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___ Sheila T- Ragu Gorflid_ of Laws Raytheon International vs. Rousie GR No. 162894 Bed Maine: Seaices. dnc. COMSL), 0 Corporatin ckly cxgaizeh. and isting under the lams_of Comecticut, and _Stodctn Rousie Ti, an _Pmevicancitizm entered Into _@ corfract. BUSI hire! Rouaie ac its representative _ tb negotiate the sole _of services in_several_gedemment projecte inthe Philippine for an agreed renumeration of Io of the grass recipte. Rousie secured _O_@1Vice_Gentract_uith tre Republic of the Philippiner on behalf of BMS) E for the dredging of river affected by he Mt. Piratubs eruption and mudfowr. ___ Revpie filed before the NURC G_suit againct BMS) and Rust Inte national (Rut) _ ____ for alleged nonpayment of commissions, illegal tevminertion, and breach. of emploment Contvact: The LA ordered BMS ond Rust to pay Rouaie’s yoneydeias. Upon appeal, the NLRC _revewed ard dismised Reuries complaint on te ground _of bax. Of jurieliction. Rousie filed ax action fer domager before the RIC of La Union, where he mac a resent, agains Reytneon Inteynationa!. the tetterated tat he __WAS nok paid the commision: due him fiom -the Pinctubs dredging payect which he secured on loehalf of BUST. The Complaint a's cuerved that. _____ BMST_, Rust_and Raytheon had combined and functionecl Gs Ste _ompeny. Rowtneon sougtt the. dismissal of the cenplaint on the grounds of Giluve ts Stle_a_cause of action and forum non Conuenien’ and prayed fv damager by way of coupulory Counterclaim. The RIC denied Roythenic motion - The _Ca_apfinned..fiwording 10 Raytheon, the wyitten Centyact betwen ____ Reurie_ona_SMST_induded 4 valid doice of aw cause, that 1s, that the _____Conttvacr shall_be garned bythe laws of “he State of Gnmecticut- Tt ake ——__Trenfionc_the presence _of = hE ee namely that te parter Gnd _usinectes_involed ave American _< Gna GHiten ard He tice 0) Wes the “BIC had jufstition. On the matter of Jurisdiction Cve_a Conflicis— of~ laws problem where the case jr “filed in 4& Philippine court — ____Ond_wheve the court has jurisliction over the Swyect matter. fe parties and the rec, + may ©” can proceed to by the case even if Re vuler of ____Conflids- of lame ov the Convenience of the partie pela joc -fersiqn

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