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Knowledge is power.

This is true, whether the power which knowledge gives be used for good or
for evil. By his medical knowledge, the doctor can cure disease and save his patient's life. But the
blackmailer, by his knowledge of some guilty secret, can bleed his victim white under the threat
of disclosure. In general, the man who knows has an advantage over the man who does not
know. In this way the educated classes have always been able to rule over the ignorant.
Medical science - Another valuable contribution which man’s knowledge has made to his power is
found in the science of medicine. In ancient times people thought that diseases were due to the malign
influence of spirits and stars, and they would go to magicians or try to appease the gods. But now-a-
days man tries to find the causes of diseases inside the body and to trace them to purely material
factors. This knowledge of the causes of diseases and also the properties of things has led to
wonderful advances in the science of medicine. Man has not yet been able to control all diseases, but
he has conquered many of them and has added to his length of life. This is possibly the most
beneficent aspect of man’s knowledge.

In warfare, the side with a strong army has its advantages no doubt, but it will prove ineffective against a
leader equipped with better knowledge of the secrets of warfare. Take Alexander, for example. He
defeated vast armies with only a band of Greek soldiers who had to fight away from their homeland. We
say that this was due to Alexander’s genius or his generalship. But what was this genius or generalship?
It lay in swiftness of movement, strength of will and some other virtues. But Alexander’s principal virtue
was knowledge of his own men, knowledge of the country of his enemy and his strength, knowledge of
the tactics and strategy of warfare. This is the ultimate secret of success in all warfare. Other factors
play their part, but knowledge is supreme.

Scientific invention of new weapons: Scientific inventions, including warfare materials,

are the results of man’s quest for knowledge. The fortunes of battles have in all ages
been determined by the part played by new weapons. When gunpowder was invented, it
made short work of armies fighting with swords and spears. The last Great War was
brought to a close by the dropping of atom bombs. The history of modern warfare is to a
large extent the history of new weapons – from gunpowder to the atom bomb – and these
inventions are only indications of man’s knowledge of the secrets of destruction
Money can reach a limit. It is always measurable. But, one can never measure the amount of
knowledge a person has. One cannot buy a solution to save oneself in utter emergency
situations. One has to have knowledge to deal with it. Money cannot get you grades in
universities or schools. Only smart brains can claim it. Money lets you buy things, but to buy
the right things one needs the proper knowledge about the object being bought. Money can be
lost, stolen or misplaced; whereas, knowledge cannot be. What lasts longer? Going forward,
we know that a person can go bankrupt at any point in time due to any reason. There is no way
a person can run out of knowledge. It shall always remain as a part of the person. Sharing
money can aid someone momentarily, but sharing knowledge will aid the person who receives it
for a life time. Knowledge is infinite,the world is based on the core of knoledge

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