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Journal of Chromatography A, 1102 (2006) 268–272

Development and validation of a solid phase micro-extraction–gas

chromatography–mass spectrometry method for the determination
of furan in baby-food
Federica Bianchi ∗ , Maria Careri, Alessandro Mangia, Marilena Musci
Dipartimento di Chimica Generale ed Inorganica, Chimica Analitica, Chimica Fisica, Università degli Studi di Parma,
Parco Area delle Scienze 17/A, 43100 Parma, Italy
Received 21 July 2005; received in revised form 17 October 2005; accepted 27 October 2005
Available online 17 November 2005

An efficient and simple method for the determination of furan in baby-food (vegetables and fruits) by solid phase micro-extraction–gas
chromatography–mass spectrometry (SPME–GC–MS) was developed and validated. Experimental design was used to investigate the effects
of temperature and time of extraction. The calculated regression model was used to find the experimental conditions providing the optimal SPME
extraction yield. Validation was carried out in terms of limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantitation (LOQ), linearity, precision and trueness.
LOD and LOQ values in the low ng kg−1 were achieved, whereas linearity was established over two order of magnitude. Good precision was
obtained both in terms of intra-day repeatability and between-day precision on two concentration levels (RSD% lower than 3.6%). Recovery
values of 91.5 ± 6.2% and of 96.1 ± 1.3% (n = 3) were calculated at 75 ng kg−1 and 75 ␮g kg−1 level. Finally, the applicability of the method to the
determination of furan in a number of commercial and home-made baby-food samples was demonstrated.
© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Furan; Solid phase micro-extraction; Baby-food; Food safety; GC–MS; Method validation

1. Introduction tion and toxicology [3]. In fact, although furan is a well known
heat treatment related by-product and has been detected in many
Food safety is regarded as a widespread priority task. In addi- thermally treated foods [4], only few methods principally based
tion to the actions undertaken by food-related industries, the EU on static headspace techniques have been developed and applied
legislative committees are reviewing current legislation, both for furan determination in food [5–10].
introducing new recommendations aimed to the establishment SPME is an alternative solvent-free sampling technique
of general principles issuing rules to increase quality standards widely used for the analysis of volatile compounds, but nowa-
in food and fixing hazard limits for the EU citizen health [1]. days only a SPME–GC–MS method with the use of a cryofo-
Recently, great attention has been paid to the presence of both cussing unit was recently developed for furan determination in
natural and xenobiotic contaminants in raw and processed foods. heated foodstuffs [11].
Among naturally-occurring substances, great concern is The aim of this work was the development and validation of
addressed to the analysis of furan, this compound being classi- a more simple method for the selective and sensitive analysis of
fied by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) furan in baby-food, based on SPME–GC–MS.
in the group 2B “as possibly carcinogenic to humans” [2]. The An experimental design was used to study the effects of two
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is requesting the submis- parameters on the SPME extraction, i.e. temperature of extrac-
sion of data and information regarding the occurrence of furan tion and time of extraction. Data obtained allowed to calculate
in food, as well as sources of exposure, mechanisms of forma- the main and interaction effects of the factors under investiga-
tion, thus indicating the optimised extraction conditions.
The SPME–GC–MS method was then validated under opti-
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 0521 905433; fax: +39 0521 905556. mised conditions. According to the EURACHEM guidelines,
E-mail address: (F. Bianchi). in-house validation was carried out in terms of detection

0021-9673/$ – see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
F. Bianchi et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 1102 (2006) 268–272 269

limit (LOD), quantitation limit (LOQ), linearity, precision The fiber was conditioned in the injection port of the gas
and trueness. Excellent results in the low ng kg−1 level were chromatograph at 300 ◦ C under helium flow for 1.5 h prior to
obtained for LOD and LOQ, thus proving the potential of the use. Desorption was carried out at the temperature of 230 ◦ C
method for the determination of furan at ultratrace levels in for 3 min. A fiber blank was run between each sample to reduce
baby-food. memory effects.
The method developed was then applied to determine furan
in commercial and home-made baby-food samples. 2.4. GC–MS analysis

2. Experimental A HP 6890 Series Plus gas chromatograph (Agilent

Technologies, Milan, Italy) equipped with MSD 5973 mass
2.1. Chemicals spectrometer (Agilent Technologies) was used for GC–MS
analysis. Helium was used as the carrier gas at a flow rate of
Furan (+99%, purity), furan-d4 (99.3%, purity) and 1 ml min−1 ; the gas chromatograph was operated in splitless
methanol (99.8% purity) were purchased from Sigma–Aldrich mode with the PTV injector (Agilent Technologies) main-
(Milan, Italy). tained at the temperature of 230 ◦ C and equipped with a PTV
Standard and working solutions, prepared from the multi-baffled liner (i.d. 1.5 mm, Agilent Technologies). Chro-
2500 mg l−1 methanolic stock solution by dilution in Ultra matographic separation was performed on a 60 m × 0.25 mm,
Resi-Analysed purge and trap water (J.T. Baker, Deventer, The df 0.5 ␮m HP-INNOWAX capillary column (Agilent Technolo-
Netherlands), were stored in completely filled vials closed with gies). The following GC oven temperature program was applied:
hermetic seals at 4 ◦ C until analysis. 40 ◦ C for 8 min, 12 ◦ C min−1 to 200 ◦ C, 200 ◦ C for 2 min.
Transfer line and source were maintained at the temperature
of 220 and 230 ◦ C, respectively. The mass spectrometer was
2.2. Experimental design operated in selected-ion monitoring mode (SIM) by recording
the current of the following ions: m/z 68 and 39 for furan
Fresh carrots (4 g) were boiled, minced and homogenized and m/z 72 and 42 for furan-d4 . The corresponding ion ratios
with 4 ml of Ultra Resi-Analysed purge and trap water. Experi- were used to confirm the identification of the analyte. A dwell
ments were carried out on samples spiked with furan at the final time of 100 ms was used for all the ions. Preliminarily, full
concentration of 1 ␮g kg−1 . The vials were immediately closed scan EI data were acquired to determine appropriate masses
just after the spiking procedure. for SIM under the following conditions: ionisation energy:
A 22 two-level full factorial design (FFD) was performed [12] 70 eV, mass range: 35–150 amu, scan time: 3 scan/s. All the
to investigate the effects of temperature of extraction (T) and analyses were performed setting the electron multiplier voltage
time of extraction (t): low and high levels were T = 30–80 ◦ C, at 1200 V.
t = 10–40 min. This experimental plan allows us to evaluate the Signal acquisition and elaboration were performed using the
effects of the main factors and their interactions. The order of the HP Chemstation (Agilent Technologies).
experiments was randomised in order to avoid possible memory
effect due to the analytical procedure. 2.5. Validation procedure
A F-test comparing the experimental and calculated
responses at the centre of the experimental domain was per- Validation of the SPME–GC–MS method was performed on
formed to evaluate the existence of relevant quadratic effects a blank boiled carrot sample (no signal was detected at the reten-
and a star design was added to the factorial design experiments tion time of the analyte) according to EURACHEM guidelines
if a relevant quadratic effect was observed [13,14]. [15].
The final regression model was then calculated using the Cen- Detection and quantitation limits were calculated following
tral Composite Design (CCD) experiments, obtained both from the approach already used in previous works [14,16] by con-
the FFD and the star design and used to find the optimal extrac- structing a calibration curve in the 50–500 ng kg−1 range.
tion conditions. Linearity was established over two order of magnitude in the
All statistical analyses were carried out by using the statistical 1–100 ␮g kg−1 range. Furan-d4 was used as internal standard at
package SPSS 10.0 for Windows (SPSS, Bologna, Italy). the final concentration of 30 ␮g kg−1 . Six concentration levels
were analyzed performing three measurements at each concen-
2.3. SPME analysis tration level. Statistical analysis (Bartlett, lack-of-fit and Mandel
test) were performed to check the goodness of fit and linearity
SPME experiments were carried out using a 75 ␮m carboxen- [16,17]. The significance of the intercept (significance level 5%)
polydimethylsiloxane (CAR-PDMS) fiber (Supelco, Bellefonte, was established running a t-test.
PA, USA) by using manual device. The fiber was exposed to the Intra-day repeatability and between-day precision, estimated
headspace of the 10 ml sample vial operating under the opti- over 3 days [12] were calculated in terms of RSD% on two
mized extraction conditions, i.e. extraction temperature: 30 ◦ C concentration levels, performing three replicates at each level.
and extraction time: 10 min. A constant magnetic stirring was Trueness was evaluated in terms of recovery by spiking
always applied. blank cooked carrots with 75 ng kg−1 and 75 ␮g kg−1 of furan.
270 F. Bianchi et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 1102 (2006) 268–272

Recovery (R%) [15] was calculated as follows: • Divinylbenzene/carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane

(DVB/CAR/PDMS) 2 cm–50/30 ␮m;
R% = × 100 • Carboxen-polydimethylsiloxane (CAR-PDMS) 75 ␮m.
where cobs is the mean concentration of the fortified sample and With the aim to load the highest amount of analyte, aqueous
cspike is the spiked concentration. All the measurements were solutions containing furan at the concentration of 1 ␮g l−1 were
replicated three times. analyzed for 15 min at the temperature of 40 ◦ C, following a pre-
viously described approach [11,14]. For each fiber, three repli-
2.6. Samples cated measurements were performed. Data obtained showed a
different behavior among the fibers. As already obtained by
The following commercial baby-food samples were pur- Goldman et al., the CAR-PDMS resulted the fiber with the better
chased in local stores: vegetables (nine samples of car- performance.
rots, French beans, mixed vegetables and zucchini deriving
from different producers) and fruits (nine samples of banana, 3.2. Experimental design
apple–banana and pear deriving from different producers). The
vegetables samples were prepared by heating the closed jars A 22 two-level factorial design was used to evaluate the
in hot water, whereas the fruit samples were analysed without significance of the main and interaction effects of the factors
previous heating, thus reproducing the typical behaviour of the investigated. The experimental domain was defined taking into
consumers. account instrumental and operative limits, namely: tempera-
Home-made baby-food samples were also analysed: fresh ture values lower than 30 ◦ C could not be maintained over long
fruit samples (apple, pear, banana and kiwi) and fresh vegetable time, owing to the thermal variability of the laboratory, whereas
samples (potatoes, zucchini and green-peas) were purchased temperature values higher than 80 ◦ C could produce analyte des-
in local stores. The fruit samples were minced and analysed, orption from the fiber, whereas extraction times greater than
whereas the vegetables were boiled, homogeneised and anal- 40 min would determine long analysis times. Eight replicated
ysed. measurements at the centre of the experimental domain were
performed in order to evaluate both the experimental error and
the existence of relevant quadratic effects. The presence of cur-
3. Results and discussion
vature was tested by the F-test, as described in Section 2. A star
design was added to the factorial design experiments since rele-
The aim of this work was to develop a simple and sensitive
vant quadratic effects were shown obtaining a Fcalc = 125 versus
method based on SPME–GC–MS analysis for furan detection
a Ftab(1,7,α = 0.05) = 5.6.
and determination in baby-food. All the analyses were per-
Using the CCD experiments the following final regression
formed by using a 60 m × 0.25 mm, df 0.50 ␮m INNOWAX
model was then calculated:
column in order to obtain the elution of the analyte at a reten-
tion time compatible with quantitative purposes. The column y = 146000(±12000) − 93000T (±11000)
length as well as the film thickness allowed to elute furan with +46000T 2 (±16000)
an adequate retention time, at 7.5 min, thus obtaining a very
r2 = 0.91
good furan chromatographic signal without the use of a cryofo-
cussing module as reported in a previous work [11]. The proper
The model was used to find the experimental conditions pro-
selection both of the chromatographic conditions (column, tem-
viding the optimal SPME extraction yield, i.e. temperature of
perature program) and the acquisition mode (SIM) allowed to
extraction = 30 ◦ C. As for the time of extraction, since it was not
avoid matrix interference.
a significant effect, a value of 10 min was used in order to reduce
Regarding the preparation of the solutions, obviously, being
analyses time.
furan very volatile and characterised by a low molecular
As a general result, being furan very volatile, it has to be
weight, all the solutions were stored in completely filled
observed that a low temperature value is sufficient to improve
vials. In fact, when partially filled vials were used, a general
its partition in the gas phase: on the contrary, higher temperatures
decrease in the chromatographic response was evidenced dur-
could produce its desorption from the fiber.
ing the time as a consequence of the furan partition in the
The use of a 10 min extraction reduced the analysis time, thus
allowing to perform about 20 analyses in a working day (8 h).
In a further step, the method was validated operating under
3.1. Fiber selection these conditions.

In order to obtain the highest furan yield and the absence of 3.3. Method validation
memory effects, fiber selection was performed by testing three
different coatings: The method was validated in terms of detection limit, quanti-
tation limit, linearity, precision and trueness by using the exper-
• Polydimethylsiloxane-divinylbenzene (PDMS-DVB) 65 ␮m; imental setting providing the optimised conditions.
F. Bianchi et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 1102 (2006) 268–272 271

Table 1
Furan content in baby-food samples
Baby-food samples Furan (␮g/kg)a

Processed baby-food Apple–bananab 2.78 ± 0.12

Bananab 4.3 ± 0.2
Mixed vegetablesb 99.1 ± 9.7
Carrotsb 15.38 ± 0.56
French-beansb 50.09 ± 2.94
Zucchinib 140.9 ± 2.4
Home-made baby-food (fruits) Apple –c
Pear –c
Banana –c
Kiwi –c
Home-made baby-food (vegetables) Potatoes 0.336 ± 0.014
Zucchini 0.11 ± 0.025
Green-peas 1.03 ± 0.25
a Mean of nine independent samples.
b Different producers.
c <LOD.

LOD and LOQ values, expressed as concentration, were cal-

culated by constructing an appropriate calibration curve in the
50–500 ng kg−1 range. Excellent results were obtained for LOD Fig. 1. GC–SIM–MS chromatograms of: (A) a commercial baby-food sample
(25.7 ng kg−1 ) and LOQ (41.7 ng kg−1 ) in boiled carrots, thus (zucchini) and (B) an home made baby-food sample (zucchini).
proving the potential of the method for the determination of
furan at ultratrace levels. As shown in the table furan was detected and quantitated at
Good linearity (y = 5.29x ± 0.05, r2 = 0.998, n = 18) was different concentration levels depending both on the matrix and
demonstrated over two order of magnitude in the 1–100 ␮g kg−1 on the cooking technique. In particular, all the processed baby-
range by applying Mandel’s fitting test (Fcalc = 8.40, food showed higher furan levels in comparison with the home-
Ftab(1,16,CI = 99%) = 8.53). made products. Even though the number of samples considered
Method precision was evaluated testing two concentration does not make possible a definitive conclusion, this behaviour
levels, i.e. 50 ng kg−1 and 100 ␮g kg−1 . Good results were could be ascribed to the different cooking technologies. In fact,
obtained both in terms of intra-day repeatability and between- all the commercial processed foods are submitted to the heating
day precision: RSD% values lower than 1.2% at the highest con- treatments in closed pots, whereas the home-made baby-food
centration and lower than 3.5% at the lowest one were calculated are cooked in open containers. Under these circumstances, the
for intra-day repeatability, whereas between-day precision was analyte, being extremely volatile can be more easily released
evaluated verifying homoscedasticity and performing ANOVA from the matrix.
on the data acquired over 3 days. ANOVA showed that mean As for the matrices analysed, it was observed that all the
values were not significantly different among the 3 days obtain- fruit samples revealed a furan content lower than the vegetable
ing p values of 0.069 and 0.615 for the highest and lowest level, samples. In the case of the processed baby-food samples, this
respectively at 95% confidence level. RSD% lower than 3.6% difference could be explained taking into account that the fruit
at both concentration levels were calculated. samples are generally pasteurised, whereas the vegetables are
Extraction recoveries of 91.5 ± 6.2% and of 96.1 ± 1.3% sterilised: the different heating treatment could be responsible
(n = 3) were calculated at 75 ng kg−1 and 75 ␮g kg−1 , respec- for furan production.
tively by addition of furan to blank boiled carrots samples. Nowadays, no Acceptable Daily Intake values have been
These results show the good efficiency of the developed method established: however, on the basis of our results, considering
in terms of extraction recovery as well as of precision, with- a consumption of 350 g/die of canned baby-food and assuming
out using the standard addition method recommended by a body weight of 7.5 kg of a 6 month baby, this would result in
FDA [5]. a maximum exposure of 7 ␮g/kg b.w./day.
Future investigations will be aimed to the analysis of other
3.4. Baby-food samples matrices, like meat in order to verify if different technological
treatments are able to influence furan production.
Finally, applicability of the validated method for the determi-
nation of furan in baby-food samples was demonstrated (Fig. 1). 4. Conclusions
Different commercial and home-made vegetable and fruit sam-
ples were submitted to analysis: data obtained are reported in A simple method for ultratrace determination of furan in
Table 1. baby-food (vegetables and fruits) was developed and validated.
272 F. Bianchi et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 1102 (2006) 268–272

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