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Monash University Rebecca Freeman

Learning Experience One

Title: Songs to Warm up and settle down

Date: 29th of October, 2015
Time: Morning / Afternoon

Age of Children: 4-5 years of age

Type of experience: Group experience

- Song to play/ sing
- Laminated stars
- Laminated Animals

Goals Related to children’s interest and Learning:

- Physical interest of running, climbing and jumping around the
playground. It was seen that the children completed all activities with a
high amount of energy
- Social and intellectual interactions were seen throughout children’s play
as they created scenarios and communicated with one another.
- The children were involved in creative arts during their daily activities
and enjoyed a range of songs including ‘ring a rosy’, ‘duck, duck goose”
and “row your boat”. It was decided that the children would enjoy
learning a new song that they had not discovered yet.
- The children were cooperative in ‘jump for joy’ and being encouraged to
keep physical.

Inclusion of the Early Years Learning Framework (2009)

Outcome Two: Children are connected with and contribute to their world
- Use play to investigate, project and explore new ideas
- Cooperate with others and negotiate roles and relationships in play
episodes and group experiences.
Monash University Rebecca Freeman

Outcome Four: Children are confident and involved learners:

- Children express wonder and interest in their environment
- Children contribute to play experiences
- Are curios and enthusiastic participants in their learning

Outcome Five: Children are effective communicators

- Engage in enjoyable interactions using verbal and non-verbal language
- Listen and respond to sounds and patterns in speech, stories and rhymes
in context
- Use language and engage in play to imagine and create roles, scripts and

Ask the children to sit on the floor while you distribute the props for each song.
While the song is playing the children can stand up and join in.

Discuss the different animals that are included in the song, such as a tiger,
elephant, crocodile, kangaroo, eagle and giraffe. If the children know what the
animals makes with the correct sound after quietly raising their hands, the
animal will be assigned to them. When the song begins, the children are able to
participate with the actions, and the child holding the animal can move to the
front and assist the educator with displaying the actions when their particular
verse is played. For example, when the ‘tiger’ is mentioned the child holding the
tiger may come to the front of the room and join the educator.

The song “Twinkle, Twinkle little star” can be used before or after the song to
settle down the children so they can listen or after they have engaged in
activity. Additionally this song is familiar to the children and allows the children
to participate with a song that they already know and are interested in.
Monash University Rebecca Freeman

“It’s warm up time”
“Come on, Come on
Clap your hands
Come on, Come on
It’s warm up time X2

Verse One:
Run, run, run,
Run, like a tiger
Run, run, run
Run, like a tiger

Chorus X2

Verse Two:
Stomp, stomp, stomp
Stomp like an elephant
Stomp, stomp, stomp
Stomp like an elephant

Chorus X2

Verse Three:
Jump, jump, jump
Jump, like a kangaroo
Monash University Rebecca Freeman

Jump, jump, jump

Jump, like a kangaroo

Chorus X2

Verse Four:
Snap, snap, snap
Snap like a crocodile
Snap, snap, snap
Snap like a crocodile

Chorus X2

Verse Five:
Fly, fly, fly
Fly, like an Eagle
Fly, fly, fly
Fly, like an Eagle

Chorus X2

Verse Six:
Stretch, stretch, stretch
Stretch, like a tall giraffe
Stretch, stretch, stretch
Stretch, like a tall giraffe
Monash University Rebecca Freeman

Chorus X2

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