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Part 1 Introduction & Data Transfer Schemes Interfacing Techniques


Introduction to Interfacing Techniques &

Data Transfer Schemes

Introduction to Interfacing Techniques.

Components of Interface.
Data Acquisition Systems
Classification of Data Transfer Schemes.
Program Controlled Transfer.
Interrupt Driven Data Transfer.
Interrupt Process in Microcomputers.

There is no doubt that the microcomputer revolution will continue into the future

and many will be required to specify and integrate microprocessors into products or systems

in their own disciplines. Therefore, well-designed flexible interfaces will be required to

ensure compatibility with other equipments and to extend design options.

Interfaces are the last items to be seriously considered in the race of new

technology, and it deals with the systematic study of microprocessor interfaces and their

applications in many diversified fields. In this subject students learn how to interface

microprocessors, and hence microcomputers and other related equipments, to external

digital or analog devices.

The microprocessor progress has advanced at a pace perhaps unparallel in scientific

history. Since the introduction of the first microcomputer chip in 1971, there have been

four generations of microprocessors, and the number of devices per chip has increased by a

factor of 2000, the clock frequency by a factor of 1000, and the overall throughput of the

microprocessor has increased by hundred or several hundreds of magnitudes.

Developing a microprocessor (μP)-based system represents one of the most difficult

tasks that can confront an engineer. Advances in microprocessor architectures and

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Part 1 Introduction & Data Transfer Schemes Interfacing Techniques

capabilities are forcing changes in development systems and the ways in which they develop

microcode instructions. Also, all μP architectures are not created equal when it comes to

providing designers with the tools they need for effective systems resource management.

Therefore, well designed flexible interfaces will be required to ensure compatibility and

extend design options.

Microprocessor - The central unit of a microcomputer that contains logical elements for

manipulating data and performing arithmetic or logical operations. A single chip may contain

RAM, ROM, and PROM memories, clocks, and interfaces for memory and I/O device.

Microprogramming- A method for controlling the operation of the CPU in which each

complete instruction starts the execution of a sequence of instructions, called

microinstructions, which are at a more elementary level.

Multiprocessor- As defined by ANSI, it is a computer employing two or more processing

units under integrated control. Although this definition may be correct, it is not complete

enough to be too helpful.

There are other important features that include both hardware and software. A

multiprocessor will be defined as a system with: a) two , or more processing units, b)shared

memory, and c) shared I/0.

Interface Definitions
Interface -A shared boundary between system elements defined by common physical

interconnection characteristics, signal characteristics, and meanings of interchanged


Interface Device -A device that meets the interface specifications on one side of an

interface. The term is usually applied to a device through which a system or equipment

works to meet interface specifications.

Interface EIA Standard RS-232 B or C -A standardized method adopted by the Electronic

Industries Association to insure uniformity of interface between data communication

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Part 1 Introduction & Data Transfer Schemes Interfacing Techniques

equipment and data processing terminal equipment. Has been generally accepted by most

manufacturers for data transmission.

Interface Specification -A set of technical requirements that must be met at an interface.

Direct memory access -A technique that permits a peripheral device to enter or extract

blocks of data from the memory without involving the central processing unit. In some

cases, the CPU can perform other functions while the data transfers occur.

Components of Interface

Interfacing Standards & Converters

Interfacing Interface Interface Interfacing

Signals Signals
Device Device
(ID 1) (ID 2)

Fig: Important Components of Interface

A shared interconnection between system elements defined by common physical

interconnection characteristics, signal characteristics, and meanings of interchanged

signals. Interfacing of two IDs require the following components. Processing the interfacing

signals normally based on the type of devices that are used. Most of the time if the IDs are

computer terminals RS-232 standard is used. RS-232 standard uses a totally different

signal representation. This uses high positive voltage for binary ‘0’ and high negative voltage

for binary ‘1’. These signals are called as standard CMOS signals. But most of the other

motherboard signals and interfacing circuit signals use TTL signals. So it is mandatory to

make use of a CMOS to TTL converter at these interfaces. Also based on the type of

devices to be interfaced, various ADC and DAC devices are required. Some of the complex

interfaces need to be controlled by stored program circuits. This makes use of EPROM

programmers to permanently store the control program in the circuit board.

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Part 1 Introduction & Data Transfer Schemes Interfacing Techniques

The interfacing devices should make use of standard data transfer schemes for the

efficient exchange of data. Following discussion will give the detailed analysis on the

different data transfer schemes.

Data Transfer Schemes

The data transfer schemes refers to the method of data transfer between the

processor and peripheral devices. In a typical microcomputer, data transfer takes place

between any two devices: microprocessor and memory; microprocessor and I/O devices;

memory and I/O devices. For effective data transfer between these devices, the timing

parameters of the devices should be matched. But most of the devices have incompatible


For example, an I/O device may be slower than the processor due to which, it cannot send

data to the processor at the expected time.

The semiconductor memories are available with compatible timings. Moreover, slow

memories can be interfaced using additional hardware to introduce wait states in machine

cycles. The microprocessor system designer often face difficulties while interfacing I/O

devices & magnetic memories (like floppy or hard disk) to achieve effective data transfer to

or from microprocessor. Several data transfer schemes have been developed to solve the

interfacing problems with I/O devices.

The data transfer schemes have been broadly classified into the following two categories.

1. Programmed data transfer.

2. Direct memory access data transfer.

In programmed data transfer, a memory resident routine (subroutine) requests the device

for data transfer to or from one of the processor register.

Programmed data transfer scheme is used when a relatively small amount data are to

be transferred. In these schemes, usually one byte or word of data is transferred at a time.

Examples of devices using parallel data transfer are ADC,DAC, Hex-keyboard, 7-segment

LED's, etc.

The programmed data transfer scheme can be further classified into the following

three types.

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Part 1 Introduction & Data Transfer Schemes Interfacing Techniques

1. Synchronous data transfer scheme.

2. Asynchronous data transfer scheme.

3. Interrupt driven data transfer scheme.

In DMA data transfer, the processor is forced to hold state by an I/O device until the data

transfer between the device and the memory is completed.

The processor does not execute any instructions during the hold period. The DMA data

transfer is used for large block of data transfer between I/O device and memory. Typical

examples of devices using DMA are CRT controller, floppy disk, hard disk, high speed line

printer, etc.

The different types of DMA data transfer schemes are

1. Cycle stealing DMA.

2. Block or Burst mode DMA.

3. Demand transfer mode DMA.

The fig below shows the various types of data transfer schemes.

Fig : Types of Data Transfer Schemes

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Part 1 Introduction & Data Transfer Schemes Interfacing Techniques

All the data transfer schemes discussed above requires both software and hardware for

their implementation. Within a microcomputer, more than one scheme can be used for

interfacing different I/O devices. However, some of these schemes require specific

hardware features in the microprocessor for implementing the scheme.


In this scheme, the transfer of data is completely under the control of the

microprocessor program. i.e an i/o operation takes place only when an i/o instruction is

encountered in the execution of the program.

Data transfers can take place synchronously or asynchronously.

Synchronous transfers mean transfers occurring at the same time. The sender and

the receiver are synchronized to operate at the same clock speed. This is preferred when

the speeds of both the sender and the receiver match. Synchronous transfers are used in

high-speed transmission.

Asynchronous transfers mean transfers taking place at irregular intervals. These

are used in low -speed transmission.

Data transfers between the microprocessor and the peripherals are primarily


Program controlled data transfers can take place under several conditions. They


Unconditional: The microprocessor assumes that a peripheral is always available. For

example, to display data at an LED port,. The microprocessor simply enables the port,

transfers data and goes on to execute the next instruction.

Polling: The microprocessor is kept in a loop to check whether data are available. The
KYCLO loop in the matrix keyboard program is an example of polling the input device for

data availability.

Interrupt: The microprocessor is interrupted from its normal execution of program by an

I/O device, when the latter is ready. Then the microprocessor suspends execution of the

program, & branches to service the interrupt. After completing the I/O transfer, the

microprocessor returns to the main program and continues. This scheme eliminates the need

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for the microprocessor to wait in a loop until the device gets ready and hence is more


With ready signal: When peripheral response time is slower than the microprocessor
execution time, READY signal is used. The microprocessor samples this signal during T2 of

every Read/ writes machine cycle. If it is high, The I/O device is ready and the

microprocessor goes ahead with transfer. If READY is low, it means that the peripheral is

not ready and additional T –states will be inserted in the, execution cycle by external

hardware. These T -states are called WAIT states. They prolong the instruction execution;

this scheme is generally used with slow memory devices.

With handshake Signals: Handshake signals are signals exchanged prior to data transfer.
Their purpose is ensure readiness of the peripheral and to synchronize timing of data

transfer For example the IBF, STB, OBF signals in mode 1 operation of 8255 - A are

handshake signals. These are called STATUS CHECK signals. INTR is an interrupt signal,

8255 -A generates in response to .STB, and IBF. This can be used to interrupt the

microprocessor for I/O transfer.

Synchronous data transfer scheme

The synchronous data transfer scheme is the simplest of all data transfer schemes.

In this scheme the processor does not check the readiness of the device. The I/O device or

peripheral should have matched timing parameters. Whenever data is to be obtained from

the device or transferred to the device, the user program can issue a suitable instruction

for the device.

At the end of the execution of this instruction, the transfer would have been


The synchronous data transfer scheme can also be implemented with small delay (if the

delay is tolerable) after the request has been made.

The sequence of operations for synchronous data transfer scheme is shown in figure below.

The mode-O input or output in 8155 or 8255 is an example of synchronous data transfer.

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Part 1 Introduction & Data Transfer Schemes Interfacing Techniques

Asynchronous Data Transfer Schemes

The asynchronous data transfer scheme is employed when the speed of processor

and I/O device does not match.

In this scheme the processor ends a request to the device for read/write operation.

Then the processor keeps on polling the status of the device. Once the device is ready, the

processor executes a data transfer instruction to complete the process. To implement this

scheme, the device should provide a signal which may be tested by the processor to

ascertain whether it is ready or not.

The sequence of operations for asynchronous data transfer is shown in the figure

below. The handshake data transfer without interrupt (mode-l and mode-2) of8155 or 8255

is an example of synchronous data transfer.

Fig (a): Synchronous Data Transfer Scheme (b): Asynchronous Data Transfer Scheme

Interrupt driven data transfer scheme

The interrupt driven data transfer scheme is the best method of data f transfer

for effectively utilizing the processor time. In this scheme, the processor first initiates

the I/O device for data transfer. After initiating the device, the processor will continue

the execution of instructions in the program. Also at the end of an instruction the

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Part 1 Introduction & Data Transfer Schemes Interfacing Techniques

processor will check for a valid interrupt signal. If there is no interrupt then the processor

will continue the execution.

When the IO device is ready, it will interrupt the processor. On receiving an

interrupt sigt1al the processor will complete the current instruction execution and saves

the processor status in stack. Then the processor call an interrupt service routine (ISR) to

service the interrupted device. At the end of ISR the processor status is retrieved from

stack and the processor starts executing its main program. The sequence of operations for

an interrupt driven data transfer scheme is shown in the figure below.

Fig (a) Main Program Execution Sequence Fig (b): ISR Execution Sequence

In polled and status check I/O, the microprocessor is kept in a loop to check for

data availability at the I/O Port. This scheme is inefficient because the microprocessor is

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Part 1 Introduction & Data Transfer Schemes Interfacing Techniques

unnecessarily tied up in a loop. Instead, it is more efficient to let the microprocessor carry

on with its main job of executing programs without having concern for the I/O device

readiness, and let the I/O device send a signal o the microprocessor as and when it gets

ready. Such a signal is called an INTERRUI signal.

On receiving the interrupt signal, the microprocessor takes the following sequence

of steps to process the requirement of the VO device, which sent the signal.

™ The microprocessor P acknowledges the receipt of interrupt signal.

™ The microprocessor completes execution of the current instruction.

™ It saves the status of program on the stack.

™ It also saves the return address on the stack.

™ Then the microprocessor branches to a predetermined location in the

memory (ROM). At this location, either a program to service the

interrupt resides or a JMP instruction resides. The program is called

INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE. The microprocessor executes this

routine and at the end, retrieves the status of the main program and the

return address from the stack and returns to the point in the main

program from where it branched on interrupt. Then it continues

execution of the main program.


In programmed data transfer, a memory resident routine requests the device for

data transfer to and from one of the microprocessor registers.

In DMA transfer, the microprocessor is forced to hold on by an I/O device until the

data transfer is complete.

Programmed data are used when relatively small amounts of data are transferred using

relatively slow I/O devices such AID, D/A converters, and peripheral floating point

arithmetic unit.

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Part 1 Introduction & Data Transfer Schemes Interfacing Techniques

DMA is preferred when a large block of data is to be transferred. This scheme is

generally employed for transferring data between the microprocessor and peripheral mass

storage devices like hard disk or a high-speed line printer.

Programmed transfer schemes are further classified into synchronous, asynchronous and

interrupt driven transfers. All these schemes require both hardware and software for their




The 8085 has FIVE pins on the chip for implementing the interrupt process. The pin

numbers and the names of these interrupt signals are given below.

7 RST 7.5
8 RST 6.5
9 RST 5.5
10 INTR.

On these five lines, 8085 can receive signals from the peripheral devices, requesting

the microprocessor to attend to data transfers from them or send data to them. These are

called HARDWARE INTERRUPTS. Pin No 11 on the chip is an active low signal, sent by the

microprocessor, to acknowledge the receipt of the interrupt signal.

In addition 8085 has an internal flip-flop called INTERRUPT ENABLE flip flop, This

should be set, in order for the ~p to be interrupted. 8085 has the following instructions the

set or reset this flip -flop.

EI : (Enable Interrupt): This is a one byte instruction

-This sets the IE flip -flop and enables the interrupt process.

-System reset or an interrupt disables the interrupt process.

DI : (Disable Interrupt): This is also one byte instruction.

-This resets the IE flip -flop and disables the interrupt process.

-It should be included in a program segment where an interrupt from an external source can

nut be tolerated.

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Part 1 Introduction & Data Transfer Schemes Interfacing Techniques

These Interrupts are called VECTORED INTERRUPTS. What it means is that each of the

interrupts except INTR is associated with a branch address on page OOH in ROM. On

occurrence of an interrupt, the processor's control is automatically transferred to the

respective location.

This is achieved by internal hardware. This way of automatically transferring control

in response to an interrupt is called VECTORING.

In case of INTR, the lNTA signal issued in response to the signal on INTR lines is used to

insert a RST instruction lone byte CALL) on the data bus. The branch addresses is

determined by the RST instruction.

I/O devices can interrupt the ~p on any of the 5 pins. The nature of the interrupt

signals, their characteristics and their branch addresses are as follows.

Name of the Interrupt Triggering Branch Location (ISR) Priority

TRAP Level and Edge 0024H 1
RST 7.5 Edge 003CH 2
RST 6.5 Level 0034H 3
RST 5.5 Level 002CH 4
INTR Level Enable/Disable under Program
Control. Having the least priority

SIM : Set Interrupt Mask. This is a 1 -byte instruction, used to mask or unmask the

interrupts RST 7.5, 6.5 & 5.5. To use this instruction, the accumulator is to be loaded with a

data byte whose bits have the purposes shown in figure below

D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0

SOD SDE X R 7.5 MSE M 7.5 M 6.5 M 5.5

Fig: Interpretation of Accumulator bits for SIM

D7 (SOD): Serial output Data -If D6 == 0, D7 is ignored

D6 (SDE): Serial Data enable -If 1, D7 is output serially.

M7.5, 6.5, 5.5, Mask -set: 0: available 1: masked.

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Part 1 Introduction & Data Transfer Schemes Interfacing Techniques

MSE Mask set enable: IfO, bits Do, Dl, D2 are ignored;

R 7.5 : RESET RST 7.5 If 1, RST 7.5 is reset.


This is also 1 -byte instruction; this instruction is used to identify finding interrupts, when

multiple devices interrupt the processor. When this instruction is written in a program and

is executed by the microprocessor, the accumulator is loaded with a byte, whose bits

indicate the information shown in figure below.

Fig: Interpretation of Accumulator bits for RIM

Example Problems:

1. Design data transfer scheme using Interrupts which will enable the data transfer of

a block of data from memory locations 2045H - 2056H to the memory locations

starting at 2091H. ( Block Transfer). This has to implemented thorough the RST 7.5

interrupt. Write the program by masking and unmasking necessary/Un necessary


2. Design an Interfacing scheme to Interface FOUR transducers to 8085 based


T1 Pressure Transducer

T2 Temperature Transducer

T3 Humidity Transducer

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Part 1 Introduction & Data Transfer Schemes Interfacing Techniques

Assume that the driver circuit and instrumentation amplifier circuits are available

for processing the transducers signals. All these transducers have to be connected

to three motors. M1, M2 and M3.

Each instrumentation amplifier circuits output is connected to RST 7.5, RST 6.5

and RST 5.5 respectively.

Design the program in such a way that the M1 has to be switched ON for 5 Seconds

if the RST 7.5 is active.

Else if

M2 has to be switched ON for 5 Seconds if the RST 6.5 is active.

Else if

M3 has to be switched ON for 5 Seconds if the RST 5.5 is active.

After serving a request the program has to search for the pending interrupts.

Write the complete program and the circuit diagram.

3. Design an interfacing scheme to interface a eight LED display to the out put port of

the 8255 port A. The LEDs has to be switched ON alternately if the RST 7.5 is

activated, else if RST 6.5 is activated All LEDs should be switched ON and it the

RST 5.5 is activated the LEDs should read AAH. After serving a request the

program has to search for the pending interrupts.



Broadly, there are two types of interrupts. The first out of them is external

interrupt and the second is internal interrupt. In external interrupt, an external device or a

signal interrupts the processor from outside or, in other words, the interrupt is generated

outside the processor, for example, a Keyboard Interrupt. The Internal Interrupt, on the

other hand, is generated internally by the processor circuit, or by the execution of an

interrupt instruction. The examples of this type are divide by zero interrupt, overflow

interrupt, interrupts due to INT instructions, etc.

Suppose an external device interrupts the CPU at the interrupt pin, either NMI or

INTR of 8086, while the CPU is executing an instruction of a program. The CPU first

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completes the execution of the current instruction. The IP is then incremented to point to

the next instruction. The CPU then acknowledges the requesting device on its INTA pin

immediately if it is a NMI , TRAP or Divide by Zero interrupt. If it is an INT request, the

CPU checks the IF flag. If the IF is set, the interrupt request is acknowledged using the

OOA pin. If the IF is not set, the interrupt requests are ignored. Note that the responses

to the NMI, TRAP and Divide-by-Zero interrupt requests are independent of the IF flag.

After an interrupt is acknowledged, the CPU computes the vector address from the type of

the interrupt that may be passed to the interrupt structure of the CPU internally (in case

of software interrupts, NMI, TRAP and Divide by Zero interrupts) or externally, i.e. from

an interrupt controller in case of external interrupts. (The contents of IP and CS are next

pushed to the stack. The contents of IP and CS now point to the address of the next

instruction of the main program from which the execution is to be continued after

executing the ISR. The PSW is also pushed to the stack). The interrupt flag (IF) is cleared.

The TF is also cleared, after every response to the single step interrupt. The control is

then transferred to the interrupt service routine for serving the interrupting device. The

new address of ISR is found out from the interrupt vector table. The execution of the ISR

starts. If further interrupts are to be responded to during the time the first interrupt is

being serviced, the IF should again be set to 1 by the ISR of the first interrupt. If the

interrupt flag is not set, the subsequent interrupt signals will not be acknowledged by the

processor, till the current one is completed. The programmable interrupt controller is used

for managing such multiple interrupts based on their priorities. At the end of ISR the last

instruction should be IRET. When the CPU executes IRET , the contents of flags, IP and CS

which were saved at the start by the CALL instruction are now retrieved to the respective

registers. The execution continues onwards from this address, received by IP and CS.

At the end of each instruction cycle. the 8086 checks to see if any interrupts have

been requested. If an interrupt has been requested, the 8086 responds to the interrupt by

stepping through the following series of major actions.

™ It decrements the stack pointer by 2 and pushes the flag register on the stack.

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Part 1 Introduction & Data Transfer Schemes Interfacing Techniques

™ It disables the 8086 INTR interrupt input by clearing the interrupt flag (IF) in the

flag register.

™ It resets the trap flag (TF) in the flag register.

™ It decrements the stack pointer by 2 and pushes the current code segment register

contents on the stack.

™ It decrements the stack pointer again by 2 and pushes the current instruction

pointer contents on the stack.

™ It does an indirect far jump to the start of the procedure you wrote to respond to

the Interrupt.

Following figure summarizes these steps in diagram form. As you can see, the 8086

pushes the flag register on the stack disables the INTR input and the single-step function,

and does essentially an indirect far call to the interrupt service procedure. An IRET

instruction at the end of the interrupt service procedure returns execution to the main


Fig:8086/8088 Interrupt Response

We now discuss about how the 8086/88 finds out the address of an ISR. Every

external and internal interrupt is assigned with a type (N), that is either implicit (in case of

NMI, TRAP and divide by zero) or specified in the instruction INT N (in case of internal

interrupts). In case of external interrupts, the type is passed to the processor by an

external hardware like programmable interrupt controller. In the zeroth segment of physical

address space, i.e. CS = 0000, Intel has reserved 1024 locations for storing the interrupt

vector table. The 8086 supports a total of256 types of the interrupts, i.e. from 00 to FFH.

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Each interrupt requires 4 bytes, i.e. two bytes each for IP and CS of its ISR. Thus a total

of 1024 bytes are required for 256 interrupt types, hence the interrupt vector table starts

at location 0000:0000 and ends at 0000:03FFH. The interrupt vector table contains the IP

and CS of all the interrupt types stored sequentially from address 0000:0000 to 0000 :

03FF H. The interrupt type N is multiplied by 4 and the hexadecimal multiplication obtained

gives the offset address in the zeroeth code segment at which the IP and CS addresses of

the interrupt service routine (lSR) are stored. The execution automatically starts from the

new CS:IP.

Following figures shows the interrupt vector table.

Fig: Structure of the Interrupt Vector Table

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Part 1 Introduction & Data Transfer Schemes Interfacing Techniques


The processor 8086/88 has a non-maskable interrupt input pin (NMI) that has the

highest priority among the external interrupts. TRAP (Single Step-Type 1) is an intern al

interrupt having the highest priority amongst all the interrupts except the Divide By Zero

(Type 0) exception. The NMI is activated on a positive transition (low to high voltage). The

assertion of the NMI interrupt is equivalent to an execution of instruction INT 02, i.e.

Type 2 INTR interrupt.

The NMI pin should remain high for at least two clock cycles and is no need to be

synchronized with the clock for being sensed. When NMI is activated, the current

instruction being executed is completed, and then the NMI is served. In case of string type

instructions, this interrupt will be served only after the complete string has been


Another high going edge on the NMI pin of 8086, during the period, in which the

first NMI is served, triggers another response. The signal on the NMI pin must be free of

logical bounces to avoid erratic NMI responses.


The processor 8086/88 also provides a pin INTR, that has lower priority as

compared to NMI. Further the priorities, within the INTR types are decided by the type of

the INTR signal, that is to be passed to the processor via data bus by some external device

like the programmable interrupt controller. The INTR signal is level triggered and can be

masked by resetting the interrupt flag. It is internally synchronized with the high transition

of CLK. For the INTR signal, to be responded to in the next instruction cycle, it must go

high in the last clock cycle of the current instruction or before that. The INTR requests

appearing after the last clock cycle of the current instruction will be responded to after

the execution of the next instruction. The status of the pending interrupts is checked at

the end of each instruction cycle.

If the IF is reset, the processor will not serve any interrupt appearing at this pin. If the IF

is set, the processor is ready to respond to any INTR interrupt. Once the processor

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responds to an INTR signal, the IF is automatically reset. If one wants the processor to

further respond to any type of INTR signal, the IF should again be set.

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