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Clare Keating

August 23, 2019

School Craft



I have learned a great deal about the wonderful United States during the 20th century

from this class. And of the reoccurring themes over and over and over again during the 20th

century that’s how powerful United States is and how we are always strong enough to make it

full circle even after mistakes. I have learned so much from the Gilded Age all the way to the

WWI and even all the way to the Information age of America.

After a very brutal American Civil War, America became an absolute powerhouse.

Economically we completely dominated. During this period railroads begin to be built in

business is absolutely begun to bloom. The growth of the United States after the Civil War was

completely mind blowing. The industrial strength of America was not matched. Previously real

roads and trains are pretty risky adventure. It was beginning to be built correctly with proper

brakes and cars for the back. This ultimately change the way people traveled forever. The real

worlds were now safe and the fastest way to travel. America finally saw how much they have

grown once they reach 1914. This year marked the year with United States finally became “the

largest industrial nation in the world, (Contemporary America).”

Unlike previous wars, the first world war may the expenses of other wars look like pocket

change. This was a time when the whole nation of the United States had to rally together to raise

money for total war. Without the support of the entire nation, it was inevitable that the war

would not be able to be one. Propaganda spread like wildfire across America. During the first

world war America really relied on their people to help support them and always. Financially,

physically, and emotionally the war needed to be supported to succeed. This shows how strong

America is as a nation as a whole. Without each individual person participating for the war, it

would not have been won. The strength of America is the unity of its people. Very powerful and

moving images were used to recruit young men for the war. It also encouraged women to step in

and take over the drops of men who would be leaving for war. Committees were put in place to

emotionally uplift the American people and motivate them to get into gear to win the war.

Full and total war meant support for the troops was a must. every American citizen had to

be on board to get into the swing and business side to produce more material. War industries

Board was implemented to oversee what was needed supply wise for the American troops. Stay

at home moms, or women have never had jobs before stepped in to take charge of heavy industry

work. there is a shortage of food overseas for men during the war so plans to see food was

pushed very hard. An example of this was when Americans were highly encouraged to not eat

meat on Sundays, specifically Mondays. Or such things would be implemented like waitlist

Wednesdays, which helped Americans ration their food wisely. It was little things like this that

truly made a large difference for the soldiers overseas. Without the help of every single

American individual, the war could’ve not been one. The strength of America is not the

individual, but the large mass of people who love the country and are willing to give up their

lives for it. That is why America is strong.

Fast forward to the 1990s, this is when the Information Age began. this is a time and

technology drastically changed America. This wonderful innovation I was referred to as the

Internet end it off the 1900s on a very high note. access to the Internet had to be done through a

computer at this time. this was the absolute jackpot of information. This changed the forms of

entertainment during that period, all types of research, even work and jobs, and of course

communication. The Internet had previously been around but remains a part of government

control until the mid-1980s. Obviously the speed of the Internet back then is nothing compared

to what it is now. But this definitely put America on the top scale of all other countries did not

have the Internet yet.

Once the World Wide Web was fully developed, businesses completely jumped on that as

soon as possible to start marketing and selling their products. Not too long after that almost

everything was put online. You could purchase books online and even something as crazy as a

home. This was also wonderful gateway of research for students at universities to find

information and they’re very own dorms. This also completely turned around the way people

worked. It was now possible to work at home in your bed still in your pajamas. there are so many

advantages of this new technology. The convenience of it alone itself was in comparable.

Communication was easier than ever, grasping information about literally anything in the world

was at the tip of your fingertips.

How can all of his information that I have learned about the 20th century United States

help me contribute to my country and society? I am American home grown and raised. So I can

proudly say that I am fully in love with America and everything it has to offer. Everything I have

learned from the 20th century United States has helped my love grow for this country and realize

how strong and powerful they truly are. We the people make up this country. We the people as a
whole can easily make or break this nation. That is why I think it is so important from all that we

learned that we always back up our country, fight for our country and do all we can to preserve

our country. I think it is also very important for me to contribute towards society by bettering

myself. I can better myself by finishing my education at college, graduating and get a job that

can help society grow, business grow and our country flourish as a whole. It takes every

individual to do their job, to do their part, to make this country as great as it is. I am thankful that

I have never lived during a time where there have been great wars that have affected me

personally, but if there’s ever a time when my country needs me to fight, I will be there. America

is strong, because the American people are strong.


“Contemporary America - US History.” HIST 153,

“Contemporary America - US History.” HIST 153,

“Contemporary America - US History.” HIST 153,

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