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Rice f t
Rev. Ike at Hammart Hall.

Rev. Ike advocates science of self-awareness

by Philip Parker
-wiley sanders

seek their redemption now

t h r o u g h self-mastery. "The
volume 64, number 32

way we can correct social

problems is by teaching the
people's self-images, accor-
ding to Rev. Ike. "Residents of
m o n d a y , f e b r u a r y 14, 1977

money in this country and

gave everybody $5000 by the
"Mind power is God power! science of self-awareness individual to come to peace low-cost housing projects tore end of the week it would end up
Mind power is money-getting teaches the individual to with himself," he commented. up t h e i r n e i g h b o r h o o d s back where it was originally.'"
p o w e r ! " e x c l a i m e d D r . establish a positive image of He d i s a g r e e s w i t h t h e because "the government just (Presumably a lion's share
Frederick J. Eikerenkoetter himself in his own mind," sociologists from Washington gave them more t h i n g s would go back to Rev. Ike, P.O.
a k a Reverend Ike a s he explains Rev. Ike. "It's only who tack labels on people and without r a i s i n g their self- Box 1000, Boston, Mass.)
dazzled a full house in your opinion of yourself that give them negative self- respect." In essence his ideology is
Hamman Hall Friday with a really counts." Only by being images. Labels like "poor "Welfare h a s its place," only a slight variation of the
discourse on his doctrine of the master of oneself can someone people", "underprivileged" conceded Rev. Ike, "but it m a i n l i n e Protestant-Ethic-
"Science of Living" and Green be a master of things like a n d "culturally deprived" shouldn't be a resting place." Capitalism, so he had little use
Power. money, assures Rev. Ike. become debilitating, thus he He condemned the present for the r a d i c a l black
In town this weekend for a Instead of a theology book, urges his followers to reject system as a "form of modern movement's insistence on
g i a n t r e v i v a l R e v . Ike the Bible is a book of self- these definitions. slavery, because it robs people restructuring society. "I never
appeared on campus as a guest image psychology. Quoting One problem with the social of self-responsibility." got into black power," he
of Dr. Bill Martin of the scripture, Rev. Ike noted that programs of the sixties was A c c o r d i n g to Rev. Ike smiled, "as black as I am I
sociology department. Martin "as a man thinks, so he is." He that they attempted to change income redistribution would couldn't spend it. The only
met Rev. Ike ten years ago also remarked that the Old institutions without changing not work. "If you took all the (continued on page 10)
when he was still a fundamen- Testament says "let the weak
talist evangelist in Boston and s a y I a m s t r o n g " — a n
has followed his rise from a affirmation of his belief of the
store-front church to a multi- triumph of mind power.
million dollar enterprise. Rev. Ike rejects the standard
Drop extension proposed
Tonight at 10pm the Student that it would relieve a great grade and lessen the value of a
No longer does Rev. Ike tell sociological a p p r o a c h e s of Association will discuss a deal of pressure and anxiety Rice degree. Yet, in most cases,
flock to wait for salvation by r e f o r m i n g i n s t i t u t i o n s to proposal to extend the drop from the student by giving this proposal would only allow
and by, but rather they should rfimedv society's ills, "the onlv deadline to the last day of more time to evaluate his a student to drop one course,
classes. Under the current academic position. b e c a u s e of U n i v e r s i t y
Kingbay aids bikers system, classes must be
dropped by the tenth week.
If the motion passes, the
The current deadline has
several problems. Many
students will not have received
regulations requiring that a
load of four courses be
maintained. So the measure
by Steve Sullivan Beer-Biker asked him how to
go about conditioning for the S.A. will recommend to the midterm results by this time, would by no means be an out
Beer-Bike Race, Kingbay Committee on Examinations and cannot accurately for a student who compul-
replied, "There are two kinds and Standings that this new evaluate their class standing. sively garners fives.
The monsoons that struck of people in the world, the procedure be implemented. If For this reason, the Committee
Houston Friday not only had athletes and the non-athletes. the new policy takes effect this on E x a m i n a t i o n s a n d It should be noted that if the
several e n t e r p r i s i n g Rice The athletes will win it every year, students will have until Standings is always deluged S.A. passes the motion, the
students building an ark, but time." Kingbay was rather April 29th to drop classes. by requests to drop courses Committee on Examinations
also drove bicycling expert critical of f a n c y bikes a t Various reasons, both for after the tenth week. and S t a n d i n g s will then
Keith Kingbay's presentation e x o r b i t a n t prices. His and against the change, have The p r i m a r y a r g u m e n t consider it as a suggestion.
indoors. comment was, "Those bikes been noted. Many people, against the proposal is that it The power to enact or reject it
The bicycle registration that with magnesium or titanium Dean Brown included, feel will eliminate the failing rests with that committee.
was to take place in front of frames, they're no good for
Willy's Statue was rained out touring. All they're good for is
completely, and Kingbay gave selling."
prospective Beer-Bikers his Kingbay's advice to tourers,
sage advice in the Grand Hall carry a bottle of water and
of the RMC. Kingbay, a some fresh fruit, especially
m e m b e r of t h e O l y m p i c apples. He said the first thing
Committee, is primarily a your body needs aside from air
tourer; so his presentation is water. Next, your body
started out with a movie about needs potassium. Avoid milk
a bike trip across the country. and choclate, because they
Although I'm no movie critic, I tend to build up mucous in the
think I can safely say that it mouth.
will not be in the running for
an Oscar. It did, however, Kingbay also spoke on
serve to point out some of the KTRU's U p in t h e Air call-in
preparations and equipment program, with Mark Robinson
necessary for a long bicycle of Daniel Boone's Bike Shop,
tour. on Wednesday night. His visit
After Kingbay joined his was sponsored by the RPC and
audience in sleeping through the Houston Citizens for Hike
the movie, he answered the a n d Bike, w h i c h is a n
questions the bikers had about o r g a n i z a t i o n dedicated to
equipment, conditioning, fanning the fires of bicycling
racing, and touring. When one in Houston.

SA AGENDA, FEB. 14, 10pm SH301

1)Standing committees—The Senate will choose
"volunteers" to conduct the interviews of prospective
members of the University Standing Committees.
2)The Committee on Examinations and Standing is
considering an extension of the deadline for dropping courses -paul fong
participation invited
To the editor: passed a law seizing
thousands of acres from local
In r e s p o n s e to H i r a m landowners for the establish-
Berry's letter exposing the ment of Jewish f a r m i n g
reactionary role of Zionism communities which also serve
and d e f e n d i n g the just as military outposts. Against
national liberation struggles this background of oppression
of the P a l e s t i n i a n people, Palestinians and other Arabs
several letters attacking his in the Galilee and West Bank
position were printed in the
T h r e s h e r . These defenses of
rose in widespread rebellion
last spring. They demanded CA
Zionism were based on the the end of Israeli occupation of
very distortions of which Arab lands and the liberation
Berry w a s accused and of Palestine; demonstrations
served only to confuse the and general strikes swept the
issues involved. a r e a s . The g o v e r n m e n t
What is the real nature of responded in its characteristic
Zionism? Zionism is the fashion—troops killed several
political movement developed and wounded dozens, many of
whom were children; militant
by European Jewish bour-
geoisie to force the creation of
the state of Israel on the
young Palestinians running
for office in local Galilean Coed college discussion
territory of Palestine. The elections were muzzled. Mr. To the editor: should be eliminated as a the RPC, not the colleges, and
w e a l t h y J e w s l e a d i n g the Klein may be right when he This whole discussion about problem as quickly as possible. the questioning of the RPC's
movement claimed that claims that civil rights are coed colleges seems to be But we do have to consider s u c c e s s is a completely
Palestine was intended by God denied only to suspected getting ridiculous and out of Rice's a c a d e m i c reputation different issue. Nor will the
to belong to the Jews, and to be terrorists—to the Zionists, hand (reading this week's before acting, since it is colleges simply abandon
ruled by themselves. The took every Palestinian is a T h r e s h e r s ) . Basically, it's a desirable to maintain and traditional e v e n t s simply
a d v a n t a g e of the historic suspected terrorist. All this local problem and single-sex e v e n improve that. It is b e c a u s e t h e y are coed
oppression of the J e w i s h reveals the sham claims of dorms are only accidents of obvious that we should find (Hanszen's Mardi Gras and
people by the European ruling Israel democracy. history. But it seems that I out how Cal Tech and MIT, Baker's Shakespearean
classes to advance the goals of Several of the letters attempt m a y h a v e s o m e t h i n g to etc., have dealt with similar Festival as proofs). To call the
a few Jewish capitalists. Prior to equivocate a n y armed contribute as one of the few issues, important information coed colleges isolationist is to
to WWII the Zionists had little resistance to Zionist aggres- people on campus who has which seems to be lacking. But tailor the crime to fit.
support among the Jewish sion with terrorism. In typical lived in a single-sex and a coed I can offer evidence to the This writer obviously favors
masses for their nation-state Zionist fashion they spotlight college, even though I don't effect that sexual segregation m a k i n g all the c o l l e g e s
s c h e m e . While the J e w i s h i s o l a t e d a c t s of n a i v e e s p e c i a l l y w a n t to g e t does not exist at many state c o e d u c a t i o n a l on s i m p l e
people were h e r o i c a l l y adventurers and provaca- involved. schools; the entire issue is dead grounds of normalcy. People
r e s i s t i n g the F a s c i s t s ' teurs, many of them not even The first point to be made is for m a n y (probably most) who don't want sexual
program of genocide, the Arabs. Portrayal of these acts that sexual segregation is not college students. Some of those associations don't go beserk
Zionists were s a y i n g t h a t a s r e p r e s e n t a t i v e of t h e culturally or psychologically schools have "ratios", as does from being in a coed college
resistance was useless and Palestinian people, or attri- natural, and even if single-sex Baker, but no one seems to and no one can be forced into
that only migration to the buting them to the PLO is colleges don't actively consider it a problem. Maybe undesired friendships, in
Palestinian "homeland" could just cheap slander. The PLO encourage that segregation, the real problem is the rational Baker or in any coed college,
solve their problems. Created has consistently denounced they do make it easy for people use of "the ratio" to justify the weanies are still going to
through massive military and adventuristic acts. They point to avoid solving problems of action (or inaction). be around Rice no matter what
economic aid, mainly from the out that the only road to r e l a t i o n s h i p s between the (pre-meds, Chinese, and other
A final major item to be
U.S., Israel was established to liberation is armed struggle by sexes by simply not actively desperadoes). So if even most
considered is the isolationist
serve as a military outpost and the masses of people. s e e k i n g such r e l a t i o n s h i p s . of the members of the single-
charge. But isn't part of the
source of political influence in The only comment to add to sex colleges want to go coed, in
The Zionists ignore that the idea of the college system to
the oil-rich Mideast. To this make that into a personal spite of the h u m a n (and
real terrorism stems from create small social communi-
day, Israel is kept afloat only history is to say that e^ch year e s p e c i a l l y Rice p e o p l e s ' )
the Israeli government: ties, and doesn't the very
by continuous infusions of aid spent in a single-sex college c o n s e r v a t i s m towards the
b o m b i n g and s h e l l i n g of tendency of the coed college to
from the U.S. imperialists. m a k e s it harder for a n familiar, then why don't they
P a l e s t i n i a n refugee camps; become withdrawn show the
In their letters, Shapiro, Mossad assassination of PLO individual to achieve a normal s y s t e m to be w o r k i n g . get it done.
Schreiber and Rakoover claim leaders in foreign lands; relationship with members of University-wide events are the
that Arabs in Israel enjoy the massacre of 250 Arab civilians the opposite sex, reinforcing a responsibility of the Student Shannon Jacobs
same rights with Jews and at Deir Yaseen; supply of arms loner's belief that he can go it Association and specifically Baker '78
that those in the occupied a n d m u n i t i o n s t o t h e alone, as well as allowing the
territories share in Israeli reactionary forces in Lebanon; individual to be classified as
"democracy" and prosperity. shooting down demonstrators. celibate by the rest of the _ J f H E i k A CARLA McFARLAND
A majority of Palestinians are Many of letters attacking c o m m u n i t y . What I'm IPW Editor
workers, many exploited side Berry equate his anti-Zionism basically arguing here is that H I C B W W CATHERINE M. EGAN
by side with Jewish workers. with antisemitism. This is single-sex colleges can Business Manager
Palestinians, however, suffer slanderous falsehood. Pales- contribute to non-normal 1 f l f e g n e f Steven M. Setser
s i g n i f i c a n t l y h i g h e r unem- tinians and other Arabs are psychological development. Advertising Manager
ployment, and are restricted to just a s Semitic a s J e w s . The original justification for Philip H. Parker Candidate
Kim D. Brown Candidate
the hardest, most marginal, Neither did he put forth anti- single-sex dormitories is T h o m a s E. Brown Ex-Candidate (he got smart)
lowest paying jobs. For easy Jewish views. The solution rooted in ideas that sex is bad Walter Underwood P h o t o g r a p h y Editor
i d e n t i f i c a t i o n , P a l e s t i n i a n s which he shares with the PLO, and Platonic thought can't J a y Shilstone Fine Arts Editor
are forced to carry specially that of a secular democratic survive sexual contact. Steve Sullivan De F a c t o E v e r y t h i n g Editor
J i m Fowler Dull-wit Editor
marked identity cards, Nazi s t a t e i n w h i c h J e w s , Poppycock and balderdash. Barry L. J o n e s Sports Editor Emeritus
style. Arab political parties are Christians, and Moslems live Sex is something we all have Bill Barron Circulation M a n a g e r
banned. These "full citizens" peacefully together as equals and we're all going to have to Mark §. Linimon C a f f i e n e Editor
are barred from the army and is the only viable alternative live with (eunuchs and Art Staff Dale Charletta, Jeff Kerr
not allowed to bear arms. After for the Jewish people. transvestites excepted) and we Copy Editor Cindy Childress
nearly 30 years^ of Zionist Due to limitations not all may as well enjoy it. And a lot Editorial Staff Jeanmarie Amend, Jim Beall, Juli Jones,
terror and expulsion, only 15% of the issues brought up by the Karen Moross, Matt Muller
of studying does go on in those
of I s r a e l ' s p o p u l a t i o n , supporters of Zionism could be coed colleges. Lacking the Sports Staff Asuka Nakahara, Larry Nettles,
Philip Parker, Marc Siegel
excluding those in areas seized answered. We, the supporters data, I am unable to say Photography Staff Mark Catlett, Paul Fong, Rich Jensen,
in 1967, remains Palestinian. of P a l e s t i n i a n n a t i o n a l whether the GPA is higher in Ann Shaw, Beth Stickney

Yet, even this minority is l i b e r a t i o n , c h a l l e n g e t h e single-sex or coed colleges, but Production Staff Steve Glaser, Lee Holder, Marty Hood, Robert Miller,
seen as a threat to Zionist rule, Zionists to participate with us that isn't even an issue if the Belle Sheppard, Mark Stoll, Esther Talacki,
Bill Studabakej, Mark Linimon, and gru/iGY
and is dealt with harshly. In in a public forum, to be held purpose of college is to produce The Rice T h r e s h e r , official student newspaper at l8ce University since 1916, is
the region of Galilee the within several weeks at Rice. mature leaders and innova- published semi-weekly on Mondays and Thursdays during the school year, except
tors, as I would contend. Sex is during examination periods and holidays, by the students of Rice University,
Palestinian population had , For f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n 527-4801. Advertising information is available on request, 527-4802. Editorial and
slowly increased from 42% in contact: a normal part of being human business offices are located on the second floor of the suddenly rodent-free Rice
1948 to a majority. The and coed colleges acknowledge Memorial Center and Grungy's Storeroom, P.O. Box 1892, Houston, Texas 77001.
Mail subscription rate, 15 dollars per year. The opinions expressed herein are not
government decided they must that fact. necessarily those of anyone except the writer.
Travis F. Morales Obviously.
end this Palestinian majority Rice does have the special
WRC '74 problem of "the ratio", which
"Copyright 1977, T h e Rice T h r e s h e r . All rights reserved.
and "Judaize" Galilee. They Unless. . .
the rice thresher, f e b r u a r y 14, 1977 — page 2
Shortly before his death, she patenting of new forms of
says, he was taken to Fort life—because of their possible

INTERNATIONAL Meade in M a r y l a n d for

questioning by his superiors.
An army agent reportedly
hazards—should be permitted
at all.

BRIEFS... Compiled and edited by Tom

Brown and Juli Jones.
c a m e to her h o m e a n d
confiscated a manuscript her
husband was working on
about his spy experiences. A
few days later, Sigler was
A public interest group in
W a s h i n g t o n called the
People's Business Commis-
sion recently released the
names of seven private drug
(ZNS) A study by the process which allows old the university. According to found dead. companies who are allegedly
government's strategy council a s p h a l t p a v e m e n t to be the publication, N a t i o n a l Ilse Sigler claims that just secretly experimenting with
on drug abuse concludes that recycled. On-Campus Report, the last week her home was new life f o r m s in t h e i r
marijuana use in America is Mendenhall says that there student flunked a political burglarized and a roll of film labaratories.
approaching what it terms a are six billion tons of asphalt science course because he belonging to her late husband
"saturation level." already lying on American turned in a blank final exam was stolen. The film was According to the commis-
The researchers state that at streets and playgrounds— book. stolen, she claims, immediate- sion, private companies are
least 22 million Americans enough to pave a ten lane The student says the book ly after she mentioned it in a literally racing with each
have smoked pot in the past expressway to the moon. was full when he turned it in, telephone conversation with a other to develop and patent life
year alone; they say that the but that someone else removed private investigator. forms that could be used for
number of grass users is now the cover and restapled it to a In the meantime, an army profit making purposes. The
so large, the figure is unlikely blank book. psychiatric study concludes magazine Mother Jones, for
to increase subsantially in the (ZNS)A drug publication that Sigler committed suicide instance, reports that General
future. reports that members of an by wrapping a bare wire Electric h a s already an-
One of the more surprising ultra-decadent group of thrill- around his arm and plugging nounced its intention to patent
findings is the government's seekers in Paris is claiming it's (ZNS) The wife of a dead the other end into a wall socket a micro-organism that can eat
estimate that as many as 4 discovered the ultimate high. U.S. army intelligence agent is because he was—in the army's up oil spills.
million Americans have used According to Rush maga- a c c u s i n g t h e a r m y of words—"not mentally respon-
cocaine. This would represent zine, the novel method known murdering her husband last sible." Numerous scientists have
almost two percent of the U.S. a s t h e " d e a t h r u s h " is year because he knew too warned that devastating new
population. acheived by the injection of a much about the Pentagon's diseases could be created and
deadly snake venom. Persons covert operations. then escape from the
who experience the high The agent, Chief Warrant (ZNS) The U.S. Commerce labaratory, threatening all life
reportedly build up their Officer Ralph Sigler, was Department , in a completely on the planet.
(ZNS) Bizarre new experi- resistance to the venom by found dead in the room of a u n p u b l i c i z e d move, h a s
ments on cockroaches indicate recieving small doses until Holiday Inn in Maryland last granted private corporations
t h a t those fast-crawling their tolerance is increased. April with a lamp cord special privileges in their
insects are even smarter than Finally, they are able to take wrapped around his upper arm c o n t o v e r s i a l a t t e m p t s to
was formerly believed. a normally fatal dose, and and plugged into the wall. The patent new and exotic forms of (ZNS) People m a y be
Researchers at Michigan experience a death rush that insulation of the cord had been life. surprised to hear that little
State University report that allegedly makes one fall to the stripped away and Sigler had The U.S. Patent Commis- girls are just as dirty minded
cockroaches can learn some floor in ecstasy. There's one been electrocuted. sioner, in an announcement as little boys.. .atleast when it
things faster after their heads small catch, however: one Sigler's wife, Ilse, told The buried in t h e F e d e r a l comes to graffiti.
have been chopped off. reportedly never knows if the Washington Post that she Registry last month, revealed A study by 120 Minnesota
Dr. K a t h r y n Lovell, a death rush is just a rush . . . or heard from her husband in a that the patent office has college students has found
biophysicist at the university the real thing. desperate phone call from him. decided to "accelerate" all that there is just as much
says that headless roaches " J u s t listen to me!" he patent applications for new obscene graffiti in girls'
can live up to a week after the reportedly screamed over an life forms. bathrooms as in boys'. The
beheading because of nerve electronic screech in the The controversial ruling s u r v e y a l s o f o u n d l i t t l e
cell clusters in other parts of (ZNS) A doctor at Michigan background, "...sue the army. was handed down despite the difference between the content
their bodies. State University is reporting I'm dying." At this point, Ilse fact that a special government of the scribblings on the walls
Roaches with their heads that up to 300 Americans are Sigler said, the phone went interagency committee is in service stations and in
removed have actually learned killed accidentally each year dead. looking into whether the churches.
to avoid painful electrical while engaging in a bizarre
shocks more quickly t h a n sex practice that has been
have normal roaches.
If this story seems strange,
the Detroit N e w s reports
t h a t a Russian man h a s
unpublicized by the media.
Dr. Myron Faber says that
the practice is commonly
referred to as "terminal sex,"
successfully trained cock- and generally involves a man 600DWRN/N6, WAS WONDERING FACT, I'LL HAVE
r o a c h e s to o p e n t i n y hanging himself by the neck WHITE HOUSE RADIO ! WHY YOU DON'T ONE OF MY TOP A LOT TO TEACHAll AMERICANS HELLO, YOU HAVE
newspapers and to rush at his with a noose to enhance sexual THIS 15 YOUR PRESI- QUOTE808EWLAN AIDES CALL BOB A80UT HYPOCRISY AND SOCIAL JIMMYCARJER ANY IDEA
command to a miniature table gratification during mastur- HERE! WHAT TIME
where they sit in chairs and bation. The idea behind the / DO, Y'KNOW?.. ^ FOP A QUOTE

eat in tiny dishes. These Soviet practice, the doctor says, is

roaches still have heads. that releasing the noose at .the
very last moment before
unconsciousness allegedly
increases sensations.
(ZNS) Here's a story that A slight miscalculation,
could happen only in America: Faber adds, often means
a Philadelphia company death.
which sells cheeseburger- The doctor says his research YES THIS IS THE HI, THERE ! UH.. NO, SIR, I SEE. ~
shaped radios has taken legal indicates there are 200 to 300 WHITE HOUSE CALLING HEY, WAIT IS THIS MY IT'S JIMMY. OJELL, WHAT
action against a New York deaths by this practice each WILLY A,
firm for m a r k e t i n g a year in the U.S.—and that 80% THE PRESIDENTI LEGEND ? JACUZZI. I'M D0IN6 ?
of those engaging in the f
hamburger-shaped radio.
practice are between 14 and 22 ~Xf
What's more, complains
A m i c o I n c o r p o r a t e d of years old.
Philadelphia, the hamburger The practice of "eroticized
imposter is being sold in a hanging" receives no news
cheeseburger-like box. As a coverage, the doctor says,
result, federal judge Charles because when a victim is
Weiner h a s ordered t h e d i s c o v e r e d , it is o f t e n
Windsor Company of New mistakenly believed he was ) 31

York to stop putting its c o m m i t t i n g an " i s o l a t e d HEY, MAN, MP.PRESI- WELL, INEEV ANOTHER I BELIEVE IT GOES
hamburger radios in cheese- perversion," and details of the IM IN THE PENT, BOB QUOTE FOR MY NEXT CHAT! SOMETHING LIKE THIS.. HEY, BOB, I
authorities. \ IT'S THE PRES-
^ § r
( Z N S ) Y o u ' v e h e a r d of (f ( f-
reclaiming garbage, news- (ZNS) You've heard excuses
papers, and glass, but how for why someone flunked out
about old asphalt? of school, but how about this
The US Commerce Depart- one?
ment reports that it has issued A graduate student at the
patent number four million to University of Illinois claims Cf>fa/
Robert Mendenhall, for a he was unfairly dismissed by
t h e rice t h r e s h e r , f e b r u a r y 14, 1 9 7 7 — p a g e 3
Caliban: expression through contemporary means
and its not-so-high spots. It strained, as if the dancers were the characters is that William
by Jay Shilstone c o n c e n t r a t i n g m o r e on 8689 for tickets. (Don't forget
never had a low spot. The Pizzuto was not allowed to the SA office).
disco dance at the beginning dancing than on expressing a develop his triple role as
Last Saturday night I had underwent an excellent feeling. Caliban's dream about Antonio, Alonso, and
the immense pleasure of transformation from chaos to winning Miranda seemed Sebastian more.
seeing the Houston Ballet's the beginnings of the story. forced and too stylized. Also, Caliban seems to be a
final performance of Caliban. there seemed to be too much C h a n i n g P l a y e r s will
My favorite dance of the entire major step in a new direction. present The C h i l d r e n ' s
Caliban was not only a very evening was "Drifting Along", subtlety for the dream to really St. Elmo's Fire deserved and
good performance but also be Caliban's. The third act received a standing ovation Hour at the First Unitarian
which was performed by Church starting Feb. 18.
showed t h a t classical Caliban, Prospero, Miranda, picked up again but still didn't for their music and perfor-
performers are becoming more Prospero's daughter, and reach the heights of the first mances. As a whole, Caliban Curtain is at 8:30. Reserva-
willing to step out of the old Ferdinand, the son of the King act. The show evidently was the best of the few times I tions can be made by calling
ways and express themselves of Naples. The dance showed decided it had shown the have seen the Houston Ballet 526-1571.
with contemporary methods. Caliban'8 hurt and dismay as audience enough background perform. My rather weak
This is one of the best steps I he saw his love, Miranda, in the first two acts and so interest in ballet has been
have seen the performing arts being given to Ferdinand. This "let's hurry up and get the replaced by the hope of seeing
take since I can remember. was ballet at its finest. No d a m n t h i n g over w i t h . " more as soon as possible. Even D e s e r t S o n g will be
Caliban is a rock ballet so of words were needed to show Caliban's final imprisonment those who "don't like ballet" Theater Under the Stars' next
course it started off with a how C a l i b a n f e l t . The by Prospero just happened should check it out. They show in the downtown Music
disco dance. Gradually, the audience saw Caliban dance without enough preparation. might be surprised. Hall. The show will run Feb.
ideas behind The Tempest, and knew the torment that The dancers themselves 16-20. Phone 222-4461 or
which Caliban is based on, was running through him. were magnificent. Propero * * * * * Foley's for tickets.
became apparent. Prospero With this sort of work, never (Whit Ha worth) danced with a * * * * *
was removed from his let it be said that ballet ignores power and vengeance that Houston Ballet will present Alief Community Theater
dukedom and his brother, reality. The depth of human approached demonic possess- an evening of premiers on Feb. will present Neil Simon's
Antonio, took over. From there emotion shown in Caliban's ion. His effect on the audience 17, 18, and 19. The evening's Plaza Suite Feb. 18-19, 25-26,
The Tempest is acted out but dance is the only reality. was tremendous and was oh- works will be Ramifications, and March 4-5. Tickets are $3
it is shown through Caliban's The second act was not as so-close to a standing ovation Bartok Concerto, and and can be purchased at
eyes. enjoyable as the first. For that one was tempted to stand Raymonda, Act III, all new Foley's and at the door. ACT
The show had its high spots some r e a s o n it seemed up a n y w a y . Ariel (Leo to the U.S. Tickets run from $3 h a s m o v e d to T h e a t e r
Ahonen) was very strong in to $14. Call 225-0271 or 236- Southwest at 6830 Wilcrest.
EUROPE AT A BARGAIN his dances but seemed to lack
Charters f r o m Chicago, N Y , M i a m i
$269 and up
the lightness one usually
associates with a fairy or
sprite. His pas de deux with
Missiles and convicts
Sunday, January 16, 1981. United States. The president
Cultures, Inc.
Iris (Soili Arvola) approached Four escaped convicts take
2518 Driscoll
the lightness and fun his tries to negotiate, but it soon
465-5888 529-2593 anytime
entire performance should over a Titan Missile Control becomes apparent that either
have had. Caliban (Joey Center near Malmstrom Air he submits to the demands, or
Hancock) was a little weak for Force Base in Montana. Burt there won't be much of a
Lancaster plays General Dell, country to be president of. He
cold Lone Star Beer the first few minutes but
picked up rapidly as the show
p r o g r e s s e d . He s h o w e d
the leader of the convicts. He is
a former POW, a man with a
agrees to go on nationwide
t e l e v i s i o n a n d tell t h e
himself in the best light in the cause who has been railroaded American the real cause of the
second act when he started to into a murder one conviction to Vietnam War.
think about all the problems keep him. quiet. Now that he is Does all this sound familiar?
that a ruler must face. Bravo, back on the outside, he is out to Twilight's Last Gleaming
Jory. reform the system... or destroy is sort of a cross between
it. Failsafe, Airport, and The
Miranda (Melissa Lowe) and Richard Widmark portrays P e n t a g o n Papers. Although
Ferdinand (Michael Job) both General MacKenzie, Comman- the plot seems a l i t t l e
provided a strong characteri- der in Chief of the Strategic outrageous at times, and the
zation as the young couple in Air Command. He is charged sets occasionally look like
love. " D r i f t i n g A l o n g " with destroying General Dell the plastic models that they
provided these two with their at all costs. The result is are, the action is fast-paced,
vehicle into the hearts of the predictable. MacKenzie tries and the acting is good.
audience. Dorio Perez turned to blow up Dell, and Dell Twilight's Last Gleam-
in a good, but curiously un- threatens to blow up the world. ing is showing in multiple
ballet-like, performance as This leaves it up to the engagements around Hous-
Trinculo, the jester, with p o l i t i c i a n s . G e n e r a l Dell ton.
Steven Cook as the stoned demands $20,000, Air Force
butler. The big complaint with One, and the President of the —Doug Oard

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will have representative o n campus Friday, February 18, to p r o v i d e ^ i n f o r m a t i o n
concerning graduate degrees in business.

Keg Beer for Any Size Party A representative of the University of Texas at Austin w i l l be o n campus to discuss the
Master of Business Administration program and t h e Master in Professional A c c o u n t i n g
program w i t h any interested students.
Call Jim Connor — Rice University
Lone Star Sales Rep — 526-6177
These programs are o p e n to ALL undergradaute majors.

Students interested in any Masters program can arrange an interview by contacting the
Lone Star Bear Co., Inc. Rice Placement Office.
1817 Ruiz
Houston, Texas 77002

t h e rice t h r e s h e r , f e b r u a r y 14, 1977 — p a g e 4

by Jay Shilstone
transplant itself in Wales in
the 1920's with little or no
Kate Reid, Miss Moffat, is
stage. Coming on stage with
• • • • • • •
m i n e r who, u n d e r Miss "Go Visit" as performed by

Moffat's tutelage, will aspire Bruce Norris, the bellhop, and

• • •

The Corn Is Green, preparation. The first break in the hustle and bustle of a new to win a scholarship to Oxford. grandma Eddie Tillman was
currently playing at the Alley, the tension of the transfer tenant in a house, she proceeds Gaze also is able to make a worth the price of admission.
is a moving story of a teacher's occurs with the entrance of to turn the stage into a home strong shift in character from While not t h e pride of
attempt to move a young Bessie Watty (Christine Rose) where she can accomplish her an uneducated miner to a vaudeville, the tap number
Welsh coal miner out of the as the housekeeper's cockney dreams. Like the new owner of literary genius. The audience leaves the audience roaring its
mines and into the world of daughter. Ms. Rose does an a house, Ms. Reid settles in does not see the actual approval.
literature. Based on the life of excellent job in her portrayal until her presence can be felt metamorphosis but can see 70, Girls, 70 is about a
the author, Emlyn Williams, of the would-be seductress. all over the home. Once Morgan at different stages of group of senior citizens who
Corn fills the audience with a Bessie makes a gradual but established in her house, Ms. his development. turn to crime in order to give
respect for the resolute strong change from a Reid opens her house to the The rest of the characters their lives a little zest. After
teacher and a desire to see her wayward child to a city alley audience with an expansive- are equally strong. Phillip all, who would arrest a sweet,
dreams fulfilled. c a t t h a t s h o w s a deep ness that is the mark of a D a v i d s o n is r i g h t e o u s l y little, old lady? The group
The beginning of the show is understanding of her char- professional performer. embarrassed at his desire for starts off returning a fur coat
rather slow. The audience is acter. Christopher Gaze plays Bessie; Concetta Tomei is the to Sadie's Fur Salon and ends
forced to shift gears and the next high point to hit the Morgan Evans, the young coal f l i g h t y , v a c u u m - h e a d e d up cracking a safe to steal furs
country spinster; and Maggie from the Arctic Cold Storage

Foster returns to lead orchestra Askey is the c o m m o n Vault. The idea is excellent but
housekeeper. All the charac- the script and performance are
ters help support the presence a little weak.
The Music Director of the harmonic variations more As might be expected from of Miss Moffat and her Marge Carroll turned in an
Houston Symphony, Law- closely than rhythmic ones his superb performances of dreams. excellent performance as
rence Foster, returned Monday this work is, on first hearing, The Rite of S p r i n g in After the initial drag, the Melbe, the laid-off waitress.
from a European conducting inaccessible. To complicate previous seasons Foster entire show picks up in tempo Together with cohort Fritzi
tour to lead the Orchestra in matters, Stravinsky chose a handles the shifting rhythms and intensity. Act II shows the (Martha Lu Wetzel) Melba
Stravinsky's opera-oratorio Latin text in order to direct meticulously. Tenor George progress of Morgan Evans and talks with the audience, talks
Oedipus Rex and Beetho- attention to the aforemen- Shirley sang very well in the reveals Miss Moffat's hopes with the orchestra, and dances
ven's Symphony No. 5. tioned rhythmic manipula- t r y i n g role of O e d i p u s , for him. Act III is an act of her way around the stage to
Oedipus Rex is a difficult tions. The audience is kept although mezzo-soprano Joy such force that the entire the delight of all. Ms. Carroll
work whose emphases are informed of the story line by a Davidson as Iocaste sounded audience is held spellbound by provides the energy and
placed by manipulations of narrator who summarizes the s t r a i n e d by S t r a v i n s k y ' s Miss Moffat's presence. Even confidence that are one of the
rhythmic figures. For ears action as the oratorio demanding writing. if just for a minute, the stage saving graces of the show.
trained to watch melodic and progresses. I confess that I have definite vanishes and a house in Wales Helen Ackerman (Gert) also
personal opinions of how the appears. This revelation is the turns in a strong performance
Barbosa plays piano Beethoven Fifth should be
performed. I prefer it with very
ultimate goal of all theater. as a rather masculine elderly
The Corn Is Green will be (but not old) woman. Mitzi
Brazilian artist Antonio as a unified whole. Continuing incisive string articulation, playing at the Alley through Wayne plays Ida, the woman
Barbosa provided an evening the Chopin, Barbosa played relatively fast tempi, and a Feb. 27. Beg, borrow, or steal who starts the others on their
of fine piano playing in the two Mazurkas and then the prominent wind choir. At any the money for a ticket because lives of crime. While Ms.
g r a n d romantic style last Scherzo No. 1, which he r a t e , I f o u n d F o s t e r ' s this show is what theater is all Wayne usually has a solid
Thursday. Playing mostly a t t a c k e d too v i g o r o u s l y , performance dull: generally about. character she lacks the stage
shorter pieces, Mr. Barbosa dashing it off in an overly fast, u n d i s t i n g u i s h e d p l a y i n g , # se
j sfc * 5}e
presence to pull the show off.
put a very personal interpre- breathless performance. some rough string ensembles, Bruce Norris provides the
tive edge on his performances' The second half of the and a string-heavy orchestral youthful angle as Addie, the
of works by Mozart, Chopin, program consisted of a series balance all contributed to a Last night 70, Girls, 70 bellhop. Boy, is it needed! The
Villa-Lobos, and Schubert. of shorter pieces by Villa- mediocre performance of a opened at TUTS Cabaret rest of the performers are
Barbosa began with L o b o s a n d f i v e L i s z t work that deserved better. TTieater to the drill of a m o d e r a t e to w e a k . T h e
Mozart's energetic Sonata in transcriptions of Schubert's World-renowned cellist geriatric chorus line and problem appears to be that too
C Major, K. 330. Displaying Lieder. The Villa-Lobos was Mitsislav Rostropovich will orthopedic tap shoes. The many of the cast are old and
a light, agile touch the pianist delightful. A pobre cega, appear this Sunday in Jones entire cast but one is made up not just elderly.
employed his impressive with its halting, bumbling Hall with Mr. Foster and the of people from the Geritol set. With the exception of all too
t e c h n i q u e to g i v e h i s rhythms was perhaps the Orchestra to perform the While the show had amazing few fleeting moments, 70,
performance of the work an standout of the group. The Dvorak Cello Concerto. The energy for a cast of its type, G i r l s , 7 0 is weak a n d
appearance of facile simpli- Schubert-Liszt works were D v o r a k "New World" most of t h e s h o w w a s amateurish. It was a great
city. After the Mozart, nicely played, although by this symphony is also program- amateurish. disappointment to see this
Barbosa took on the trouble- time, at the end of a program of med for this concert. For That is not to say that there from TUTS. Hopefully the
some C h o p i n P o l o n a i s e romantic works, my ears tired tickets and information about weren't some perfectly next show will restore all lost
Fantasie in A Flat Major, a q u i c k l y of t h e L i s z t i a n student rush tickets call the delightful moments. The song faith.
work that is hard to hold splashes of color and technical HSO box office at 224-4240.
t o g e t h e r . Mr. B a r b o s a ' s display.
e x p a n s i v e , if s o m e w h a t The p e r f o r m a n c e w a s
mannered, rendering suc- sponsored by the Society for
ceeded in presenting the work the Performing Arts*: PASADENA

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SPECIALISTS SINCE 1938 February 19 — Vernon Oxford
the rice thresher, february 14, 1977 — page 5
a Xerox of your Rice diploma academic atmosphere and You better start thinking in
(which testifies at the least your interest in all the real world terms. Income
that you blew twenty grand wonderful clubs you have bracket. Job security.
here and at the most that you never joined. They asked you Revolving credit. Mama.
can be intelligent when you to name the three adjectives Dada. Because one day you are

a & I feel like it), and expect the

people who do the hiring to
wave lucrative offers in your
face. The job market is
dependent upon supply and
that best describe you and you
put "conscientious", "friend-
ly", "involved", and found out
it was more like "horny",
"wasted", and "apathetic"
going to wake up and find
another person is in bed with
you, which is not so abnormal
except the kick in the head is
that you will be married to that
demand, so even if you stand because "who gives a shit" is person. Bound, restrained,
there and demand that they not an adjective. trapped. And you may close
There is coming a time for possibility that Destiny might Maybe just going to Rice is your eyes and click your heels
each of us when we will try to have you pegged for a night hire you, that is no assurance
they will see it your way. not enough. You must live up three times, but when you open
cash in on all the blood, sweat, m a n a g e r ' s p o s i t i o n at to your adjective and get them that person will not have
and tears that go into a college McDonald's. I sympathize "I demand that you hire involved. It gives a sense of magically disappeared.
education. We need a reason to because flipping McFeasts is me." satisfaction. It broadens your Rather, that person will
believe that all our work is not not my idea of personal "I'm sorry, your demand horizons. It looks good on your grumble because you kicked
in vain. You find it hard to fulfillment either. doesn't meet our supply of transcript. h i m / h e r when you were
reconcile yourself to the But you cannot just produce jobs." "You gotta admit I have one clicking your heels.
"But I want one." good-looking little transcript Responsibility. Paying the
PATSY'S SECRETARIAL And so on. You may have to there. Sixteen major offices." rent, disciplining the children,
N e e d Cocktail Waitresses SERVICE change your approach a bit. "Yes, any reason why you feeding the cat. That takes
able to w o r k lunch & d i n n e r Professional Typing & Xeroxing Make a good impression. You packed them all into the spring
P a r t or full time, e x c e l l e n t Specialist in theses, dissertations, money.
benefits, flexible schedules term papers; equations, statistical,
remember how you used to. semester of your Senior year?" "Stop kicking Daddy and
Apply: Victoria Station resumes They asked you why you So you got a delayed start. D a d d y will g i v e you a
3 0 1 5 South P o s t Oak IBM Correcting Selectric II wanted to come to Rice and Better late than never. Time quarter."
944-3456 / 481 1204 you said the challenge of the just sneaked up on you. And you will look back on all
the plethora you learned here
at Rice and realize it was like
sending an experienced driver
out to parallel park.
But do not despair. There is
still time left for most of us to
reconcile ourselves with
"O.K. now, when I open my
eyes, you better be gone."
No, no, no. I said reconcile,
reconcile. That means you
have to accept things as they
are and get back up to be
punched again. No one said it
would be a jellyroll. However,

While it's still free. if this is any consolation, the

fact will still remain that you
went to Rice and so are a
certified smart person. Just
think of the satisfaction you
Jeni Malara, can reap from being overquali-
Student fied for every job you want. It's
"I had C's in high school. After not everyone that can be
Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics, overqualified.
was able to maintain an A average! Oh, what the hell, why cross
your bridges before they're
hatched? Well, you know what
I mean. No use worrying about
- . •* the future when your past
hasn't even caught up to you.

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the rice thresher, february 14, 1977 — page 6

Razorbacks maul Owls,
clinch share of SWC title
by Kim D. B r o w n of Arkansas—81UU n o g s -
jammed Barton Coliseum for
Periodically the Arkansas the rout.
Razorbacks venture out of the For the record, leading
Ozark mountains and their scorers for the Razorbacks
campus fieldhouse to show off were forward Marvin Delph
their team in Little Rock, some with 24 a n d reserve Ray
200 miles down the highway. Buckner with 14. For the Owls,
What h a p p e n e d S a t u r d a y Elbert Darden put in 15, and a
night, however, more resem- renewed Frank Thomas got 10.
bled the Christians vs. the The story of the game is told in
Lions than Rice against the the field goal stats (34 of 66 for
Hogs. As the old story goes, the Arkansas and 21-55 for Rice) V*.
outcome was never in doubt, and rebounds (39 by the Hogs
UA 78, Rice 51. and 28 for Rice).
From the time Marvin Delph Coach Bob Polk said after • \«iaywiNBic»
hit a jumper to push the Hogs the game, "I think [Arkansas > w . '
to a 2-0 lead to the last Coach] Eddie Sutton is doing
moments of the game when one of the finest coaching jobs
Hog Ken Gehring stuffed his I've ever seen." Some 8 2 0 4 Hog 1
fans would have to agree. -i' '•
only two points of the game,
the Pigs showed they are, The Owls take a few days off . „ .• i.-..x j" ± m m m w ..
indeed, championship mater- before meeting the Texas r
• ~ ^ ^ «?'«>• -v " t * ^ ' t , »« V. J* „
ial. The win pushed Arkansas A&M Aggies at historic Autry
to 22-1 on the season and Court. Records seldom seem to Desiree B e a u d r y in a c t i o n a t W o m e n ' s Soccer C l u b g a m e . —waiter underwood
guaranteed them at least a matter in Owl-Aggie clashes,
slice of the SWC crown. The and home berths in the SWC
largest crowd for a basketball
game in the history of the state
tournament first round are
still up for grabs. Women's team takes easy win
The Rice Women's Soccer Bray ton, Ann Gifford, and With victories in both these
Club breezed by the South- M a r g a r e t Smith with one matches Rice could move up to
JOCK NOTES west Soccer Club 11-0 in a
game last Sunday afternoon.
each. The team's third place
r a n k i n g in t h e H o u s t o n
second place in the league. It's
a nice way to spend a sunny
Most of the game was played Women's League was unchan- afternoon—come on out!
As a warmup for College the only Rice student who in South west's end of the field, ged by the victory.
competition, the Second entered the meet. He took with only occasional forays Next week Rice plays Clear
A n n u a l Rice I n v i t a t i o n a l Full t i m e s u m m e r work. Senior
fourth place in the 181 pound into Rice's territory. The first Lake at Clear Lake, and the counselors needed for a r t s an 1 '
Tennis Tournament has been class with a 1200 total, lifting half ended with Rice leading 3- following Sunday (Feb. 27) c r a f t s - d r a m a d a y r a m p in Houston
scheduled for the third week of 305 Bench, 445 Squat, and 450 0, having only allowed two they challenge the first place this S u m m e r . Art or d r a m a m a j o r s
March. All faculty, staff, and in the Dead Lift. attempts on their own goal. team, Women's United, at 2:00 S a l a r y b a s e d on e x p e r i e n c e .
students are invited to enter in C o n t a c t Tom Phillips e v e n i n g s a!
The Rice goalie continued to across from the tennis courts. 666-5798 or d a v s at 723-8831.
t h i s U.S.T.A.-type tourna- Noting that all the people have a boring job throughout
ment. The draw will be limited who placed ahead of him the second half with the home
to 64 players and there will be belonged to school-funded team scoring eight more goals PART-TIME ** * * * * *
* * * * * *

seeding. All players need only teams, Pat told the T h r e s h e r the rest of the way. The team 2 0 / 2 5 hours per week * EUROPE/WORLDWIDE *
contribute one new can of that he hopes to organize a showed many good individual flexible s c h e d u l e * academic discounts year *
Wilson yellow tennis balls. To Rice l i f t i n g team. Anyone performances and consistent- g e n e r a l office skills round S.A.T.A. 4228 First,*
enter, contact Marc Siegel at interested in joining a team or ly smooth ball control. Scorers f o r a p p t : call G a r r i s o n Tucker GA. 30084
524-3375, or leave word in the in finding out more about were Jenny Shuh with three, 224-6707/401 NVelasco (800) 241-9082 *
WRC off-campus mailbox. * * * * * * * * * * * * *
weight lifting should contact Barbara Robertson with two,
Pat at 489-9972. and Desiree Beaudry, Melody

Will Rice sophomore Pat

Sullivan travelled to Austin Placement Offices Interviews
this weekend to compete in a
regional weight lifting
"opipetition. Host school UT Companies
u>ok the team trophy, which
Rice h a d little chance of 2/21 Texas Eastern Transmission Co.
winning since Sullivan was 2/21 Arendale, Young & Searcy
2/21-22 Texas Instruments, Inc.
|pT?RE^QuipMENTAl 2/22
Chubb & Son, Inc.
Flour Engineers & Constructors
H 15<fc-36% DISCOUNT!
. • f j £ & | 2/22 Voss International Corp. Main a t H o l c o m b e
[•EXPERT CONSULTATION ~ 2/23-24 Atlantic Richfield Co.
2/24 J. E. Sirrine & Co.
2/24 Dresser Industries Electronic Games
SEE JEFF M WRC 2021 2/24 American National Insurance Co. Pool Backgammon
)B CALL 526*6568
2/25 Motorola, Inc. Air Hockey

Monday Nice-n-Easy - Thursday Dance Contest -

Various slow Here's where the
music from the high steppers get a

AUTOMOTIVE CENTER 40's and 50's with

some swing and
various other
little something
extra for having a
good time.
COLLISION REPAIRS artists for that
quiet Monday Friday and
Disco - All the
latest Disco music
DOMESTIC & FOREIGN Tuesday Jazz and Rock •
from every part of
the country.
The hard rock of
r KMy
the 60's, loud,
hard-hitting with
the new slipped in
throughout the
week alive.
KaMn WE OFFER Wednesday Ladies Night
Show us your
PERSONALIZED SERVICE lovely face and the
'i Oraanhili first one is on us.
from 9-11.
Specialty Drinks

the rice thresher, february 14, 1977 — page 7

Report on the University Standing Committees
The following report on the University The subcommittees, after completing establishing admissions policy and
A. The Committees in Relation to the to f u n c t i o n effectively, the whole procedure, and implementing same.
Standing Committees is published Rice Community all requested interviews, caucus to
yearly to acquaint students with the University suffers. Administration requests of number of
determine which student they feel are
various committees at the time it best qualified for nomination. The new students, in and out-of-state
The University Standing Committees II. UNDERGRADUATES ON THE quotas, and number in each academic
becomes necessary to choose new a r e a n i m p o i t a n t p a r t of t h e Senate as a whole then meets, receives
student representatives. Students UNIVERSITY STANDING COM- division serve as a basis for the current
administrative mechanism concerned MITTEES s u b c o m m i t t e e n o m i n a t i o n s for
interested in serving on one of the c o n s i d e r a t i o n , organizes the year's admissions policy.
with insuring the continuing well-being
committees should pick up an of the University. Though excluded n o m i n a t i o n s and forwards the The two undergraduate students
application in the SA office; interviews A. The Place and Importance of serve as full members of the Committee
from directly a f f e c t i n g the fiscal Undergraduates nominations report to the President of
will be scheduled for sometime in the management of the University, the the University. and have responsibilities identical to
near future. More detailed information In the latter half of the 1960's, those of the f a c u l t y and alumni
Committees are deeply involved in s t u d e n t s were considered for Step 2. Section II-D below describes
on the committees may be obtained v i r t u a l l y all o t h e r a s p e c t s of members. These duties are extensive:
a p p o i n t m e n t to t h e U n i v e r s i t y the transfer of nominations to the
either by contacting the current student formulating and regulating the daily Committee work requires on the
Standing Committees. The Student President's Office. In the great majority
representatives or by reading the more and yearly operation of the University. average four hours a week, though
Assocation S e n a t e ' s suggestion to of cases the President, in selecting his
comprehensive reports available in the usually less in the first semester and
Final authority and responsibility for consider u n d e r g r a d u a t e s on these appointees, is guided by the relative
SA office. more in the second. This time is devoted
smooth and effective operation of the committees was given a favorable strength of the Senate's recommenda-
to reading and evaluating applications,
University in the realm of academic review by then President Pitzer and for tion with regard to each nominee. For
UNDERGRADUATE MEMBERS voting on applications, and conducting
affairs and other related activities rests the first time, students were allowed to example, if A, B, and C are submitted as
OF UNIVERSITY interviews of applicants. A significant
with the President. In executing his participate formally in the process of nominees, and B is given the highest
STANDING COMMITTEES amount of time is also devoted to more
duties in these areas, the President University government. Since that recommendation by the Senate, then B
1976-1977 general "public relations" activities,
employs several types of informational time, students serving on the Standing will most likely receive the President's
such as college nights, high school
ADMISSIONS and deliberative bodies. These include Committees have demonstrated their appointment.
visits, and dinners for high school
John Lynn the University Council, the University abilities to perform with maturity and counselors. The Committee works not
Standing Committees, the Adminis- responsibility and have often been the C. Serving More Than One Year only to obtain good students but to
Pamela Price Students who are presently serving
trative Staff and the Academic Deans. source of meaningful and valuable expand Rice's reputation as well.
AFFIRMATIVE ACTION In terms of final authority, these bodies contributions both to their particular on a Standing Committee are eligible
Suzanne Deal serve mainly in an advisory capacity; committees and to the University as a for re-nomination. As mentioned
before, present Standing Committee COMMITTEE ON AFFIRMATIVE
Mary Rotenberry however, many assume the responsi- whole.
members are invited to participate in ACTION
bility of executing standing policy on a It is the general consensus on the
daily basis. the interviewing of applicants seeking (2 undergraduates)
CAMPUS SAFETY committee c h a i r m e n and f a c u l t y
nomination to their committee. Since The Committee on A f f i r m a t i v e
Mark Minter members that most undergraduate Action, as established in compliance
B. The Powers and Responsibilities of m e m b e r s a r e a b l e to e s t a b l i s h final determination of nominees will be
the Committees through the Senate, and since no one with Federal Equal Opportunity
COMPUTERS t h e m s e l v e s as t h o u g h t f u l a n d legislation, serves as a sounding board
As mentioned before, the Standing considered participants in committee will be allowed to interview himself,
Ijee Ivy students seeking re-nomination will be for problems concerning affirmative
Committees function as one of the affairs and as such are able to
Robert Prochnow m a n y p a r t c o n t r i b u t i n g to t h e given the same consideration as other action, advises on policies and
command a high degree of respect for procedures, and communicates and
EXAMINATIONS AND STANDING operation of the University. The major their particular viewpoints. applicants for their positions.
source of power available to the various publicizes its existence and
Ronald Gross The success of undergraduates on the potentialities. Students serving on the
committees lies in their ability to Standing Committees has allowed a D. Details of Selection
D'Arcy Honeycutt Committee participate in the open
formulate and review policy in their gradual increase in both the number of The following is to make clear the
respective area. Whereas their Student Association's understanding discussions during meetings, which
INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS committees to which undergraduates r e l a t e to p e n d i n g c a s e s , a n d
Shelley Pennington relationship to the President is are appointed and the number of of the procedure to be employed in
advisory, their deliberations and d e t e r m i n i n g the u n d e r g r a d u a t e evaluations of the goals and purposes
Larry Nettles u n d e r g r a d u a t e s appointed to each of t h e C o m m i t t e e . S h o u l d n e w
subsequent recommendations are particular committee. It is hoped that membership of University Standing
given much consideration by the Committees: i n v e s t i g a t i o n s arise, s t u d e n t s are
LIBRARY these trends will continue. actively involved in the proceedings.
President. It is only logical that an As e v i d e n c e d by i n c r e a s i n g 1. The Student Association Senate, in
Bruce Iiams administrator who sees the need for accordance with its recently Affirmative action involves
careful consideration of a particular undergraduate participation on the developed procedure, will nominate protection of minority opportunities
MEDIA PROGRAMS problem or policy and subsequently Standing Committees, students play an at least three students for each a n d i n v e s t i g a t i o n of p o s s i b l e
Melinda Clark refers the matter to a body whose important role in committee affairs. undergraduate position. discrimination in hiring or any other
primary purpose is specifically to deal The respect with which they are heard 2. In the even that fewer than three University or departmental practices.
PUBLIC LECTURES with such matters would place a great establishes them as valuable sources of students interview for a particular C u r r e n t l y t h e C o m m i t t e e is
deal of emphasis on the considerations g e n e r a l s t u d e n t i n p u t in t h e committee position, the Senate will c o n c e n t r a t i n g its efforts on the
Philip Konstantin governance process of the University. e n f o r c e m e n t of m i n o r i t y h i r i n g
and recommendations being returned nominate only the number who are
to him by that body in his reaching As with any position of responsibility, interested. requirements within the University.
RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES decisions or courses of action. however, overall success lies largely 3. The n a m e s of s t u d e n t s being
Elizabeth Jungle with the determination expressed by nominated for each committee will COMMITTEE ON CAMPUS SAFETY
In light of this a d m i n i s t r a t i v e the individual appointee.
philosophy, the Committees are to be be arranged in alphabetical order. (1 undergraduate)
R.O.T.C. considered very influential in policy 4. Included with each nomination will The Committee on Campus Safety
Jeffrey New f o r m u l a t i o n . A n o t h e r a r e a of B. The Selection Process be the Senate's appraisal of the meets usually three times per year. The
responsibility assumed by many of the The selection process may be divided nominee's general q u a l i f i c a t i o n s areas of concern to this committee
STUDENT FINANCIAL AID Committees includes the execution of into two steps: and suitability for the committee. include an on-going survey regarding
Frank Duca stated policy as it relates to specific Step 1. Early in the second semester, 5. All requests made to the President or l a b o r a t o r y s a f e t y s t a n d a r d s and
questions. For example, the Committee the Student Association S e n a t e other University administrators or recommendations pertaining to fire
STUDENT HEALTH on Examinations and Standings not conducts interviews for interested committee chairmen by students hazards in the residential colleges and
only m a k e s r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s on students. The Senate is broken down • seeking committee a p p o i n t m e n t s in the Chemistry Building.
Joel Slade into several subcommittees to which shall be forwarded to the Student
proposed or existing policy but also More often than not, specific actions
interprets those policies in relation to the Standing Committees are assigned. Association Senate for considera- of the Committee are in response to
UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM The number of Standing Committees tion.
specific requests by students. particular problem areas. For example,
David Huffman assigned to each subcommittee is
Another and more general value of a fire in Baker College and the injury of
Gregory Rasure d e t e r m i n e d a c c o r d i n g to t h e
the committees is found in their utility anticipated number of interviews for a s t u d e n t in lab h a v e initiated
as communicative and informational III. THE COMMITTEES Committee recommendations. It is
UNDERGRADUATE TEACHING each S t a n d i n g Committee. For
devices. They serve as both a sounding example, one Senate subcommittee anticipated that as certain segments of
Elizabeth Fraker box and a channel in maintaining a Following is a brief description of the the physical plant, especially the older
Stephen Mount may be responsible for conducting respective functions, goals and areas of
rapport between the administration, interviews for the Committee on sections, demonstrate a general level of
faculty, and students. the committees. unacceptability from the standpoint of
UNIVERSITY REVIEW BOARD Admissions and the Committee on
The importance of the Standing Religious Activities because they entail safety, the Committee will find it
Elizabeth Heitman Committees as they function in the COMMITTEE ON ADMISSIONS desirable to act more on its own
a high and low interview request lever
Christopher Lee administrative mechanism cannot be (2 undergraduates) i n i t i a t i v e . T h i s a n t i c i p a t i o n is
respectively. Present undergraduate
overstated. Each member, student and S t a n d i n g Committee members are The Committee on Admissions evidenced by the Commission on Goals
I. THE PURPOSE OF THE UNIVER- faculty alike, has a duty and an invited to participate in the conduction concerns itself with admissions of all and Objectives' task group report on the
SITY STANDING COMMITTEES obligation to perform as sincerely and of interviews for their p a r t i c u l a r undergraduates, both freshmen and physical plant. This particular task
as actively as possible. When they fail committees. transfers. This concern encompasses group has placed primary importance
gJpoioalaoinninoiDnoaiaQiaaiaaioninoiaaiuninninainpinnianiaoiqnTrg on all aspects of safety maintenance
with regard to the University.


(2 undergraduates)
read political T h e p r i m a r y f u n c t i o n of t h e
Committee is to advise the President on
all matters pertaining to University-
wide facilities for computation. This is

Sign up now for 8 weeks of study advertisements? accomplished by v a r i o u s methods

i n c l u d i n g o c c a s i o n a l p o l l i n g of
attitudes toward ICSA, the formulation
of long-range goals for appropriate
and six (6) hours credit in: As a service to the student body, The Rice Thresher is making
expansion of current facilities in order
to improve response to the University
HISTORY OF ENGLAND IN ENGLAND^ advertising space available to all candidates (including write-ins) users. Recent actions of the Committee
included review of ICSA financial
of the February 22 elections. The cost for these ads has been cut
June 26 to August 10, 1977 50%, to $1.25 per column inch. (This ad is a 2 by 4, or 8 column status, discussion of new procedures for
educational computing accounts, the
Instructor and Program Director: inches and costs $10.00) The offer is limited to the February 17and prospects for two-way computer links
Dr. Ira Gruber February 21 issues of the Thresher. All copy must be received by with other universities (such as UT-
the Thresher no later than 5PM, February 15 (for the 17th) or Austin), and major staff changes in
Sponsored by the Department of History and February 19th (for the 21st). Payment will be required upon space ICSA.
The qualifications which seem most
the Office of Continuing Studies reservation. Copy must be camera ready (types copy is not conducive to effective service on this
acceptable, transfer lettering is okay) or the Thresher wil typeset committee include some degree of
Applications requested as soon as possible the copy at an additional charge of $1.00. familiarity with ICSA and a fair
amount of sensitivity to the various
interests involved with the system.
For INFORMATION call the Office of
Continuing Studies, 527-4803
William Marsh Rice University Admits Students
of Any Race, Color, and National or Ethnic
(2 undergraduates)
The Committee on Examinations
and Standings is composed of a
The Rice Thresher reserves the right to refuse any advertisement which, in the opinion of the editor, is
slanderous or in poor taste.
Chairman, six faculty members, two
13^niaoitoginonDiooiaooornaitiait^io'niooidaoBTaQiaDiaHioBiriflionit 9 (continued on next page)
the rice thresher, february 14, 1977 — page 8
(continued from preceding page) 3. D e v e l o p m e n t of a n A t h l e t i c American Council of Learned Societies' primarily through the processing of the
services. The Directors of the Health
D e p a r t m e n t policy c o n c e r n i n g Lectures. a n d Psychiatric Services and the Teaching Effectiveness Questionnaire,
student representatives, a n d the Dean scholarship renewal guidelines. Directors of S t u d e n t Advising a n d which is completed by students at the
of U n d e r g r a d u a t e Affairs a n d the It is d i f f i c u l t to j u d g e t h e Student Activities are members of the end of each semester.
(1 undergraduate)
Registrar a s ex-officio members. effectiveness of the Committee at this Committee. During the Fall 1976 semester, the
early stage, since students were just The R.O.T.C. Committee serves to Committee considered several
T h e p r i m a r y goal of this committee is m a k e recommendations on University Recent Committee activities include
r e c e n t l y i n c l u d e d in t h e d e c i s i o n - a n e x a m i n a t i o n of the s t a t u s of health proposals for the use of its monies. One
to insure a quality academic education policy regarding all aspects of the
m a k i n g process. One impediment to the service a n d the Baylor College of such proposal involved a request for
for every student of the University. military's activities on campus. It
power of the Committee is its inability Medicine study on Rice University f u n d s for a college course. The ensuing
This is accomplished by m a i n t a i n i n g , serves a s a sounding board for the
to h a v e a n y control over athletic Mental Health Activities. With regard discussion determined t h a t college
upholding a n d interpreting academic design of Military Science and Naval
d e p a r t m e n t budgets. to the first area, the Committee h a s c o u r s e s a r e d e s e r v i n g of t h e
regulations for all students, with their Science courses a n d it deliberates on
best interests in mind. recommended that the University Committee's support.
proposals concerning the nature and
In the day-to-day functioning of the T H E LIBRARY COMMITTEE officially apply for participation in the The Teaching Effectiveness
extent of military affiliation of Rice
Committee, matters affecting student (1 undergraduate) University of T e x a s Health Science Questionnaire will be the Committee's
students. In addition, the Committee
academic life a r e discussed a n d voted Center Student Health Program. main concern during the spring
The S t a n d i n g Committee on the considers c a n d i d a t e s for faculty and
upon. We advise students on how to Participation in this program will semester. The old form h a s been revised
Library, quite naturally, h a n d l e s all staff positions as they become
h a n d l e special grievances concerning greatly improve health services a t Rice, a n d shortened considerably; it will be
facets of the Fondren Library. Its available.
e x a m i n a t i o n s and grading procedures. although the s t u d e n t health fee will used in May, 1977. The Committee will
diverse spheres of influence r a n g e from The p r i m a r y goal of the Committee be busy the first part of the semester
The committee considers granting increase. The Baylor study yielded
t h e m u n d a n e c o n c e r n of c a r r e l l this year h a s been the complete p r e p a r i n g s u m m a r i e s of t h e
permission to students wishing to take t h r e e p l a n s f o r r e v i s i o n of t h e
a s s i g n m e n t to the ebullient prospects of accreditation of all R.O.T.C. courses. handwritten e v a l u a t i o n s of c a n d i d a t e s
either more or less t h a n the normal Psychiatric Service, a n d the Committee
a new building. The Committee The Committee established a n official for promotion. Five members will
course load. The Committee readmits h a s recommended adoption of one
discusses the budget, and how this inspection committee, investigated a summarize each candidate's
suspended students, a n d also approves similar to the present structure. Final
reflects upon the operations of the N a v y - s p o n s o r e d p r e s e n t a t i o n of evaluations. The s u m m a r i e s will be
late adds, drops a n d c h a n g e s of action on both Committee recommen-
library. nuclear studies, and participated in considered by the University Council in
pass/fail options when special d a t i o n s is pending.
Fondren Library faces many various activities, such a s celebration m a k i n g their recommendations for
circumstances merit it. The Committee of the Marines' birthday.
problems which w a r r a n t the attention C O M M I T T E E ON promotion.
approves course t r a n s f e r from
of the Committee. The Reserve Room UNDERGRADUATE AFFAIRS
exchange programs when normal
represents one of these problems which C O M M I T T E E ON F I N A N C I A L AID (2 college presidents and S. A. president) IV. O T H E R A D V I S O R Y B O D I E S
t r a n s f e r would not be possible due to
directly relates to the students. Fondren (1 undergraduate) The purpose of this committee is to WHICH INCLUDE UNDERGRA
non-correspondence with Rice courses.
expects a severe shortage of shelf space This committee is responsible for review a n d coordinate all m a t t e r s DUATES
As well a s these individual case for the collection. The Committee h a s helping set the policy on administra- r e l a t e d to s t u d e n t a f f a i r s , b o t h
considerations, the Committee d e l v e d i n t o t h e p o s s i b i l i t i e s of tion of financial aid to undergraduates. graduate and undergraduate. A. The University Council
discusses policy recommendations to increasing shelf space by expanding The Committee hears special requests Proposals for c h a n g e s in rules a n d The University Council meets at the
the University faculty. These include into heretofore unused areas, as well as and makes recommendations to the regulations of student life are made to call of the President, usually about once
possible c h a n g e s of drop deadlines to utilizing special compact book storage. Director of Financial Aid in unique President H a c k e r m a n . Membership of each month during the academic year.
the last day of classes, and full course
situations. the Committee includes the Dean of The Council generally functions as a
credit for all ROTC courses.
The Committee e n c o u r a g e s all C O M M I T T E E ON PUBLIC This year the Committee has U n d e r g r a d u a t e A f f a i r s (chairman), the body of the whole. Proposed c h a n g e s of
students, who feel t h a t they h a v e not undertaken a major revision of the P r o c t o r , t h e C h a i r m a n of t h e a s u b s t a n t i a l n a t u r e in the academic
been treated fairly or are victims of award formulae, and also set a policy Committee of Masters, two additional p r o g r a m or r e g u l a t i o n s of t h e
(1 undergraduate)
circumstances beyond their control, to concerning athletic scholarships, with M a s t e r s ( r e c o m m e n d e d by t h e University ( m a n y of which emerge
The purpose of the Committee on r e g a r d to h e a r i n g c a s e s a n d Committee of Masters), the faculty from the various S t a n d i n g Committees)
petition to this committee so t h a t action Public Lectures is to nominate fifteen
can be taken. recommending action on athletes who sponsor of the Student Association are referred to this Council for review
people to Dr. Hackerman for the four become injured for long periods of time, Senate, two college presidents selected before being presented to the faculty.*
lectures of the President's Lecture or leave the program. by the Committee of Presidents, one The Council includes two undergra-
Series, and the Brown Foundation-J. On the basis of Committee recom- d u a t e s in i t s m e m b e r s h i p . T h e s e
C O M M I T T E E ON g r a d u a t e student, a n d one alumnus.
Newton Rayzor Lectures. The mendations, President Hackerman students are elected by the Student
INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS Ex-officio members are the Provost,
Committee meets once per year. Dr. has recently approved several Association in its February general
(2 undergraduates) and the Directors of Student Activities
H a c k e r m a n makes the final selection of revisions of financial aid calculations, elections.
This committee h a s a total of fifteen the four speakers from the list and Student Advising.
including appropriations to National
members representing the faculty, submitted by the Committee. Student Merit Scholars (those with and without B. The University Review Board
Alumni Association, R Association, input on this committee serves to aid in C O M M I T T E E ON
need), a n d replacement of self-help The University Review Board is the
Board of Governors, a n d the Student determining a bill of speakers and U N D E R G R A D U A T E CURRICULUM
g r a n t s w i t h Rice T u i t i o n G r a n t s . highest appellate body under the
A s s o c i a t i o n . The two s t u d e n t topics which will correspond to the (2 undergraduates)
Currently the Committee is considering President in t h e area of student
r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s were m a d e v o t i n g present interests of the student body The purpose of the Undergraduate
c h a n g e s in financial aid eligibility of discipline concerns. Its membership,
members of the Committee for the first a n d the Rice community. Curriculum Committee is to determine
transfer students. including four faculty members, two
time t h i s year. The purpose of this the effectiveness of the undergraduate
committee is to formulate the athletic C O M M I T T E E ON curriculum, and to recommend c h a n g e s u n d e r g r a d u a t e s a n d one g r a d u a t e
policy of Rice University a n d deal COMMITTEE ON RELIGIOUS STUDENT HEALTH as they seem appropriate. Meetings of s t u d e n t s , is by p r e s i d e n t i a l
with a n y problems t h a t might arise in ACT I VI T I E S (1 undergraduate) the Committee are semi-weekly. appointment. Members serve for one-
this area. (1 undergraduate) This committee is responsible for year terms, but may succeed
The C h a i r m a n of the Committee is issues of policy and major changes in themselves. Upon the decision by the
T h e p r i m a r y p u r p o s e of t h e C O M M I T T E E ON
Rice's representative to all SWC a n d the health service and psychiatric Review board to h e a r a case, its
Committee on Religious Activities is to UNDERGRADUATE TEACHING
NCAA meetings. The a g e n d a of these service offered to students, including (2 undergra d u a te s ) r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s are sent directly to
evaluate the various organized the President.
meetings are discussed at the religious programs found within the the provision for h e a l t h insurance. The
The Undergraduate Teaching Students wishing to be considered for
Committee's monthly meetings so t h a t Rice community. It also provides the Committee periodically reviews the
Committee was formed to promote nomination to these positions should
the C h a i r m a n can get input. formal liason between the University a d e q u a c y of t h e s e r v i c e s or t h e
excellence in teaching a t Rice. This goal forward their intentions to the Internal
The Committee also h e a r s requests a n d the clergy a n d other* religious insurance in relation to the fees paid by
is achieved in part by the allocation of Affairs Vice-President of the Student
a n d complaints from various a r e a s representatives. One of the most time t h e s t u d e n t s a n d c o n s i d e r s all
Committee f u n d s to develop innovative Association.
concerning athletics. The following consuming functions of the Committee questions relating to the area of student
teaching a s well a s to support existing
topics were dealt with in the fall, a n d is the allocation of the use of the health which m a y require special
f a c i l i t i e s . T h e m a i n work of t h e *Much of this p a r a g r a p h was lifted
will be the focus of continuing concern Chapel. attention or action. The Committee h a s
Committee, however, involves the from Chapter 3 of the Non Academic
during the spring of 1977: A l t h o u g h s o m e w h a t l i m i t e d by the power, with concurrance of the
e v a l u a t i o n of t h e u n d e r g r a d u a t e Affairs Committee Self-Study Report.
1. Football season ticket prices for recent budget restrictions, the Director of Student Activities, to take
f a c u l t y . T h i s e v a l u a t i o n is d o n e
faculty a n d staff. Committee also sponsors lectures by action on individual cases, and makes
2. Use of the g y m n a s i u m and athletic prominent religious scholars on a wide recommendations to both the Director
range of topics. These include two of Student Activities and the President
fields by ABC for the upcoming
regarding policy matters or changes in
World Games, scheduled to be held in
Houston in February 1978.
m a j o r lecture series during the spring,
the Rockwell Lectures and the the provisions or operation of the
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the rice thresher, february 14, 1977 — page 9

by Eric Bressler
Occasionally, a bridge player gives a show of the hand's power
by discarding an ace. But this play can have more constructive
West dealer
East-West vulnerable Rev. Ike
purposes. NORTH (continued from page 1) day ride his own car. Now with
The opening lead of the club queen was won by the ace in the • Q5 power that counts in this his $400 suits, diamond rings
dummy, and a low heart was led. East wisely ducked, and 98642 country is Green Power." and stick pins and fleets of
declarer's jack fell to the ace. The club return was taken by 0 Q53 Rev. Ike empathizes with the Rolls-Royces he can say, "We
South's king (note that a spade return is better), with East • A4 plight of those less well off. As hold these truths to be self-
discarding a spade. A heart to the king and another heart put a child he recalled that he and evident: people who don't have
East on lead, but South had to discard. Declarr noted that he WEST EAST
needed an entry to dummy's hearts, so he found the brilliant his mother, a teacher in a money walk instead of ride,
• K974 • J 106 3 2 backwoods South Carolina starve instead of eat. The lack
discard fo the ace of spades! Since East was on lead and since <?A7 \?Q 10 5
West's opening bid probably marked him with the spadthe queen school house, had to walk four of money is the root of all evil."
0A4 OJ 7 6 2 miles to and from school. Even The only way to riches is to
of spades would become an entry: either the opponents would 4 Q J 10 7 6 • 8
lead directly to it, or if West were to take the king of spades, in those days, as cars drove form a "positive self-image"
West's marked diamond ace made the queen of diamonds an by them and splashed mud on and for more details write Rev.
eventual entry. Thus, best defense after the ace discard gave SOUTH them he knew he would one Ike. Donations requested. . .
declarer four hearts, two clubs, and a spade for the contract. • A8
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it on the first or second round of spades, but one stopper in his +K95 3 2 (Automatic & Selectric Machines)
hand would not have given him enough time to develop a
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Written, Produced and Directed by R A L P H BAKSHI
2425 Rice Blvd.

Music Composed and Conducted by A N D R E W B E L L I N G

Color by De Luxe"
MAT not M WIIAftl »0# f t f I it 1 9 7 7 T w e n t i e t h C e n t u r y - F o x

the rice thresher, february 14, 1977 — page 10

gone with the misclassifieds;
P- For Sale: O n e D u a l 1216 mean, and nasty demon who 8833. This concerns Rally Club B.R.B. says, "Last semester
EE 462 would be much more t u r n t a b l e , v i n t a g e 1974. wears a rubber dwarf suit. His and Rugby Club sections in was real hell for me. Classes
pleasant if your mouth was Recently cleaned a n d lubed, mother wears arrrrgh gasp the C a m p a n i l e . were rotten, my social life was
shut instead of around your works perfectly, new cables. rattle rattle. . . . pathetic, but most of all my
foot. Now is the time to step up to • * * roommate was driving me up
* * * b e t t e r s o u n d . $60, less To t h e i l l i t e r a t e s of: Sid the wall!!! I didn't think I was
Lonely off-campus Will Rice going to make until midterm.
Can anyone give me informa- cartridge, with all accessories guy wants to get down with a Richurdsen, Whill Rice, Lovit,
included. Bobby, 747-3979. Hansen, Bayker, Browne, a n d Then I found it. RACK. I
tion on a cheap, yet reputable, * ** Rice female or whatever, call gained peace and a single."
charter flight to a n d from 528-5273. J o a n e s Colleges: When are you
nurds going to learn how to Yes folks, you too can get rid of
Europe this summer? I w a n t to Room size carpet CHEAP— * * *
t h a t unslightly roommate just
leave as soon a s finals are over shags and low pile, m a n y spell Wiess?
To the crowd at St. Elmo's Fire * * * like B.R.B. did. Call us at 226-
and return by about Aug. 10. colors. Small pieces $2 and $3, concert, 5989.
My f i n a l d e s t i n a t i o n i s 500 samples 50<P or 3 / $ l . 6411 T h a n k you for coming and To a certain female in C-hour * * *
Norway, but I can take a Ashcroft Tues. and Thurs. 12-4 making the concert a Acco-305: please button your
shuttle flight to there from or call 667-2034 after 6pm. t r e m e n d o u s s u c c e s s . Your shirt. I like what I see, but it's "... oh, and Esther,don't leave
*** without seeing me first."
somewhere else in Europe if cooperation h a s made future very distracting.
necessary. Call 526-4684; ask concerts a definite. I'll try to —Ed B. 8:02pm Sunday
"Who's Tommy Kramer?" * * * ***
for Rolf. He's a disc jockey on FM 100. make it a reality later this
* * * semester. Thumper—
What asshole doesn't know Working on physics home- Kate and Annette—
Kenneth Leiter: that? Mark K. When are you going to buy me
work can be fun, not to
I got your Beethoven poster * * * * * *
m e n t i o n t h e p l e a s u r e s of some m o r e C r u e x ? Your
at Schirmer's in New York Modrak, by the way (as in Mike Buls: The C a m p a n i l e is Lovett films and unexpected Noxema messed up my last
over break, a n d have been "Hail, Modrak!"), is a tall, evil, trying to contact you! Call 526- visits. You're so fine! batch.
t r y i n g to r e a c h you all —Parmet
semester. If you still w a n t it,
call 526-3343 or come by 217
Baker. If I don't hear soon, I'll ENGINEERS, CAMPUS
sell it to the highest bidder. SCIENTISTS, INTERVIEWS
J . Carmichael
Original one of a kind "Body PROFESSIONALS 1
by G o t t w a l d " c u s t o m - b u i l t and
1974 P o r s c h e 914 2.0 Visit Placement
i m m a c u l a t e , p e r f e c t . 26,000
miles. Has everything and
Office NOW!
a n y t h i n g one would expect.
Call Holly 621-7298 or 236-
* * * Systems
For Sale: Kodak EK4 i n s t a n t Besi
picture camera. Features
s h a r p 137mm f/11, 3 element
lens; bright clear viewfinder
with zooming-circle distance
finder, and continuous focus
3H' to i n f i n i t y . E l e c t r o n i c
shutter; m a n u a l print ejection;
flip-flash capability, double
exposure prevention. Tripod
socket; wrist strap. $40 or best
offer. Ask for K a t h y a t 526-
* * *

For sale also, Vivitar 600

Point 'n Shoot pocket camera Test, Systems
with built in electronic flash; 3 EvaluatM*
element f / 8 lens, $35. Was a n
X-mas gift; need cash to buy t%0t
another. Kathy, 526-2128.
* • *

If anyone knows the n a m e of

the group that sings
"Avenging Annie", please let
me know in a misclass. I'n\ Educati
* * *

Typist—will type short a n d

long papers, term projects.
IBM Selectric t y p e w r i t e r .
Language and scientific
symbols available. 75<f per
page. Call after 6:00pm. 776-
• * *

Florida bound—need one rider WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO YOU?

to Ft. Lauderdale area, one to On any given day you will find some BDM people assisting ENGINEERS, APPLIED PHYSICISTS, APPLIED MATHEMA-
Pensacola. Leaving Feb. 25 top level defense planners and policymakers, while others TICIANS, and COMPUTER SCIENTISTS (Scientific Applica-
3 $ n ; overnight in Pensacola. are getting dusty directing and executing field tests. Still tions) to help us establish BDM as the foremost professional
Call Mike, 526-6486 nites. others will be looking at tomorrow's energy alternatives . . . services company in the U.S. by 1985.
• * * designing sophisticated electronic instrumentation . . . and Help us meet this goal, and we'll help you meet your career
To the maladapted pseudo- confronting national needs in areas as diverse as logistics, goals . . . no matter whether they lie in management or ad-
h u m a n s in WRC 207. It is counterterrorism, offshore development, and command and vanced individual achievement. In the process, you will find
control. Among many others. as much excitement and challenge as you can handle. And
definitely not koshe to demand
a n apology a n d then submit The whole range of BDM capabilities that underlie and sup- as much opportunity.
said apology y o u r s e l v e s . The port these activities is greater than the simple You will work alongside colleagues you re-
note on your door did not imply sum of their parts. What does this synergism spect, in an atmosphere that is the quintes-
t h a t you h a d been unjustly mean to you? From a career standpoint, it sence of professionalism. The pay is good,
accused, but t h a t we thought it means that you will have an unparalleled and so are the benefits, but the career sat-
opportunity to see how national interests isfaction and growth potential are best of
possible t h a t you h a d grown
really fit together, how your own contri- all. Let's discuss you and BDM. Write:
up a little. But we have been butions impact on the "system," and College Relations Coordinator, The
known to be wrong before. . . how the whole process makes you more BDM Corporation, 1920 Aline Ave-
Some appalled Rice students than the sum of your capabilities. nue, Vienna, VA 22180. An equal op-
P.S. We though t h a t people like portunity employer m/f (we mean it).
you go to A&M. We're looking for highly motivated

the rice thresher, february 14, 1977 — page 11

radio free misclassifiedsi
the m o n d a y the f o u r t e e n t h Dead Trout.— L O S T : E l e c 362 t e x t , For Sale: Hiking boots worn
f* rice I must have had good bait to
hook a whopper like you. It
Introduction to Quantum
E l e c t r o n i c s (Hlawiczka).
only 2-3 miles! $65 value!
Waterproofed! Call Bob 526-
npnnlo'c 12:30-4:30pm. Sid Richardson Lobby. Blood was worth the struggle.
| | | pwMpIC o drive; call 526-0608 for information. Probably in HB127 or SH303 2108.
" C31611(13 T 6pm. Commons. Steaks. —with Love from a Ratperson about 2 weeks ago. If found * * *
I; 7pm. BL123. RIVCF lecture: Randy Mitchell, • ** call Rick at 526-5739 or come
by 461 WRC. Overheard during a raid:
"The Holiness of God." CAMPO: "You have the right
7:30pm. Kyle Morrow Room, Fondren. Survival Seminar: "Legal No, but Mel and * * *

Knowledge in Everyday Life." Presented by the Rice Alumni * * *some guy did. To all those who helped—
to remain silent. Anything you
say can and will be held
Association. I owe it all to you. I thank against you."
7:30pm. SH462. Rice Baha'i Association get-together. Wrong again, 341ers. IVAN is a you more than 2 words can
Rice weiner and neither had SUSPECT: "Esther."
8pm. Jones Hall. Houston Symphony: music of Strauss, express. Real friends are hard * * *
Gerhard, and Brahms. time to help Abigail nor an to come by. I'm extremely
t u e s d a y the f i f t e e n t h interest in sex. Advent 202 cassette playback
* * *
proud of you all. MK deck w/cassettes. $70? Bob
* * *
All morning. Major's Day for Freshmen and Sophomores, as 526-2108.
Pair of glasses in black case Cheap Furniture at ridiculous * * *
good an excuse as you'll ever have for taking some time and found on the walk between prices! Lost my lease! Fire
thinking over what to major in. For the rest of us it may Rayzor Hall and Sewall. For Sale: Mcintosh C-26 pre-
Sale! amp and cabinet $270. Revox
already be too late. Call Vince 526-5469 Mattress $10, Plant Stand $5,
11:45am. Commons. Chicken 'n' dumplings, or corn dogs. * ** A77 tape deck-stereo-half
Small Bookcase $5, Night track $450. Randy
12:30-4:30pm. Sid Rich. Last chance to participate in the blood
The Language Lab needs Table $10, TV Stand $5, Huge * * * 747-1125.
drive. Stereo Table $15, other items
6pm. Commons. Chopped sirloin fillets. (Sure.) projectionists to operate a "This is not ridiculous; this is
16mm p r o j e c t o r — u s u a l l y too absurd to mention!
7pm. Weight Room, Gym. Wrestling club practice. 526-5387 government."
7pm. SH207. Rice Sailing club meeting. during the morning hours.
7:30pm. Media Center. The Lady Vanishes (Hitchcock, 1938). Experience is not necessary; * * * * —Doug
** Manner
Plus short: 2 0 / 2 0 Visions. $1.50. we will train anyone willing to The title is "Martha My Dear",
learn. Also needed is a student Martha is his dog—how about For Sale: Sony TC-377 Deluxe
8pm. Kyle Morrow Room, Fondren. Tsanoff Lecture Series: reel-to-reel tape deck. Two
Professor Gregory Vlastos, "Socrates' Contribution to the assistant available during the a tough one?
lunch hour. Call x2707. y e a r s old b u t e x c e l l e n t
Greek Sense of Justice." * * *
condition. $250 (negotiable).
8pm. Jones Hall. Houston Symphony. * * * Turntable for sale: Pioneer Call Lee 526-5469—leave
8:30pm. SH309. Archeology Institute of America lecture: For Sale: 260 lb. barbell set. PL12-DII manual with Shure message if I'm not there.
Professor E. H. Richardson, University of North Carolina, Asking $50 or will accept best M91ED cartridge. IV2 years * # *
"Ariadne in Italy." offer. Call Mark old—in perfect condition.
* * *at 526-1986. Call *Doug Sirs:
* * at 666-4206 My good friend Qadgop
Wednesday the s i x t e e n t h HELP! Need someone who can informs me that my name was
replace the bridge on a Roth Mom, misspelled in your newspaper.
11:45am. Commons. Hot roast beef sandwiches, or cold plate #2. violin for a small fee. Call Lola How good is Dad?
2pm. Kyle Morrow Room. Professor Vlastos, "The Theory of Modrak
at x3557.
Social Justice in Plato's Republic." * * *
6pm. Commons. Baked chicken. P.S. I suggest you all keep an
7:30pm. Media Center. Ivan the Terrible, parts i and n Overheard in KTRU Female student from Ohio eye on your copy editor.
(Eisenstein, 1943-1946). $1.50. "What kind of circuit is it?" looking for an apartment to # * *
8pm. Museum of Fine Arts. Titicut Follies (Wiseman, 1967). —Mo-Mo sublet this summer (mid-June We keep hoping that if we
$1.75 for non-museum members. "Well, it glows so it must have to early August) in the Rice don't, she might disappear.
8pm. Main Street Theatre at Autry House. Leaves. Call 524- tubes." —J. A. area. If you have a place
3168 for tickets ($2.50 for adults, $1.50 students). available, call 526-8281.
8pm-llpm. Grand Hall, RMC. Black Student Union presents the
Dallas Repertory Theatre. Part of Black History Week.
8pm. SH301. Black Student Union panel discussion: "Black
notes and notices i
Students and the Promise of White Education: Cultural BMI—Broadcast Music, Inc. welcome. Mrs. Joan Karff, Majors Day—On Tuesday,
Suicide?" Offered as part of Black History Week. is o f f e r i n g a w a r d s to Dance Consultant in the February 15, Major's Day
musicians under the age of HPE department will show will be held for freshmen
t h u r s d a y the s e v e n t e e n t h 26 who h a v e o r i g i n a l the film and answer and sophomCres. During the
compositions. This is a questions. morning, the academic
11:45am. Commons. Sloppy joes, or weiners and sauerkraut. , commercial attempt to get * * * departments will provide
7pm. Kyle Morrow Room. Last lecture in the Tsanoff series: new stuff to make money Cheerleading—All those faculty representatives to
Professor Vlastos, "The Slave in Plato's Laws." from. If you are interested, interested in trying out for meet with student to answer
2pm. SH301. Naval Science lecture: Commander T.K. Mattingly write Oliver Daniel, cheerleader are invited to questions about departmen-
on the Manned Space program. D i r e c t o r , BMI A w a r d s , attend an organizational tal requirements and career
6pm. Commons. Lasagna. Broadcast Music, Inc., 40 meeting Monday, February opportunities as well as to
7pm. Weight Room, Gym. Wrestling. West 57th St., NY, NY 10019. 14, in the Wiess Private provide other information
*** pertinent to the choosing of
7:30pm. SH301. RPC Science Fiction filmfest continues with Dining Room, 7pm. Work-
The War of the Worlds (George Pal). An excellent update of W5YG - The Rice Univ- shops will be Tues.-Thurs. a major. Morning classes for
the H.G. Wells book. 50<£. this week, and Mon.-Thurs. t h e s e s t u d e n t s will be
ersity Amateur Radio Club, cancelled in order to allow,
7:30pm. Autry Court. Basketball, vs. A & M. Also live on KTRU. in cooperation with the next week. Meet in the gym
7:30pm. Media Center. Berlin-Alexarfflerplatz (Jutzi, 1931). at 4:30. Tryouts will be a them an opportunity to visit
Houston Amateur Radio several departments.
In German, no subtitles. Free. Club, is sponsoring a new couple of weeks after break,
8pm. Main Street Theatre. Leaves. to be scheduled later. If you Freshmen and sophomores
and improved course of in- are urged to take advantage
9:30pm. SH301. Last chance to catch War of the Worlds. s t r u c t i o n l e a d i n g to a have any questions, call
Karen Gren at 526-7264. of this opportunity to learn
General Class license. The about the various fields of
friday t h e e i g h t e e n t h course meets at 8pm on * * •
study available at Rice
Wednesdays in SH305, and Hanszen—Deadline for filing University.
11:45am. Commons. Hamburgers, or chef bowls. will be conducted by Rice
3:30pm. SH301. Dance Seminar, by the Director of the Dance Hanszen section-rep peti-
alumnus Don Ellis. Both tions is Tuesday the 15th.
Theatre of Harlem. Part of Black History Week. code and theory will be Questions answered and
4-5pm. RMC Patio, RAMAS beer/munchie TGIF. included. Anyone interested petitions obtained from D.
6pm. Commons. Stuffed flounder. (Absolutely no comment). in radio as a field for Dyche, 171 Hanszen (526-
7:30pm. Wiess. Wiess movie: Easy Rider. Free. Pube—The on-campus under-
technical experimentation 9490) or Paul Spelling, 131. graduate position and the
7:30pm. Media Center. The Harder They Come (Henzell, Election of 8 on-campus
1973). In Jamaican, with subtitles. $1.50. or as a means of meeting and off-campus undergraduate
working with others will section reps, 3 off-campus position on Willy's Pub
7:30pm. KTRU. The long-awaited radio play Albert's Bridge, find this course valuable in reps, Social Coordinator,
starring several illustrious Rice persons. Written by Tom Board of Control become
getting started. The course is RPC and SA representatives vacant May 1, 1977. In
Stoppard. Produced by KTRU and the Rice Players. open to everyone. Call 526- will be Tuesday 22 February
8pm. Main Street Theatre. Leaves. accordance with the Board's
8815 for more information. 1977. Get the lead out, charter Dr. Carrington has
10pm and midnight. Media Center. The Harder They Come. people!
10pm. Wiess. Easy Rider. asked the Student Associa-
D a n c e —On W e d n e s d a y , * * * tion to submit to the Board
February 23, 1977 at 4pm in Picnic—There will be a three or four unranked
Saturday the n i n e t e e n t h the Dance Lab (Heal 328) n o m i n a t i o n s for each
Bratwurst-Beer picnic
11:45am. Commons. Hot turkey sandwiches, or casserole. will show a film entitled planned for residents and position before March 25th.
1:30pm. Media Center. National Velvet (Clarence Brown, "Dancers in School" in f r i e n d s of W i s c o n s i n , A n y o n e i n t e r e s t e d in
1945). $1.50. Conference Room B in the Saturday, March 12. We s e r v i n g on t h e B o a r d
G y m n a s i u m . The f i l m need your help in organizing during the 1977-78 academic
7:20pm. Autry Court. Basketball, vs. TCU. Also live on KTRU. explores the possibilities for year should contact S.A.
7:30pm. Media Center. Every Man For Himself And God it! Next meeting: Sunday,
creative dance in elemen- Feb. 20, RMC lobby outside President Bruce Marcus for
Against All (Herzog, 1975). In German, with subtitles. $1.50. an appointment.
Sammy'8 at 9pm.
t h e rice t h r e s h e r , f e b r u a r y 14, 1 9 7 7 — p a g e 12

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