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Untuk Memenuhi Salah Satu Tugas Mata Pelajaran Teknik Dasar Otomotif

Disusun Oleh:

Puji syukur kita panjatkan ke hadirat Allah swt, karena atas limpahan
rahmatnya, sehingga penulisan makalah ini dapat terselesaikan dan telah
Makalah ini berjudul“Dasar-Dasar Otomotif”. Dengan tujuan penulisan
sebagai sumber bacaan yang dapat digunakan untuk memperdalam pemahaman
dari materi ini.Selain itu, penulisan makalah ini tak terlepes pula dengan tugas
pelajaran Teknik Dasar Otomotif.
Namun penulis cukup menyadari bahwa makalah ini jauh dari kata
sempurna. Oleh karena itu, penulis sangat mengharapkan kritik dan saran
pembaca yang bersifat membangun.




KATA PENGANTAR ............................................................................................ i

DAFTAR ISI .......................................................................................................... ii

BAB I PENDAHULUAN ..................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.1Latar Belakang .............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.2Rumusan Masalah ......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.3Tujuan ........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

BAB II PEMBAHASAN ...................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.1 Dasar-dasar Otomotif ................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2 Mesin ............................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.3 Komponen Utama Mesin Mobil ................................................................... 5

BAB III PENUTUP .............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.1 Kesimpulan .................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

DAFTAR PUSTAKA .......................................................................................... 11


Automotive is the study of land transportation equipment that uses
machinery, especially cars and motorbikes. Automotive began to develop as a
branch of science along with the creation of car engines. .
In its development, cars are increasingly becoming complex transportation
tools consisting of thousands of components belonging to dozens of systems
and subsystems. Therefore, automotive also developed into a broad science
and includes all the systems and subsystems.

1.2.Problem Formulation
1. What is meant by automotive?
2. What are the basics of the automotive?

1. Know about the meaning of automotive
2. Know what the basics of the automotive are


2.1.Automotive Basics
Automotive is the study of land transportation equipment that uses
machinery, especially cars and motorbikes. Automotive began to develop as a
branch of science along with the creation of car engines. .
In its development, cars are increasingly becoming complex
transportation tools consisting of thousands of components belonging to
dozens of systems and subsystems. Therefore, automotive also developed into
a broad science and includes all the systems and subsystems.

The Machine Is Classified Into 2 Types, namely:
1. Internal Combustion Engine
A machine whose fuel combustion process occurs within the
machine itself.
example: a. Motorcycle Engine
b. Car engine
c. Gas Turbine Machine
If we further elaborate on the Internal Combustion Engine, then the
example of the machine can be described as follows:
a. Motorcycle Engine
1) 2-stroke engine
2) 4 stroke engine

b. Car engine
1) Gasoline Engine
 Machines with Conventional Ignition Systems
 Machines with Electronic Ignition Systems
2) Diesel engines
 Diesel Direct Injection Machine
 Indirect injection Diesel engin

c. Gas Turbine Machine

1) Helicopter Airplane Machine
 Bolcow type
 Puma type
2) Jet Aircraft Machines
 Boeing engine

 Soekhoi machine

2. Eksternal Combustion Engine

A machine whose fuel combustion process occurs outside the
Example: Steam Boiler Machine

2.3.Komponen Utama Mesin Mobil
Broadly speaking, a car is divided into 3 major components + body,
1. Electricity
Consists of :
a. Battery System
b. Starter system
c. Filling System
d. Ignition system
e. Lighting System
f. Air Purifier System
g. Glass Cleaning System
h. Audio Video System

2. Chasis
Consists of :
a. Frame System
b. Brake system
c. Suspension System
d. Steering System
e. Coupling System
f. Transmission System
g. Differential System
h. Wheel Drive Shaft
3. Motor
Consists of :
a. Valve Mechanism
b. Pistons and their fittings
c. Cylinder Head
d. Cylinder Block
e. Lubrication System

f. Combustion System
g. Cooling System
We all know that the wheels of the vehicle require external power that
allows the vehicle to move and can overcome all conditions on the trip. An
external source that produces power is called a machine. The machine is a
device that can change water power, heat, electricity, steam, atomic power,
etc. into mechanical power.

Motorcycle Fuel Motor Pembakaran Luar Mesin Nuklir

(External cobustion engine) Turbin
Mesin nuklir
Mesin uap
Mesin turbin uap

Motor Pembakaran dalam

(Internal cobustion engine)

Motorbike Classification
Machines that convert heat power to mechanical power are called thermal
engines, fuel motors can be grouped into several classifications.

Most types of vehicles that we meet are included in the classification of
internal combustion engines with gasoline engines and diesel engines. Both types
of motorcycles have different characteristics.
1. Characteristics of a gasoline engine: - high speed and great power, easy
operation, perfect combustion, generally used for passenger cars and small
trucks and so on.
2. Characteristics of diesel engines: - High heat efficiency, low fuel economy,
lower speed compared to gasoline engines, large vibration and rather noisy,
more expensive prices, generally used for long-distance vehicles (commercial
vehicles, large trucks, etc.)
Gasoline Engine
Gasoline engines are grouped into 2 types of engines, namely engine / 2
stroke motor and 4 stroke engine / motorbike.

Step 4 Motor Working Step

4 stroke motor is a motor where in completing 1 combustion cycle requires
4 times the piston step with 2 times the crankshaft rotation.
Suction step:
The inlet valve is open, the exhaust valve is closed, the piston moves from
the TMA to the TMB, due to piston movement causing a vacuum inside the
cylinder so that the mixture of fuel and air is sucked into the cylinder chamber.

Compression Steps:
The inlet valve and exhaust valve are closed, the piston moves from TMB
to TMA, due to piston movement there is pressure or compression of the fuel and
air mixture so that the temperature in the combustion chamber increases, just
before the piston reaches the TMA spark plug sparks.
Business Steps:
The inlet valve and exhaust valve are closed, due to spark sparks, a
combustion explosion occurs which causes pressure which causes the piston to
move from TMA to TMB, moving the piston to TMB continues the suppression
power to the crankshaft.
Discard Step:
The inlet valve is closed, the exhaust valve is open, the piston moves from
TMB to TMA, due to the piston gas movement the remaining combustion is
pushed out through the manifold exhouse.

Step 2 Motor Work

The 2 stroke motor is a motor where in completing 1 combustion cycle
requires 2 times the piston step with 1 time the crankshaft rotation.
 When the piston moves from TMB to TMA: - under the piston there is a
mixture of fuel and air suction from the carburetor, above the piston

compression occurs so that the temperature increases just before the piston
until the spark plug splashes sparks.
 When the piston moves from TMA to TMB: - above the piston there is an
effort due to an explosion of combustion which is forwarded to the
crankshaft, the exhaust channel is open so that the combustion gas comes
out, the rinse cavity opens so that new gas enters the combustion chamber.
under the piston the inlet is closed due to the piston movement of the TMA
to TMA there is lower compression which pushes the mixture of fuel and
air up into the combustion chamber through the rinse cavity.


Automotive is the study of land transportation equipment that uses
machinery, especially cars and motorbikes. Automotive began to develop as a
branch of science along with the creation of car engines.
In its development, cars are increasingly becoming complex
transportation tools consisting of thousands of components belonging to
dozens of systems and subsystems. Therefore, automotive also developed into
a broad science and includes all the systems and subsystems.
The Machine Is Classified Into 2 Types, namely:
1. Internal Combustion Engine
2. External Combustion Engine



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