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Life of Galileo

Life of Galileo, written by Bertolt Brecht, is a significant play in understanding important
questions that are faced by individuals in a society. While the larger theme in the book is
the conflict between theology and scientific evidence, there are other important themes
that have been addressed by the play. Along with the continual tension between
Theology and Reason, the other important themes addressed are:
• • Conflict between Progressive V/s Conventional Notions in Society
• • Conflict between Individual V/s Authority
• • Freedom V/s Coercion
• • Inner Conflict of individual in a restricting situation

These themes are important in context of leadership by virtue of a leader questioning

traditional notions. In an attempt to work towards a larger vision of society, a leader
faces all these challenges and hence, these questions become ethical questions that
must be addressed
The running theme of Scientific Evidence v/s Theology also must be understood in-
depth, in order to assess the merits of Galileo’s “Thought Leadership”. The Church was
an important source of power in the western world in the 16th Century and religion was
the monopoly of the Church. Religion is based on dogmatic beliefs and norms that
require unquestionable devotion and regard. At the same time, despite religion being
asserted by the Church, religion did find importance in the lives of people, by bringing
them hope in challenging times, while also giving them a sense of belongingness, in the
community and through rituals.
Hence, in this context, attempts towards scientific enquiry as a way of life required
considerable effort and was a challenging task, giving that religion did find legitimacy
with the people.
Understanding Thought Leadership through Galileo’s character
Although open to interpretation, a thought leader is someone that puts forward the
tension between conventional wisdom and critical wisdom. In an attempt to challenge
conventional reason and belief, a thought leader presents a new way of thinking and
reasoning among the masses. Hence while the thought itself is important, the
propagation of thought also becomes extremely important as the leadership is through a
new idea.
This idea could be examined through the play too. While Church dictated traditional notions of
religion to assert its own legitimacy, Galileo came up with an entirely different worldview, a way
of scientific observation, questioning and reasoning. Hence, this was a complete deviation from
the unquestionable belief that religion

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