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Inferno Project

You will illustrate and annotate an assigned section of The Inferno. You will draw out the section
of hell from the Canto you are responsible for, clearly annotating all details.

Your illustrations must be your own - NOT cut and pasted or traced out.

If you encounter names you are unfamiliar with, you must also research those persons/beings,
and annotate your illustrations with the explanations. You have notes in the back of your
translation which should help with a lot of this.

Cite your sources on the reverse of your illustrations.

Your illustrations and annotations should be colorful, accurate, and on one length of white paper
(not on multiple pages). If you would like to use white butcher paper, please let me know, and I
will pull lengths for you from the teacher’s lounge. You will be graded holistically, by the same
rubric as your illustrated analysis.

-draw the section of hell that your group is assigned from The Inferno
-make sure all details are included and accurate in your drawings
-annotate all details with clear explanations, including names, etc.
-cite your research sources on the back of your illustrations
-illustrations should be on white paper and only on one piece
-your illustrations and annotations should be colorful


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