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Business Model Canvas -

Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Customer Customer Segments


Students App interaction and We make student Relations pertain to

interfacing interaction easier with interacting between
Student body teachers students of a batch The customer segments
Publishing messages and pertain to age and some
Batch mates alerts Saves time of the other demographic
students charts
Support staff Push notifications
Age grp varies between
The aim is to 25-30
track and use Mean family income
public above Poverty line
Key Resources inform ation Channels

User Interface of a
Crowdsourcing concept well-sponsored
Server for hoisting app utilized application on ios and
android .
Good UI designing work Students in the vicinity
are alerted
Smartphone with
internet connectivity

Cost Structure Revenue Streams

Server running cost Advertisements

Data plan costs
One-time-pay-use-anywhere cost Data selling

Rs. 149 for subscription model implemented for prime


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