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Australasian Plant Pathol.

(2013) 42:43–51
DOI 10.1007/s13313-012-0178-7

Taxonomic uncertainty and decision making for biosecurity:

spatial models for myrtle/guava rust
J. Elith & J. Simpson & M. Hirsch & M. A. Burgman

Received: 22 March 2012 / Accepted: 14 November 2012 / Published online: 16 December 2012
# Australasian Plant Pathology Society Inc. 2012

Abstract The causal agent of myrtle rust, initially described uncertainty. We could find no published example where
as Uredo rangelii, was recorded in Australia for the first taxonomic uncertainty was evaluated in biosecurity plan-
time in 2010. Much of the monitoring effort in Australia and ning, despite the fact that taxonomic uncertainties are com-
elsewhere is driven by existing understanding of Puccinia mon. We outline how to model such uncertainties and
psidii sensu lato (guava rust), because U. rangelii is part of discuss methods for exploring them and their impacts on
the guava rust complex. Bioclimatic analyses for guava rust predicted distributions.
in Australia indicate highest risk along the eastern coast,
from northern Queensland to the south coast of NSW. These Keywords Biosecurity . Eucalyptus rust . Guava rust .
analyses rely on native and invaded range records for Species distribution models
Puccinia psidii sensu lato. However, models that are instead
fitted to records representing U. rangelii emphasise different
risk areas, with less focus on northern coastal Queensland Introduction
and new predictions into NSW tablelands and north-eastern
Victoria. These differences have important implications for The rust species Puccinia psidii (Guava rust) was described
biosecurity containment and monitoring efforts. Here we from Psidium guajava, or guava, in Brazil in 1884 and
use this example as a case study to explore the implications reported on non-native eucalypts in the same region by
of taxonomic uncertainty for predictions of the potential Joffily (1944). It was restricted to South and Central
distribution of a species of biosecurity concern in America and the Caribbean until its appearance in Florida in
Australia. The important message is that the different pat- 1977 (Marlatt and Kimbrough 1979). Apart from two unusual
terns implied by different taxonomic assumptions may have reports in Taiwan and South Africa (detailed in Glen et al.
very different management implications and taxonomic un- 2007) and unconfirmed reports from Indonesia of a Puccinia
certainty should be evaluated alongside other sources of species on eucalypts (Hardiyanto and Tridasa 2000), there was
no evidence of spread to other countries until it was discov-
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article ered in Hawaii in 2005 (Killgore and Heu 2007). Once there, it
(doi:10.1007/s13313-012-0178-7) contains supplementary material, spread quickly (Loope and La Rosa 2008).
which is available to authorized users. Puccinia psidii has a large and varied host range
J. Elith (*) : M. A. Burgman (Carnegie and Lidbetter 2012; Morin et al. 2012) and some-
Australian Centre of Excellence for Risk Analysis, times has substantial impacts on infected species (Glen et al.
School of Botany, University of Melbourne, 2007; Carnegie and Cooper 2011; Morin et al. 2012). Guava
Parkville 3010, Australia
rust has long been viewed as a biosecurity threat to Australia
(Grgurinovic et al. 2006; Simpson et al. 2006; Glen et al.
J. Simpson 2007; Old 2007) because of its potential impacts on a broad
15 Sprent St, range on Myrtaceae, and the diversity and importance of
Narrabundah 2604, Australia
these species in Australian ecosystems. The rust has been
M. Hirsch considered a significant risk for entry and establishment in
CSIRO, Canberra, Australia Australia because of its rapid spread in Hawaii, and because,
44 J. Elith et al.

like other Puccinia species that have established and spread morphological and ecological sources (Schlick-Steiner et al.
(Wellings et al. 1987), it has adherent urediniospores that 2010). However, it can have urgent practical importance, as
may attach to the clothing of travellers, traded commodities exemplified in the case of the recent incursion by myrtle/
or containers (Glen et al. 2007). Most spatial models for the guava rust into Australia (Carnegie et al. 2010b). Spatial
species’ potential distribution in Australia emphasised hab- predictions for the species guide the deployment of resour-
itat centred in coastal Queensland, extending from Cape ces and the development of containment and surveillance
York to coastal New South Wales, near Sydney (Booth et strategies. Most of these rely, at least in part, on known
al. 2000; Magarey et al. 2007; Glen et al. 2007; Booth and locations of the species in its native range (Venette et al.
Jovanovic 2012). 2010). We use this incursion as a case study, and propose
There are a number of synonyms for P. psidii and its alternative scenarios that illustrate how scientists might deal
anamorph Uredo psidii (Simpson et al. 2006), and some with taxonomic uncertainty when managing invasive taxa. If
complexity in the taxonomy of related anamorphs. Simpson the circumscription of U. rangelii is correct in the sense that
et al. (2006) distinguished U. rangelii from P. psidii and its it is informative about the pathogens’ ecology and habitat,
anamorph, U. psidii. The specific status of U. rangelii is based then the data used to predict the species distribution in
on the presence of a tonsure and differences in size, shape and Australia should be a subset of the data for the P. psidii
wall thickness of the urediniospores (Simpson et al. 2006). complex. Alternatively, if U. rangelii does not have unique
Langrell et al. (2008) described a molecular diagnostic tech- genetic composition and ecological behaviour, then the full
nique for P. psidii and Zhong et al. (2008) developed micro- data set for P. psidii is a more appropriate source for a
satellite markers. Molecular phylogenetic analyses of U. model. Since most data on the P. psidii complex does not
rangelii and other taxa in the P. psidii complex have provided differentiate between component species, and because infor-
a different viewpoint to the morphometric analyses, placing U. mation on the specific impacts of U. rangelii are unavail-
rangelii within the P. psidii complex (Carnegie et al. 2010a). able, to date most monitoring and surveillance advice has
Uredo rangelii was recorded in Australia for the first time in relied on knowledge about P. psidii sensu lato, the broad
2010 (Carnegie et al. 2010b). Teliospores of the introduced circumscription that subsumes U. rangelii.
rust have been reported, prompting questions about the appro- In this example of decision making under uncertainty,
priateness of the rust’s placement in the genus Uredo managers need to decide whether to assume P. psidii sensu
(Carnegie and Cooper 2011). Indeed, Carnegie and Cooper lato is an appropriate taxonomy, or to discriminate the taxa
(2011) recommend that the common name myrtle rust be and assume U. rangelii has entered Australia. There are a
discontinued for the introduced rust in Australia, and it be number of ways of solving this problem. Decision makers
recognized as a member of the eucalypt/guava rust complex may take the most likely, or the most broadly supported
instead. We will refer to it throughout this paper as myrtle/ option. Alternatively, they may select the option that max-
guava rust primarily as a reminder of the taxonomic uncer- imises expected return. This can be found by combining the
tainty for which this system provides a useful case study. probabilities of each of several possible states of the world
Taxonomic disagreements based on interpretations of with the outcomes that would result if the world turns out to
morphometric and genetic data are commonplace. Both be in that state (e.g., Costello and Polasky 2008). If decision
genetic and morphological approaches may fail to correctly makers choose either of these options, they expose them-
discriminate species, or may separate entities that turn out selves to failure if the alternative turns out to be true. A third
not to be justified (Schlick-Steiner et al. 2010). Species decision option is to make decisions that result in satisfac-
delimitations are essentially theoretical constructs that re- tory outcomes, no matter which state of the world turns out
flect ecology, morphology or geneaology (Bock 1992; to be true. Simon et al. (1958) and Simon (1991) defined a
Mallet 2007), the interpretations of which are subjective robust strategy as a series of decisions that result in out-
(Schlick-Steiner et al. 2010). Even for sexually reproducing comes that are good enough, rather than optimal, but give a
species, reproductive isolation is an appropriate definition of satisfactory solution, no matter which possible state of the
species boundaries for only a subset of recognised taxonom- world is true.
ic entities. Many species of the genus Eucalyptus, for in- The purpose of this study is to explore the implications of
stance, readily form fertile hybrids. Species definitions are taxonomic uncertainty for the management of a new inva-
subject to change, revision and amalgamation as new evi- sive pathogen. We use the Australian incursion of myrtle/
dence accumulates. This form of uncertainty is essentially guava rust as an example, not to argue which taxonomic
linguistic, reflecting the indeterminacy of theoretical con- interpretation, data set or model is correct, but to highlight
cepts in science generally (Regan et al. 2002). the impact of taxonomic belief on modelled predictions. We
Ideally, taxonomic uncertainty is reconciled by the accu- present spatial models based on bioclimatic variables that
mulation of evidence, the revision of theories about species distinguish between the species concepts from a number of
and phylogenies and the synthesis of evidence from genetic, perspectives. We suggest strategies that can deal with
Taxonomic uncertainty and decision making for biosecurity 45

uncertainty, and discuss approaches that are robust to this candidate set (mean temperature of the wettest quarter)
uncertainty. because of its likely ecological relevance. This process led
to the selection of seven variables with pairwise Pearson’s
correlations less than 0.8 in the model training region shown
Methods in Fig. 1 (Table 2, Online Appendix 2). All variables were
unprojected (i.e., latitude and longitude in degrees, for in-
Models used to predict the potential distribution of an inva- stance WorldClim data—, with
sive species in a new region usually rely—at least in part— grid cell resolution of 2.5 min (approximately 5 km by
on records of that species in its native (and sometimes its 5 km).
invaded) range. For instance, the suite of methods termed
species distribution models (SDMs), bioclimatic models or Species data
ecological niche models (Elith and Leathwick 2009) use
some type of statistical model to estimate the relationship Our presence records were gathered from vouchered speci-
between records of the species and the environments in mens and records of colleagues (detailed in Online
which it has been recorded. These models can then be used Appendix 1). For most records, features that might separate
to predict distributions across continuous geographic U. rangelii from Puccinia records were not documented, so it
regions, including areas in which the species is currently is not possible to distinguish U. rangelii from P. psidii unam-
unknown. SDMs have been used to predict the potential biguously. We created five datasets that reflect five different,
distribution of guava rust (e.g. Booth et al. 2000). Related plausible interpretations of the distribution data (Table 1). In
models that rely on a mixture of expert knowledge, labora- doing so, we recognise that the basis for these groupings could
tory experiments and species locations (e.g. NAPPFAST, be debated and that future evidence might prove them wrong.
CLIMEX, and expert models tailored to available knowl- Our aim here is not to argue that the specific choices are
edge) have also been used for this species (Magarey et al. indisputable, but to create five distinct datasets with reasoning
2007; Kriticos and Leriche 2008; Booth and Jovanovic behind each, and to use these to model and predict. Our aim is
2012). Whilst there is ongoing debate about the most ap- to use these data as a test case to explore the effect of uncer-
propriate modelling methods for invasive species (Venette et tainty on modelled predictions. The first dataset, Uredo_10,
al. 2010), here we use only one method and focus instead on uses only records in which the discriminating tonsure has been
the question of how taxonomic uncertainty can impact pre- identified (Simpson et al. 2006; Pérez, pers.comm. 2010). The
dictions, and how decision makers may seek robust alter- second dataset, Uredo_27, assumes an additional 17 records
natives. This approach will apply in principle to all methods (none of which have been examined for the presence/absence
for species distribution modelling. of a tonsure) from the same general geographic region and
similar environments are in fact Uredo. The “similar environ-
Predictor variables ments” were identified by sorting all records on all available
climatic variables (one at a time) and finding that variable for
Urediniospore germination, infection and disease progres- which the Uredo_10 records were least spread through the
sion are most likely to occur under conditions when tem- sorted list. Mean temperature of the wettest quarter (tmean_-
perature is about 15–25 °C, humidity and leaf wetness are wetq, Table 2) achieved this and displayed a range of 13.9 °C
high and light intensity is low, and these conditions persist to 23.5 °C across the Uredo_10 records. The additional 17
for several hours (Ruiz et al. 1989; Glen et al. 2007; Zauza records were within this range, and from Brazil (14),
et al. 2010). Our approach to selecting the candidate varia- Argentina (2) and Uruguay (1). It is plausible that the spread
bles involved finding relevant available variables with glob- south into Uruguay and the cooler areas of Argentina origi-
al coverage (more precisely, those with data in all relevant nated from these areas of Brazil, and in relatively recent times.
regions), and choosing a subset consistent with ecological The third dataset, Puccinia_94 assumes all verified records
knowledge for this taxon. We then tested pairwise correla- are from a single taxonomic entity, Puccinia psidii. The
tions between the variables on random samples of locations remaining two datasets, Puccina_84 and Puccinia_67, make
in the regions on which the models were trained (see next more restrictive assumptions about the identity of records
section). Based on our experience using bioclimatic varia- accorded to Puccinia; these are simply Puccunia_94 without
bles for modeling, we preferred to avoid those variables Uredo_10 or Uredo_27 records. Therefore within this setup,
involving combinations of temperature and precipitation the total of 94 records are regarded as: all Puccinia
because the way they are constructed—relying on the iden- (Puccinia_94), divided on known attributes (Uredo_10 vs
tification of say a warmest month or quarter—can make it Puccinia_84), or divided on informed guesses of attributes
difficult to interpret results when predicting to new times (Uredo_27 vs Puccinia_67). This arrangement of the records
and places. However we did retain one such variable in the allows us to construct a series of predictive maps, each of
46 J. Elith et al.

Fig. 1 Location of records for

the species complex used in
these analyses. The main figure
shows locations for
Puccinia_84 excepting one in
Taiwan (Table 1). The inset
panel shows all records for
Uredo_27 as white circles with
black outlines; solid black
circles are superimposed on
these for the 10 tonsured
Uredo_10 records

which accords with a different interpretation of evidence, invaded ranges. We first ascertained, using the multivariate
thereby displaying the implications of taxonomic uncertainty environmental similarity surfaces (MESS maps) in MaxEnt
for the management of the invasion in Australia. (Elith et al. 2010), that most of Australia is climatically
similar to the countries from which we had data (Online
Modelling Appendix 4). Hence, we have evidence that the models do
not need to extrapolate in our regions of interest, which
We used MaxEnt (Phillips et al. 2006; Elith et al. 2011) enhances confidence in their predictions.
because it is appropriate for presence-only records such as Since MaxEnt is well described elsewhere, it is sufficient
these, it is widely used for modelling, and has settings that here to say that this method uses information from the
can be adjusted according to specific modelling problems presence records, a landscape (“background”) selected by
and data needs. For invasive species, SDM methods can fail the user, and environmental covariates, and fits a model that
if the climates in the area of interest (here, Australia) are minimises the relative entropy between the probability den-
substantially different to those in the native and current sity estimated for the presence records and that for the

Table 1 Five interpretations of presence records for U. rangelii and P. psidii

Database label Number of records Details

Uredo_10 10 The 10 records in which there is confirmation of a tonsure, the diagnostic characteristic of
U. rangelii—records are mostly restricted to Uruguay, with one record from a persistent
(well established) invasive population in Jamaica (Fig. 1).
Uredo_27 27 The records in Uredo_10 plus 17 records currently attributed to Puccinia from within the
same general geographic area as the Uredo records, and in similar environments (inset panel).
The environments were assessed by sorting all Uredo and Puccinia records on each of the
available predictor variables (see below), then selecting that variable (mean temperature of
the wettest quarter) for which the Uredo_10 records were most “clumped”—i.e. for which
they spanned the smallest proportion of that variable’s range. Any Brazilian, Uruguayan or
Argentinean records within the range spanned by Uredo were then included in the
Uredo_27 dataset.
Puccinia_94 94 All 94 Puccinia and Uredo records, in both native and invaded ranges. All but the Taiwanese
invasive Puccinia record are shown in Fig. 1 (across the map and the inset), and the locations
are tabulated in Online Appendix 1. This grouping is loosely referred to as Puccinia psidii sensu lato.
Puccinia_84 84 The data for Puccinia_94 omitting records in Uredo_10.
Puccinia_67 67 The data for Puccinia_94 omitting records in Uredo_27.
Taxonomic uncertainty and decision making for biosecurity 47

Table 2 Candidate predictor variables for the MaxEnt models

Name Explanation Source

tmax_max Maximum temperature of the warmest month Worldclim (

tmin_min Minimum temperature of the coldest month
tmean_wetq Mean temperature of the wettest quarter
prec_max Precipitation of the wettest month
prec_min Precipitation of the driest month

humidity Mean annual relative humidity. Data originally CRU, East Anglia, UK
at 0.5 °—resampled to match resolution of others (

aridity Aridity index0mean annual precipitation/mean annual potential CGIAR (

evapotranspiration. Data originally at 30 arcsec and resampled to 2.5 min

landscape (Elith et al. 2011). The model can be made more with one another. They indicate reduced suitability of the more
or less complex by choice of feature types (similar to data southerly regions in southern mainland Australia, Tasmania
transformations used in regression models—e.g. for model- and New Zealand but high suitability in parts of Indonesia,
ling quadratic responses), and by changing the regularisa- New Guinea and New Caledonia.
tion (smoothing) parameters for the model. The results The differences in these mapped predictions are driven
presented here are based on the following selections: (i) species by differences in the variables selected as important in
records from native and invaded ranges (Table 1) to give the determining the distributions, and the shapes of the fitted
best possible representation of suitable environments for the functions (Table 3 and Online Appendix 5). Whilst the
species, (ii) background from the countries or states in which results should be interpreted carefully for those datasets with
the species was recorded (Fig. 1); 10,000 samples placed very few presence records (Uredo_10 and Uredo_27) and
randomly but proportional to cell area (Elith et al. 2011); (iii) because some predictors are correlated with others (Online
only linear and quadratic features, because the smallest data set Appendix 2), a general pattern is that minimum temper-
(10 records) would not support more complexity. These deci- atures and minimum precipitation are most consistently
sions are based on experience using MaxEnt and will affect the chosen as important predictors. As the species data move
outcome, so Online Appendix 6 explores the effect of the away from the Uredo or Uredo-like records (i.e.
decisions about feature classes and candidate variables. Puccinia_67) maximum temperatures and mean tempera-
tures of the wettest quarter become more prominent.
Figure 3 shows the modelled responses for relationships
Results when only one variable, minimum monthly temperature, is in
the model. It clearly distinguishes different responses derived
We present and discuss predictions for Australasia and its from the Uredo_10 and the three Puccinia data sets drawn
northern neighbours (Fig. 2), but include world-wide results from significantly warmer temperatures. In situ experiments
in online appendices. The most restricted data set for U. may provide the information to evaluate whether this difference
rangelii, Uredo_10, displays the model for those specimens is a sampling effect, or is a real ecological phenomenon.
for which a diagnostic tonsure is recorded. It indicates a The models in Fig. 2 were created from records from
preferred habitat centered on NSW and extending into outside of Australia. The incursion provides an opportunity
southern Queensland, and with significant potential habitat (albeit so far, a limited one) to evaluate the model predic-
in the north island of New Zealand. tions. Details of two predictions are provided in Fig. 4,
Uredo_27 includes records from similar locations and envi- together with the locations of all records from within
ronments as Uredo_10, but generates a model for the rust Australia up until April 2011. We note that many of these
species’ habitat that extends further north in Australia and are from artificial environments such as nurseries and home
expands high predictions in the highlands of Papua New gardens. Since then it has extended as far north as
Guinea and Indonesia. With the selected settings, the only Rockhampton, Queensland, and in 2012 has been found in
models predicting high values in the south of Western Victoria, mostly around Port Phillip Bay (DPI 2012). Both
Australia are Uredo_27 and, to a lesser extent, Puccinia_94, models provide reasonable predictions for the invasive path-
though that result varies with other choices of candidate ogen, at least up until the point at which records were
variables and feature classes (Online Appendix 6). Models available for these analyses. The limitation to this evaluation
for Puccinia (Puccinia 94, 84 and 67) are roughly consistent is that, without knowledge of how the nurseries and
48 J. Elith et al.

Fig. 2 MaxEnt predictions for Uredo_10 Puccinia_94

the habitat of the Uredo/
Puccinia species complex in
Australia under five different
assumptions concerning the
observation data. The datasets
are detailed in Table 1

Uredo_27 Puccinia_84



gardeners modify their environments, it is difficult to assess Discussion

the true environments in those locations. The anomalies in
Fig. 4 (the two more inland records) are both records from The potential consequences of this disease for the flora of
nurseries to which the pathogen was transported by road, in Australia are substantial. It will have significant impacts on
consignments of infected host plants. The most robust eval- new growth of a very large number of indigenous species,
uation will be from established invasions in unmanaged including many rare, endangered and geographically re-
vegetation; in fact, a complete evaluation is not possible stricted taxa (Carnegie and Lidbetter 2012). All the spatial
until the species has spread to all suitable environments in models predict extensive potential habitat, no matter which
Australia (Elith et al. 2010). interpretation of the data is applied. Repeated damage to

Table 3 Percent contribution (permutation importance) of each of the described in its accompanying tutorial. The two most important vari-
explanatory variables (rows) for each of the five models (columns; see ables in each model are in bold type, as identified by a relatively high
text for details). Values calculated within the MaxEnt program, as value for both measures

Uredo_10 Uredo_27 Puccinia_94 Puccinia_84 Puccinia_67

prec_min 50 (80) 11 (1) 25 (13) 22 (11) 17 (5)

prec_max 0 (0) 1 (0) 7 (24) 8 (19) 11 (18)
tmin_min 38 (19) 70 (82) 20 (14) 21 (16) 14 (13)
tmax_max 6 (1) 1 (1) 11 (18) 12 (32) 13 (26)
tmean_wetq 0 (0) 7 (2) 8 (8) 8 (11) 14 (30)
aridity 5 (0) 5 (12) 6 (23) 3 (13) 7 (8)
humidity 1 (0) 7 (2) 24 (1) 26 (0) 25 (0)
Taxonomic uncertainty and decision making for biosecurity 49

While the predictions of the MaxEnt model are consistent

with the incursion data to date, the predictions in Figs. 2 and
4 do not encompass the full range of uncertainty. Other
sources of uncertainty could be considered and decisions
could be made robust to them. Model predictions are likely
to be affected by the choice of candidate variables, the
selection of feature types, and the constraints imposed on
model functions. Maps produced by models that make al-
ternative assumptions are shown in Online Appendix 6. This
sort of uncertainty is not unique to MaxEnt—all model
fitting requires decisions about data and settings which
affect the end product; few modelling exercises make these
uncertainties explicit (but see, for instance, Lawson et al.
2010 for an example of an uncertainty analysis with another
Fig. 3 Modelled responses to minimum monthly temperature for the modelling package, CLIMEX).
five data sets The qualitative predictions of the two taxonomic theories
and the contingent interpretation of the data are starkly
flushes of new growth over several growing periods may different. Recognition of P. psidii sensu lato (Puccinia_94)
kill seedlings, saplings and trees, or greatly reduce crop would lead managers to place lower priority on surveillance
yield, as has been observed in Brazil, Florida and Hawaii and containment in Western Australia, and to increase the
(MacLachlan 1938; Coutinho et al. 1998; Rayachhetry et al. focus of activities in Australia’s northern and eastern neigh-
2001; Loope 2010; Martins et al. 2011). While plantation bours (e.g. New Caledonia). Recognition of U. rangelii (e.g.
managers in some of these areas have been able to breed Uredo_27) would lead managers to increase the priority for
disease resistant varieties (Junghans et al. 2003; Alfenas et these activities in New Zealand, Tasmania and Western
al. 2004), the resource demands to develop resistant varie- Australia (Fig. 2). Both theories are consistent with the data
ties of all affected Australian natives would be overwhelm- on the distribution of the invasion documented to date
ing. Considerable loss of biodiversity seems possible; rare, (Fig. 4).
susceptible, geographically restricted members of the The prediction from the most restricted dataset, Uredo_10, is
Myrtaceae seem to be particularly at risk. the least consistent with the reported locations, because it fails to
predict high risk areas in Queensland. There are several possible
interpretations of this result. First, the narrow circumscription to
a Uredo_27 b Puccinia_94 those records with known tonsures may have restricted the
modelling dataset too severely, to only a subset of the true
locations for the species. Second, the small number of records
(10) substantially limits what the model is able to distinguish, so
the idea might be correct, but the analysis too underpowered to
Rockhampton form a useful prediction. Third, our evaluation dataset may be
only of limited value or even misleading because it contains so
many records in artificial environments (nurseries, gardens etc.).
Records in natural environments are needed to validate the
alternative theories (though they are not desirable).
It may be that the disease behaves differently in Australia
than in other places it has been detected, because of the
presence or absence of competitors, unique combinations of
climatic or microclimatic conditions, and the large suite of
native Myrtaceae. Taxonomy is a rough guide to ecological
behaviour, at best. However, given the spatial implications
Port Phillip Bay
of taxonomic uncertainty for this taxon, a robust decision
(sensu Simon 1991) should consider that either interpreta-
Fig. 4 Details of MaxEnt predictions for eastern Australia, from models tion is possible. This leads to strategies for containment and
based on 2 different datasets (Uredo_27, left, and Puccinia_94, right).
Black dots are observations from the incursion in 2010 and 2011; legend
surveillance that focus on far northern Australia and Papua
as for Fig. 2. The more inland observations outside of predicted high risk New Guinea, as well as on Victoria, Tasmania, Western
areas are both from nurseries Australia, New Zealand and New Caledonia.
50 J. Elith et al.

In the interim, it would be worthwhile to devote signifi- consensus does not always provide a result closer to the truth.
cant resources to resolving the taxonomic uncertainty. This When the range of predictions that emanate from alternative
should involve compiling and synthesising genetic, morpho- theories are large enough to alter decisions, managers are
metric and ecological information (Schlick-Steiner et al. confronted by a decision under uncertainty. We have illustrated
2010). The taxonomic effort should be supplemented by here one general and effective approach—termed robust deci-
controlled environmental experiments, and studies that im- sion making—which finds satisfactory rather than optimal
prove the extent and reliability of presence records. The solutions for the alternative, plausible models. In this way, a
latter may have several elements, including evaluating the decision maker provides outcomes that people can live with,
provenance of all existing records, and adding to the data no matter which interpretation of the data turns out to be
base by acquiring new records of the disease in its native correct. The monitoring strategy that includes both Western
range and in newly invaded areas. Australia and the tropical north illustrates such a robust alter-
Our modelling is an example of situations where there is native, and could be continued until the taxonomic uncertainty
taxonomic uncertainty (or related uncertainties such as dif- were reconciled by the results of field experiments that exam-
ferent strains and pathogenicities of organisms originating ined the ecological behaviour of the different morphotypes.
from different regions), and demonstrates how managers Climate-based modelling systems are commonly used to
may deal with the effect of such uncertainty on predictions. predict potential range limits for pest species (Venette et al.
While it is self-evident that different sets of species records 2010). Our results here show a significant effect of taxo-
will produce different predictions, the important result is nomic concepts on spatial models with implications for their
that managers need to be mindful of exactly how and where use in predicting potential distribution and geographic
predictions will change as datasets change, because of the range. They show the importance of the origin of the inoc-
interplay between geographic locations and environmental ulum for the likelihood of its establishment and spread in a
conditions. How these may play out in a region of interest is new environment in which there are native potential hosts.
quite complex (Colwell and Rangel 2009). For instance, in
our case study the predictions in south-eastern Australia Acknowledgements Jane Elith was supported by Australian Re-
from the Puccinia_94 model are more focussed (cover less search Council grant FT0991640. Many people contributed to the
location data for the species records—we thank them for this important
area) than the predictions from the Uredo_10 model, yet the
resource and list sources in Online Appendix 1. The manuscript was
Puccinia_94 data includes those in Uredo_10. This is related substantially improved by helpful comments and suggestions from two
to the weight of evidence—with more data, and more exam- anonymous reviewers and the editor, Dr Angus Carnegie.
ples across a range of environments, the model has more
capacity to identify optimal conditions for the “species” of
interest. The results also reflect the vagueness inherent in References
small samples (Uredo_10). The exact nature of such mod-
elled relationships is not easy to guess beforehand, and we Alfenas AC, Zauza EAV, Mafia RG, Assis TF (2004) Clonagem e
believe that the best way to explore uncertainty is to actually doenças do eucalipto. Universidad Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa
Bock WJ (1992) The species concept in theory and practice. Zool Sci
test it with alternative interpretations of real or simulated
data. If real datasets were not available, simulated ones Booth T, Jovanovic T (2012) Assessing vulnerable areas for Puccinia
could be constructed based on expert opinion about the main psidii (eucalyptus rust) in Australia. Australas Plant Pathol
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