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Incomplete form wil not be considered. tis compulsory to fil allthe4.-_“To‘be lige for Cash Scholarship Awards, itis mandatory for top columns. Kindly attach altho roquirod documents along wih duly fled 600 students (150 students foreach clas, moving fo Clas Enrolment Form, ‘and 150 oach rom Medieal& Enginring tam) a jon out Long ‘Term Digtal Course betore 31st Decomber, 2078 irespectve of 2. tis compulsory to provide Mobile No. & E-mal 1D of he student parent/ dhardan theese oy eh efomaton byte nts vinenerthy on cur Classroom cours ont. Once te Lang Tem Ee Seat a eee Digtal Cure Free Enolmentis done, Rwllnatbe cancalledin any ase. Th students wil fil separate enrolment form for Long Term responsible if any information regarding result or anyting ese isnot Se TELS ARET TET See OTe ae Digtal Cours. No ee wibe charged or Lang Term Digital Course Paren's/Guaran’s updated & corect Mobile No. E-mail 1 in ANTHE willbe 100% Free. format the tine of eratment. is edvsedto wete phone no.& e-mail Dof 5. _ A student should maintain good performance Le. ether score an sith fatherormatherforngntcommuncationbatweeninstiute & student ‘average of 5% mars (Class IX Kana Medical aspirants) anc 60% Re ee ne ee ar ‘marks (Engnasrng asprants) in all Objective Tests conductod by [AES (inlusing Al india Aakash Tost Sari (AIATS) or maintain an {AIR In Top 800 in every AIATS a pat of Ciassroom Cours or Long ‘Ter Digial Course fling which wil lead to isconsnuaton ofthat ‘nstalment of Cash Seholareip Award, 8. The scholarship tara mentioned ANTHE Brochure Table-t,24, 5,7 8 8 givan on Pago No, 04,05 & 0B is moant for Regular Classroom Courses, {allowing requirements fling which his/her troe-ship program wil be revoked with immediate effect. The decison of Chaiman cum Managing Direct AESLsralbe fraland biecing othe students andthe parent (2) ATTENDANCE: Tho attendance ofthe sivdentinthe coaching cass shout nat drop below 35% thoughout the classroom program. Ris compulsory fora student under nis program towrtsallsher class ‘est papers conduct bythe nsttutsinhishor batch. (&)TESTMARKS:The students wilbe required tomainisinaminiman _7-ANTHE students can enol in our guar weekdays 7 weekend of 65% marks in their rogular assessment tests™ (For Medial batches [Asprants & Class IX/X Sludenl) and 60% marksin thee regular. The students who have secured uplo 35000 Rank ANTHE willbe assessmenttests™ For Engineering Asprans). ‘gible forour3 Yeers ard Years Classroom Courses. (© Addtonaty, students other than foe-shp program or 100% 9. any student fals In hlshar schoo exam, te ANTHE fact wil be fcholarehp must aleo mantain = minimum of 5% attendance ithraum the student be equal tearom the program. ‘troughout their classroom program and aminimum of 40% marks 49, at any cere, the strength of ANTHE students in a bath is 20 or in thir regular assessment tests on Fortnightly & monthly basis 0 Se ee oa eer aare continue their scholarship award in frteming years of tel 216 years program. (@) Any ect of inaiscptne by the student brought to te netic ofthe 45, fedmntraon of AESL in the classroom centre, wll not be ‘accoptod. A waring willbe issued to such studets, offering thom ‘Sudonis aa conte lessthan 3, then toy willbe alloted tre best Daleh atthe conte. ‘The cutot scor for scholarship algy shal be decided by the -managoman’ atthe tine of decaration of Result Shother chance to werove ther behaviour Despte waring tre. 12 ‘ease, any depute or dference arses between studet/ parents ‘Student does not ater hiner atte and commits another act of and the Istiute regarding the intrpetaton ofthese terms and Indice, hialher candidature for he tree-ahp program wil be condions.nan-payment af any slaim or any disput sing out of or Se See ee eae es Inpursuanito those torms and contons, the samo shall refers {o sole abivalor who shall be appointed by the Chairman cum (@) Incase # stent msbehaves/ ges involved in negative aves Managing Director of Wis Aakash Edueatonel Sonices Limited. The Ike teasing, thet inciscipline, use of abusive languages, he/she ‘robsedinge shall be conducted at Dali under tha provisons of an bo rusteaiad by the Carr Head ard feo pas shall not bo ‘Arbitaton & Concilton Act and th Courts at Delhi nly shall ave Feturdedinsuch eases, the jtisicion over the matter andor fr enforcement asthe case (1) ta student keeps hinsetthersalf absent tom te dasses wihout ‘maybe. fan aoitatorto whom themateisefered elusesto actor foreman fm the Cenre Heed, then a warning eter wll be forany reason, dossnatentar the reference or after atering tothe Issued against Nimer. Despite tho warning let, if the student reference proceedings are abandoned or kept in abayance of not Continues to efaut further and does not change hisihr aude, procoeded witht shal bo awl for the Chaiman cum Managing thon the fre-shp program of such slient wl be revoked th Director of Mis Aakash Educalional Servees Limited 10 appoint inmedate eect, ‘ather parson to acl a an arbrator inthe manner aoresad. Such person shal be entitled to proceed wth reference fom the stage at hich proceeding was lft by hs predecessor, If both the patos onserttothis fect fling which the new arbivator willbe eid to rocsed de nove, (2) astudertcontnuestoremain absent or morethan wo weeks due to health ssues or any ther reason witout prior permission rom ‘he Canta In charge, his/her cancidature fr the roe-ship program willbe evoked “Please note thatthe average inal objective tess for al the subjects including improvement tests wil be taken ito account . 2gree with all the points mentioned above inthe Terms & Conditions, ‘My ward and | wil abide by these Terms & Coneitons. | horeby expressly absolutoly authorise AESLto uso my deta for any commercial andor markstng purposo furor pormitAESLand is opreseiatves to antactme & my family ia any electron andor Pin andorin-person mode, for nloding trotted, eabove purposes, Patent’s NaM€,ncrsnsnnnnnnnn Student’ Name Parent’ Signature ‘Student’ Signature Correspondence Address: DISCLAIER:"AstashEaucatonal Series Linted proposing sbjcta ect equste apres market candons ad ota considerten, oma nniialpble eng} oequtyshaesancbas da rat Red eringProspecus (AHP) wth he Seeuies ndeachange arden (SEB) Ie DRHP svaleleon the weoshos lhe SeBL the BSE Unies anatneNatarl Soe xchange faa Lm at wrk got ans wireenaacom, respecte anatnererpectve weaste ofthe Beak Running [ioe anager atho.fuwnnvestmernen ol confle-doeameni! hip swamonineelbane co nrimieligeapgbsasecen nim andwnenacls cor Investor shouc noe tnatasentn agony shares waves argh gre ara Paras penel meso shol ret totha Resterrng aspects rospects wich ay be He wih he Regiar of Company, NstoralCaptal Tray Deh anaiatyana lested stew Da nhueinlidng he senor thea Aak Facets Polenta ontoe 2. taitelyentbeDAHP lmlenganynvesimentceeson

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