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(Naria 2005)
(Suprijono, Chodijah, and Banun 2010)
(Hariono 2005)
(Minarti, Setiani, and Joko 2015)
(Bast 1991)
(Purnomo 2000)
(Widayati 2015)
(Pattari et al. 2013)
(Wulan 2018)
(Ramadori G, Moriconi F, Malik I 2008)
(Shafii 2008)
(Root and Jacobs 2016)
(Vinay Kumar, Ramzi S. Cotran 2013)
(Fallis 2013)
(Gunawan 2015)
(Fallis 2013)
(Assirey 2015)
(Jain, Kharya, and Gajbhiye 2013)
(Lü et al. 2010)
(Helianti 2009)
(Roberts, O’Brien, and Retnowati 2010)
(Pattari et al. 2013)
(Oktarina and Asri 2015)
(Meschel 2012)
(Khonsary 2017)
(Prawita 2008)
(Awaludin 2012)

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