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11 – St.


Theology II

Mr. Donnie Correa


Rianna G. March 27, 2019

Religion has always been something of interest to me. Growing up in a Catholic family, I
was always conditioned to believe in the teachings of our Church, and to live by these teachings.
However, my family was not a very religious family. You know those families who always read
the Bible, always go to mass, always do this and that? That wasn’t my family. We maintained an
okay relationship with the Lord. We would attend mass during Sundays and other holy obligations,
pray the rosary every October (and whenever needed), and prayed as family during meal times.

It was around grade school where I learned more about Jesus through Christian Living and
Values Education, and the numerous retreats I was required to attend for academic reasons. I was
slowly learning to not depend on my family’s beliefs and establish that of my own. I started
reaching out to Jesus during high school but it was a very rocky road for me. There were times
wherein I would doubt the Lord and hinder my faith, and there were times when I badly depended
on him. It really was on the basis of what I was going through. This journey leads us to now.

Before, Jesus only used to be God’s son, our Saviour, and the other many titles he is deemed
in the church. But today, Jesus is my brother and my friend. This point of my relationship with
him only started during the beginning of my senior years. Unlike before, I had only come to know
about Him in Christian Living books and the stories during Holy Mass. Now, I can say that I am
in a very special point wherein I consider him my best friend.

It started from when I watched The Shack, a movie which was shown to us last semester
for Theology. I was inspired to attend mass again (I had not been to a Eucharistic celebration in
ages), and the priest’s homily sparked a flame in me to repent and renew my love for the Lord.
The priest said that “to love is to be present.” He then explained that in one whole week consisting
of 168 hours, the Lord only needed one for us. This statement made me reflect and see how I have
managed to go along my life not knowing Him. Ever since that day, I have always attended Sunday
masses, and before I go to our classroom, I pass by the chapel and say a little prayer and update

The way I talk to Jesus is as if he is my friend, because that’s what I consider him as. I
don’t go for the technical ACTS prayer. I usually start off with a good morning and then I thank
Him for waking me up today, update Him on what happened yesterday, and ask for guidance for
the coming days and weeks. Even though I know He is not physically beside me, I can feel His
presence whenever I am talking to Him. Letting out my thoughts and emotions to Him lessens the
burden I have in my heart. I tell Him all my secrets because I know that He is my confidant and
that he deserves my ultimate trust and faith. And if my wishes don’t go according to plan, I still
thank Him because I know he has something better in store for me.

I truly and sincerely believe that developing a relationship with Jesus was one of the best
things that has happened in my life. Coming from a dark time, it was only in Him where I found
consolation. I think it is very important to reach out to Him, especially as we grow older, because
as life goes on, the more challenges come our way. If we stay by His side, we won’t have to pave
and go through those hardships alone. Just take His hand, and he’ll take you past it all. You know
what they all say, two is better than one.

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