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Proceeding the 1st International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI) Page 877-882

ISBN : 978-602-50898-0-0

Improving Student’s Interest and Achievement in Learning

Reading and Writing English for Beginners

Gede Wira Bayu & N. W. Arini

Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Bali, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: This research is based on the result of observation which is showed that 38% of
the total 28 students have low interest in studying English and most of the students have low
achievement in reading and writing English for beginners. This research is classroom action
research which is involved the students in II/C class SD Negeri 3 Banjar Jawa at the second
semester of the academic year 2015/2016 to improve student’s learning achievement reading
and writing English for beginners. The result of this research showed that the implementation
of telling story method with drawing media is success to improve student’s interest and
achievement in learning reading and writing English for beginners. Better attention,
willingness, and effort of the students showed that the interest of the students is improved,
52% of them are like the implementation of telling story method with drawing media and
70% of them declared that this method can improved their willingness in studying English
especially reading and writing. It’s indicating that this method is effective.

1. INTRODUCTION so that the ability of reasoning power and

English ability is a combination of language skills of students lack of
reading / reading, writing / writing, practice. Interaction patterns that occur
listening / listening, and speaking skills. during the learning is one way, ie only
In learning English in elementary school, from the teacher to the students. This
the four skills are taught to be able to condition tends to make the students
support each other. passive, because they only accept what
the teacher says, and are not given the
The fact shows that many students are
opportunity to express and develop their
not interested in learning to read and
knowledge during learning. So there is no
write English. This is observed from their
mutual relationship between teacher and
learning activities in class. Most students
student. As a result the knowledge and
are not interested in the lesson. Students
skills of students in learning are not
play more with friends and show less
developed. Likewise, when teachers close
focused attention to the lesson. The
learning that ends their learning without
method used by teachers who are just
giving feedback or evaluation of student
lecture, causing the involvement of
performance during learning. It causes
students in learning is very minimal. So
students to feel always right and good
the opportunity of students to develop
about what they display during the
and train their English knowledge during
learning takes place, so that the
learning is very little. This will bring
classroom climate conditions are
consequences, the students just trying to
monotonous, which ultimately causes the
memorize the recall given by the teacher,

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Improving Student’s Interest and Achievement in Learning Reading and Writing …
Gede Wira Bayu & N. W. Arini

enthusiasm and enthusiasm of students in knowledge, attitudes, values, and

learning to be low. Such learning, language skills during the learning
ultimately will only bring unfavorable process. So in learning, students not only
consequences for student learning learn from what is delivered by the
outcomes and student interest in English teacher, but also can learn from other
lessons that tend to be a scary "specter" students. Thus the mastery of the
for students, this is reinforced by the concepts (knowledge) and the language
results of questionnaires answered by skills of students growing during the
students. learning take place. This research is
aimed at applying storytelling method
Based on the description of the
and picture card media in reading and
constraints associated with the
writing lesson on English subjects. This
implementation of English learning as
research is also aimed at developing
described, it is necessary to modify the
teachers' skills in using teaching methods,
learning that is able to bridge all interests,
as well as trying to find conceptual and
including the provision of optimal
operational ideas for further development
opportunities for students to learn, and
in early reading and writing lessons based
development of English language skills
on teaching and learning processes that
and skills in learning. After reflection on
the English language learning profile as occur in class through a set of planned
successfully recorded in the preliminary and developed actions.
study and indeed it has been realized by
the teacher. However, it is recognized by 2. RESEARCH METHODS
the researchers themselves that there are
obstacles to them in choosing a model of This research is seen from aspects of
learning that is able to encounter those methodological approach, using action
weaknesses, especially those that research method that focused on class
correspond to the characteristics of situation, or commonly known as
English in primary school or English for classroom action research (Suwarsih,
Children, especially in its mission as 1994). It is chosen based on the problem
supporting students' ability in analysis and research objectives that
communicating and familiar with culture demand some of the information and
International early on. follow-up that take place in the field
based on the "recycling" principle which
Telling story method with drawing requires study and action in a reflective,
media is expected to be a solution to collaborative, and participatory way. This
improve the results of learning to read the method was chosen based on the
beginning in English subjects in second consideration that in action research
grade students / C semester 2. These focused on classroom social situations, it
methods of learning depart from the
requires a certain amount of information
thinking of learning a foreign language
and follow-up directly based on the
should be fun with the stories delivered in
natural situation occurring in the
accordance with the bill curriculum used. implementation of learning (Hopkins
The target of expected achievement 1993). Another consideration is that the
from the use of telling story method with formulation of an action plan based on
drawing media in the learning process is existing social situations that develops in
expected to provide optimal learning classroom learning requires a series of
opportunities for students in every follow-ups from empirical situations that
learning, can improve English learning support the implementation of action
outcomes in particular reading / reading programs.
and writing / writing and also increase
In its implementation, classroom
student interest in subjects English, so action research focuses more on the
they can develop and train their process of self-reflection on the social

Publishing : Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Surabaya 878

Proceeding the 1st International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI) Page 877-882
ISBN : 978-602-50898-0-0

situation that occurs collaboratively and plans and actions that have been taken,
is accompanied by real participation to and serve as the basis for designing and
make changes toward the improvement formulating further action plans.
and improvement of the existing social
situation (Suwarsih, 1994). Research on
learning that occurs in the classroom is 3. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
basically intended to examine and Based on the results of research cycle
provide solutions to the problems that I on the implementation of the action, the
occur and experienced by teachers in application of story-aided method of
relation to classroom social situations image media with learning materials
(Hopkins, 1993), which in its presented is kind of weather is able to
implementation is contextual and highly attract students to more trying to read and
dependent on class social reality. write English. It can be observed from
This research is more directed to the the behavior of the students were at the
effort to innovate on class social situation time given the story and picture students
especially in learning English, that is by pay close attention and try to answer the
developing a learning method that is question even though still dominated by
expected to help teachers in some students only. So when the
implementing English learning better. application of story-aided method of
The design and action steps in this study media images in cycle I ranging from the
use the patterns and steps of classroom first and second act seems to continue to
action research that are tailored to the have an increase in learning outcomes of
objectives and characteristics of the focus reading and writing as well as student
of the research problem. interest in English lessons. By paying
attention to the suggested things expected
2.1. Planning Stage in cycle II can better manage the time and
Preparation of a class action plan that attract students attention on the learning
will be applied in accordance with the that took place. Based on the results
reading learning of the beginning of obtained in the first cycle, in the second
English. The design of the action and cycle is done learning action to be able to
operation departs from the natural further improve student learning
conditions of learning English in outcomes and interests, the improvement
elementary schools that serve as a of learning is done with the pattern of
development site for action jointly learning is better than the previous one is
developed by researchers and teachers. to add pictures letters other than images
associated with the story delivered in
2.2. Implementation phase of action
accordance with Material.
After the initial plan is designed and
established collaboratively between the Based on the action and analysis done
then the implementation of action in
researcher and the teacher, then the
cycle II can be described as follows: on
practice of learning in the classroom
cycle II the material presented is about at
using the model that has been agreed
the park / park. At the time of application
of the Picture-aided Picture Storytelling
2.3. Observation stage Method in cycle II from the first action,
When implementing classroom action second to the third action the child seems
using agreed models and steps, to be improving. This can also be seen
researchers begin documenting processes, from the observer's observation that
circumstances, and other factors that arise shows an increase in each indicator of
and develop during the course of action. student interest, good attention,
The results of these observations serve as willingness and effort.
a basis for reflection and revision of the

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Improving Student’s Interest and Achievement in Learning Reading and Writing …
Gede Wira Bayu & N. W. Arini

Better things happen again in the 30

implementation of cycle III with the 25 Sangat Baik
metrics of public places, where students 20
all show improvement both in terms of Baik
learning outcomes and interests. Students
compete in the show to answer questions
and be able to complete the tasks 5 Cukup
assigned both at school and well done at 0





home. Kurang
Based on observation of interest
aspect in cycle I, II and III there is a
significant increase in attention aspect, Diagram 2 Results of Student Learning in Cycle
willingness and effort of student in I, II and III
following learning English in class. This
can be seen from the interest diagram on
the aspects of attention, willingness and From the diagram above can be seen
effort at the end of cycle III where the that the application of telling story
category has shifted from the category method with drawing media can improve
less to high / hard and very high / hard learning outcomes read and write the
category, as in the following diagram: beginning of English class II / C SD 3
Banjar Jawa Singaraja.
Kategori Meanwhile, for the application of
Kurang story-assisted storytelling method in
English learning, one of the product
Kategori implications that become the measure of
Cukup its success is the improvement of learning
achievement achieved by the students and
Kategori the increasing of the student’s interest in
Sedang the English lesson. After three cycles in
English learning with the application of
story-assisted media-drawing method
Diagram 1 Student Interest at End of Cycle III involving two SKs with four KDs, the
results of the action implementation in
While based on the results of data relation to the improvement of learning
analysis of student learning outcomes and outcomes and the students' overall
interest in cycle I, cycle II and cycle III interest indicate an improvement.
that continues to increase, where most of
the student learning outcomes are in very In this research the application of
good category and the rest on very good story-assisted illustrated media method is
category. The improvement can be seen done in several stages, namely:
in the following diagram: 1. Selection of appropriate themes and
2. Appropriate time of presentation.
3. Atmosphere (situation and condition).
4. Media and the right telling tool.
5. The correct storytelling technique.
6. Evaluation after story telling

Publishing : Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Surabaya 880

Proceeding the 1st International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI) Page 877-882
ISBN : 978-602-50898-0-0

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Publishing : Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Surabaya 882

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