approximately 1800 m/hr
throughout the entire experiment.
Days Bay 1 Bay 2 Bay 3
1 and 2 A B C
- Trade names anid company names are included for 3 and 4 C A B
tlhe benefit of the reader and do not infer any endorse- 5 and 6 B C
ment or preferential treatment of the product listed by the Ther-eafter A B C
Uniited States Departmcint of Agri:ultture.
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Copyright © 1967 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved.

Suniiaht Equivolent' soI -

IL 0

40o -
~.z z -:*. Snlgh
0 0


*- .4~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S ---.
0 ~

3.0 3.0
2.0 -- ~ 2.0-
~el.0 -------
--~~~~~~~~------------- ............

6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 -1.0 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

DAY 9 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~DAY 10
80so.~. buni iqnt LtuivaiPn. Sunliqht Equivalent-
IL 0 IL 3?0:
U) 80 1/4 Su nIi ght Equ i
.-. 1/4 Sunlight Equivalent ..
40- ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 40

30 30
20 420:
-0 6-1.

40 -.-.--.~~~~--~~~-..-- I ~~~~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

a~ 0

0 0. Eui
80 1/ ulgh qialn 0 1/2 unliht

80.~Y -/ Sunlight
- Equivalent so,1/ Sunlight Equivalent]

*L 0 0qnw

0 a. 20

0 or~ ~ ~ ~ l
6 0 I 1 3 1 6 7 1 9 2 6 7 894 z 41~~~~~
I 1 4 1
2 OUR 1 7 1 9 2

See Legend Page 81
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_ _. ~ _ ..=
~ , Suntght Eouivailent
z z soo
0 -- nlight Equivalent
4 4g
0 o0 sL
Sunlight Equivalent-
_ ** _
_ * -*
'.. --.
z4. 40_
Lv £
; .~~~
0 o .
: lE
0. ----i
U. ..
. .
.0 0_
2a $
"6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20








12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

800 1/2 Sunlight Equivalent.
0 4C
SO: >1/4 Sunlight Equivolent-
O _

0 t

4 2.0

1.0 ,.!!p
0~ .....
.. L
IS 16 17 I8 19 20
6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 11 12 13 14 15

See Legend Page 81

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DAY 13 DAY 14
80 ; _._~~_._Ecuivole
Surnli;tl -.-

so.^ ....-~ _ .....
4 80[ 1/2 Sunlight Eauivol4nt0


DAY 15 DAY 16
z 40
): 1/2 Sunlight Equivalnt
= - -

so: 1/4 Sunlight Equivalent' 80 1/4 Sunlight Equivalent'

40- 40-

O 2

~3.0 °, -
-- C ..--*--
wI0~3.~ -

.0 On.0

*6 7 8 9 1O 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 6; 7 8 9 10
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
DAY17 DAY 18
81 --*-101 .j40[ z 80F
< j* 4° F Su t 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SUnlIght Equiva lent 8o
U, £
60 T 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16g 17 19 20 6 7 9 2lent160 4 /4 Sunlight

4E aE;
4 ._. K~. -r i
< 2.0iO U)

c .

7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 6 7 8 9 10 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

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Copyright © 1967 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved.
in any 1 bay. Several days after rewatering, the Soil Water Potential. Percent water by weight
plants were harvested for fresh and dry weights (Ow) was computed by:
and undisturbed soil cores were taken for second total wt - (tare wt of container +
desorption curve determinations. Ow = 100 dry wt of soil + fresh wt of plant)
Transpiration. Beginning on day 1 and each dry wt of soil
day thereafter, starting at 0600 and ending at 2000,
hourly weighings of each of 10 plants from each Estimates of the fresh weights of plants were
bay were made. Daily leaf areas of all trans- made by sacrificing 6 representative plants the night
pirational plants were computed (width X length before the first experimental day, 4 plants the
X 0.77) (2) using measurements made from 1800 evening of day 6, and all plants immediately
to 1900 hours. Transpiration is expressed as upon termination of transpirational measuirements.
g/dm2 of single surface leaf area. Growth during the experimental period was con-
Leaf Temperatutre. Temperature differences be- sidered linear when adju1sting weights for calcu-
tween both the upper and lower leaf surfaces and lation of soil water matric potentials. The latter
the ambient air were measutred for 2 plants in were derived from a water desorption curve from
each bay. Each leaf thermocouple junction con- an analysis of undisturbed soil samples obtained
tacted the leaf surface between major veins. by carefullIy cutting the metal containers away
Earlier studies indicated insertion into leaves did from the soil of 4 transpiration plants from each
not increase sensitivity. The reference (ambient) bay after the last transpiration weighing. For uin-
junctions were suspended in air about 15 cm from disturbed soil between -0.5 and -0.05 bar, the
the plant at the mean height of the plant. Ow's averaged 2.5 lower than for distturbed soil.
.Stomatal Activity. Stomatal opening was de- Respiration. To obtain some estimate of the
termined visually using a stomatal viewer (30) and effects of water stress on leaf tissue respiration,
expressed as the percentage of stomata observed a \Varburg constant voluime respirometer was em-
to be open. Stomata on both the upper and lower ployed. The water potentials of leaves were
leaf surface of 2 of the most mature, unshaded measured using the Schardakow technique (35)).
leaves were observed on each of 2 plants in each At least 2 hours for equilibrating leaf discs with
bay, each hour. To minimize handling of individual sucrose solutions were determined to be necessary
plants, 2 pairs of transpiration plants in each bay for reliable measurements. Each flask's water po-
were observed alternately. tential was reguilated to match that of the leaf
Photosynthesis. Measurements of apparent pho- by adiusting KOH concentration (0.1 ml in cetiter
tosynthesis were made on the most mature leaves well, 0.5 ml in side arm) and adding 1.0 ml of the
(exclusive of cotyledons). Because of equipment appropriate concentration of sucrose solution to a
limitations, only 1 cotton plant in each bay was filter paper disc overlaid by a circle of plastic
monitored. A 2-minute clock-activated stepping screen upon which a freshly clut leaf disc was
switch with appropriate air pumps, solenoid valves, placed. Flasks with side-attached center wells
filters, and flow meters permitted continuous pas- were employed to permit use of intact leaf discs.
sage of growth room air through leaf chambers All operations and measurements were performed
(3 liters/min, 76 m/hr) and automatic intermittent uinder laboratory light (< 0.2 Langley/hr). Res-
sampling for analysis of growth room air, standard piration was always measured at approximately the
gases, and leaf chamber air. The leaf chambers same time of day (1400 to 1/700 hrs), thereby
were fashioned after Brun's model (10). Since minimizing possible diurnal variations (26).
they dissipated 25 % of the incoming radiation, all
valtues listed in table I should be so reduced for Results
applicability to the photosynthetic stuldies. The and Discussion
rates of net photosynthesis were obtained from
CO, differences between incoming and outgoing Tr-anspiration. The positive correlation between
chamber air. The detector-amplifier was a Model transpiration and radiation (energy) level was
15A Liston-Becker Infrared Analyzer. Another pronounced (fig 1, days 1, 3, and 5). At all 3
L/B analyzer on a 2-mintute sampling sequence radiation levels transpiration rates at 30 % relative
meastured intermittently growth room air and ouit- humidity were nearly double those at 90 % (fig 1,
side air 8 feet above grotund level. days 1 and 5). The evaporative demand is much

FIG 1 Measurements of percent open stomatz?, transpiration rates, and leaf-air temperature differences. For percent
open stomata, - - - - denotes upper epidermis of first pair of plants; - - - -, upper epidermis of second pair;
- - -, lower epidermis of first pair; and - . . - -, lower epidermis of second pair. For transpiration rates and
leaf-air temperature differences, . . .denotes one-fourth sunlight equivalent; - - -, one-half; and - , full, except
days 2, 4, and 6 when all plants were in full sunlight equivalent and curves refer to previous day's exposure.
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greater at the lower humidity. The ambient air requirements for living cells.
at 30 % relative humidity has a vapor pressure After irrigation, transpirationl did not imme-
(leficit (VPD) of approximately 17 mm Hg and a diately reattain the early high rates fouind at high
water potential of approximately -1600 bars, as soil water (compare fig 2a with fig 2b). Al-
conmpared with air at 90 % relative humidity, which thouigh plants uinder high light did, those tinder
has corresponding values of 2 and -140. mediuim and low light did not, in the time allotted,
.At all light levels anid all htumidities tinder high quiite reattain the transpiratioin rates of day 8
soil water, cottonl trainspiration per UInit of leaf (day 2 from initial irrigatioin). The recoverv
surface was slightly greater than that which we rate was similar to recovery rates found for trans-
have reported for corn. Evaporation from a leaf piration of pine btut not tomato (8). Correlated
is regarded to be directly proportional to the v-apor with this is the observation (see fig 1, days 13
pressure difference between atmosphere and leaf, and on) that stomatal activity at any light intensity
andcl inversely proportional to resistance (9, 24). on an average did not reattain the previotus highs
Fewer stomata were open at low humidities than recorded on days 7, 8, or 9 (fig 1). Inability of
at high humidities (fig 1, days 1 and 5). reattainiment may be relatecl to an impairment in the
As soil water potential decreased, transpiration absorptive capacity of the cotton roots which oc-
decreased, after first increasiing slightly at the cuirrecl dutring the drouight. The fact that trans-
lower light intensities (fig 2a). The inability of piration approached earlier rates in a couiple of
the plant to meet evaporative demand with de- days leads us to stuspect that root damage was at
creasinlg soil water potential is demonstratedl by least partially of protoplasmic natuire.
the clecrease in transpiration at all radiation levels .As soil water decreased, a slight decrease iin
at less than -1 bar matric potential. This is in- transpiration, and at one-fouirth suinlight equivaleint
terpreted to be due to inability of water transport a rise in leaf temperatulre, were frequently notecl
from soil to and through the plant to meet evap- in the late afternoon (see days 9 and 10). The
orative demand. Slatyer (38) has presented evi- transpiration decline is consistent with, buit not as
lence that the transpiration of Gossypiiumii barbai- apparent as, Skidmore aind Stone's observations oIn
(lense L. decreases with decreases in soil water nutrient-cultured cotton (37). At the same time,
potential. stomatal observations in(dicated some closuire, possi-
The graphs (fig 2) reflect the increasing energy bly explaining the redtuction. There is reported
requlire(d to move each increment, or specifically an auLtoilomous rhythm associated with cotton
each molecuile, of soil water into the atmosphere. stomatal activity (13). \V:hether the stomata react
We have shown that a similar relationship exists passively to water balance changes, and(l whether
with the transpirationi of sorghLum and corn (29). such chainges are the resuilt of root impedance,
For corn the inflection point appeared to occur at remains to be seen. It is well to recall that xvlem
higher matric potentials with high evaporative de- exuidation also follows a flulctuiating diuirnal pattern
mclands: however, the smaller soil voltumes in those that seems to be impressed uipoIn it by the previous
stud(lies must be taken into consideration before history of the plants (21).
equatinig results. It has already been ahly demon- As the soil vater potential decreased, the water
strated that there is no magic figture of -15 bars potential of the cotton leaves decreased. A series
potential at which soil water is no longer available, of representative valuies determined for vapor pres-
but rather there is a progressive decline in trans- suire atljuistments in the \VNarburg flasks are liited
piration uintil the physical-chemical state of plant in table II. The matric water potential of the
Nx-ater makes it no longer capable of satisfying the soil exceeded the water potential of the leaves. In

' 45 .
es 4 o
°O 3 5.

° 25 .
4 20 . 2

z ID. I
C _
J2 os 3)1 0 0001 02 0304 060810 20 30 4, 60180100150
01Di .. ..
02 03 04 .0 a601 02 0 304 06 08 10 20 3 40 80o30

FIG. 2a-b. Average daily rates of transpliration at 3 light intenlsities as affected bx average daily ,soil water potenl-
tials during irrigation-drying-reirrigationi cycle. First day from initial irrigation. is experimental day 7. The 3 upper
horizonital scales shox. times corresixpnding to water potentials of abscissa. a) Fromii irrigationi tlhrough drying. b)
Follows-ing reirrigationl.
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Table II. Soii Matric Potential (4j.) and Cotton Leaf latter might also affect radiationi absorption anid
IIater Potentia-l (4ii) of Cotton Lcaz'cs fromii Plants reradiation balance. Ansari and Loomis (1) re-
Under One-Fourth Sutnlight Equivalent Used in ported that leaf temperatture of cotton dropped
Respiration Studs' below ambienit (3°) only utnder a very low artificial
Day light intensity (1 ft-c); whereas, Eaton and Beldlen
qt* (16) have reported that leaf temperatulres on cotton
9 - 0.05* -11-14* plants in the field tunder arid conditions frequiently
13 --0.3 -14-17 average(l as mulch as 3.5° below that of ambient.
16 - 8.0 -17-21 Excellent positive correlations letween radiaint
17 - 15.0 -22 energy aand leaf temperatture are recorded in the
17 -- 0.05 -11
literatture ( 1, 12, 20, 28, 30').
* Valuies in bars. WVith decreases in soil water, transpirationi was
decreasing: meaniwhile, leaf temperattures rose. The
leaf temperatulre data oIn day 8, with high soil
the range of soil w-ater potential that this study water, indicate the averages of all sturfaces of all
encompassed, leaf water potential of soil-grown leaves were 1.5, 0.5, and 0.10 above ambient at
cottoin plants has been found to be several bars high, oine-half, aind one-foturth suinlight eqtuivaleint,
less than the ater potential of the soil (38). respectively. Leaf temperattures of plants vn-!er
The final potential in the flow system is that of low soil water potential at the same radiant enirgy
the atmosphere, wvhich generally ranges from 100 levels dturing the 4 hoturs preceding irrigatioil were
to 3000 b)ars less than that of the plant. Present 3.4, 1.3, and 0.50 al)ove the ambient air temperatulre.
techniiquies do not measture the true water potential After irrigation, an almost immediate (1rop in leaf
of stunlit leaves. Leaf water potential determine(d temperatture w as noted at both high and(l m2alitim
Usinlg Schardakov or psychrometric techniquies is light intensity, with returns to day 8 values several
biased strongly in favor of the water potential of days later. It is obvious from this anid other work
cells rather than that of substomatal cavities dutr- (12, 19, 41 ) that trainspiration certainlv cannot be
ing transpiratioin. Dturiing the measuirement, trans- ignored in calcuilations of changes in leaf temper-
pirationi is zero anid the gradienit between mesophyli attire.
cell suirfaces and stomata disappears. The decrease in leaf temperatuire after watering
Leaf Terniperathire. Leaf temperatulre was highly cannot be explained by large increases in trans-
correlatel with tranispiration uinder most condlitions. piration alone, as was the case with corn (29).
Huimiditx effects on cotton leaf temperatuire are The positioin of the leaves appears to explaini the
show-n in figuire 1, days 1, 3, and 5. 1iedian leaf record most adequiately. Cotton leaves failed to
temperatuires w-ere 2.5, 1.5, and 0.50 higher than show typical tuirgor-iindtuced movements as water
ambient air temperatuire at high, meditum, and loxv stress increased. In high light 3 (la s before irri-
radiation levels, respectively, on day. 1 with high gation, the lamiina failed to rise fii,1y duiring the
huimidity. At high light intensity, days 2, 4, anfl photoperiod. Couipled with th;s failuire was leaf
6, leaf temperatuires were mostly to 2° above limpness. Both the lack of movemenit ain(d limpness
the ambient air temperatture in each bay. No leaf resulted in positioning of man) leaves to that of
temperatLures below ambient were recorded uintil minimum net capture of incoming radiation and
day 5 at low- relative humidity, (fig 1, day 5). can be considered an adaptive mechanism similar
On this day, leaves at 1)oth meditum and low light to leaf rolling in corn. Also on ('ay 12, iinder
intensities dropped below the ambient temperatuires. high light, leaves failed to rise after irrigation;
Leaves at high light tunder the higher VPD's (- therefore, very little radiation was directly im-
19 mg Hg) onl day 5 averaged 10 cooler than pinging on leaves. WVith less absorbed energy, the
(- 4 mm Hg) Ofl (lay 1. The higher transpiration, leaf temperatuires woLuld be expected to be lower.
and thuis increased latent heat exchange on day 5 The same phenomenon was seen at medium light.
compared with day 1, is shown in the markedly At low light levels, the phenomenon xvas observed
lower temperatture. In earlier stuidies with buit its magnittude was mulch less; not onlv was
corni, sorghuim, tomatoes, soybeans, and cottoin (28, the impinging radiation low, buit some changes in
29) e consistently observed leaf temperatuires leaf temperatuire may hav-e been below the sensi-
above ambienit except with cotton plants. It ap- tivitv of the system.
pears, stibstantiatinig the wxork of Baker (3), that Ouir earlier studies on corn indicated that a
there is a (lefinite tendenicy for illulminated cotton 1° leaf temperatulre difference existed between the
leaves in air of high VPD to maintain a tempera- upper and lower epidermis. In these studies on
ttre below% that of ambient air. The tendencv for cotton more precise data were obtained and the
cotton leaves to be cooler tinder similar enviroIl- leaf temperatLure difference was fouind to vary
mental condlitionis than the leaves of other crop with radiant einergy and availability of soil water.
plants is not completelv explained by increases in Under low light (fig 3) the temperatture gradient
transpirationi (24). High advective heat exchange was positive utntil the end of day 13, when it
may restult from openness of cottoni foliage. The became negative. After watering onl day 17, ani
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ences in the cuitictilar diffusion (28), the substoma-

Sunlight Equivlolnt
40 tal chamber configuration and stomatal iinumber, sinice
o- .0 . 130 there are less stomata on the tipper suirface of the
cotton leaf. Thuis, transpirational coolilng of the
2.0 .20 lower epidermis at this stage can be thouight of as
; ,0 exceeding that from the tipper suirface. \Vith an
inadequate suipply of soil water, a re(ldction in
transpiratioin tinder high light on (lay () (fig 1)

6 10 12 13 14 IS 16 IT is - -2 0 |SUNLIGHT EOJ1.t..Ek-
7 9 11

z -2.0
4.0 140
1/2 S.Il2hght Equ.volnt

130 6
.0 220 ID

La d,
W 2
0n 0
tS10 .-*,WTERED .
10 39
*0O 0

-2.s _
7 9 10

11 12 13 14 5
_if16 1?
.' 0

Zg 4.0 40

1/4 Sunlight Equivalent
.30 b 0--DAY FEFORE|
I IC a

el 0
1 25.0
0l- 20.0
:i I
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

r 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 2
io3d5 o.
___ aLEdE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
FIG. 3. Hourly averages of upper-lower leaf surface X S.
temperatures durinig irrigation-drying-reirrigation cycles.
: : : _
a 9 10 11 12 13 14 ID 16 is
upward trenid was seen. At one-half sunlight HOURS

eqtuivalent (fig 3) the lowest temperature differ-

ences between the 2 suirfaces were fouind( duiring
water suifficiency. A tendeincy existed for the uipper
suirface to be warmer early! in the day with the
lower stirface being warmer later in the day.
After watering, reattainiment of warmer tipper
stirfaces was eviidenced. At the beginning of the
day ulnder high radiant energy (fig 3), the tem-
perattire gradient was positive on days 7 and 8,
dropped on day 9, and remained negative uintil 0

rewatering on day 12, when again the tendency x

was to positive differentials.

We interpret the differences in leaf surface
temperatuires as follows: Under water stif ficiency
(leaf turgidl) the impinging radiation is screened
by the leaf and the lower epidermis receives the HOURS
least. Applicable in this stage of leaf water re- FIG. 4a. CO, concentration of the air and leaf photo-
lations are data of Van Bavel et al. (40) indicating synthesis under full sunlight equivalent, day 9; b-c)
that the lower epidermis, as compared with the Photosynthesis before and after irrigation. Sunlight equiv-
upper epidermis, has less resistance to water trans- alent irrigated on day 12; one-fourth stulight equivalent,
fer. The resistance is probably related to differ- clay 17.

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occurred- concurrently, the lower leaf surface tem- with increasing light intensity. The greater the
perattures began exceeding those of the tupper sur- number of stomata open, the less is leaf resistance.
face, indicating increasing resistance to energy This partially explains any increases in transpiration
exchange between that surface and its sturround- with increases in radiant energy.
ings. By dav 10 utnder the high radiation, the In most instances throughout the studies a
water stress had catused nearly complete stomatal greater percentage of stomata were open in the
closture, as well as near vertical positioning of upper epidermis than in the lower epidermis; this
lamina (see above). The positioning favored an is opposite to findings on corn in the growth room
increased entrapment of reradiated energy, the (29), buit comparable to field studies on corn (28).
stagnation of air within the foliage, and in some In the soil water potential study the greatest
instances permitted direct interception of radiation percentages of open stomata were found during
from overhead by lower leaf sturfaces. All effec- water suifficiency, i.e., days 7 and 8. During this
tively increased the lower surface temperatture. period the effect of light intensity on the photo-
After waterinig, a slow return to original conditions active operation was also noticeable; a significantly
was seen. greater number opened at high, fewer at medium,
Stomtatal Activity. The effects of radiant and fewest at low light levels. No midday closure
energ) and V-PD on stomatal activity during the was found; neither was there any indication that
first 6 experimental days are summarized in figture stomata closed earlier on the upper surface than
1. The percentages of stomata open at high radia- those on the lower surface (36). As soil water
tioni levels on davs 1, 3, and 5 were always sig- potential decreased, the number of stomata ob-
nificantly greater than under low radiation, a served to be open decreased at all light levels,
photoactive effect; in several instances the stomata probably becatuse decreases in leaf water potential
at the one-half light level behaved intermediately eventually override the ability of guiard cells to
but Inot predictably. Activity at low light levels alter their turgidity. Considerable decreases in
was significaintly lower than at higher light levels number open occturred at high light when matric
on the suicceeding day. The indirect effect of potential was near -2 bars, at medium light near
evaporative demand appears to be most noticeable -1 bar, and at low light near -0.1 bar. Boyer
on day 5 for stomata under low light where the has reported (7) that osmotic potential down to
ntumbers visibly open were fewer than at any time -8.5 bars established with high NaCl concentra-
dutring the hutmidity study but, in turn, rose to the tions had no effect on stomatal resistance as meas-
highest values observed on the following day at tired with a porometer. Transpiration in his stuidy
full lig ht. Baker (4) surmised a stomatal effect was not reduced, probably reflecting the salt toler-
when at conistanit VIPD's transpiration increased anit aspect of cotton water relations.

Table III. Average Leaf Apparent Photosynthetic Rates (P*) fromn 0800 to 1800 at Threc Light Intensities
Dar ** Light P**** Light qjm*** Light P* 4Im***
1 12.3 I/2 10.5 7.9
2 . Full 14.8 Full 13.9
14.0 . .

. I /2 11.7 . . '/4 8.8 ..

16.0 Full 14.8 Full 12.6 .

16.3 ..
I/2 12.8 . . . '4 9.4
6 15.1 Fulll 14.4 Fulll 15.5
7 15.9 -0.03 /2 9.8 0.03 ~4 10.8 -
8 l,,
14.0 -0.1 9.5 - 0.04 l, 14.6 -
9 P,,
18.9 -0.23 15.2 - 0.05 14.8 -
10 t,, 14.6 -2.5 14.2 - 0.08 16.9 -
11 11.8 -4.0 15.1 - 0.13 P,, 16.6 -
12 11.1 - 6.0-0.03 14.2 - 0.3 1, 15.4 -
P,, 3.5
13 17.9 -0.05
12.4 0.5 P,, 13.3 -

t,, 11.3 6.0

14 21.5 -0.11 11.9 -
1.9 1, -

15 ,,
9.2 -
3.3 7.6 -11.0
16 . PO, 6.7 - 55 P,, 5.1 -20.0
17t ..
10.8 80 P,, 8.9 -25.0-0.03
18 ,,P
.. P,, 10.4 -11.0 1, 10.8 -
19 "PI
.. ..
7.1 -15.0 11.0 -
20 ..
10.0 -20.0-0.05 ..

* Mg CO.,/dm2/hr.
** The relative humidity was programmed to be 60 %, except for day 1 (90 ,) and day 5 (30 %).
*** Best estimate of the soil matric potential (bars) at end of day and before irrigation. The first of 2 values is
that just before irrigation.
t The Ilant uinder one-fourth light was larger than the one under one-half light and required an earlier watering.
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After irrigationi, stomatal activity resuimedl, al- of Bierhulizen and Slatyer ( 5), or Baker (4);
thotugh it took several days to reach original levels however, their studies were ruin at conisiderably
of activity. Thuis, it was in(licated that the drouight higher air temperatuires. Optimulm conditions for
had not irreversibly affected the ability of the photosynthesis of Deltapine cotton have been re-
gulard cells to operate. Decrease in plant water ported to occulr aroin(l leaf temperatuires of 252
potential in late afternoon is probably responsible (26). The lowering of leaf temperature at the
for the decreasedl number of stomata open dulring higher VPD may thuis increase photosynithesis.
this periodl. \Vhein other environmental factors Throuighouit these stuidies the apparent photo-
were not limitinig, a diuirlnal pattern of stomatal synthetic rate oscillated (fig 4). Neither the
activity was apparent, with photoactive openinig amplitude nor the frequency of oscillationi was
occuirring shortly after lights came on and( closuire uniform. At least 2 reasons can be giv-en for the
after (lark. oscillations: A) an effect on photosynthesis by
Photosynthesis. On (laxvs 1, 3, and 5, radiant the concentration of CO, in the growth room air,
energy can be seen in table III as a limiting factor and( B) endogenous plant cycling phenomena.
in photosynthesis. The relationship at any 1 hui- Uinder high light intensity dluring days 2, 4,
midity was nearly linear between light intensity an(l 6, all leaves of all grouips photosynthesized
and photosynthesis, which is consistenit with the at similar rates (table III), a fact that makes it
fiekl data of Baker (4). possible to place confideince not only in trefl(ls
A trend appears in table III on days 1, 3, and appareint, buit also in suidden chanlges that occuLrred
5 at any light level, indlicating that the apparent (Iiring drawdown and followilng irrigation. The
photosynthetic rate was related to the relative effect of soil water stress oni photosynthesis is
htumidity of the air. The higher the V'PD of the 'deilt in table IIT and figulre 4.
air, the greater the carbon fixation per uinit of Dturing the drawdown perio(I a very initerestillg
leaf area. This is not consistelnt w,% ith the resullts tren(l occulrre(I at all light intenisities, a rise and then


Loaf No Not loogcted 1-go'te
S a-A
6 _
7 -t U


a I,

, L
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

U J VT T El' T
4 SUN9LlG,T FOUJIVALEN' Nof I" g5r*o: ,, gV64
Leaf Nto %o2 i-godte -.gated 3.0~ SUNLIGHT EQUIVALENT


102 C

0 -
r 2.0
C .zd
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 £ c 10 11

Fic. 5a-c. Average respiration rates of individual leaves as measuire(l unider subdued light. Soil water potenitial
decreases from left to riglit (see fig 2 and tables II and III); d) averages of all leaves. First day froimi initial
irrigation is explerimeintal dav 7.
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Copyright © 1967 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved.
a fall in photosynthesis. The high rates of photo- Acknowledgments
synthesis occurred several days after the beginning
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