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DEVC 101 READINGS  A continued engagement with theory develops

and continually revaluates the discipline. This

FIRST READING: means that neither theory nor the field of
What is theory study is static.
I. Theory is Caring to Ask Questions  TWO FUNDAMENTAL ACTIVITIES:
 Having one’s own presuppositions about the a. Criticism- evaluation of theories and
“how” and “why” of things research materials; the explication or
 Problematizing- asking questions and deployment of theory by application
attempting to answer them; act of
interrogating the stories and our experience of b. Scholarship= specialization in a field of study;
them and not take them for granted. the application of specific theory-based
 Doing theory helps development of self- methodologies to research
awareness about the tentativeness and
contingencies of one’s own ideas. IV. Theory is a mode of thinking that is
 It is about caring to ask and attempting to historical, cross-disciplinary, and self-
understand. These are two important reflective
dispositions for doing theory.  The scholar has to decide what kind of
methodology is to be employed to be able to
II. Theory is a set of hunches answer questions, since fields of studies tend
 Theory- set of systematic hunches about the to overlap.
way things operate (Borgoon). It is a group of  Self-reflexive thinking- we begin to rethink
ideas that together seeks to provide an what we have been trying to analyze.
explanation about a phenomenon. It is  Critical Theory- seeks to answer questions
speaking of interrelated questions. about being, knowing, and meaning, which are
 - It is fundamentally cross-disciplinary and interrelated, regardless of discipline.
historical.  The mundane and the everyday are not as
 [Jonathan Culler]: not the theory of anything in inconsequential as they seem.
particular, nor a comprehensive theory of  Being (what it means to be human); knowing
things in general (what anybody can possibly know about
 Hardly anything in this world is completely anything); structures and strictures of
understood, and so the need to speculate is meaning (how language, culture and various
always necessary, if not desirable. modes of mediation configure and limit
 Interrelated questions- systematically related meaning) & struggle (the politics and contest
that flesh out a pattern, and a big picture. for the identity, agency, and liberty of human
 Do Theory- show how parts function and make beings)
sense of the whole, how presuppositions and
assumptions and premises make up for an V. Theory is inseparable from “Praxis”
argument.  Since theory cannot be mastered, you must
 Characteristics of hunches: founded, grounded, always leave yourself in a position where there
informed. are always important things you don’t know.
 Doing theory seeks to understand this complex
III. Theory is linked with Criticism & web, challenging the sets of conventions and
Scholarship practices that oppress or alienate people, and
 The collection and operationalization of engaging systems in the attempt to express
theories about a certain subject matter authentic values.
constitute a field of study and discipline.  Praxis- politically conscious action.
 Research- reading existing literature that have
dealt with the same questions, gathering data
and materials and organizing them, and
analyzing, comparing, and evaluating these
data and materials in conjunction with the
“theoretical” questions.

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