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9/2/2019 Natal Chart Report


Natal Chart Report

What follows is your personal natal chart information, as well as

interpretations of the positions and aspects in your chart.

With this report, you'll find out the positions of the planets in your natal
chart by sign. The most personal of these are the Sun sign, Moon sign,
Mercury sign, Venus sign, and Mars sign. Most people already know their
Sun sign. If your time of birth is known, you will also find out your
Ascendant, or rising sign, as well as the positions of the planets in the
houses of your chart. Aspects between the planets are also listed and

If the birth time is unknown, we cannot know the Ascendant or house

positions. The natal chart shown here is an Aries chart in that case.
Additionally, you may not know the Moon sign for certain. This is because
the Moon changes signs approximately every 2-1/2 days. Less probable but
still possible is a change of signs for the other planets and luminaries,
depending on the planet itself (for example, the Sun changes signs every 30
days or so).

Each paragraph of interpretation refers to an individual position in your

chart. All of these positions and aspects are some of the "parts" that make
up a "whole"--you! Some of these interpretations will be contradictory, just
as people are contradictory. A person can be timid in love and aggressive in
business, for example. As well, we evolve and grow throughout our lives,
facing challenges that help us to handle our positions and aspects in a
different way. We all have choices, and one of the major benefits of
astrology is the chance to understand ourselves so that we can work with
our natal charts and improve ourselves. Any computerized report that
interprets the individual placements in a natal chart is somewhat disjointed, 1/31
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simply because the different parts that make up the whole are not

Some of the interpretations are more detailed than others. You can use this
as a starting point and do some further reading about different positions
(such as Moon in Libra, Saturn in the 10th house, Moon conjunct Mercury) in
your chart by exploring our own site, other astrology sites, and by reading
astrology books.

The tables show the technical details of your natal chart, personalized based
on your birth data. Below the tables, you'll find your free birth chart report.

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Sydney, New South Wales Australia 08/14/1985 15:00

Planet Positions, Ascendant, & Houses

The following table shows the position of the planets in your chart, by sign
and degree. You will also find the sign of your Ascendant and the signs on
the cusp of each house in your natal chart only if the birth time is known.
The Roman Numerals refer to the houses, where the Ascendant is also the
first house and the Midheaven is also the tenth house. For example, if the
sign Taurus is next to Mars, you know your Mars is in Taurus. If the sign
Libra is next to Venus, you know your Venus is in Libra. If Cancer is next to
Ascendant, you have a Cancer Ascendant, and if Leo is next to II, Leo is on
your 2nd house.


Zodiac : Tropical Placidus Orb : 0

Sun Leo 21°22' I ASC Capricorn 22°24'

Moon Cancer 23°21' II Aquarius 14°01'

Mercury Leo 15°44' R III Pisces 9°02'

Venus Cancer 13°38' IV Aries 9°34' 2/31
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Mars Leo 12°54' V Taurus 15°02'

Jupiter Aquarius 10°47' R VI Gemini 20°42'

Saturn Scorpio 21°47' VII Cancer 22°24'

Uranus Sagittarius 13°59' R VIII Leo 14°01'

Neptune Capricorn 1°05' R IX Virgo 9°02'

Pluto Scorpio 2°14' X MC Libra 9°34'

Lilith Taurus 8°07' XI Scorpio 15°02'

N Node Taurus 12°44' XII Sagittarius 20°42'

Sun in VIII

Moon in VII

Mercury in VIII

Venus in VI

Mars in VII

Jupiter in I ASC

Saturn in XI

Uranus in XI

Neptune in XII

Pluto in X MC

Lilith in IV

N Node in IV

Zodiac : Tropical

Sun Leo 21°22'

Moon Cancer 23°21'

Mercury Leo 15°44' R 3/31
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Venus Cancer 13°38'

Mars Leo 12°54'

Jupiter Aquarius 10°47' R

Saturn Scorpio 21°47'

Uranus Sagittarius 13°59' R

Neptune Capricorn 1°05' R

Pluto Scorpio 2°14'

Lilith Taurus 8°07'

N Node Taurus 12°44'


I ASC Capricorn 22°24'

II Aquarius 14°01'

III Pisces 9°02'

IV Aries 9°34'

V Taurus 15°02'

VI Gemini 20°42'

VII Cancer 22°24'

VIII Leo 14°01'

IX Virgo 9°02'

X MC Libra 9°34'

XI Scorpio 15°02'

XII Sagittarius 20°42'

Sun in VIII 4/31
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Moon in VII

Mercury in VIII

Venus in VI

Mars in VII

Jupiter in I ASC

Saturn in XI

Uranus in XI

Neptune in XII

Pluto in X MC

Lilith in IV

N Node in IV

masculine 5 fire 4

feminine 5 earth 1

cardinal 3 air 1

fixed 6 water 4

mutable 1


The following table shows the planetary aspects in your natal chart.
Interpretations of these factors are found below. The numbers listed under
the column "Value" serve as a relative rating system for each aspect and are
determined based on the planets involved, the aspect type, and the orb of
influence. Negative values suggest more stressful or challenging influences
while positive numbers show more flowing, easy energy.

This is a wide table that may require you to scroll right on smaller screens. 5/31
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See also your full natal chart wheel graphic depicted below the report.

Planet Aspect Planet Orb Value

Sun Conjunction Mercury 5°38' 472

Sun Conjunction Mars 8°28' 103

Sun Square Saturn 0°25' -196

Sun Trine Uranus 7°22' 15

Moon Conjunction Venus 9°43' 27

Moon Trine Saturn 1°35' 156

Moon Opposition I ASC 0°58' -241

Mercury Conjunction Mars 2°50' 402

Mercury Opposition Jupiter 4°57' -117

Mercury Trine Uranus 1°44' 86

Mercury Square N Node 2°59' -35

Venus Sextile N Node 0°54' 98

Venus Opposition I ASC 8°45' -4

Mars Opposition Jupiter 2°07' -168

Mars Trine Uranus 1°06' 78

Mars Square Lilith 4°47' -12

Mars Square N Node 0°10' -49

Jupiter Sextile Uranus 3°12' 57

Jupiter Square Lilith 2°40' -28

Jupiter Square N Node 1°57' -27

Saturn Sextile I ASC 0°37' 70

Neptune Sextile Pluto 1°09' 69 6/31
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Neptune Trine Lilith 7°02' 2

Pluto Opposition Lilith 5°53' -10

Lilith Conjunction N Node 4°37' -22

1635 -909 726

Part of Fortune & South Node

The following table shows the positions of the Part of Fortune (using the
classic formula) and the South Node of the Moon (the True value).

Fortune Sagittarius 24°23'

South node Scorpio 12°44'

Natal Chart Report


This birth chart report shows the positions of the planets for roman.

The Sun

The Sun represents vitality, a sense of individuality, and outward-shining

creative energy.

The Sun is in Leo

There's an unmistakably regal air to Solar Leos. These are dignified--even

noble--folk. Leos have a reputation for being conceited, but think again. Leos
do feel important, but this generally takes the form of wanting to change the 7/31
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world in some way--to make the world a better place. They are generally
motivated by affection for people, and often have big dreams and plans to
make people happy.

Generally, Leos are hard-working. After all, they are attracted to the good
things in life, and they know they have to work to get them. It is sometimes
difficult to imagine Leos as go-getters if you happen to catch them in one of
their languid moods. These people can sleep in, laze around, and luxuriate
for long periods of time. However, when they do get to work, they do it with
intensity and determination. In this way, they are not unlike their symbol,
the lion. The worst thing you can do to a Leo is accuse them of bad
intentions. Displaying behavior that makes them think you don't appreciate
them runs a close second. These happy, jovial people become mighty hurt
when others don't see them for their noble intentions.

Loyal, and sometimes rather traditional, Leos are, after all, a fixed sign.
They'll hold on to situations and people for a very long time before they give
up. There is an unmistakable idealism to Leo's view of the world and the
people in it. Often, Leos have a very noble inner code that they answer to.
Although on the surface, Leos appear rather confident, they can actually be
some of the most humble souls around. They are the first to blame
themselves when something goes wrong. Once again, it's the Leonine self-
importance at work, and this characteristic works in unexpected ways.
Instead of being the conceited, self-absorbed show-offs of reputation, they
are usually very self-aware, self-conscious, and, yes, even humble.

Short description:

He is masterful, he likes authority, he aspires toward an ideal. He likes to

give advice. He is honest, frank, loyal, open, and sincere.

Possible issues: pride, vanity, arrogance, presumption and disdain for


Leo with a Capricorn Ascendant

Rules mean a lot to him, particularly in youth. He responds well to a

disciplined environment. Commands respect and will deal with no less! Will 8/31
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dwell if belittled in any way. Can become indignant but will keep his poise
most of the time. He is determined. While practical, he dreams big. He has
distinct and perhaps expensive taste. May care about status perhaps more
than he wants to admit, although he may grow out of this.

Sun in VIII: The Sun is in the eighth house

You have a great urge to go farther or deeper into life every step of the way.
You want to experience more, and your desires are both powerful and
intense. It is hard for you to find satisfaction in common experiences, and
you have magnetic power if you choose to use it wisely. You are fascinated
with what lies under the surface, and at some point in your life, self-
improvement is a big interest. You are attracted to unexplored or taboo
areas of life, and you avoid all things superficial. Financial problems may
ease after marriage.

472 Conjunction between the Sun and Mercury

Because your ego and your mind are usually on the same page, you possess
much mental energy. You are always in a position to think about what you
want, and in many ways, this is an interruption of the will. You are highly
intelligent with a great drive to communicate with other. You invest a lot of
pride in your intellectual capacities. You may not always listen as well as you
speak, however! You might be too busy thinking about what to say next. But
you are very curious and although you enjoy expressing yourself, you
usually don't dominate conversations completely.

As far as studying or learning goes, you are better off reading the material
than listening to a teacher. These traits come from a strong need to take an
active role in communications. It is very hard for you to passively listen and
absorb information.

Your opinions are usually strong and you are an independent thinker. You
tend to be proud of your opinions and thoughts, and might easily get a
bruised ego if you are not "heard", if your opinions are pushed aside or
ignored, or if your opinions are criticized. You are expressive and possibly a
very animated speaker. You are also very witty and others enjoy your playful
and sometimes mischievous sense of humor. 9/31
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103 Conjunction between the Sun and Mars

You are enterprising and have powerful stores of energy that you can draw
upon when needed. You respond to problems or challenges with a spirited
and enthusiastic confidence that is admirable. You are naturally competitive,
and this trait is generally well-received by others simply because it is
unforced, unaffected, and sincere. You truly believe in fair play, and you
seem to be in love with life. When you are expressing competitiveness and
courage, it's easy for others to smile and accept these traits as positive ones
rather than being rubbed the wrong way. You have good physical vitality.
Although competitive, you are not naturally combative. You may enjoy
sports or games that are competitive, but not violent. Breaking the rules of a
competitive game is particularly upsetting to you. You are more able than
most to control your desires, aggressions, and instincts. You know how to be
fair, and you expect others to be fair. As such, sneaky behaviors,
uncontrolled impulses, violence, and rage are offensive to you.

-196 Square between the Sun and Saturn

You faced a fair number of challenges in your life, especially in the first half
of life, in which your attempts to express your will were often thwarted.
There can be a persistent feeling that you don't get what they want in
comparison to others. You can feel unlucky at times. Attempts to control
your environment, and sometimes others, may be frequent.

You want to be considered an accomplished and important person, and when

you face obstacles, you don't always see that you are your own worst
enemy. You may long to be considered important in the eyes of the world,
yet you harbor fear of success at the same time. You take failures and minor
setbacks to heart, and may even practically beat yourself up over them.
Self-awareness to the point of real self-consciousness is a possibility. The
truth is, nobody holds a microscope over you, except for yourself. A little
setback or a faux pas needn't be analyzed to death. Fingers needn't be
pointed. No, you didn't make a spectacle of yourself when you made a
mistake. You need to stop worrying about always being right, or appearing
suave and accomplished. When you ease the pressure you put on yourself,
you find that you don't face as many brick walls. It is very much about what 10/31
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you feel you deserve. Deep down inside, if you let yourself truly believe that
you deserve happiness and peace of mind, you will find it.You may engage in
a lot of self-censoring: "I shouldn't.." is a common censoring mechanism
with you. When you express egotism of any form, some part of you feels
guilty. As the Sun rules our conscious mind, it does enough censoring on its
own. It is the "adult" within us. Saturn, on the other hand, is more like the
"parent" within us. We need parents to guide us when we are children, and
to some degree as adults, but for the most part, we don't need to be
censored indefinitely--something that seems to be the case with Saturn-Sun
hard aspects, except that the censoring and parenting is coming from within.
Ideally, you eventually learn that the standards you set for yourself are too
high, and that may be the reason you seem to hit brick walls. You have a
sarcastic sense of humor, a keen intelligence, and the ability to apply caution
and strategy. The vitality may suffer, and troubles with the bones, teeth,
and circulation may surface, especially at times of stress in your life.

15 Trine between the Sun and Uranus

It is natural for you to question tradition. You are, above all things, an
individualist. You naturally rebel against that which is established. It doesn't
mean that you consistently break all the rules, but you definitely do question
some of the rules, especially those that simply don't make much sense. You
possess a huge distaste for routine. You work best when you have some say
as to when and how you get things done. You possess much self-integrity.
You avoid labeling people and are most offended when others attempt to
label or stereotype you.

You easily embrace new ways of doing things, you stick up for the underdog,
and you express yourself in unique and inspiring ways. You don't have to try
to stand out as unique--you are original, creative, and progressive without
trying. You are far from pretentious. You value honesty and truth, and you
avoid putting on airs. You believe in the equality of people, and easily relate
to people from all walks of life. You possess an unmistakable enthusiasm
about life, and generally your life is interesting because you invite unusual or
adventurous experiences into your life. You are generally appreciated by
others because you are open-minded, fair, and not judgmental. Nothing
really seems to faze you! You take things in stride, and are rarely shocked or 11/31
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taken aback by human behavior.

The Moon

The Moon represents the emotional responses, unconscious pre-destination,

and the self-image. The Moon represents the emotions, and the Moon sign
shows how a person expresses themselves when at home, at ease, and

The Moon is in Cancer

This is the most subjective position of the Moon.

Moon The Moon is "at home" in
the sign of Cancer, as the Moon is the natural ruler of the sign. Moon in
Cancer natives have a large potential to be able to get in touch with the
feelings and moods of others. Often, they are quite wrapped up in
themselves. Their memories of the past are outstanding, especially for all
things emotional. Moon in Cancer people are never detached--they cling to
things, their home, and people they care for. They seek out security and
familiarity in all they do. They look for peace and quiet. Their attachment to
all that is safe means they are a little leery of change. These peace-loving
souls dislike superficiality in all of its forms. They are devoted and
accommodating. The insecure ones accumulate things in an attempt to feel

Because of their strong attachment to, and memory of, the past, others may
complain that Moon in Cancer natives tend to whip a dead horse. They may
dwell on hurts long after everyone else has moved on. When they feel they
have been taken for granted (which may be often!), they don't always
confront others directly. This is when they can use roundabout ways to get
your attention. In fact, these natives, when they are insecure, can become
quite manipulative. They can also be victims of habit. These people can have
a hard time compartmentalizing their lives, simply because their watery
Moon tends to know no boundaries. Sometimes, as a result, they may act

One of the most delightful characteristics of Moon in Cancer people is their

loony sense of humor. These people can be extraordinarily funny. Their 12/31
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moodiness can baffle others, but their unique outlook on life is something
most people can appreciate. When treated with tenderness and
understanding, Moon in Cancer natives return the favor with warmth and
protection. Give them security, and you'll take the crabbiness out of the
Crab, at least for awhile. These people are wonderfully dependable overall,
despite their occasional mood swings. Make a friend of Moon in Cancer, and
you will be taken care of for life.

Short description:

He is likeable and sociable. Very sensitive to environmental conditions and

surroundings. He likes home, habits, comfort and his little world. Very caring
and protective of loved ones.

Potential issues: subject to indolence, inertia. He is impressionable and too

sensitive. Family problems.

Moon in VII: The Moon is in the seventh house

Partnership can be very important for him, for better or for worse. He works
well in business relationships, especially partnerships.

You are drawn to partnerships and prefer to have a companion for emotional
support. You are not a person who would happily take in a movie by
yourself, or dine alone, for example. A partner awakens feelings in you that
you may never know you had, and you seem to need a partner to learn
about your own needs and feelings. Emotional fulfillment is sought through
relationships, but you may have many relationships one after another, each
time believing that this is "the one". Taking time between relationships is
something that is hard for you to do, but quite necessary, as you tend to
jump into relationships out of fear of being alone. You are very adaptable to
others' needs, and usually quite likeable as a result. Be careful that you
don't become overly dependent on a partner, or assume that a partner is
going to treat you the same way as you do them.

27 Conjunction between the Moon and Venus

You are generally amiable and project a soft and yielding manner. You 13/31
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possess natural charm and you are highly imaginative and sympathetic. You
can make an excellent mediator and go-between. You are keenly aware of
your need for relationships and for intimacy. You have a well-developed
respect for qualities typically associated with the feminine. People appreciate
you for your tender heart and friendly, diplomatic disposition. You should
enjoy a good measure of personal popularity and success in your life.
Although generally considered "lucky" with relationships and with money,
this is less about luck than it is about a certain level of inner peace and
positive energy that attracts pleasant situations. At times you can be
complacent, downright lazy, and over-indulgent in the "pleasures" of life.
However, you are a peace-maker at heart and have an unusual ability to
help and heal others. You are gracious and warm.

He is gracious, sweet, happy. He especially enjoys pleasure and

entertainment, the Arts. He needs tenderness. He appreciates home life in a
comfortable, safe atmosphere more than most.

156 Trine between the Moon and Saturn

He controls his feelings. He has a strong sense of duty and self-esteem. Very
prudent. He can concentrate on a long-term task, manual or intellectual,
with success. He perseveres and is serious in most things he does, but is
humorous, satirical, steadfast, and upright.

-241 Opposition between the Moon and Ascendant

He can be unhappily influenced by the family or childhood, or otherwise feel

rather insecure about new beginnings and new situations. He may be always
looking for more love, appreciation, and feedback. He is susceptible, perhaps
with some superficial sensitivity and can sometimes be irascible, changeable,
inconstant, and moody. However, he is usually highly intelligent, observan,
and adaptable, and is very often misunderstood, projecting the wrong image
more often than is comfortable.


Mercury represents communication, Cartesian and logical spirit. 14/31
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Mercury is in Leo

He wants to know the bottom line, and can be good at scoping out a
situation and finding answers to problems. In fact, he is a problem-solver,
and will spend a lot of time helping others solve problems if need be. Very
friendly and usually positive, he can be charming in a warm way.
Enthusiastic speaker, speaks with authority and sincerity. Great sense of
organization. Playful. Likes to take risks in jest and for amusement. Might
sometimes come across too strongly or offend sensitive folk with a
somewhat authoritative tone.

Mercury in VIII: Mercury is in the eighth house

He likes research, investigations, inquiries. Studies well.

He is fascinated with all that is unexplored, mysterious, taboo, secret, and

psychological. He loves research and has a great mind. He wants to know
the motivation behind what people do. May have a good mind for financial
strategies. He may be tormented at night, unable to turn off the mind to rest
deeply at times.

You speak with authority and others listen, having strong persuasive powers
which should be used carefully. You tend to feel that everything we do and
experience has a purpose. You have a great, investigative, and penetrating
mind and you are excellent at developing strategies, as well as
communicating them with others.

402 Conjunction between Mercury - Mars

He likes discussions, debates, polemic. He has good judgment and can be

very determined. He is a worker and has lots of energy. He has a lively
intelligence and usually goes to the heart of things. He is enthusiastic,
incisive, and energetic in thought and speech.

-117 Opposition between Mercury - Jupiter

He is frivolous and imprudent at times. He may lack judgement, and may be

full of self-importance. He can have difficulty realizing his plans largely 15/31
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because he lacks clarity and he often overshoots.

86 Trine between Mercury - Uranus

He is perspicacious, ingenious. He binds intelligence and originality together

with genius. He likes literature, especially fiction. He is spontaneous in his
friendships and knows how to turn situations around positively.


Venus represents an interest in emotions and values, exchange, and sharing

with others.

Venus is in Cancer

Love for Venus in Cancer is best when it is committed and rather predictable.
These people are sensitive in love, even if their Sun sign is the more playful
and outgoing signs of Gemini or Leo. You may even say their egos are a little
underdeveloped when it comes to love, but they have a lot to give in return:
namely, security, comfort, and care. Venus in Cancer people show their love
by caring for you. They pay more attention to your feelings than your words,
and observe you rather carefully. They want a safe, solid relationship. They
can be a little moody in love, and some go so far as giving silent treatments
and engaging in pouting routines to get attention from their mate. They are
turned off by anything too impersonal, and too much rationalizing leaves
them cold. They are not afraid of emotional confrontations (even if they have
a Gemini Sun and appear flighty in other areas of life). Still, these lovers are
always worried they'll be left high and dry. If you've hurt them, they'll have
a hard time forgetting. Every so often, they'll retreat into themselves (not
unlike a Crab), and it can be difficult to pull them out. This is when they use
their extraordinary "nursing" abilities on themselves, instead of you...and
you simply don't want that!

Pleasing Venus in Cancer involves lots of snuggling and sentimentality.

Recognize their attachments to their family and home. Help them to feel
confident with you -- when they are fearful of being rejected, they can resort
to some frustrating tactics to find out just how loved they are. Think about 16/31
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how a crab (the symbol of Cancer) moves towards its goal, and you will get
a fair idea of Venus in Cancer's approach. Do your best to make them feel
secure and cared for, and you will be rewarded with a patient, dependable,
and loving mate.

Venus in VI: Venus is in the sixth house

He may be devoted to sick or poor people. Might work in a medical or social

setting, where he may meet his partner, who can be a great help

Your expressions of love and affection are practical and helpful. Being of
service to a partner is especially important to you. In fact, you might go to
great lengths to be available at all costs to a loved one. While you may not
be flowery or showy when it comes to expressing love, you show your love
by your availability, rendering services, doing practical things for a loved
one, and other thoughtful "little" things. Many of you are talented at design
work, as you appreciate and pay much attention to all of the little parts that
make up a whole, with the goal of finding order and harmony in these
systems. If you are not careful, you might pass up on true love opportunities
in favor of relationships that serve a practical purpose in your life, or out of
fear that you might not find better. Selling yourself short may be something
that keeps you from going after what and who you want.

98 Sextile between Venus and the North Node

This aspect indicates diplomacy and attractiveness. There is a certain luck in

meeting others at the right times. There is skill in harmonizing and much
desire to cooperate rather than compete.

-4 Opposition between Venus - Ascendant

He may go to excess with his pleasures, frequents doubtful company, may

come across differently than expected. He is very spendthrift, but spreads
his money around his circle. His friends may be more self-interested than

Mars 17/31
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Mars represents the desire for action and physical energy.

Mars is in Leo

This position of Mars gives a drive for significance. Mars in Leo individuals
possess a strong need to create in some way--and they are determined that
their lives have not only meaning, but significant meaning! This is a
particularly vital position of Mars. Passions run high, and so does desire.
There is a strong will that gives these natives much staying power. Though
Mars in Leo people will enjoy the pleasures of risk-taking, they generally
have a strong sense of reason at the end of the day. Mars in Leo people
often have well-defined ambitions. Rarely will you find a person with Mars in
this position who lives life without a true sense of a "calling". They act with
authority and power, and their personal magnetism generally endows them
with the ability to get what they want.

This is one of the more sexual positions of Mars. While they are rather easy
to arouse, their passion is long-standing. Mars in Leo natives enjoy sex more
than most, as long as heavy doses of love and romance are part of the
package. In partnership, they demand loyalty and admiration. Impatient
with small-mindedness and disloyalty, Mars in Leo natives generally have a
strong idealistic streak. They easily get fired up when they feel they've been
humiliated, and they defend their high principles with ardor. Mars in Leo
natives act with their heart. Their ego is tied up with their actions, so that
most anything they do becomes a source of great pride. Though some are
self-righteous and quarrelsome, the more sophisticated people with this
position are kindly leaders.

Mars in VII: Mars is in the seventh house

He may dominate his associates or colleagues. He is the same in his love

life, perhaps dominating the partner and this makes for a stormy
relationship. Or, the energy of Mars is "met" through a partner, and the
partner is especially active, assertive, and energetic. There can be a marked
impulsive tendency in your one-to-one relationships. Certainly, you need
your connections to maintain a high level of passion and energy. You can be
particularly good at mediating, counseling, troubleshooting, debate, politics, 18/31
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or working with the law.

-168 Opposition between Mars - Jupiter

He often refuses to accept any guidance. He can sometimes lack

forethought, acting impulsively and sometimes imprudently, which can cause
problems. He wants everything yesterday and might use whatever means
necessary to achieve his objectives, even if questionable. His emotional life
can be fraught with quarrels and or conflicts due to quick, passionate
reactions. He can be very enthusiastic and hopeful.

78 Trine between Mars - Uranus

He posseses exceptional energy. He is impulsive but bold. He may take on

risky enterprises for the good of the community. He will often pour
tremendous energy into an endeavor. He has a great need for his
independence, insisting on his freedom of action. Very open to new methods
and different ways of doing things. Progressive and courageous. An

-12 Square between Mars - Lilith

Love affairs are tempestuous with quarrels, crises, great passion after the


Jupiter represents expansion and grace.

Jupiter is in Aquarius

He attracts the most good fortune when he is tolerant and fair, inventive,
impartial, and cooperative. Values people and personal freedom most,
desiring to show unique perspective or skills. He is open to new methods and
progress. Great tolerance and humanitarianism.

Jupiter in I: Jupiter is in the first house 19/31
9/2/2019 Natal Chart Report

He is jovial, expansive, dynamic, kindly, altruistic. He has good judgment, is

tolerant and loves food, good times, and pleasures. He has a good education
and a prosperous life.

57 Sextile between Jupiter - Uranus

He quickly sizes up a situation and knows what's going on at a glance. He

thirsts after knowledge, and is a good organizer. He is very independent, his
freedom of action is extremely important to him, is non-conformist. He is
very agreeable company and is always in demand.

-28 Square between Jupiter - Lilith

He may run the risk of ruining himself in order to please his partner. On a
sexual level, he may go to considerable effort to please his partner, but a
partner can remain insatiable. There can be disappointments in love until
moderation is practiced.


Saturn represents contraction and effort.

Saturn is in Scorpio

Observant, self-controlled, unforgiving, tough, methodical, a researcher, an

investigator. Lots of courage, self-assurance, and inclines to keep his cool.

Possible issues: Making no concessions or compromises for fear of loss of

control or respect. He might become a fanatic of a creed, a party, work, or a
religion in rare cases.

Saturn in XI: Saturn is in the eleventh house

He may often appreciate the company of older people of intelligence and

good counsel, and they will help with success in professional life. He may
have few friends or difficulty in finding a partner. He is very reserved. 20/31
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70 Sextile between Saturn - Ascendant

He is serious, sober, thoughtful, paying attention to detail. He likes to be

with older or mature/serious people.


Uranus represents individual liberty, egoistic liberty.

Uranus in Sagittarius

He is shy, delicate but proud, bold and lively.

Uranus in XI: Uranus is in the eleventh house

His freedom is important to him, even with regard to friends. Friends cnn be
extravagant, original, intellectual. They are not from the same background
and often have a different upbringing.


Neptune represents transcendental liberty, non-egoistic liberty.

Neptune is in Capricorn

He is discerning, wise, and sensible.

Neptune in XII

He likes isolation, a withdrawn life, dreams, and meditation. He has has little
desire for action. The healer, but it may take half a lifetime or more to
recognize this.

69 Sextile between Neptune - Pluto 21/31
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He is perceptive and able to see layers to a situation. He is naturally drawn

to learning what makes himself and others tick.

2 Trine between Neptune - Lilith

Love can dominate his life. He lives his love life to the fullest, and can be
very passionate. His partner may have problems on the professional level,
but he is always there to give support. If the partner loses their job and their
rhythm of life has to change, he accepts this. He is a lover, and faithful - the
most important thing is that they love each other.


Pluto represents transformations, mutations, and elimination.

Pluto is in Scorpio

Fear of betrayal. Sensual and passionate.

-10 Opposition between Pluto - Lilith

He may lead a double life. He may have a secret love affair but the secret
doesn't last, or at the very least there are complications. Otherwise, this
aspect can point to scandals whether or not they are real.


Black Moon Lilith represents our darker, deeper natures that may be
repressed or buried.

Lilith in Taurus

Can have a hard time feeling truly satisfied or sated, but can also fear the
state of wanting. Perhaps they were penalized or criticized for being slow,
savoring things, or enjoying and indulging themselves. Fear of loss can lead
to possessiveness. Understanding and accepting the very human desire to 22/31
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own and have and expressing these things moderately and responsibly can
be empowering.

-22 Conjunction between Lilith - Lunar Node

He instinctively knows that connecting with his deeper or darker nature in

empowering ways will help him grow, evolve, and advance. Jealousy is seen
as human and helpful for illuminating his deeper desires.

North Node-South Node

The South Node represents our overdeveloped character traits. We are

talented here but if we overdo this area of life or hold onto these traits to
feel secure, we may stagnate. The North Node points to the qualities that we
need to work on and develop to achieve inner balance and fulfillment.

North Node in Taurus

He is brilliantly perceptive and easily gets close to someone. However, the

tendency in the first half of life is to define his worth or value through his
relationships and to be too wrapped up in others' needs at the expense of his
own. Lessons are learned the hard way. Confusing and intense life situations
come at the cost of comfort and peace. His path is to discover and embrace
his own values and to establish his self-worth through his own efforts. He
should aim to enjoy life's quieter moments while blocking the subconscious
need to create crises, as this is the way to improved relationships and
greater satisfaction. Qualities to develop: patience, self-sufficiency, restraint,

North Node in IV: North Node in the Fourth House

His path is to allow himself to be vulnerable, and from time to time, release
the need to feel in control and on top of things. Once he does let others in,
his life improves. Fixing his home life can enhance his career. Qualities to
develop: nurturing and trust, tenderness, willingness to be vulnerable or to
accept support. 23/31
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The Houses

House I is the area of self identity. The ascendant is a symbol of how one
acts in life. It is the image of the personality as seen by others, and the
attitude that one has towards life.

Leo with a Capricorn Ascendant

Rules mean a lot to him, particularly in youth. He responds well to a

disciplined environment. Commands respect and will deal with no less! Will
dwell if belittled in any way. Can become indignant but will keep his poise
most of the time. He is determined. While practical, he dreams big. He has
distinct and perhaps expensive taste. May care about status perhaps more
than he wants to admit, although he may grow out of this.

Ascendant is Capricorn

There's a seriousness to Capricorn rising people that is unmistakable. Even

when they're joking around, it's of the deadpan variety. In fact, plenty of
very humorous people have Capricorn Ascendants. It's all in the timing...and
the fact that they don't giggle before the joke is over. Capricorn Ascendant
people project competence. They simply ooze it. They're generally very
image-conscious people--the clothes they wear and their manner are a big
deal to them. They want to appear successful, and they generally succeed!
Often the Ascendant persona is the one that was forced upon us by family
conditioning. For example, parents may label their Libra Ascendant child the
"nice" one; their Aries Ascendant child the "independent" one; and their
Pisces Ascendant child is generally the space cadet of the family. We adopt
these roles as familiar ones, and often carry them with us as our defense
mechanisms, in some way or another, for the rest of our lives. In the case of
Capricorn Ascendants, these were the children who were considered the
responsible ones. Sometimes, it was they themselves who looked around
them and felt the need to be the structured, dependable, and responsible
members of the family. So, often, Capricorn rising people adopted a strong
sense of tradition, family, and responsibility at a very young age.

Capricorn rising people are generally big on family, and forever worry about
security--for themselves and their dependents. They come across to others
as hard-working, competent, and dependable people. What others may not 24/31
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see under that cool, even suave, exterior, is an inner struggle: they often
ask themselves, "Am I doing enough?", "Do I deserve all of this?", "How can
I make things better?" They worry a lot about the future. If success seemed
to have come easy to these folks, it hasn't. They just made it look that way
with a patient, hard-working, driven personality. Some Capricorn rising
people practice some form of self-denial. They know how to do away with
the frivolous. Still, they'll spend money on the clothes they really want (the
ones with the right labels, that is), and other status symbols. Although
they're rarely showy, their quiet air of success is often a result of conscious
effort. More often than not, Capricorn rising individuals are success stories.
Their childhoods may have been difficult, but they slowly but surely turn
their lives around. Saturn rules this Ascendant, and this generally means a
kind of backwards way of living--as children, they are serious and bear a lot
of responsibility; and as they grow up, they age beautifully, learning how to
loosen up.

House II - the second house - is the area of material security and values. It
rules money and personal finances, sense of self-worth and basic values,
personal possessions.

Aquarius on House II

Success in professional life won't take place without the help of friends and
protectors. While he may earn enormous amounts, he can lose almost as
much. Best financial success through networking with others. Might succeed
in business on the internet. Most profitable businesses may be unusual or
innovative ones. Efforts should be made to better organize finances.

House III - the third house - is the area of social and intellectual learning.

Pisces on House III

Ideas are somewhat changeable, and his humor as well. Travel, sea voyages
or work connected with the sea.

House IV - the fourth house - is the area of home, family, roots, and deep
emotions/sense of self-worth. 25/31
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Aries on House IV

Lots of authority within the family. He knows how to take the destiny of the
family in hand, to take charge. He is very energetic, very strong, knowing
how to cope with life's setbacks.

House V - the fifth house - is the area of creative self-expression, romance,

entertainment, children, and gambling.

Taurus on House V

A pleasant home, a charming partner, loving and sweet children, nice little
meals, pleasant evenings with the loved one -- the good life.

House VI - the sixth house - is the area of learning by material transaction.

Gemini on House VI

Good assistant, sales rep, jack of all trades. Weak point: the nerves,
sometimes also the lungs.

House VII - the seventh house - is the area of one-to-one relationships such
as marriage and partnership, and of social and intellectual action.

Cancer on House VII

This can point to a rather strong marriage or partnership, a nice little family.
The partner may not always be easy to live with due to moodiness.

House VIII - the eighth house - is the area of emotional security and of
security of the soul.

Leo on House VIII

He should probably watch for a tendency to want to control joint resources,

but he can be generous with others. Proud. It's wise to have regular check-
ups on the heart and arteries. 26/31
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House IX - the ninth house - is the area of learning that shapes the identity.

Virgo on House IX

He is devoted to all causes that bring comfort or help to people in difficulty.

House X - the tenth house - is the area of material action. The Midheaven
represents the work one will do in one's life, the place one will take in the
world of society. It becomes more important as one grows older.

Libra on House X

Contacts of all kinds will lead to social success, professional, through

marriage, etc. He likes society life, friendships that could help professionally.
Sometimes jobs connected with justice, but frequently involved with
important and influential people.

House XI - the eleventh house - is the area of search for social and
intellectual security.

Scorpio on House XI

He likes to debate endlessly with friends who don't share his ideas. The
discussion can lead to words or even verbal sparring.

House XII - the twelfth house - is the area of education and of emotion. This
is where we meet our karma, deal with endings, and sometimes where we
bury things.

Sagittarius on House XII

Problems abroad, or with foreigners, or flight abroad, exile is possible in

extreme cases.

Your Personal Natal Chart 27/31
9/2/2019 Natal Chart Report

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Please note that the MC line in the chart wheel's aspect grid above is picking
up aspects from Lilith and North Node as well as the Midheaven. I hope to 28/31
9/2/2019 Natal Chart Report

have this fixed soon. This only affects the graphic/visual and not the
interpretations or calculations.

After enlarging your chart, you can click on any planets in the chart wheel to
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Full birth data:


Pronoun He


4 New South Wales New South Wales

61 Australia AU

Date 08/14/1985 Wednesday

Time 15:00

Julian day 2446291.71

Timezone 10.0000 10h00e

ST 12.35

Lat -33.8700 33°52's

Long 151.2200 151°13'e

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