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1. What hormones that initiates menstrual 6.

A Female sex hormone produced through

cycle? the stimulation of anterior pituitary gland by
the hypothalamus of CNS and this hormone is
a. Luteal Hormone responsible in the development of secondary
b. Estrogen sex characteristics.
d. Progesterone a. Progesterone
b. Estrogen
2. Which hormone is responsible for the bodily c. Gonadotropin
changes occuring to him during puberty? Which d. FSH
of the following will likely be the response of
the nurse? 7. A hormone that stimulates the development
of male sex secondary characteristics and
a. FSH regulates the release of gonadotropin from the
b. Testosterone anterior pituitary gland is directly regulated by
c. Progesterone
d. Estrogen a. GnRH
b. HGH
3. Which structure connects the epididymal c. Insulin
lumen and the prostatic urethra in the male? d. Androgen

a. Ejaculatory duct 8. The stage of female life when there is

b. Cowpers gland physiologic cessation of the menses along with
c. Vans deferens progressive ovarian failure is termed as
d. Skenes gland
a. Premenopause
4. The phase of menstrual cycle wherein “ b. Andropause
ovulation” occurs in the ovary at the end of this c. Menarche
stage ; endometrial lining grows and begins to d. Menopause
thicken preparing for the implantation of a
fertilized ovum.
9. It is the development of ova in females and
a. Menstrual phase spermatozoa in males that requires a special
b. Proliferative phase reduction division meiosis which later becomes
c. Secretory phase halves its number
d. Ischemic phase
a. Spermatogenesis
5. A menstrual cycle phase wherein the b. Ovagenesis
menstrual flow is about to begin; LH, estrogen c. Oogenesis
and progesterone at lowest level but FSH rises d. Gametogenesis
which enables graafian follicle begins to mature.
10. A newly married client visits the clinic
a. Menstrual Phase because she has not been feeling well. The
b. Proliferative phase nurse suspects that the client maybe pregnant
c. Secretory phase when:
d. Premenstrual phase
a. Her menses a week late
b. Her urine immunoassay test is positive
c. She relates that she has urinary
d. She complains nausea every morning

Test 11.

______1. Bluish discoloration of the cervix and

vaginal wall a. Goodells sign
b. Ballotment
______2. Maintains progesterone production c. Chadwicks
during early pregnancy until placenta functions d. Hegars sign
e. Mittelmertz
______3. Produced primarily by fetal liver, used f. AFP
as a screening test for congenital birth defects g. Chloasma
h. Corpus luteum
______4. Hormone responsible for positive i. Estrogen
pregnancy test
j. HCG
k. Naegels rule
_____5. Use to estimate the age of gestation
l. Mc.donald rule
_____6. Examination to determine fetal m. LH
weight,position and lie n. Leopolds maneuver
o. Health Rehabilitation
______7. Hormone that evaluated by radio p. DOH Mission
immunoassay test q. WHO Goal
r. Health maintenance
______8. Educating clients to be aware of good s. Health Promotion
t. GnRh
health through teaching and role modelling u. Vein
v. Ovulation
______9. Intervening to maintain health when w. Arteries

risk of illness is present

_______10. Preventing f further complications

from an illness.

______11. Monthly growth and release of

mature, non fertile ovum

______12, carries deoxygenated blood from

fetus to placenta

______13. Carries oxygenated blood to fetus

______14, softening of the cervix

______15. Softening of lower uterine segment

Test 111.

!. Enumerate the 4 stages of sexual

response and briefly explain each (

2. Differentiate Menarche from

Thelarche. (5 pts.)

3. What is the role of the following

during menstrual cycle? 3 pts each

a. FSH
b. Corpus luteum
c. Progesterone
d. LH
e. Pituitary gland

Test !V.

1. What is the EDD of the

following ? show solutions.
a. January 21,2019
b. August 13,2019
c. February 24,2018
d. November 15,2019
e. June 28,2020

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