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(19) World Intellectual Property

International Bureau (10) International Publication Number
(43) International Publication Date WO 2018/211417 Al
22 November 2018 (22.11.2018) W !P O PCT
(51) International Patent Classification: HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IR, IS, JO, JP, KE, KG, KH, KN, KP,
F24C 3/08 (2006.01) KR, KW, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME,
(21) International Application Number:
(22) International Filing Date: TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
15 May 2018 (15.05.2018)
(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
(25) Filing Language: English kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
(26) Publication Language: English
UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ,
(30) Priority Data: TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK,
201741016925 15 May 2017 (15.05.2017) IN EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV,
(72) Inventor; and TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW,
(71) Applicant: HARI RAO, Sanghi Sri [IN/IN]; NO. 10(1/3), KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
Muthanna Garden, Ward No. 70, Shanti Nagar, 11th Cross,
Anepalya, Bangalore, Karnataka 560030 (IN).
Declarations under Rule 4.17:
(74) Agent: VARGHESE, Bency; Mission Legal Advocates, — as to applicant's entitlement to apply for and be granted a
No. 12, Canal Bank Road, Gandhi Nagar, Adyar, Chennai, patent (Rule 4.1 7(H))
600020, Tamil Nadu (IN). — as to the applicant's entitlement to claim the priority of the
earlier application (Rule 4. 17(Hi))
(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every — of inventorship (Rule 4.1 7(iv))
kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,


(57) Abstract: An internal combustion system on natural air draught
r includes a support structure, a mother base, and one or more specially
designed radiant heat burners (RHBs). The support structure includes
a first opening and a base platform. The first opening is positioned on
top surface of the support structure. The base platform is configured to
house the RHBs. The support structure houses a mother base positioned
on the base platform of the support structure. The mother base includes
a top opening, an interior cavity, and a bottom opening. The interior
cavity extends between the top and bottom openings of the mother base
and supports the target objects. The bottom opening of the mother base
is configured vertically over the RHBs. The RHBs receive fuel and vent
supplies natural draught of air for igniting the fuel to generate heat for
heating target objects.


FIG. l
[Continued on next page]
W O 2 >I S 2 4 7 ΛΙ I I II III I III II I I II II Mil I Hill II I II

— with international search report (Art. 21(3))
— before the expiration of the time limit for amending the
claims and to be republished in the event of receipt of
amendments (Rule 48.2(h))
— in black and white; the international application as filed
contained color or greyscale and is availablefor download


[0001] The invention disclosed herein generally relates to heatingsystemsacross

gas fuel (LPG, Natural Gas, Bio-Methane or any Combustible Gas). More
particularly, the invention disclosed herein relates to an internal combustion
system on natural air draught configured to generate intense heat without the
generation of soot through a newly designed radiant heat burner system. Further,
the internal combustion system on natural air draught generates intense heat while
consuming lower quantities of gas fuel.


[0002] Energy consumption of a nation refers, in general, to the energy used by

the population of a country. The energy consumed may be in the form of electrical
energy,fossil fuel energy, renewable energy from wind, solar or waste
management, energy for power generation, energy for cooking purposes, energy
for manufacturing processes, energy for industrial applications, etc. It is widely
acknowledged that the energy consumption of a nation is related to its economic
growth. Further, factors such as population, demographics, industrial growth, etc.,
are also involved in the increase or decrease of energy consumption. In India,
sectoral demand for energy arises mainly from lighting and cooking in the
household sector, irrigation and other operations in the agriculture sector, and fuel
input requirements and transport of freight in the industrial sector. With economic
growth predicted to increase in developing nations, for example, India, energy
requirements and energy consumption are set to grow by 4.5% per year by 2035,
faster than all major economies of the world. In this regard, innovation in
appliances or devices that are used frequently by a significant percentage of the
population is imperative to bring down expenditure and consumption of energy.
Furthermore, the innovation must seek to eliminate or reduce pollution generated
by existing devices.

[0003] Currently, a significant percentage of Indian households depend on non-

renewable resources, for example, wood, charcoal, etc., for their cooking
requirements. Additionally, all over the world, fossil fuel and charcoal is
depended on as the major source of energy to meet energy requirements. Over the
years, several solutions have been proposed to reduce dependence on coal, wood,
charcoal, etc., as their use contributes to increasing levels of Carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere. For cooking, heating using advanced technologies such as microwave
and induction heating has been in use. However, these technologies are expensive.
Additionally, cooking using charcoal provides a distinctive taste due to the intense
heat generated and the uniform heating of food. For example, the traditional
tandoor requires intense heat about 480°C for extended periods to properly cook
foods using radiant heat or convection heat. In such cases, massive quantities of
fuel are required. Moreover, using charcoal or wood generates undesirable
byproducts, for example, soot, carbon dioxide, etc. Consequently, vessels or
utensils exposed to such heating systems are harder to clean and require additional
quantities of water and cleansing chemicals. A system, which generates intense
heat without generation of soot, is required. Moreover, a system, which generates
intense heat for prolonged periods using smaller quantities of fuel, is required.

[0004] Additionally, conventional tandoors are a major cause of pollution as

reported in a recent study commissioned by the Delhi government. According to
the study, there are approximately 9000 restaurants in Delhi using coal fired
tandoors. Such coal fired tandoors emit substantial amounts of Particulate Matter
(PM) in the form of fly ash contributing to air pollution. According to the report,
coal and fly ash are the largest contributors to PM 10 and PM 2.5 in the summers.
Of the 37,171 kg/day and 18,369 kg/day of PM 10 and PM 2.5, the report shows
3,493 kg/day and 1,758 kg/day of the same particulate matter is from hotel and
restaurant emissions. As such, the study states that under commercial activities,
diesel generators and tandoors in restaurants are the highest contributors to air
pollution in the city. Furthermore, the study suggests that about 67 per cent
reduction of PM10 (2,142 kg/day) and PM2.5 (1,083 kg/day) emission from
tandoors can be achieved by stopping uses of coal. Innovative technologies that
eliminate the usage of coal are therefore a necessity to bring down pollution.

[0005] Anotherfundamentalrequirement of combustion in heating systems is air

fuel mix. Typically, the air fuel mix is easy for heating systems using external
combustion, asenough air is freely available. However, for heating systems using
internal combustion need forced draught where air is pumped inside with the help
of mechanical or electrical energy. Heating systems using internal combustion to
achieve peak temperatures (more than 600°C) at the surface of the burner
invariably need forced air draught for combustion. Existing heating systems, for
example, bio-mass stove, which is an external combustion stove, using fuel-wood
or bio-mass pellets as the fuel source do not generate heat more than 500-600 °C
in the combustible material. Additionally, these stoves require a fan backed by
power to supply air for combustion. By taking this stove as an example for
combustion one can realize how much artificially pumped air will be necessary if
the same stove uses internal combustion. A system, which generates intense heat
(greater than 600°C) at the surface of the burner without forced air draughts, is

[0006] Hence, there is a long felt but unresolved need for a system, which
generates intense heat without generation of soot. Moreover, there is a need for a
system, which generates intense heat for prolonged periods using smaller
quantities of fuel. Furthermore, there is a need for a system, which generates
intense heat (greater than 600°C) at the surface of the burner without forced air


[0007] It is an object of the invention to provide a system, which generates
intense heat without generation of soot.

[0008] Yet another object of the invention is to provide a system, which

generates intense heat for prolonged periods using smaller quantities of gas fuel.

[0009] Another object of the invention is to provide a system, which generates

intense heat (greater than 600°C) at the surface of the burner without forced air

[0010] Another object of the invention is to provide a new radiant heat burner
designed in a desired shape which gives fuel feeding from below instead of side.
These burners can be clipped to expand to any size and the direction of fuel
feeding can be turned to any direction. Where heat also can be stripped for
balancing the heat which usually accumulates at the center for uniform heat
transfer. The new design is especially configured for internal combustion for right
air-fuel mix from below or above so that right air fuel mix can be calibrated &
configured from above through the vent system for internal combustion on natural
air draught.


[0011] This summary is provided to introduce a selection of concepts in a

simplified form that are further disclosed in the detailed description of the
invention. This summary is not intended to identify key or essential inventive
concepts of the claimed subject matter, nor is it intended for determining the
scope of the claimed subject matter.
[0012] The internal combustion system on natural air draught, disclosed herein,
addresses the above-mentioned need for a system, which generates intense heat
without generation of soot. Moreover, the invention addresses the need for a
system, which generates intense heat for prolonged periods using smaller
quantities of gas fuel. Furthermore, the invention addresses the need for a system,
which generates intense heat (greater than 600°C) at the surface of the burner
without forced air draught.

[0013] The internal combustion system on natural air draught for heating one or
more target objects comprises a support structure, a mother base, and one or more
radiant heat burners. The support structure comprises a first opening and a base
platform. The first opening is positioned on a top surface of the support structure.
The base platform is configured to house the one or more radiant heat burners and
the support structure is configured to house themother base. The mother baseis
positioned on the base platform of the support structure and comprises a top
opening, an interior cavity, and a bottom opening. The top opening is configured
to conform to the first opening of the support structure. The interior cavity extends
between the top opening and a bottom opening of the mother base. Further, the
interior cavity is configured to receive heat generated by the one or more radiant
heat burners and supports the one or more target objects. The bottom opening of
the mother base isconfigured vertically over the one or more radiant heat burners.
The one or more radiant heat burners are configured to receive a fuel and a natural
draught of air. A vent supplies the natural draught of air to ignite the fuel to
generate heat for heating the one or more target objects.

[0014] The internal combustion system on natural air draught can attain peak
temperatures higher than 600 °C at the surface of burner with natural air draught
mechanism. Handling peak temperatures are an extremely challenging task as
there are considerable safety risks. The internal combustion system on natural air
draught has better energy efficiency as these devices do not produce any carbon
soot. Generation of carbon soot is the major problem in present technologies
working with charcoal and gas fuels. The generation of carbon soot is an
indication that the fuel is not being combusted properly, hence combustion
efficiency is not optimum.Theinternal combustion system on natural air draught
allows heating using all the valuable properties of charcoal while mitigating all
the problem areas associated with charcoal. The value property of charcoal is the
generation of convection cum radiant heat, which gets generated by burning
charcoal as it contains Far Infra-Red Rays (FIRR). These rays operate at a
frequency of 300 GHz to 30THz, whereas Microwave and Induction Rays operate
at a frequency of 300 MHZ to 300GHz. FIRR is a very potent energy as it
produces uniform heat across the target object. Whereas the bad properties of
charcoal including longer preparation time for combustion, emission of smoke, fly
ash, non-regulatable heat, skill in handling the charcoal and not amenable to
automation are mitigated. The above innovation completely addresses the problem
areas of charcoal and provides only the valuable property of charcoal. Further,
theinternal combustion system on natural air draught reduces the ambient heat not
only by bringing energy efficiency but without producing any carbon soot. Thus,
the innovation qualifies again to become the clean energy in this sector. These
features take the application beyond Tandoori Oven as the temperatures generated
is compatible for melting metals, producing heated air inside by drawing the air
from outside instead of using the air from inside based on natural air draught.


[0015] The foregoing summary, as well as the following detailed description of

the invention, is better understood when read in conjunction with the appended
drawings. For the purpose of illustrating the invention, exemplary constructions of
the invention are shown in the drawings. However, the invention is not limited to
the specific methods and structures disclosed herein. The description of a method
step or a structure referenced by a numeral in a drawing is applicable to the
description of that method step or structure shown by that same numeral in any
subsequent drawing herein.
[0016] FIG. 1 exemplarily illustrates a perspective view of an internal
combustion system on natural air draught.

[0017] FIG. 2 exemplarily illustrates a perspective view of radiant heat burners

housed in a supporting structure of an internal combustion system on natural air

[0018] FIG. 3 exemplarily illustrates a perspective view of a mother base of an

internal combustion system on natural air draught.

[0019] FIG. 4 exemplarily illustrates a perspective view of a mother base

configured in a heat treatment booth.

[0020] FIG. 5 exemplarily illustrates an exploded view of a mother base

configured in a heat treatment booth.

[0021] FIG. 6 exemplarily illustrates a perspective view of a mother base

configured in an idli cooker.

[0022] FIG. 7 exemplarily illustrates an exploded view of a mother base

configured in an idli cooker.

[0023] FIG. 8 exemplarily illustrates a perspective view of an embodiment of an

internal combustion system on natural air draught.

[0024] FIG. 9 exemplarily illustrates an exploded view of an embodiment of an

internal combustion system on natural air draught.
[0025] FIG. 10 exemplarily illustrates an exploded view of a radiant heat
burnerof an internal combustion system on natural air draught.

[0026] FIG. 11 exemplarily illustrates an exploded view of a radiant heat

burnerof an internal combustion system on natural air draught.

[0027] FIG. 12 exemplarily illustrates an assembled view of a radiant heat

burnerof an internal combustion system on natural air draught.

[0028] FIG. 13 exemplarily illustrates an exploded view of a radiant heat

burnerof an internal combustion system on natural air draught.

[0029] FIG. 14 exemplarily illustrates an assembled view of a radiant heat

burnerof an internal combustion system on natural air draught.

[0030] FIG. 15 exemplarily illustrates an exploded view of a radiant heat

burnerof an internal combustion system on natural air draught.


[0031] FIG. 1 exemplarily illustrates a perspective view of an internal

combustion system on natural air draughtlOO. The internal combustion system on
natural air draughtlOO for heating one or more target objects comprises a support
structure 101, a mother basel02, and one or more radiant heat burners 103. As
used herein, the term "target objects" refer to edible foods, metals, water, etc. The
internal combustion system on natural air draughtlOO, disclosed herein,
essentially works on radiant heat generated from multiple fuel sources, for
example, gas fuels like liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), Natural Gas, Bio-
Methane/Bio Gas, other combustible gases, etc. Further, the internal combustion
system on natural air draughtlOO works on a supply of natural draught of air
rather than forced air draught. As used herein, "forced air draught" refers to a
process where a fan powered by a motor pumps external air into a system. In
combustion, this system is used as air containing oxygen is the essential
component for combustion of a solid, liquid, and gas fuel. Further, as used herein,
"natural air draught" refers to a process where available air is supplied to a system
with or without a vent system. Natural air draught is preferred in external
combustion as air is readily available. Alternately, in an internal combustion
application, forced air draught is preferred but consumes more power or
sometimes requires supply of pressurized oxygen. Since the internal combustion
system on natural air draughtlOO works on natural air draught and generates heat
greater than when compared to applications using forced air draught, power
savings are huge.

[0032] In existing gasfuel burners, combustion leads to flame which is blue in

color, when enough oxygen is available in the air, or else, it turns into reddish
orange color with carbon soot, which is a sign that fuel is not utilized to optimum
level as its falling short of oxygen level. In an embodiment, the support structure
lOlof the internal combustion system on natural air draughtlOO comprises a first
opening 101a and a base platform 101b. The first opening 101a is positioned on a
top surface 101c of the support structure 101. The base platform 101b is
configured to house one or more radiant heat burners 103. The support structure
101 is configured to house themother basel02.In an embodiment, the mother
basel02 is a cylindrical or cuboidal oven or furnace.As used herein, the "mother
base" 102 is a heat resistant chamber externally coated with one or more
insulation layers. As such, the "mother base" is configurable in different shapes
and sizes based on the application requirement. For instance, the mother base 102
may be configured as a cooking range, a Hot Plate, Braising/Tilting Pan, Pizza
Oven, Tandoor, Barbeque, Multi-Purpose Barbeque, Idli Steamer, Coffee Bean
Roasting Machine, Steam Boiler, Heat Treatment Booth, Combi-Oven, Bakery
Oven, Thermic Fluid Heater, Furnace, etc.
[0033] The "mother base" device is provided with a radiant heat gas burnerl03
and vent system 104 which can be fitted into any device of any dimension and
size, from any side. The installation of the mother base 102 transforms a gas
burner system from external combustion to internal combustion of gas fuel. The
mother basel02 is so potent that it has potential to use the available natural air
draught as far as possible and the balance needed air-fuel mix can be fed with
least forced draught if necessary. For most applications, the required heat is
generated using natural air draught. The motherbasel02 is the base platform,
which can get fitted to cooking range, hot plate, steam boiler, Heat Treament
booth, etc., and transform an external combustion heat format to internal
combustion heat format on gas fuel. While working on the mother base 102 into
any system one can experience, while combustion, the phenomenon of rigid air
and warm air moving inside and outside in the same vent systeml04. This
phenomenon is not only capable of entrapping heat but also increases the energy
efficiency by reducing heat dissipation. In the preferred embodiment, the support
structure 101 comprises multiple legs with each leg having castor wheels for
easier transportation of the internal combustion system on natural air draughtlOO.
The radiant heat burner 103 is as defined in patent application 3397/CHE/2012
dated 17th August 2012 and patent application 2180/CHE/2014 dated 30th April
2014and incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. In an embodiment, the
internal combustion system on natural air draughtlOO has option to be based on
external combustion with obstruction or internal combustion with or without
obstruction, where it is fitted with a non-return valve for improved safety and

[0034] The external combustion with obstruction is a process where the radiant
heat burners 103 derive its air-fuel mix from the open atmosphere. Alternately, the
internal combustion is with or without obstruction where the radiant heat burners
103 are placed inside a closed chamber, and air fuel system is based on natural air
draught by means of a vent 104 as exemplarily illustrated in FIG. 1. The radiant
heat burners 103 have a higher thermal efficiency and generate convection cum
radiant heat just like heat generated by charcoal.The mother basel02 is positioned
on the base platform 101b of the support structurelOl vertically above the outlet
of the radiant heat burners 103. The interior of the mother basel02 receives the
heat generated by the radiant heat burners 103. The interior of the mother basel02
is heated to temperatures as high as 600°C at the surface of the burner. Any target
object, for example, foods, metals, etc., can be heated as required. The heat within
can be varied as per the target object being heated or according to the preference
of the operator. The natural draught of air is supplied by a vent 104 to ignite the
fuel supplied to the radiant heat burners 103 as disclosed in the patent application
3397/CHE/2012 dated 17th August 2012 and patent application 2180/CHE/2014
dated 30th April 2014.

[0035] The size and shape of the ventl04 varies from application to application.
The vent 104 is configured in, for example, a rectangular, square, circular,
irregular, or other configuration depending on heat format which need to be given.
Alternately, the vent 104 may also assume a venturi configuration, a reverse
venturi configuration, a convergent configuration, a divergent configuration, etc.
As used herein, "Venturi" refers to a principle to drag air from big parcel to a
small area either by forced draught or natural draught which is there in
combustion process for a burner. There are no tubes at the bottom except for
theradiant heat burners 103 placed in an airtight environment. The internal
combustion of gas fuel in the radiant heat burners 103 is horizontal flame instead
of vertical flame. Further, the radiant heat through gas fuel is flameless,
smokeless, noiseless which is evenly spread across, whereas the blue flame is
pressurized centric flame. The gas pressure used in the radiant heat burners 103
are very low compared to existing heating systems which work at high pressure.
This lowers the risk factor and allows the internal combustion system on natural
air draughtlOO to generate intense heat albeit safely.

[0036] The thermal efficiency of commercial LPG radiant heat burnersl03

under IS 14612 is at 68.9% as against the existing burners ranging between 36-
45%. The shape and size of the ventl04 is created based on a mathematical model
which considers different parameters, for example, pressure of gas, specific
gravity of gas, surface area of burning, calorific heat needed, air fuel-mix balance,
maximum - minimum heat cut of balance, design and shape of burner needed,
placing of burner at top, bottom or at sides, etc. Depending on the requirement of
a user the design of the ventl04 based on said mathematical model is created. The
gas inlet for the radiant heat burners 103 is placed inside the chamber at top,
bottom, side or at any angle. The vent 104 provides a perfect air-fuel mix on
natural draught for optimum consumption to reach a desired temperature when
ignited. In an embodiment, the vent 104 is positioned at a distance from the
internal combustion system on natural air draught 100. The vent 104 may be
positioned at such a place that the internal combustion system on natural air
draught 100 does not extract and use air from the same room where cooking is

[0037] FIG. 2 exemplarily illustrates a perspective view of radiant heat burners

103 housed in a supporting structure 101 of an internal combustion system on
natural air draughtlOO. In an embodiment, the support structure 101 is a cuboidal
structure made of 20G Stainless Steel sheets. The frame of the support structure
101 without the stainless-steel sheets are shown in FIG. 2. The base platform
101b is configured to house the radiant heat burners 103. In an embodiment, the
radiant heat burners 103 are of dimensions 20mmX6mm. The support structure
101 is configured to house themother basel02, exemplarily illustrated in FIGS. 1
and 3 . In an embodiment, the height of the support structure is approximately
900mm, the length is about 950mm, and the width is about 780mm. In an
embodiment, the mother basel02 is configured in multiple geometrical
configurations, for example, hollow cuboidal configuration, hollow cylindrical
configuration, hollow spherical configuration, etc., based on user preference or
application requirements. For ease of transportation of the internal combustion
system on natural air draughtlOO, the apparatus is provided with heavy duty castor
wheels lOld having brakes as exemplarily illustrated in FIG. 2.
[0038] In an embodiment, the radiant heat burner 103 is made up of a metal
casing. Further, a metal mesh or a ceramic material is provided on a top surface of
the radiant heat burner 103 for efficient heating. The size and geometrical
configuration of the radiant heat burner 103 may be varied based on user
preference or the intended application. For instance, the size of the radiant heat
burner 103 may be made equivalent to the size of the mother basel02.
Additionally, the radiant heat burners 103 may be of a cuboidal configuration,
cylindrical configuration, etc. The radiant heat burner 103 may be fitted with
accessories, for example, flame failure device, auto ignition device, timer and
temperature control device, etc., based on the application or user preference. The
internal combustion system on natural air draught 100 may also be fitted with
sensors and data transmission devices for use in internet of things (IoT)
applications,whose functioning can be monitored and controlled remotely using
smartphones or other electronic devices.

[0039] FIG. 3 exemplarily illustrates a perspective view of a mother basel02 of

an internal combustion system on natural air draughtlOO. As shown, the mother
basel02 comprises a top opening 102a, an interior cavity 102b, and a bottom
opening 102c. The top opening 102a is configured to conform to the first opening
101a of the support structure 101, exemplarily illustrated in FIG. 1. The interior
cavity 102b extends between the top opening 102a and a bottom opening 102b of
the mother basel02. The interior cavity 102b is configured to receive heat
generated by the one or more radiant heat burners. Further, the interior cavity
102b is configured to support the one or more target objects. The bottom opening
102c of the mother basel02 is configured vertically over the one or more radiant
heat burners 103 as exemplarily illustrated in FIG. 1. The one or more radiant heat
burners is configured to receive a fuel and a natural draught of air. The mother
basel02 is made of materials, for example, clay, metal, ceramic, etc. The mother
basel02 is first covered with a layer of heat resistant material. A metal mesh or
other suitable material holds the heat resistant material which is built around the
mother basel02.

[0040] A metal sheet covers the mother basel02 with a gap to fill the mother
basel02 with materials which prevents dissipation of heat. The mother base is
totally insulated and retains heat efficiently. Moreover, the mother basel02 is
further enclosed by the support structure 101 as exemplarily illustrated in FIG. 1.
The heat entrapped inside the mother basel02 can be used for making Indian
kebabs, Indian breads, etc. This format is also useful for other industrial heat
applications, for example, smelting of metals, forging, blacksmith, etc. In an
embodiment, the heat can be measured and controlled by automatic timer &
temperature control system. It is also amenable for modern smart technologies, in
which temperatures of the mother basel02 can be monitored remotely or on an
electronic device, for example, a smart phone, a tablet, a mobile device, a
computer, a laptop, etc. the internal combustion system on natural air draught 100
can also be configured to have an auto ignition feature which can be actuated
remotely or at a preset time. In another embodiment, a flame failure device may
be installed as an accessory. The flame failure device is configured to disconnect
gas supply if the flame goes off accidentally or if there is a gas leakage from the
gas supply. The internal combustion system on natural air draught 100 also finds
applications in central heating systems and district heating systems in the air
conditioning sector.

[0041] FIG. 4 exemplary illustrates a perspective view of a mother base

configured as a heat treatment booth 400. FIG. 5 exemplary illustrates an
exploded view of the mother base configured as a heat treatment booth400. The
heat treatment booth 400 comprises a door 401 and a vacuum tube 402. The top,
front, side, and rear panels 403 are provided to house the perforated sheets 405.
The vent 404 provides a continuous supply of natural draught air to the heat
treatment booth 400. Conventional commercial heat equipment working on gas
fuels, for example, a Cooking Range, Hot Plate, Steam Boiler, HeatTreatment
booth etc. works on external combustion producing vertical or linear blue flame.
In such cases, the heat equipment derives the air-fuel mix from atmosphere either
by forced draught or natural draught with thermal efficiency ranging from 30-45%
under IS 14612. The first innovative heat equipment on gas fuel like a Cooking
Range, Hot Plate, Steam Boiler, Heat Treatment booth etc. works on external
combustion producing horizontal radiant heat, from any direction, deriving its air-
fuel mix from atmosphere by natural draught with thermal efficiency higher than
conventional burner system under IS 14612. The radiant heat from these devices
can be obstructed without creating backfiring. The internal combustion system on
natural air draught 100 converts existing heat equipment on gas fuel like a
Cooking Range, Hot Plate, Steam Boiler, Heat Treatment booth etc., which earlier
worked on external combustion to a heating equipment working on internal
combustion thereby producing horizontal radiant heat, from any direction,
deriving its air-fuel mix from the atmosphere by natural air draught. As such, the
thermal efficiency of the present innovation is higher than conventional burner
system under IS 14612. Furthermore, the radiant heat from these devices can be
obstructed without creating backfiring.

[0042] FIG. 6 exemplarily illustrates a perspective view of a mother base 102

configured in an idli cooker. FIG. 7 exemplarily illustrates an exploded view of a
mother base 102 configured in an idlicooker. In accordance with an embodiment,
the internal combustion system on natural air draught 100 is implemented as an
idli cooker as exemplarily illustrated in FIGS. 6-7. The internal combustion
system on natural air draught 100 comprises a support structure 101, a mother
base 102, one or more radiant burners 103, and vents 104. The mother base 102 is
detachably attached to a lower portion of the internal combustion system on
natural air draught 100. The internal combustion system on natural air draught 100
may further be provided with a heat adjustment knob 701 and an automatic
ignition kit 702.
[0043] FIG. 8 exemplarily illustrates a perspective view of an embodiment of an
internal combustion system on natural air draught 100. FIG. 9 exemplarily
illustrates an exploded view of an embodiment of an internal combustion system
on natural air draught 100. The internal combustion system on natural air draught
100 comprises a support structure 101, a mother base 102, one or more radiant
burners 103, and vents 104. The internal combustion system on natural air draught
100 further comprises a heat adjustment knob 801 as exemplarily illustrated in
FIG. 8 . The support structure 101 may comprise an L-angle support member or
the like. A pressure valve 902 is mounted on the top sheet 901 of the internal
combustion system on natural air draught 100. The top sheet 901 further
comprises a flange 903. The top sheet 901 is configured to accommodate a boiler
pipe 904 housed within a rectangular container 906. Water for the boiler is
supplied from a water tank 907 via a water flange 908. The water level within the
rectangular container 906 is indicated using the water level indicator 905. The
flange 909 is configured to align with the flange 903 provided on the top sheet
901. The radiant heat burner 103 is configured to provide the necessary heat for
boiling the water within the rectangular container 906. The radiant heat burner
103 may be designed in any desired shape which provides fuel feeding from
below instead of side. As such, the radiant heat burners 103 may be clipped to
expand to any size and the direction of fuel feeding may be turned to any direction
where heat also can be stripped for balancing the heat which usually accumulates
at the center for uniform heat transfer. The innovative design is especially
configured for internal combustion for right air-fuel mix from below or above so
that right air fuel mix can be calibrated & configured from above through the vent
104 system for optimal heating.

[0044] FIG. 10 exemplarily illustrates an exploded view of a radiant heat

burnerl03of an internal combustion system on natural air draughtlOO. The radiant
heat burner 103 comprises a ceramic plate 1001 attached to a bottom assembly.
The ceramic plate 1001 is attached to the bottom assembly and enclosed within L-
angles 1002 and 1003. The ceramic plate 1001 is heated to high temperatures. The
heated ceramic plate 1001 transfers heat via Infra red (IR)radiation.

[0045] FIG. 11 exemplarily illustrates an exploded view of a radiant heat

burnerl03 of an internal combustion system on natural air draughtlOO. The
radiant heat burner 103 comprises an outer body 1101, a perforated sheet 1102, a
perforated sleeve 1103, and a feed pipe 1104. In an embodiment, the radiant heat
burner 103 is configured in sizes such as 6-inch radiant burner, 8-inch, and 10-
inch radiant burners.

[0046] FIG. 12 exemplarily illustrates an assembled view of a radiant heat

burnerl03 of an internal combustion system on natural air draughtlOO. The
radiant heat burner 103 comprises an outer body 1201 and a ceramic plate 1202.
The ceramic plate 1202 is attached to the bottom assembly. The ceramic plate
1202 is heated to high temperatures and transfers heat via Infra red (IR)radiation.

[0047] FIG. 13 exemplarily illustrates an exploded view of a radiant heat

burnerl03 of an internal combustion system on natural air draughtlOO. The
radiant heat burner 103 comprises L-angles 1301 and 1302. Further, the radiant
heat burner 103 comprises a perforated sheet 1303 and a perforated sleeve 1304.
The feed pipe 1305 is configured to supply fuel (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) to the
radiant heat burner 103. In an embodiment, the radiant heat burner 103 is
configured in sizes such as 6-inch radiant burner, 8-inch, and 10-inch radiant

[0048] FIG. 14 exemplarily illustrates an assembled view of a radiant heat

burnerl03 of an internal combustion system on natural air draughtlOO. In an
embodiment, the radiant heat burner 103 is configured as a circular radiant heat
burner 103. The radiant heat burner 103 comprises an outer body 1401 and a
ceramic plate 1402. The ceramic plate 1402 is attached to the bottom assembly.
The ceramic plate 1402 is heated to high temperatures and transfers heat via Infra
red (IR) radiation.

[0049] FIG. 15 exemplarily illustrates an exploded view of a radiant heat

burnerl03of an internal combustion system on natural air draughtlOO. The
circular radiant heat burner 103 comprises a top cover 1501, a pipe 1502, a venturi
cup 1503, a perforated mesh 1504, and a tapered pipe 1505. The perforated mesh
1504 prevents leakage of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). The top cover 1501 is
configured to seat a vessel that is to be heated. LPG fuel is supplied to the radiant
heat burner 103 via the pipe 1502, the tapered pipe 1505, and the venturi cup
1503. Moreover, the radiant heat burner 103 may be configured in different sizes
to seat vessels of a plurality of sizes.

[0050] The foregoing examples have been provided merely for the purpose of
explanation and are in no way to be construed as limiting of the internal
combustion system on natural air draughtlOO, disclosed herein. While the internal
combustion system on natural air draughtlOO has been described with reference to
various embodiments, it is understood that the words, which have been used
herein, are words of description and illustration, rather than words of limitation.
Further, although the internal combustion system on natural air draughtlOO has
been described herein with reference to particular means, materials, and
embodiments, the internal combustion system on natural air draughtlOO is not
intended to be limited to the particulars disclosed herein; rather, the internal
combustion system on natural air draughtlOO extends to all functionally
equivalent structures, methods and uses, such as are within the scope of the
appended claims. Those skilled in the art, having the benefit of the teachings of
this specification, may effect numerous modifications thereto and changes may be
made without departing from the scope and spirit of the internal combustion
system on natural air draughtlOO disclosed herein in their aspects.

I Claim:

1. An internal combustion system on natural air draught for heating one or more
target objects, the internal combustion system on natural air draught

a base platform configured to house one or more radiant heat burners;

amother base positioned on the base platform, the mother

basecomprisingan interior cavity configured to receive heat generated by
the one or more radiant heat burners, and wherein the interior cavity of
the mother base is configured to support the one or more target objects;

the one or more radiant heat burners configured to receive a fuel and a
natural draught of air from below or above the one or more radiant heat
burners, the natural draught of air supplied by a vent to provide an
optimum air-fuel mix to ignite the fuel, wherein the one or more radiant
heat burners generate heat for heating the one or more target objects.

The internal combustion system on natural air draught of claim 1, wherein the
mother base is selected from the group consisting of cooking range, hot plate,
braising/tilting pan, pizza Oven, tandoor, barbeque, a multi-purpose barbeque,
a steam boiler, a heat Treatment Booth, a combi-oven, a bakery oven, thermic
fluid heater, and a furnace.
The internal combustion system on natural air draught as claimed in claim 1,
wherein the one or more target objects comprise one of a food material, a
metal, a heating medium, and a cooling medium.

The internal combustion system on natural air draught as claimed in claim 1,

wherein the mother base is of a refractory material.

The internal combustion system on natural air draught as claimed in claim 1,

wherein the mother base is coated externally with one or more layers of
insulation material to prevent dissipation of heat.

The internal combustion system on natural air draught as claimed in claim 1,

wherein the mother base is of a geometrical configuration selected from the
group consisting of a hollow cylindrical configuration, a hollow cuboidal
configuration, and any other shape based on user preference.

The internal combustion system on natural air draught as claimed in claim 1,

wherein the fuel is selected from the group consisting of a liquefied
petroleum gas (LPG), Natural Gas, Bio-Methane gas, and any other
Combustible Gas.
INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT International application No.



F 2 4 C 3 /08 Version=2018 .0 1

According to International Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and IPC
Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols)

F 2 4 C3 , F2 3C6 .

Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent tha such documents are included in the fields searched

Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicabl

Google Patents, IPO Internal Database , Espacenet.


Category" Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, o f the relevant passages Relevant to claim N o


[16.05.1978] [ 1 6 May 1978] Abstract.
Column 0 1 line 5 1 to column 0 4 line 04.
Figure- 03,05.

JP 4949576 B 2 [MURASE ROKOGYO ET . A L .] 1-7

[13.06.2012] [13 Jun 2012] Description.
Figure -01,04,05.

US 3217634 A [FOX, William P] [16.11.1965] [16 1-7

1965] Column 0 1 Paragraph 0 4 to paragraph 07.
Figure - 01,04-07,09.

US 3237679 A [THERMAL ENGR. CORP] [01.03.1966] 1-7

[01 Mar 1966] Column 0 1 line 5 7 to column 02 line
33 .
Column 03 line 2 4 to line 36.
Column 0 4 line 1 0 to line 16.
Figure - 01,02.

Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C See patent family annex.
* Special categories of ked documents: " later document published after the international filing date or priority
"A" document defining the general of the art which is not considered date and no in conflict with the application but cited to understand
to be of particular relevance the principle or theory underlying the invention
Έ ; earlier application or patent bu published on or after the international "X" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be
filing date considered novel or cannot be considered to involve a inventive
"L" document which may throw doubts on priority claim(s) or which is step when the document is taken a!one
cited to establish the publication date of another citation or other Y" document of particular relevance; d claimed invention cannot be
special reason (as specified)
considered to involve an inventive step whe the document is
"O" docu e t referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or other co b ned with one or more other such documents, such combination
means being obvious to a person skilled in the art
"P document p lished prior to the international filing date but later than document member of the same pate family
the priority date claimed
Date of the actual completion of the international search Date of mailing of the international search report
24-09-2018 24-09-2018

Name and mailing address of the ISA/ Authorized officer

Indian Patent Office Ravindra Nath Choudhary
Plot No. 32, Sector 1 ,Dwarka, New Delhi-110075
Facsimile No. Telephone No. +91-1125300200
Form P T/ SA/210 (second sheet) (January 2015)

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