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ELS EVI E R Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 5 (2000) 176-181

Interfaces: their role in foam and emulsion behaviour

P.J. Wilde"
Institute of Food Research, Norwich Research Park, Norwich NR4 7UA, UK


In this paper, recent progress in our knowledge of how the interface influences the formation and stability of emulsions has
been reviewed. Attention was focused on the effect of molecular structure, interfacial rheology, competitive adsorption and
interfacial structure and composition.0 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Interface; Protein; Surfactant; Competitive adsorption

1. Introduction and usually form a compact adsorbed layer with a

low interfacial tension.
With the exception of microemulsions, liquid foams 2. Polymers - amphiphilic macromolecules, the
and emulsions are in general, thermodynamically un- most commonly used are proteins. They typically
stable. The immiscible dispersed phase will only re- form a visco-elastic, irreversibly adsorbed layer.
main as a fine dispersion for a finite period, as the
dispersed droplets or bubbles will eventually coalesce The creation of foams and emulsions essentially
and separate out into the component phases. The requires the formation of fine bubbles or droplets.
period of stability strongly depends on the character- Apart from the energy input and the physical proper-
istics of the interface separating the dispersed and ties of the component phases (e.g. viscosity), the main
continuous phases. The interface is composed of sur- factor controlling droplet size is the interfacial ten-
face-active molecules, which can adsorb from the sion. Droplets become more deformable as the inter-
dispersed or continuous phase. These molecules need facial tension is lowered, making them easier to dis-
to be amphiphilic, and thus are attracted to the inter- perse. The ability to create foams and emulsions has
facial region so that their component hydrophilic and been correlated with the rate of change of the interfa-
hydrophobic moieties may associate with the respec- cial tension [l-31. The important timescales for foam
tive polar and non-polar phases. There are two classes and emulsion formation can be sub-millisecond;
of surface-active molecules, which can stabilise foams therefore, the ability of a surfactant or polymer to
and emulsions: adsorb rapidly is critical for foam and emulsion for-
1. Surfactants - these include detergents, emulsi- The stabilisation of foams and emulsions against
fiers and lipids. They may be water or oil soluble, coalescence require different surface properties.
Long-range repulsive forces can be in the form of
electrostatic or steric repulsion, which prevent the
* Tel.: + 44-1603-255258; fax: + 44-1603-507723. close approach of dispersed phase particles. However,
E-mail address: (P.J. Wilde). in concentrated foams and emulsions, the long-range

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P.J. Wilde /Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 5 (2000) 176-181 117

repulsion is overcome, and other stability mechanisms and Norde [ l l ] used an array of quartz plates to
become dominant. These mechanisms depend on the increase the number of interfaces that could be inter-
class of molecule used to stabilise the adsorbed layer. rogated by circular dichroism. They showed that the
Surfactants stabilise foams and emulsions most effec- adsorbed immunoglobulin possessed a different spec-
tively if they form a fluid adsorbed layer. This allows trum depending on the nature of the surface. Moulin
them to migrate to regions with a reduced surfactant et al. used a microfabricated cantilever to measure
concentration, due to perturbation during creation, the surface stress induced by proteins adsorbed onto
mixing or transport processes. This is known as the a gold substrate [12]. They could apparently follow
Marangoni mechanism. In contrast, polymers are most long-term unfolding and interaction processes, which
effective when they form a solid visco-elastic adsorbed were found to be very different between immuno-
layer. This is most commonly observed in proteins, globulin and BSA, although no firm conclusions about
which adsorb, partially unfold and form strong inter- the source of these differences could be drawn.
actions. This results in a visco-elastic adsorbed layer, The limitation of these techniques in foams and
the strength of which has been correlated with foam emulsions was the correlation of behaviour at a solid
and emulsion stability [4,5]. surface with that at a fluid one. If this could be done,
The unfolding of proteins at interfaces is influenced then it would be possible to explain the effects seen
by the structure in solution, such that flexible proteins by Murray and Liang [13]. They found that spray-dry-
will unfold quickly and lower the interfacial tension ing protein solutions had a detrimental effect on foam
rapidly [5], whereas globular proteins, which have stability. This was supported by changes in their ad-
more intramolecular bonds stabilising their structure, sorption behaviour suggesting a conformational
unfold more slowly. However, they tend to form change induced by the drying process. The presence
stronger intermolecular interactions and stabilise of the sugar trehalose during drying seemed to have a
against coalescence very effectively [51. Changing the positive effect on foaming properties, especially for
solution structure by various means has been used as P-lactoglobulin. The corresponding adsorption be-
a tool for improving protein functionality, probably by haviour suggested that the trehalose protected the
inducing a change in adsorbed conformation. proteins against denaturation. This has also been con-
A problem that occurs particularly in food foams firmed by Clarkson et al. where the presence of
and emulsions, is that there is often a mixture of trehalose was seen to protect against surface denatu-
polymers and surfactants competing for the interface. ration induced by foaming [141, although they found
In concentration regimes where a mixed polymer- that this was a minor effect compared to the effects of
surfactant interface exists, a reduction in stability is ionic strength and pH.
often observed. The underlying mechanism is thought Small differences in protein structure can infer
to be a competition between the two stability mecha- major changes in functionality. The genetic variants
nisms. The surfactants weaken the visco-elasticity of A, B and C of P-lactoglobulin differ by only two
the adsorbed protein layer [4,6-81, and the polymers amino acid residues, yet this was found to cause
retard the fluidity of the surfactants. The result is a significant changes in adsorption behaviour [ 151 and
foam or emulsion that is less stable than those formed emulsification properties [16]. The substitution of an
by the individual surfactants or polymers [9,10]. aspartic acid residue in variant A to a glycine in B at
It is, therefore, not surprising that current progress residue 64 appears to increase the rate of adsorption,
in this field has tended to concentrate on: (i) adsorbed and the development of an elastic interface of variant
protein structure; (ii) the rheology; and (iii) the com- B [151. Although variant B had poorer emulsification
position of interfaces. Therefore, I have reviewed the properties, its long-term stability to coalescence was
current literature in this field in these specific areas. higher [16].

2. Adsorbed protein structure 3. Interfacial rheology

Secondary and tertiary structures of proteins in The surface rheology of adsorbed protein layers has
solution can be easily determined using a range of long been known to be important for the stabilisation
spectrometric techniques. The structure of adsorbed of foams and emulsions [4,17]. The visco-elastic
proteins is more difficult due to various technical properties of the surface have often been correlated
complications. The signal intensity from a single in- with functionality [2-4,181. A recent review by Dickin-
terface is usually small and the resultant signal to son [19'1 brought together certain aspects of the
noise ratio can make interpretation difficult. Mea- structure and surface rheology of proteins, and the
surements of proteins adsorbed onto particles or correlation with the formation and stability of foams
droplets creates light scattering problems. Vermeer and emulsions. A fascinating article by Izmailova et
118 P.J. Wilde /Current Opinion in Colloid & Inte8ace Science 5 (2000)176-181

al. [20’] reviewed the contribution made by Rehbin- [26]. Again, this technique demonstrates how sensitive
der to this area and offered new results showing how surface rheology is to the disruptive effects which
the coalescence stability of protein foams and emul- surfactants have on protein adsorbed layers. One way
sions can be directly related to the mechanical to restore stability to a surfactant destabilised foam is
properties of the adsorbed protein layer. Rehbinder to restore the surface visco-elasticity. Propylene glycol
put forward the concept that the elasticity of protein alginate (PGA) has been used to improve beer foam
interfaces was responsible for their stabilising ability. stability. A detailed study of this improvement showed
This concept was developed further with some new that PGA restored the surface elasticity of a mixed
results confirming the idea that it is not simply the protein-surfactant interface [27]. This was thought to
value of the elastic modulus that is important for be due to an electrostatic ‘crosslinking’ mechanism,
stability, but the stress at which the elasticity breaks which partially restored the protein-protein interac-
down. However care must also be taken, as some tions that had been disrupted by the presence of
proteins such as p-casein are excellent at stabilising surfactant. The interfacial rheology of wheat proteins
emulsions by steric repulsion, but have very poor is of importance to the baking industry. Yet a recent
surface rheological properties [21]. review of the area [28] shows that there is distinct gap
The surface visco-elastic properties of proteins can in our knowledge on effect of their surface properties
also be important for formation of and drainage from on baking quality. It is likely, therefore, that the
foams. Prins [22’] showed, by using the overflowing surface properties of wheat proteins will receive much
cylinder, that proteins can slow the flow of liquid attention in the near future.
close to the surface. This can retard liquid drainage It is not only the surface rheology of proteins that
from foams, and is thought to contribute to the slower is important to functionality. Recent studies on the
drainage rates observed in protein-stabilised foams surface rheology of surfactants have also shown a
compared to those stabilised by surfactants. In addi- correlation with foam formation and stability. Kanicky
tion, Prins also postulated that this ‘stagnant surface et al. [291 showed that sodium laurate solutions showed
behaviour’ enabled the bubbles and droplets to be maximal surface viscosity at pH values close to their
more easily dispersed when the surface tension was pK,. This corresponded with maximal foam forma-
taken into account. In the absence of protein, the tion, and foam stability. They showed that the interfa-
droplet break-up was strongly dependent on the rela- cial packing was highest at the pK,, as expected, as
tive viscosities of the continuous and dispersed phases. the electrostatic repulsion between the molecules was
In contrast, in the presence of protein, the droplets minimal. This also corresponded with improved emul-
were dispersed more easily and independently of liq- sification and reduced water evaporation. Changing
uid viscosity. This clearly demonstrated the contribu- the chain length of the sodium laurate changed the
tion made by the surface rheology of proteins to the pK, such that the foaming properties were more
functionality of foams and emulsions. dependent on the pH than the molecular structure of
The presence of surfactants will reduce the surface the surfactant. Fruhner et al. studied a range of
visco-elasticity of adsorbed protein layers [4,6,7] often different surfactants [30’]. By using the oscillating
resulting in a drop in coalescence stability [4,9,10,23]. bubble technique at high frequencies (up to 500 Hz),
Chen and Dickinson showed that by displacing pro- they were able to obtain surface dilational visco-elas-
teins from emulsion droplets, the visco-elasticity of tic data for soluble surfactants. They found that the
emulsion gels could be significantly reduced [24]. The surface needed to develop a significant viscous com-
interaction between the emulsion droplets and the gel ponent before the solutions were able to create a
matrix was thought to be influenced by the amount of stable foam. At very low concentrations, below that
adsorbed protein. Protein adsorption and the devel- which would support a stable foam, purely elastic
opment of the visco-elastic surface can be significantly behaviour was observed. At high concentrations, the
affected by protein conformation. Roth et al. [25] surfactants which were able to support foams such as
found that ageing and heat treating proteins at the SDS, CTAB and Triton-X 100, developed a viscous
interface could result in higher surface viscosities, component. Surfactants which did not form stable
depending on the temperature, and the length of heat foams, such as nonanol and dodecanol, remained
treatment. Certainly the interfaces heated to the purely elastic. The differences are thought to be due
higher temperatures studied formed a more viscous to the improved hydration of the headgroups belong-
interface. Some of the more visco-elastic interfaces ing to the foam active group of surfactants.
were also more resistant to the effects of added
surfactant, although there was no clear correlation for
all the treatments studied. Petkov et al. demonstrated 4. Surface composition and structure
a new method of simultaneously measuring the sur-
face dilational and shear parameters in protein films Competitive destabilisation of proteins by surfac-
P.J. Wilde /Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 5 (2000) 176-181 179

tants has been an area of intense interest in food

colloids for many years [4,6,9,10,231. Although it is
known that surfactants reduce the surface visco-elas-
ticity of protein films, as discussed in Section 3, until
recently, however, the mechanisms underlying this
effect remained elusive. Our understanding of the
competitive adsorption mechanism has been signifi-
cantly advanced recently by the ability to visualise the
structure of mixed protein-surfactant interfaces.
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a powerful
method for imaging surface detail on flat substrates at
molecular resolution. It has been used to study pro-
tein adsorption onto both solid [31] and liquid inter-
faces [32]. Recent work by Morris et al. [33",34']
have been able to image mixed protein-surfactant
interfaces. In contrast to the assumption that mixed
interfaces contain a homogenous distribution of pro-
tein and surfactant, these studies clearly show a Fig. 2. Brownian dynamic simulation of the competitive displace-
demixing phenomenon, an example of which is shown ment of protein-like (dark) particles, by surfactant-like displacer
in Fig. 1. The power of the technique is that it can (light) particles. Attention is drawn to the similarity with Fig. 1.
Reproduced from [390°] with permission.
impart interfacial thickness information with ex-
tremely high spatial resolution. This has led to the
proposed 'orogenic' model of protein displacement.
only weakness to this approach is that the interface
The observations showed that the surfactant domains
needs to be transferred to a solid substrate by the
exerted a lateral surface pressure and compressed
protein regions. As more surfactant was adsorbed, the Langmuir-Blodgett method. The orogenic mecha-
surface pressure increased until the protein regions nism was confirmed in situ by following the displace-
collapsed and were eventually displaced. These stud- ment of a protein from a solid surface [36'].
In situ measurements on fluid interfaces can be
ies have helped explain: (i) why the stability of protein
foams and emulsions is often affected at very low performed using Brewster angle microscopy (BAM).
concentrations of surfactant, before any protein is Studies by Patino et al. [37,38"] have shown that it is
displaced [10,231; (ii) observed increases in the thick- possible to image interfaces formed by proteins and
ness or concentration of adsorbed protein layers surfactants. The surfactants have a high refractive
observed in mixed protein-surfactant interfaces index compared to the proteins, allowing discrimina-
[19,35']; and (iii) why proteins with a higher visco- tion between the two species. They found that mixed
elastic modulus are more difficult to displace [lo]. The p-casein and monopalmitin films phase separated at
the interface. They also showed an increase in interfa-
cial film thickness. Although BAM has much lower
resolution than AFM, the approaches are highly com-
plimentary, as BAM can observe these phenomena in
situ at the interface.
The orogenic model was further supported in a
separate computer simulation study. By using a Brow-
nian dynamics approach Wijmans and Dickinson
[39"] simulated the competitive displacement process.
The results showed a remarkable similarity to the
experimental observations made using AFM
[33",34'] and BAM [38"], whereby the surfactants
adsorbed and formed distinct domains, compressing
and increasing the thickness of the protein regions.
Fig. 2 shows an example of one of these simulations,
and the likeness between that and Fig. 1 is quite
remarkable. They also support the importance of the
Fig. 1. AFM image of a Langmuir-Blodgett film of a mixed p-
lactoglobulin-Tween 20 film at the air-water interface. The light
rheology of the protein network in the process, and
regions denote the surfactant domains, and the dark regions repre- also that repulsive forces between the protein and
sent the thicker protein regions. Image size is 2 x 2 pm. surfactant promote the phase separation.
180 P.J. Wilde /Current Opinion in ColloidI & Inte8ace Science 5 (2000)176-181

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found to be phase separated. A new physical mechanism of compet- Brownian dynamic simulations of the competitive displacement
itive displacement termed ‘orogenic’ displacement was proposed, process between protein-like and surfactant-like particles, indepen-
whereby the surfactant domains exerted a lateral surface pressure dently displaced many features of the orogenic mechanism observed
compressing the protein layer. As the surface pressure increased, experimentally. The simulations demonstrated the importance of
the protein regions became more compressed causing it to collapse, the strength of the protein network and showed that repulsive
crumple and finally be displaced. The ease by which a protein was forces between the protein and surfactants encouraged phase sepa-
displaced was directly correlated with its surface rheological ration. This approach should prove to be a powerful tool for
properties. investigating the role of specific inter-molecular interaction
[34] Mackie AR, Gunning AP, Wilde PJ, Morris VJ. Orogenic processes on the development of interfacial structure.

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