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Project Paper

Arranged to fulfill of Envrionmental Science Basics guided by Dr. Sueb, M.Kes

Will be presented on Tuesday and date 30 April 2019

Group 5 Offering I
Delaila Nafulani Em De Sundjie NIM 180342618010
Novan Adhi Nugroho NIM 180342618044
Rochmatul Istiana NIM 180342618016


March 2019

Sueb1, Novan Adhi Nugroho1, Delaila Nafulani Em De Sundjie1, and Rochmatul Istiana1
Department of Bology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Negeri Malang, Jalan Semarang 05 Malang 65145, Indonesia
Corresponding author:

Abstract. Malang City is one of the cities with high density and population growth
rate. This affects the needs of the population, especially in increasing the need for clean
water services. In accordance with the case, in this project paper the sample is the level of
satisfaction of the population about clean water sources in Kampung Tridi, Malang. This
study aims to measure how feasible water sources are in Tridi Village, Malang. As for the
usefulness of this research, it is a reference or consideration for the Malang City
government in developing maintenance of water sources to support the improvement of
water distribution in Tridi Village, Malang. The method used in this study is a
questionnaire. The data that has been obtained shows that in the level of satisfaction of
the population the attitude of the PDAM in its commitment to an impartial decision-
making process towards drinking water supply is considered to be quite high. Therefore,
the level of customer satisfaction of PDAM Kota Malang precisely at Tridi Village can
be determined by measuring it based on the continuity of the village water.
Keyword: PDAM, attitude, service, satisfaction
1. Introduction

Malang City is one of the autonomous regions and is the second major city in East Java after
the City of Surabaya. Malang City is one of the causes of the high density and rate of population
growth, this is very influential especially in increasing the need for clean water services. From
the point of view of public health science, the provision of clean water sources must be able to
meet the needs of the community because limited supply of clean water facilitates the emergence
of diseases in the community. The average volume of water requirements for each individual per
day ranges from 150-200 liters or 35-40 gallons. The water needs vary and depend on the
climate, living standards and habits of the people.
Water is a resource nature that must be preserved. Relation to environmental principles,
namely concerning the third principle and principle fourth. The third principle concerns sources
natural power where matter, energy, space, time and diversity are all included natural resources
category, while the principle the fourth is called the principle of saturation where for all
categories of resources the nature of which procurement has reached optimum, the effect of the
increase can decrease with the addition of natural resources it reaches an optimum level [1].
The quality of drinking water is based on the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 492 / MENKES / PER / IV / 2010 in Article 3 number 1 which
states that safe drinking water must meet physical, microbiological, chemical and radioactive
requirements contained in mandatory parameters and parameters additional. In the program of
ready-to-drink water, the quality is guaranteed because:
a. Water sources come from water that is protected from pollution.
b. Has undergone a disinfection treatment process to eliminate bacteria and germs according
to drinking water quality standards. And checked regularly by the laboratory.
c. The distribution pipeline network uses existing and relatively new clean water pipelines.
It consists of quality pipes that do not easily leak and rust.
d. The distribution network is separated from the distribution of other clean water, so that it
is easily monitored and protected from pollution.
e. The distribution pipeline is cleaned regularly.
f. Water pressure is maintained stability [2].
Provision of drinking water in rural areas often experiences internal constraints
sustainability. One important obstacle is poverty experienced by most rural communities. This
community group has limited access to the fulfillment of safe and decent water needs. It has been
identified that poverty and types of projects that are participatory are significant factors that
affect the condition of the water supply system [3].

To maintain the sustainability of clean water services in rural areas, it is needed good
management and supported by community participation, both in form smooth payment of water
usage or direct involvement in each stages of clean water service activities [4]. Good
management and involvement the community is the driver of the reliability of the water supply
system, which finally raising the level of community satisfaction.
This study aims to measure how worthy the water source in Tridi Village. As for the
usefulness of this research, it is to be a reference or consideration for the Malang City
government in developing the maintain of water source to support the increase in the water
distribution in Tridi Village

2. Materials and Methods

2.1 Research design

This research is a descriptive study using survey methods with questionnaire techniques
(questionnaires). The survey research was defined as a principal collection tool. In general, the
analysis of the survey research is individual. Descriptive research is research that describes
conditions that exist in reality. [5]
2.2 Time and Place
This research will be conducted in March 2019. Observation location in Tridi Village
Temenggungan Ledok street, Kesatrian, Blimbing, Kota Malang, East Java 65121
Picture 1. The maps of Tridi Village

2.3 Materials and tools

In this study the author used a questionnaire, stationery, and a recorder from a cellphone that
the author used to carry out the interview process directly to the respondent.

2.4 Sampling and Population

At the inventory stage, data collection is carried out. Data collected includes data from
physical, and social aspects. data was obtained from field surveys, questionnaires distributed to
30 respondents consisting of surrounding communities who lives in Tridi Village, and literature
2.5 Research methods
To analyze the level of satisfaction of society of Tridi Village, Likert's Scale is used
Likert scale is a scale that is commonly used in questionnaires, and is the scale most
widely used in the form of surveys used to measure attitudes, behavior, opinions and
perceptions of someone about social phenomena.[6]

1. The technique of determining the score of answers from questionnaires / questionnaires.

The questionnaire in this study used the Likert scale answer option. because the
questionnaire in this study will contain a statement to measure the level of satisfaction
and an object (Society), the Likert scale is the right tool to measure or weigh because it
contains tiered choices so that they are more representative of what the respondents
thinkto the level of satisfaction in a tourist attraction.
Each statement in the questionnaire / list of statements is given five alternative
answers after the data is obtained from the results of filling out the questionnaire by the
respondent, then it is then presented by presenting each variable.

The determination of the score for each alternative answer is as follows:

1. Alternative answers Very satisfied will be given a score of 5
2. Alternative Satisfied answers, will be given a score of 4
3. Alternative answers Neutral, will be given a score of 3
4. Alternative No Satisfied answers will be given a score of 2
5. Alternative answers to Very Dissatisfied will be given a score of 1

2. Data analysis technique

Data analysis techniques used are quantitative techniques, data collection techniques are
ways that are done to obtain data and information that supports this researchthe data obtained in
the field to see whether there is any satisfaction obtained by the level of satisfaction of visitors in
the Tridi Village, by formula

Information :
P = percentage
F = frequency in the variation category
N = number of frequencies of all members of variation [5]
Table 1. The Score Interpretation Criteria

NO Average Criteria

1 1.00-1.80 Very Low

2 1.81-2.60 Low
3 2.61-3.40 Medium
4 3.41-4.20 High
5 4.21-5.00 Very High
Source: Ross (2005)

3. Result and Discussion

Table 2. Attitude Of Drinking Water Source

NO Statement Mean Standard


PDAM membuat keputusan yang adil tentang

1 4.23 0.50
penyediaan air minum.

Dalam hal penyediaan air minum, PDAM

2 berkomitmen terhadap proses pengambilan 4.4 0.56
keputusan yang tidak memihak.

PDAM melakukan upaya untuk

3 4.2 0.71
memperlakukan semua orang secara adil.

Saya percaya bahwa PDAM memiliki

4 pendapat yang sama dengan saya tentang 4.1 0.66
kualitas air minum.

Saya percaya bahwa PDAM dan saya

5 memiliki ide yang sangat berbeda tentang 1.83 0.46
kualitas air minum.

Sehubungan dengan kualitas air minum,

6 PDAM memiliki nilai yang sama dengan 3.97 0.61

Saya tidak percaya PDAM adalah bagian dari

7 komunitas Kota Malang khususnya Kampung 1.73 0.45
3D Jodipan.

8 PDAM adalah anggota penting komunitas 4.46 0.57

Kota Malang Khususnya Kampung 3D

PDAM tidak mendengarkan kekhawatiran

9 1.93 0.25
yang diajukan oleh warga seperti saya.

PDAM cukup kompeten untuk mengelola

10 4.2 0.41
kualitas air minum kami.

PDAM memberi masyarakat Kampung 3D

Jodipan segala yang perlu mereka ketahui 3.7 0.47
11 tentang kualitas air minum mereka.

Menjadi anggota komunitas Kampung 3D

12 4.7 0.47
Jodipan adalah bagian penting dari siapa saya.

Saya sangat merasa menjadi bagian dari

13 4.56 0.50
komunitas Kampung 3D Jodipan.

Saya merasa ada rasa persatuan dalam

14 4.53 0.51
komunitas Kampung 3D Jodipan.

Saya dapat bergantung pada PDAM untuk

15 menyediakan air minum yang berkualitas 3.8 0.48

PDAM mengabaikan pandangan warga yang

16 1.9 0.40
tidak setuju dengan mereka.

PDAM tidak tertarik untuk mendapat untung

17 3 0.45
ketika menyediakan kualitas air yang baik.

Perusahaan Air bertindak untuk kepentingan

18 4.5 0.51
umum dalam hal kualitas air minum.

Saya tidak bisa mengandalkan PDAM untuk

19 2.23 0.50
memasok air minum berkualitas baik.

Saya merasa percaya diri dalam Perusahaan

20 Air untuk memberikan air minum berkualitas 4.2 0.55

Saya pikir PDAM memiliki niat baik

21 dalam mengelola kualitas air minum 4.36 0.49
Kampung 3D Jodipan.

Saya memiliki kepercayaan penuh pada

22 PDAM untuk memberikan saya air minum 4.3 0.53
berkualitas baik.
Water is the main source of life for living things, especially humans. For human life,
it is needed in daily activities, such as bathing, cooking, drinking, washing and so on. The
increasing human population causes the level of water demand to increase. Therefore, it is
necessary to use water management and management properly and correctly for the benefit of
future generations.

According to data from the WHO (World Health Organization), in the past decade,
approximately 50,000 people have died per day due to diseases related to unclean water.
Contaminated water can bring disease to death. One of them is diarrheal disease which is
often considered trivial, but this disease is very dangerous to cause death.

There are characteristics of clean and healthy drinking water and are suitable for daily
activities. Citing the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 16 of 2005
concerning the Development of Drinking Water Supply Systems, clean water is water used
for daily needs and its quality meets the health requirements of clean water in accordance
with applicable laws and regulations and can be drunk when cooked.

Based on the explanation in the rules already mentioned, the following are the criteria
and conditions for drinking water that are suitable for daily use in terms of microbiology.
Clean water that is safe to drink should not contain germs or bacteria that cause disease.
Before consuming water, processing is done so that germs or bacteria found in water die.
Namely by boiling water to boiling, sodis which is a way of heating water using sunlight, and
the last is the addition or administration of liquid chlorine appropriately.

In the data obtained from the results of a survey conducted in Tridi Jodipan village,
Malang, 30 respondents were taken. Of the respondents who have been interviewed, most of
the residents in the village use water from the PDAM and say that the water used has met the
requirements and criteria in accordance with the Government Regulation of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 16 of 2005 concerning the Development of a Water Supply System.
Although in 2004, there had been a water problem in the village, it did not last long.

4. Conclussion

Based on the research discussion can be taken or raised by some conclusion, namely as follows.

1. PDAM customer satisfaction level The city of Malang precisely at 3D Village is measured based
on the continuity of water in the satisfaction level category low, recording of water meters is
located in the satisfaction level category currently, the payment location is located in the category
of high satisfaction levels, and the speed of handling complaints are in the category of high
satisfaction levels.


PDAM Malang City in its operation needs to improve service quality to achieve optimal
customer satisfaction. Malang City PDAM needs to look at service fulfillment efforts in terms of
water continuity to be able to realize quality service quality. Seen from handling complaints that
are currently felt to be less than optimal, PDAM Malang City is expected to immediately
improve services, especially those concerning the speed of handling customer complaints.


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