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The Ultimate Stain Removal

Stains happen to the best of us – and always in the most inconvenient
locations, right?

Common clothing stains fall under 3 main categories: oil-based, water-based

and protein-based. When treating stains, there are a few things to take into

1. What is the stain from (i.e. blood, spaghetti sauce, blueberries, etc.)
2. How long has the stain been there (fresh, a week, um – a very long
time… etc.)
3. What material is the stain on (i.e. cotton, polycottons)

These are the first three questions that you should run through your mind as
soon as you go into stain-fighting mode. Now that we’ve got that covered, I’ll
review common solutions for each type of stain and how to treat them.
Always keep in mind that it’s best to read and follow care labels, and always
test on a small area first, especially with delicate fabrics.

Oil-Based Stains
Oil-based stains are among the most common stain you will encounter. They
often come from food, which can happen from dropping a meatball on
yourself to finding oil residue on your shirt after a meal (I’m guilty on both
accounts). Grease can single-handedly be responsible for the downfall of
wardrobes everywhere. Ever felt like those stains just won’t wash out? Well,
keep it simple and prepare to be amazed: my grease-fighting secret weapon
for laundry happens to be original blue Dawn! It’s great at cutting kitchen
grease, and let me tell you, it does the same thing on oil stains. I tried this
out a few years ago and since then, I’ve just kept a bottle right in the
laundry area and use it to pre-treat all of laundry stains (more on that later).
I’m all into hacks and alternative uses for simple products and this is one of

Food, Oil & Grease Stains

Start by removing any excess food to the best of your abilities. Stick your
hand down the garment to separate the stained area from the rest of the
garment and begin to blot the clothing as needed with paper towel to get as
much oil or grease off as possible.

Sprinkle on corn starch or baby powder over the stain which will soak up any
excess oil and to help cleanse the fibers. The goal is to have the powder act
as a ‘sponge’ to absorb whatever has been spilled before it sets, especially if
you can’t launder it right away. In fact, I now keep a small bottle of baby
powder in my glove box for just this reason. After a few moments, remove
whatever powder was used from the clothing carefully (just shake it off), as
you don’t want it to spill or stain another area.

For cottons or poly-cottons, apply a quarter-sized squirt of the blue Dawn
directly to the stain. With Dawn covering the stain, rub soap in using the
fabric between your fingers. Now, throw the garment into the laundry
machine. Dawn is a great suds creator, so be mindful that for front load high
efficiency (HE) machines, it may increase the wash time. Also, I don’t
recommend placing more than 2-4 garments which have had this pre-treater
technique applied into one load for the same reason.

Always check the labels on a product before using it to ensure it won’t
damage the fabric of whatever you are trying to clean. For delicate fabrics,
try using a specialty stain remover or enzyme pre-treater, testing on a small,
inconspicuous area first. Launder using the hottest water safe for the fabric.

I recommend allowing the clothing to air dry afterwards, since it will help
prevent any lingering oil or grease to set into the clothing (which heat can

Removing Makeup Stains

With beauty products such as lipstick, mascara and foundation, you can look
to follow many of the same steps as above. Sprinkle the stain with baking
soda and gently scrub with an old toothbrush. You’ll notice the baking soda
starts to ball – this means it’s working! Apply a little more baking soda until
you notice it isn’t balling anymore, indicating it’s absorbed all of the oil.
Carefully dust off or shake off the baking soda from the clothing, making
sure not to get it anywhere else. You can either use a stain remover or an
enzyme pre-treater with water to help lift and remove the stain before
washing. Be sure to rub your product into the stain well. Once complete, you
can launder as usual. Again, I suggest letting the clothes air dry afterwards –
better safe than sorry!

Water-Based Stains
The stress of spilling coffee on yourself first thing in the morning might be
the worst start to your day, but fortunately, this is the easiest stain category
to deal with! Water-based stains can often be cleaned in a normal wash
cycle! These stains are caused by coffee, tea, wine, fruit or water-based ink.
For stains that are a little more stubborn, here are some tips to help you out.

It’s always best to deal with the stain when it’s fresh. Start by sponging the
spot with cold water.

Be gentle
You don’t want to rub at stains – it can cause it to spread and potentially
cause damage to the material. That’s why blotting and agitating lightly is
important. Always use a patting motion when blotting and when agitating
with a toothbrush, imagine you are brushing a soft tomato or peach, that’s
about how hard you want press. Otherwise, you’ll drive the stain deeper into
the fabric.

Cold soak
You can also try soaking it in cold water for around 30 minutes. Cold water is
the best for rinsing a stain, since it won’t set the stain and will make it easier
to clean in the wash.

Use a laundry pre-treater (you can use plain blue Dawn, as above) or a stain
remover to help lift away and eliminate the stain before washing. Follow the
care instructions on the item to determine how to launder it accordingly.

Protein-Based Stains
New moms and gym fiends, take note! Protein-based stains are among the
most troublesome and most time-consuming stains to remove, but are not
impossible! They include things like blood, sweat, grass and mud. As with all
stains, treating it immediately will help make removing it easier.

Soak protein-stained clothing in cold to lukewarm water. Protein stains will
set if exposed to hot water, an iron, or a dryer. Add an enzyme cleaner and
let the product do it’s magic – you can use one specifically designed for
laundry – they are fantastic!

Sweat stains
For sweat stains, you can also try pre-treating using baking soda or vinegar.
Make a paste of baking soda and water and rub it directly into perspiration
stains on your clothing. If the stain is difficult to remove, let the paste dry for
a few hours before washing. With vinegar, just pour a bit directly onto the
stain and rub it into the fabric before placing it into the washer. Not only will
it help remove the stain, but it will help to deodorize any lingering smells!

Blood stains
For fresh blood stains, rinse the stain under cold water and try to wash away
as much as possible. Mix a little water with salt to create a paste to saturate
the stain. Rub the salt water paste into the stain. The graininess of the salt
will help loosen any remaining bodily fluids and it’s dehydrating properties
will work to remove it from the clothing fibres. If you don’t have salt
available, try using dish soap instead. Wash as you normally would with cold
or lukewarm water so as not to set the stain. Skip the dryer if you can!

For dry blood stains, I have a few unique suggestions for you! Toothpaste
and saliva. Use toothpaste on fabrics that can be washed in a washing
machine or by hand. Apply toothpaste to the blood stain and let it dry. Rinse
with cold water. You’re probably wondering about saliva… Believe it or not,
the enzymes in saliva which help digest your food can also break down
proteins in blood. It might sound gross, but you can spit on the blood stained
area, rub it out and then soak in cold water. It really works! Quick story,
during her final bridal gown fitting, my sister pricked her finger on a pin and
blood spilled front and centre on her gown. Without blinking, both the
seamstress and I immediately spit into our hand to attempt to get the stain
out. Disaster averted!

No heat
I can’t say this enough – do not place any protein stain into the dryer or else
you’ll permanently set the stain. Wait until the stain is all gone before
laundering or drying with heat. You’ll be glad you did!

Don’t let stains get you down any longer! Remember to always read and
follow the labels, test on an inconspicuous area first, and air dry JUST in
case. Oh, and treat the stain as soon as it happens- you’ll thank yourself
later! From spaghetti sauce to oil spills to blueberry splotches, you are now
fully equipped to deal with any stain mishap that comes your way.

What’s the craziest stain you’ve ever had to clean? Share with us!

Disclosure: I’ve been working with Dawn on the very exciting Alternative
Uses project to share some amazing ways you can use it around the house!

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