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What is the Broken Window Theory?

“The broken window theory stems from an article written in 1982 by criminologists James Q.
Wilson and George Kelling. Their theory states that signs of disorder will lead to more
disorder. A building with a broken window that has been left unrepaired will give the
appearance that no one cares and no one is in charge. This will lead to vandals breaking the
rest of the windows and adding graffiti, because in their minds nobody cares. (Jones, J.)”
Now, how does this theory apply to marketing and businesses per se? What does it
have to do with the behavior surrounding the context of business? To put it simply, this leads
to how your customers perceive you and your company based on the values and attitude you
exhibit towards every single aspect of your business. This includes paying attention to detail,
consistency and care.

What are the broken windows that are so noticeable in the way you put your products
and services in the market? These broken windows are often caused by one’s negligence or
lack of foresight in running his business. This can be applied to branding, messaging and
positioning in corporate marketing organizations. This broken area could be very discreet,
hardly noticeable for you, but not your customers. One broken window leads to total
destruction of an infrastructure. What are the possible broken windows of your business?
Let’s find out.

1. Confusing and incomplete website

Even though this aspect has no physical connection to your actual store, a website is
a great determining factor. What your website looks like reflect the kind of company
you have. If your website is cluttered and disorganized, then your customers will
perceive you to be the same. Their trust will eventually diminish, like a building with
broken windows and unsightly vandals written all across the walls. Your website will
look like it’s abandoned. Nobody wants to go inside an abandoned building.

In this scenario, your clients will begin to ask themselves, “Why should they care
about you when you don’t even care about the environment you created for them?”
2. Mediocre sales process
Do you take your prospective clients for granted? If yes, then that’s definitely another
broken window that should be fixed. In making sure you close a sale, there are
processes needed to be accomplished. A customer won’t just fall unto the palm of your
hand without the proper connection and communication. Once a prospect is
dissatisfied with the way you approach them, then you will definitely lose a lot. Words
fly fast and might actually reach the other prospective clients you’ve been eyeing to
have as your own.

3. Unsupervised Employees
How would an employee do his best when he doesn’t even know what to do and how
to do it? Your employees would have different ways of performing their tasks. If they
go unsupervised, they could be in a constant state of lax. This does not go to say that
one should be overly strict with his company, but rather, supportive. He should be
able to detect problems and solve them in the most understanding way possible
before a harmful habit is generated.

4. Inconsistency
This is inarguably the root cause of all broken windows. Just because you’re off to a
great start doesn’t mean that it will stay that way for a long time even if you don’t give
a hoot about it. As an entrepreneur, one should give all the care in the world as your
business progresses into its peak. These little inconsistencies, while not malicious in
nature, can significantly undermine your brand and positioning in the market.

To conclude, all minor and major oversight in your business are broken windows.
Guess what? It’s time to repair them before it’s too late. The best time to fix a broken window
is the moment they occur. If you desire to create a consistent brand image etched in the mind
of your customers, make sure every expectation they have is met and every need addressed.
Their experience define the quality of your company. Repair those broken windows
immediately and regain your customers’ trust and confidence.

Broken windows theory: definition and example. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Carrasco, I. (2017). The broken window theory in the business environment. Retrieved from

Carter, D. (n.d.). What your new store can learn from the broken windows theory. Retrieved

Langfeldt, L. (2010). Fix your broken windows. Retrieved from

Moore, J. (n.d.). Broken windows. Broken business. Retrieved from

The broken windows theory of marketing. (2013). Retrieved from

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