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“Katolički školski centar” English language Ljubica Zadrić February 28th and March 4th and 8th 2019

SCHOOL YEAR 2018/2019

RECENT WORK Students have acquired basic vocabulary regarding countries and nationality, family members, classroom objects, school
subjects, the verb to be, subject and object pronouns, possessive adjectives, prepositions of place, plural of the nouns,
imperative, articles, demonstrative pronouns, can/can’t, Present Simple Tense, adverbs of frequency, vocabulary related to
appearance, clothes, food, drinks, sports, jobs, routines, places, giving directions, the weather, seasons, expeditions,
immigrants, TV programmes, helping the environment and people, helping children; countable and uncountable nouns,
Present Continuous Tense, Past Simple Tense, “was/were”, the comparison of adjectives.
SOURCES M. Harris, D. Mower, A. Mešić: Challenges – Students’ Book; Workbook, CD; Pearson Longman; 2009
TEACHING UNIT Science Olympiad – Objects; Grammar: can/can’t, must/mustn’t
TYPE OF LESSON Presentation
Educational: To develop reading, listening and speaking skills; To acquire vocabulary related to science; To acquire
grammar – can/can’t and must/mustn’t.
Pedagogical: To talk about fun school subjects; To motivate students to work together.
Intercultural: To talk about similar Olympiads in our country.
Educational: Practicing grammar structures; Practicing phrases related to science.
Pedagogical: To encourage students to ask questions freely in class and answer to questions asked by others; To create
amusing and hard-working atmosphere; To develop love for English language learning.
METHODS Listening, reading, speaking; Communicative Language Teaching
CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Frontal, group, pair and individual work
TEACHING AIDS, MATERIALS Students’ Books, Workbooks, blackboard and chalk
PROCEDURE Introduction-Main part-Final part
TIME 45’

Aims and Class organization procedures and activities Teaching aids Interaction Possible problems and


objectives and materials solutions

To revise the Activity 1 – Revising the previous lessons T-Ss Some students may have 10’

previous lesson The teacher greets the students upon entering the classroom. problems with forming
The teacher writes UNICEF on the blackboard and asks what it is, Ss-T correct sentences, the
what it does, which projects they have, what we can do to help children teacher and other students

around the world. help.

To encourage Activity 2 – Warming up Students’ T-Ss Some students have 10’
students to talk The teacher asks students if they do any sports and if they like team Books problems with
about endangered work, pair work or individual work better. Volunteers tell their Ss-T understanding the new
animals opinions and share their experiences. Together we discuss our today’s Blackboard vocabulary; the teacher
topic – Science Olympiad. Students say if they like science, biology, Ss-Ss and other students help.
chemistry, computer studies etc. The teacher asks students to write the
title in their notebooks. They look at the drawings and find the key
To develop reading, Activity 3 – Listening and reading Students’ T-Ss Some students may have 15’
listening and The teacher asks students to listen carefully to the recording about the Books problems with acquiring
speaking skills rules for the Science Olympiad. Next, they read the text one by one by Ss-T new vocabulary. The
taking turns. Next, they ask each other questions about the text. They CD teacher helps.
write the unknown vocabulary (engine, glue, wood, radio control, Ss-Ss
judge, piece, wheels, demonstrate, pick up). After reading, they CD player
comment on the text and say if they would like to take part in the
To acquire grammar Activity 4 – Grammar and practice Students’ T-Ss Some students may have 8’
Next, the teacher asks students to explain what can/can’t and Books problems with
must/mustn’t are used for in the text. Students also translate them and Ss-T understanding the usage
compare it to their meanings in our language. The teacher emphasises Notebooks of must and mustn’t; the
Main part

that we use can/can’t to talk about permission. But we use Ss-Ss teacher emphasises their
must/mustn’t to talk about something that is important to do or not to usage.
do something. We go through the exercises no. 5, 6, 7 and 9 in order to
practice grammar.
To assign Activity 5 – Assigning the homework Workbooks T-Ss 2’

homework The teacher assigns the homework and explains the tasks (Workbook,
p. 83, 84, 85).

TIME EXCESS: In case the teacher is left some time, she will ask the students to do some extra exercises.
TIME SHORTAGE: In case that the teacher is short of time, she will assign some activities for homework.
Science Olympiad

engine glue wood radio control judge piece wheels demonstrate pick up

You can use wood. – It is allowed to use it. You can’t use other materials. – It is not allowed to use other material.
You must build a bridge. – It is important to follow the rule. You mustn’t paint the bridge. – It’s very important not to do something.

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