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Ashford Ambulance & Rescue Squad

305 Midland St.

P.O. Box 368
Ashford, AL. 36312

Dear sirs,

We at Ashford Ambulance and Rescue Squad, known as Ashford Rescue Squad (ARS) would like to
address some concerns, we have regarding responding to the Town of Gordon. ARS has been in
operation since 1974, gladly serving Ashford and the surrounding communities including the Town of
Gordon. ARS does not charge any of the municipalities we serve, however we have received donations
from the City of Ashford and the Town of Cowarts. As you can tell by my last sentence most areas, we
cover appreciate the service we provide. However, if I take in to account the communication that I and
my fellow crew members have received from the Mayor of Gordon, ARS does not feel appreciated or
wanted in the Town of Gordon. Let me explain further, ARS like I stated previously gladly services the
Town of Gordon and we do not wish at this time to change our services. ARS on multiple occasions has
responded to medical calls, where the Mayor of Gordon happened to be on scene. ARS has been
subject to intimidation, false claims and threats by the Mayor of Gordon. Most recently we were trying
to load a patient in our ambulance, and the Mayor decided that she was going to start a lawn mower
feet from our ambulance. One of the ARS crew members politely asked the mayor “could you please
wait for us to load our patient before you start that mower?”. The Mayor began to yell and make
threats at the crew. She even yelled at the family who were trying to get their mother seen about by
ARS to take pictures of the ambulance and the crew members. This behavior is not acceptable during an
emergency. We have a service to provide and sometimes that could make the difference between life
and death. In situations like these we consider the scene unsafe and at times would have to leave until
police arrive and make it safe to be on scene, the conclusion you could draw from that is patient care
would be delayed. I would highly suggest that you the representatives of the Town of Gordon consult
your attorney on the liabilities that would open you and the Town of Gordon to.

With that being said, we at ARS commit to the citizens of Gordon that when you call 911 we will be here
as quick as possible and provide the care you need during your emergency. To the representatives of
the Town of Gordon we will provide the same to you, because that’s what we do. It is our job to save
lives and that can be done through medical intervention and/or education. Anytime ARS is dispatched,
we respond with a crew that is fully certified and trained in emergency medical services. While we
appreciate any offer of help, there are strict protocols as to whom can aid in assistance. If the situation
arises that help is needed, our protocols will be followed as necessary. Thank you for your time.


Jarrod Whitten

Chief of Operations, ARS

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