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A. Background.
The motor / engine when turned on requires the initial drive to be able to work

properly, but there are times when the starter will not work perfectly due to disturbances

that occur in other supporting components, many supporting components that can cause a

motor / engine not to work perfect include: disturbances in the battery, interference with

the starter motor, interference with the compression process, interference with the Cylinder

Head , interference with the cylinder head and others, all of which greatly affect the

perfection of the performance of a motor / engine.

Motor / engine as a power plant, which when working will occur the conversion of

heat energy into motion energy. Heat energy will occur after first through the process of

mixing between fuel and air and then poured into the combustion chamber to be burned

until heat energy occurs. This mixing process occurs in one engine component, namely the

" Cylinder Head ".

Based on the description above, the mechanics are required to be very thorough and

professional to find and analyze the causes of a motor / engine not working perfectly so that

it can work effectively and efficiently. Therefore the author only raised the issue of

" Cylinder Head " this matter because it was motivated by the experience of the author

when carrying out Industrial Work Practicesin CV. Honda 88 AHASS Workshop Bireuen.

B. Purpose of Report Writing
The purpose of this report is as follows:

1. As one of the conditions for completing the Secondary Vocational education

program at SMK Negeri 1 Bireuen.

2. Can add insight and knowledge of the author about the Cylinder Head and the

disturbances that occur

3. Can be used as a comparison material and additional literature for students who

want to enrich the knowledge of the Cylinder Head

4. So that students who take part in industrial work practices are able to master

work skills in accordance with the SOP (Standard Operational Procedure).

5. So that students can know the ways to prepare a work report properly as



A. Function Cylinder head

The cylinder head or cylinder head has several functions, including the following:
1. As a combustion chamber
2. To place the valve mechanism
3. Plug installation place
4. Place to install the inlet and exhaust line
5. Pendingi coat (water jacket)
When the engine is overheating whether it is caused due to less cooling or the other, it
is usually curved, resulting in a leak between the cylinder head and cylinder block.

B. Understanding Work Cylinder Head

The cylinder head is the closing component of the cylinder block which is in charge
of closing the cylinder cavity, where the closed space is the combustion chamber. So,
with this closing , combustion can occur.
If the cylinder block is called the base engine part or the basic component of the
engine, the cylinder head is called the second base because this component is also the
basis of some of the components in the upper engine.
The motor cylinder head is one of the important parts of a motorcycle engine
component which is also a cylinder block cover. We need to know that this one
component is generally made of cast iron to be able to withstand pressure and high
temperatures when the engine is working.
But over time with increasingly developing technology, aluminum has become one
of the alloys in the manufacture of cylinder heads. Because compared to cast iron
material, the cooling ability possessed by aluminum material is much greater.
At present many engines with cylinder heads are made of aluminum alloy. Cylinder
heads made of Aluminum alloys have greater cooling capability in the Appeal with
those made of cast iron.

The valve mechanism on the cylinder head consists of several components, such as
valves, spring, valve guides, valve seats, and so on. There are several kinds of valve
mechanisms that are used in cars today, such as ohv , ohc, dohc and so on .

C. Main Parts of Cylinder Head

Each Cylinder Head, the simplest consists of the main components of the following:
1. Nok's shaft
The function of the shaft is to press the valve lifter on the valve to open it. As the
name implies the camshaft is formed from an iron shaft that has a cam along
the shaft. This cam, made in a certain angle so that when the camshaft rotates,
the cam can press tup with the appropriate timming.

2. Valve
Valves can be called doors between parts of the combustion chamber and also
parts of outside air. That is because the main function of the valve itself is as an
outlet for combustion material so that it is similar to a gate. That way the
process becomes even easier.

3. Valve spring
The function of valve spring itself is to hold the valve position so that it can be
closed tightly and perfectly. The valve leaf will be compressed by the spring to
the valve mount so that there is no gap so that the valve position is facing the

4. Valve lifter / Rocker arm

These two components are interrelated. Valve lifter is shaped like a bowl that
covers the top of the valve. The material made in this valve lifter is aluminum
metal which has a small friction force. if the valve lifter material is rough, it will
cause a large power loss because friction with the camshaft on the surface of
this lifter, this valve lifter is used to protect the valve bricks from camshaft

5. Spark plug
The function of the motor spark plug components we feel all know, spark plugs
are used as sparks. The position of the spark plug must be at the top so that the
combustion energy can push the piston straight in the combustion chamber. So
the machine will be more efficient.

Henceforth, these main parts can be seen in the following picture:

D. How the cylinder head works


A. Time and Place of Implementation

Implementation of Job Training Academic Year 2018 - 2019 is doing starting date
01 October - 31 December 2018 at the workshop CV.Honda 88 AHASS, Street, T.Hamzah
Bendahara, Bireuen

B. Work process
1. Tools and materials
 T keys size: 8, 10, 12, 17
 Moment lock size: 10, 17
 Spanner and ring size: 8, 10
 L Key: 5
 Screwdriver - and +
 Rubber and iron hammer
 Pliers
 For measurement and inspection:
 Calipers
 Steel bar

2. Description of activities
In carrying out the demolition, inspection and servicing of the Cylinder Head ,
every mechanic demanded must be careful and prepare all the needs before carrying
out the demolition and follow the prescribed instructions including :
1. Wear work clothes according to the provisions
2. Prepare the tools and materials needed
3. Follow work instructions or job sheets according to the competency that is
4. Implement work procedures according to the SOP
5. Prioritize K3 (Occupational Health and Safety)

3. Work steps
a. Removing the sprocket gear cap (3)

b. Removing cap valve timing inspection plug (1) and generator coil cover (2)

c. Position the piston in the top compression position

d. Take off the tensioner

e. Removing the shaft gear gear (4)

f. Removing cylinder head fastening bolts (1 & 2)

g. Remove the valve adjusting cap

h. Remove the rocker arm shaft
i. Mel EPAs ring and rocker arm
j. Take off the nozzle shaft
k. Take off the valve
l. Removing the Valve Guide (12)

a. Check the rocker arm shaft

b. Rocker arm check

c. Flatness check of the cylinder head surface

d. Check valve head thickness

e. Check the valve stem bent
f. Check the diameter of the valve stem
g. Check valve spring

h. Valve guide replacement

4. Shop drawing

C. Work Results
After dismantling, cleaning, and inspecting and re-assembling the Cylinder Head in
general we have been able and understand how to remove and maintain and analyze damage
to the Suzuki RGR 150 Cylinder Head .

D. Cost calculation
Activity Name /
No. (@)Price Total Ket
1 Service fees Rp. 7 5,000 R p.7 5,000
2 1 liter gasoline Rp. 5,000 Rp. 5 . 000
3 Seal / Orieng Klep Rp. 15,000 Rp. 15,000
Total Rp. 95 .000


A. Implementation ( Supporting Factors , Obstacles and How to Overcome)

Basically for implementing the Job Training in school year 20 1 7/201 8 this author
found no fundamental barriers, both in terms of knowledge and in terms of its
implementation techniques in the field. However, there are few problems that are not
fundamental, namely the limited facilities and infrastructure of practice at school so
that during the implementation of the Job Training the first time in DU / DI experienced a
few obstacles, especially in the field of motorbikes, but this can be overcome because of
complete facilities from the parties workshops such as:
1. The full peral a tan owned
2. Having employees who are experts in the field of automotive, especially
3. There is good interaction between fellow employees so that high morale arises.

B. Perceived Benefits
1. Mastery of the care and repair of the Cylinder Head is increasing
2. There is a great sense of responsibility in handling consumer motorbikes
3. There is confidence in making decisions and actions. .


When the development process of the goods we are working on will definitely be
our responsibility, therefore at work we must be more careful so that things don't happen
that we don't want


A. Conclusion
Implementation of Job Training determined for each student at Bireuen 1
State Vocational School is one of the supporting steps in applying science, especially in the
field of engineering. The intended application is to increase knowledge and skills in terms
of practices that have been obtained through education at school during
the learning process . Therefore the authors can draw conclusions, among others:
1. Job Training is one of the mandatory programs that must be carried out by all
Vocational Schools (SMK) in Indonesia
2. In particular, the Job Training aims to implement and apply science directly and
to measure the extent of mastery of students' material that has been obtained through
education for three years studying at SMK Negeri 1 Bireuen.
3. Fieldwork is one of the requirements to be able to continue education at school.
B. Suggestions
By realizing that everyone always has advantages and disadvantages, the writer
suggests something that is constructive and solidifies in the implementation of future Job
1. For the next generation, increase your learning and skills again to facilitate or
facilitate us when carrying out the Job Training .
2. To the parties concerned, especially the education office, so that in terms of the
implementation of the Job Training, it should endlessly provide meaningful inputs.
3. To the school, it should fulfill all the supporting facilities in the workshop, such
as the completeness of the tools and materials that are still felt to be lacking.


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