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Based on what I watched from the movie.

Corporation is a group of
people who worked together that made services to other people and make
money. Their common purpose is to succeed. They have their own
responsibilities starting from the CEO and it is also making people to pay their
bills the human rights and services. I think the positive effect of corporation is
that they make people life to be better because in their salary they can
provide the things needed to buy, while the effects of corporation are factory
fires, dangerous products that can harm to people, animals, environment from
the things they use to do their goods. I think yes it can harm if they passed to
the limitation many things can affect to the wrong doings of people. It must be
balanced as possible. Some of the owner of the business are so wanted to
make money and profit especially if the products are popular from the

Corporation is so called "Bad Apples" because of the bad people who

was the mindset is to gain and gain money and also workers are affected from
this because they follow a leader that give to them salary, they are more
powerful in this and hardly to avoid they can make people transform from
being simple up to the point in their worst attitude in the effects of money to
them they wanted to protect it nor aggressive. For example an eagle who are
being competitive in something's they wanted to do and prepared to hit their
target just like a bad people they have the same purpose when it comes to the
business because they want money if you were a bad people could you want
a half of a millionaire? No right? All you want is whole of the money. From the
news TV from the movie, "Big Business: Bad Guys or just a bad apples". In
line with this they think that it just a someone who wanted to make better
among others/ unconcern to other's feelings. One people do harm may affect
others because they are group of people who worked together or in other
words domino effect.

My realizations about the economy today after watching the movie is

that it has a reason behind those of producing a goods some are positive and
negative effects to us, our workers are more miserable because of people
have a capacity to do harm they do nothing. And some things are unfair to
them. They can manipulate their consumer especially the children so we are
not building together because of the different mindset just like in the real life
situation if you have a person you know you can easily hired to a business.
They use their power, position to others. I noticed also from the movie that it
was repeated the situations from the start to the ending part of the movie or
they have that task itself. We have a lots of things to do, to buy because of the
money so people are so desire with that.
Erika Mae Fabula
1. What is Corporation? What are the positive and negative effects of
corporation? Does it do more harm or not? Expound your answer.

2. Why is Corporation called bad apples? Provide examples based on the


3. What are your realizations about the economy today after watching the

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