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Dialog 1

Percakapan di Restaurant

WAITER : Good Evening sir, welcome to our restaurant. (Selamat sore tuan, selamat
datang di restoran kami)

GUEST : Good Evening! (Selamat sore)

WAITER : Please be seated, I’m just bringing a glass of water for you. (Silahkan duduk,
saya akan membawakan segelas air minerak untuk anda)

GUEST : Thanks! (Terimakasih)

WAITER : What would you like to have sir ? (Apa menu yang anda inginkan tuan?)

GUEST : What’s your specialty ? (Apa keahlianmu?)

WAITER : We are known for a delicious Chinese food. (Kami mengetahui makanan cina
yang lezat)

GUEST : Please bring one plate Manchurian with Fried Rice. (Tolong bawakan satu
piring Manchurian dan nasi goreng)

WAITER : Kindly wait, your order will be delivered within 5-10 minutes. (Tunggu
sebentar, pesanan anda akan kami antarkan sekitar 5 sampai 10 menit)

GUEST : OK. (Ok)

WAITER : (After Five Minutes) Here is your order sir. (Setelah lima menit) (Ini pesanan
anda tuan)

GUEST : Please bring one Coke also. (Tolong bawakan satu coke juga)

WAITER : Yes sir. (Iya, tuan)

GUEST : (After having the meal) The food was quite good and your service also.
(Setelah menerima makanan) ( Masakan ini cukup enak dan pelayananmu juga baik)
WAITER : Thanks a lot! (Terimakasih banyak)

GUEST : Please bring the bill. (Tolong bawakan tagihannya)

WAITER : Here is the bill sir. (Ini tagihannya tuan)

GUEST : This is your bill and tip also. (Ini tagihannya dan juga tip untukmu)

WAITER : Thank you, please do visit next time and have very wonderful night.
(Terimakasih, datang lagi ke sini lain waktu dan semoga malammu menyenangkan tuan)

GUEST : I will. (Iya, baiklah)

Dialog 2:
Waiter : Good morning Sir/Madam, how are you? welcome to Europe Restaurant. (Selamat pagi
tuan/nyonya, apa kabar anda? Selamat datang di restoran eropa)

Guest : Thank you. (Terimakasih)

Waiter : Do you have a reservation? (Apakah tuan sudah memesan tempat)

Guest : Yes, I do. (Iya, sudah)

Waiter : May I have your name, please? (Tolong sebutkan nama anda)

Guest : Joe Allen. (Joe Allen)

Waiter : Just a moment please… (checking on the reservation book), so Mr. Allen, you would
like table for two persons next to the window and television. (Tunggu sebentar, Tuan Allen
apakan tuan suka meja untuk dua orang didekat jendela dan televisi)

Guest : Yes, that’s right. (Iya, tentu saja)

Waiter : Ok. Follow me sir. Have a seat please… (Ok, ikuti saja tuan. Ini kursinya)

Guest : Thank you. (Terimakasih)

Dialog 3:

Waiter : Good evening sir, can I help you ? (Selamat sore tuan, ada yang bisa saya bantu?)

Customer : Yes, Have you got a free table ? (Iya, apakah kamu masih punya meja kosong?)

Waiter : Yes, certainly sir, where would you like to sit ? (Iya, tentu saja tuan. Dimana tempat
yang tuan inginkan?)

Customer : near the window ? (Dekat dengan jendela?)

Waiter : Yes, certainly sir. follow me, this way please. (Tentu tuan, mari ikuti saya)
Customer : Can I have the menu please ? (Bisa saya melihat menunya)

Waiter : Yes, here you are sir. (wait for the guest to choose) (Iya, ini tuan)

Waiter : Are you ready to order ? (Apa tuan sudah memilih menunya?)

Customer : Yes. Can I have Chicken carbonara pasta please? (Iya, saya ingin ayam carbonara
dan pasta)

Waiter : Yes of course. What would you like to drink? (Tentu, bagaimana dengan minumnya

Customer : Can I have a glass of white wine please? (Saya mau segelas anggur putih)

Waiter : Yes of course. Can I recommend a nice French wine to you? (Oke, saya
merekomendasikan Anggur Prancis yang bagus untuk tuan)

Customer: Will it match the food? (Saya bisa mengganti makanan?)

Waiter: Yes, it is a pleasant white wine that will match your sauce. Anything else? (Ya, anggur
putih akan

Customer : No that’s all thank you. (Tidak, itu saja terimakasih)

Waiter : Here we are sir. Your Chicken carbonara pasta, I hope you enjoy your meal sir. (Ayama
carbonara dan pasta pesanan anda tuan, saya harap anda menikmati makanannya)

( After eating the meal ) (Setelah selesai makan)

Customer : Waiter, can you come here please ? (Pelayan, tolong kesini sebentar)

Waiter : Yes, can I help you ? (Iya, ada yang bisa saya bantu?)

Customer : Can I have the bill ? (Bisa saya melihat tagihannya)

Waiter : Yes, certainly sir. Just a moment. Here you are. (Tentu tuan, tunggu sebentar. Ini
tagihan tuan)
Customer : Can I pay by credit card ? (Bisa saya membayar dengan menggunakan kartu kredit?)

Waiter : Yes of course. I hope you will come again. (Tentu saja, saya harap tuan akan
berkunjung lagi kesini)

Customer : Thank you so much. Good evening. (Terimakasih kembali, selamat sore)

Dialog 3 : Percakapan di Hotel

iska: Good evening, I want to book a room for one night for two people.
Receptionist: Okay. Wait a minute. I’ll check the room availability.
Riska: Ok.
Receptionist: The room 53 is available. There are two beds and it faces to the north where you
can see the beach.
Riska: Well, that’s a nice room. The price must be more expensive.
Receptionist: Yes, that’s right. You have to pay the extra cost as much as 50 dollars.
Riska: Is there any cheaper room?
Receptionist: Wait a minute, I’ll check it back on this computer.
Riska: Ok.
Receptionist: Room 234 is available. If you book this room, you do not need to pay an
additional bill of 50 dollars. This room overlooks to the south where you can see the city.
Riska: Okay. I want to book that room for one night.
Receptionist: Can you fill this form first?
Riska: Ok.
Receptionist: Thank you. Do you want to pay cash or use a credit card?
Riska: I want to use a credit card.
Receptionist: Ok.
Riska: Have all the requirements been completed?
Receptionist: Yes they have. This is the key and you can use the room right now. Our staff will
accompany you to the room 234.
Riska: Thank you.
Receptionist: You’re welcome.

Receptionist: Selamat malam, ada yang bisa saya bantu?

Riska: Selamat malam, saya ingin memesan sebuah kamar selama satu malam untuk dua orang.
Receptionist: Baiklah. Tunggu sebentar. Saya periksa ketersediaan kamar terlebih dahulu.
Riska: Ok.
Receptionist: Kamar nomor 53 tersedia. Terdapat dua tempat tidur dan menghadap ke utara
dimana Anda bisa melihat pantai.
Riska: Wah, itu adalah kamar yang bagus. Harganya pasti lebih mahal.
Receptionist: Iya, benar sekali. Anda harus membayar tambahan biaya sebanyak 50 dollar.
Riska: Apakah ada kamar lain yang lebih murah?
Receptionist: Tunggu sebentar, saya akan memeriksanya kembali di komputer ini.
Riska: Ok.
Receptionist: Kamar nomor 234 tersedia. Jika Anda memesan kamar ini, Anda tidak perlu
membayar tambahan tagihan sebesar 50 dollar. Kamar ini menghadap ke selatan dimana Anda
bisa melihat pusat kota.
Riska: Baiklah. Saya ingin memesan kamar itu selama satu malam.
Receptionist: Bisakah Anda isi form ini sebentar?
Riska: Ok.
Receptionist: Terima kasih telah mengisinya. Apakah Anda ingin membayar cash atau
menggunakan kartu kredit?
Riska: Saya ingin menggunakan kartu kredit.
Receptionist: Ok.
Riska: Apakah semua urusan administrasi sudah selesai.
Receptionist: Sudah. Ini kuncinya dan Anda bisa menggunakan kamar tersebut. Staff kami akan
mengantar Anda ke kamar 234.
Riska: Terima kasih.
Receptionist: Sama-sama.
*This conversation is between Receptionist and Guest

The Receptionist: Good morning Madam, welcome to our hotel, May I help you?

Brenda: Good morning, I would like to check in.

The receptionist: How much space do you want to order madam?

Brenda: I’d like a single room for one person.

The receptionist: How many days do you wanna stay Madam?

Brenda: For four days because I have a business in this city.

*This conversation is between Receptionist and Guest

The Receptionist: Good morning Madam, welcome to our hotel, May I help you?

Brenda: Good morning, I would like to check in.

The receptionist: How much space do you want to order madam?

Brenda: I’d like a single room for one person.

The receptionist: How many days do you wanna stay Madam?

BThe receptionist: Just wait a minute, Madam. I will check out our rooms. I hope there is a
room left for you Madam.

Brenda: It’s ok. Don’t mind it, I hope there is a room in this hotel for me.

The receptionist: Excuse me madam to make you wait. We still have the room left for you
Madam. We have various class in our hotel as standard, superior, deluxe, and suites. Which one
do you want?

Brenda: Before choosing the class, I would like to know about the price each the class a night.
The receptionist: Standard room is 90$/night, superior room is 200$/night, deluxe room is
280$/night, and suit room is 400$/night.

Brenda: I see, I will choose standard room.

The receptionist: Total is 360$ for four days

Brenda: For four days because I have a business in this city.

he receptionist: Just wait a minute, Madam. I will check out our rooms. I hope there is a room
left for you Madam.

Brenda: It’s ok. Don’t mind it, I hope there is a room in this hotel for me.

The receptionist: Excuse me madam to make you wait. We still have the room left for you
Madam. We have various class in our hotel as standard, superior, deluxe, and suites. Which one
do you want?

Brenda: Before choosing the class, I would like to know about the price each the class a night.

The receptionist: Standard room is 90$/night, superior room is 200$/night, deluxe room is
280$/night, and suit room is 400$/night.

Brenda: I see, I will choose standard room.

The receptionist: Total is 360$ for four days

Brenda : Oke, I will pay by credit card.

percakapan berikut ini adalah antara resepsionis dan pengunjung/tamu

Resepsionis: Selamat pagi nyonya, selamat datang di hotel kami, ada yang bisa kami bantu?

Brenda: Selamat pagi, saya mau pesan kamar.

Resepsionis: Berapa banyak kamar yang anda pesan nyonya?

Brenda: Saya ingin satu kamar untuk satu orang.

Resepsionis: Berapa hari kamu akan tinggal nyonya.

Brenda: Untuk empat hari, karena saya ada urusan bisnis di kota ini.

Resepsionis: Tunggu sebentar ya nyonya. Saya akan mengecek ruangan kami. Saya harap masih
ada kamar tersisa untuk mu nyonya.

Brenda: Iya tidak apa apa. Jangan pikirkan itu, saya harap ada kamar di hotel ini untuk ku.

Resepsionis: Maaf membuat nyonya menunggu. Kami masih ada kamar tersisa untuk mu
nyonya. Kami mempunyai berbagai kelas di hotel kami seperti standard, superior, deluxe, and
suites. Yang mana yang nyonya mau?

Brenda: Sebelum saya memilih nya, saya ingin tau harga setiap kelasnya per malam.

Resepsionis: Kamar standar 90$ per malam, kamar superior 200$ per malam, kamar deluxe
280$ per malam, dan kamar suit 400$ per malam.

Brenda: Begitu ya, saya akan memilih kamar standar.

Resepsionis: Semuanya 360$ untuk empat hari.

Brenda: Oke, saya akan membayar dengan kartu kredit

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