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Why did you leave me? Why?

Quite often, these are the words are bleating from the mouth of those who have b
een abandoned. Further, these same words are propelled forth across their wetted
lips, by the same driving force, gushing forth the symbiotic bitter tears, whic
h stream from their bleary eyes.
Oh, my spiritual friend I have seen and often heard these same words, much as th
ough one were to hear an album skip upon the player. Oh indeed, all the while, I
find myself, unconsciously shedding this same rain, causing my eyes to become b
lurry, thereby potentially dismissing my objectivity. For so often as I had wri
tten previously, when one has come to tears, the individual has surrendered hims
elf or herself and can be broken down no more. This is because, within them is c
omplete surrender, far deeper than we may peer into, and to heights, which no “Whi
te Flag” may reach.
By this same token, being ignorant of the surrender, many continue to either pum
mel away at the carcass, for that is all that remains during these moments, or a
re inept to reconcile things and, much like the verse from the ol’ nursery rhyme, “A
ll the king’s men could not put him back together again.” The reason is quite simple
. It is because we are unable to “examine and rake over” that we remain “clumsy”.
No doubt these words appear, to some, as being offensive: that is not my intent,
the factor required is lateral connection and transference.
First, we must examine, and come with the foreknowledge as to why one needs to c
onnect with their birth parent(s). The response may be as simple as what is it
that causes a mother of her new born to feel that “ineffable experience” of holdin
g her newborn next to her. I, like my fellow males, are inept to truly apprecia
te, experience and grasp what it is. Nevertheless, for those men who are fathers
, and were present with their wife during the delivery, should readily see and h
ave a glimpse of what it is that so transcends a mother’s maternal instinct and dr
This same connection is readily imparted to ones-self. This innate, yearning is
triggered without human intervention. Quite often, a child is aware without bei
ng informed of their adoption. This is because it is innate and not instilled w
ithin us. Likewise, the yearning within the parent has never diminished; this c
oupled with all the accessory emotions take its toll upon the parent until recon
ciliation is made.
Oh, my friend this is because love remains…well… ineffable! In all of history, ther
e is no accurate definition of this word, for it remains veiled in its true sple
ndor. Oh indeed, we may point to or recite love in action, this being much like
a vehicle, or express it in various actions. Yet, to truly define it, or convey
it, as it truly is, takes us to a depth few desire to reach, and unto heights w
hich require us to potentially surrender our life.
I, for one, remain imprisoned in my own in ability to neither peer into its dept
hs nor possess the endurance to scale its heights. It is not my age, nor is phys
ical prowess, for that of no avail.
Nevertheless, these same yearnings for our Spiritual Father remain silent. Few
are the times that my ears hear the plea for a moment to help with reflections c
oncerning this issue. We may sift through diamonds, ruby and other precious sto
nes, waiting for that moment when the sparkle blinds our eyes as to it brillianc
e. Or we gaze over restraint menu finding that tasty morsel to satisfy our cravi
ngs. Yet nothing to resolving that inner gapingness, which requires a specific
resident to take as a home.
Take away:
Yet, in each of these arousings, we discover a gracious purpose; we can trace ev
ery one of these awakenings to His hand who watched over our path, determined to
deliver us from our selfishness. For there remains this small end of that wedge
, which has since been driven home, was inserted during our youthful hours of in
ward strife; that is within the ground of our heart was then enduring a plowing,
a preparatory to the seed.
Let no one despise the strivings of the Spirit in the hearts of the young, the m
ature, nor the old, let not childish anxieties and juvenile repentances be light
ly regarded. For they incur a fearful amount of guilt who in the least promotes
the aim of the Evil One by trampling upon a tender conscience in a child. We at
least can bear our testimony to the fact that grace operates on some minds at a
period almost too early for recollection.
Although it is imagined that the feelings of the young are slight and superficia
l – nevertheless, they are frequently of the deepest character. These same feeling
s and stirrings continue as we grow, my spiritual friend, may I say to you, stop
and take time as you gather, soon, with family and friends, and find scores of
reasons to be thankful, to recognize the source of all that has been showered up
on you through these years. Oh yes, some good, some sad, and yet, there is purpo
se, in all of it.
Be thankful for what you and I can never repay for, that is, those moments of he
artfelt gratitude, appreciation for and support of family and friends. Indeed, e
ven if you are one who is without natural parents, for these step-parent(s) have
given you, oh so much love and attention, rising above what they were unable to
do in the beginning, and for your natural parent(s), who are known or unknown.
They provided you with the gift of life.
Relief & Response:
Become to be at peace and come to reconcile these stirrings within you, seek tha
t which transcends all understanding and there you will find what is and Who it
is that you need to take up His home within you, filling you with all that you n
eed and more that you could ever know was possible!
Until our spiritual eyes meet again,
Bro Smith SGS

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