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Statement True False

1. Some of the functions of kidneys include water and electrolyte balance, plasma volume
and osmolarity regulation, and hormone secretion.
2. Angiotensin and erythropoietin are hormones secreted by the kidneys.
3. Filtration, reabsorption, and secretion are three main processes occurred in nephron.
4. The ascending and descending limbs of the Loop of Henle are responsible for creating a
counter-current multiplier system which concentrates urine.
5. The glomerulus and Bowman's capsule are responsible for collecting and producing
initial filtrate from the blood.
6. The filtrate becomes less concentrated as it moves up the loop of Henle because the
ascending limb is permeable to water.
7. The juxtaglomerular cells sense sodium content in urine of the proximal tubule.
8. The juxtaglomerular cells release renin in response to a low level of sodium in the
9. Angiotensinogen is converted to angiotensin I by angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)
in the lung.
10. The collecting duct is usually relatively impermeable to water. Action of antidiuretic
hormone causes the insertion of aquaporins in the collecting duct, allowing water to
exit the filtrate into the extracellular space.
11. The bottom of the descending loop of Henle is the location where the filtrate is at the
most concentrated state when ADH is not present.
12. Aldosterone acts in the collecting tubule to increase the rate of sodium reabsorption by
increasing the number of sodium-potassium pump proteins implanted in the cells of
this region.
13. To maintain electrical neutrality, when sodium is reabsorbed, potassium is secreted.
14. In a diabetes patient, the elevated glucose in the filtrate increases urine osmolarity and
causes the filtrate to retain water. The result is an increase in urine volume, resulting in
more frequent urination.
15. The distal tubule of the nephron is responsible for reabsorbing sodium and calcium and
secreting potassium, hydrogen, and bicarbonate.
16. Increase in plasma sodium and fall in blood pressure will increase secretion of
aldosterone through renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.
17. Glucose, amino acids, and urea are secreted into the filtrate by proximal tubule.
18. Voluntary signals from cerebral cortex can override the micturition reflex or allow it to
take place by contraction or relaxation of internal sphincter.
19. Under normal conditions, 99% of calcium filtered in the glomeruli is reabsorbed in the
20. Most of the hydrogen ions in the body come from acidic substances in the foods we

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