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Analysis of Electrophysiological State Patterns and Changes During Hypnosis


Article  in  International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis · April 2011

DOI: 10.1080/00207144.2011.546188 · Source: PubMed


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3 authors, including:

Thilo Hinterberger Ulrike Halsband

University Hospital Regensburg University of Freiburg


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Analysis of Electrophysiological
State Patterns and Changes During
Hypnosis Induction
a a
Thilo Hinterberger , Julian Schöner & Ulrike Halsband

University Medical Center Freiburg, Germany
University of Freiburg, Germany

Available online: 03 Mar 2011

To cite this article: Thilo Hinterberger, Julian Schöner & Ulrike Halsband (2011): Analysis
of Electrophysiological State Patterns and Changes During Hypnosis Induction, International
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 59:2, 165-179

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Intl. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 59(2): 165–179, 2011
Copyright © International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis
ISSN: 0020-7144 print / 1744-5183 online
DOI: 10.1080/00207144.2011.546188

Thilo Hinterberger and Julian Schöner2
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University Medical Center Freiburg, Germany

Ulrike Halsband
University of Freiburg, Germany

Abstract: Hypnosis can be seen as a guided induction of various states

of consciousness. This article details a time-series analysis that visu-
alized the electrophysiological state changes during a session as a
correlate to the instructions. Sixty-four channels of EEG and periph-
eral physiological measures were recorded in 1 highly susceptible
subject. Significant state changes occurred synchronously with spe-
cific induction instructions. Some patterns could be physiologically
explained, such as sensorimotor desynchronization over the right
hemispheric hand area during left arm levitation. There was a highly
significant increase in broadband activity during the stepwise trance
induction that may point to a deep hypnotic state. This study provides
illustrated proof for the detectability of physiological state changes as
correlates to different states of awareness, consciousness, or cognition
during hypnosis.

Hypnosis originates from the Greek word hypnos meaning sleep, but
today’s neurophysiological research supports the distinction between
normal waking consciousness, sleep, and hypnosis (Halsband, in
press). Hypnosis is not one single construct but consists of several ele-
ments such as focused attention, an awareness of internal images, a
reduced ability to think critically as well as a heightened compliance

Manuscript submitted April 7, 2010; final revision accepted May 5, 2010.

1 This work has been supported for TH by the BIAL Foundation (Portugal), the

Samueli Institute for Information Biology (SIIB, CA, USA), and the Beckley Foundation
(Oxford, UK). The studies on hypnosis were supported for UH by the Milton H. Erickson
Gesellschaft für Klinische Hypnose e.V. (MEG, Germany), the Milton Erickson Stiftung
(Germany), the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zahnärztliche Hypnose e.V. (DGZH), and the
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hypnose und Hypnotherapie e.V. (DGH).
2 Address correspondence to Thilo Hinterberger, Institut für Umweltmedizin und

Krankenhaushygiene, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg, Breisacher Str. 115 b, D-79106

Freiburg, Germany. E-mail:


with suggestion (Halsband, Müller, Hinterberger, & Strickner, 2009).

Furthermore, enhanced imagination, attentional control, altered per-
ception of the environment, and mental relaxation are key character-
istics of hypnosis. Hypnotic trance induction is seen as a modified state
of consciousness that reveals an alteration to the activity of the brain
(e.g., Halsband, 2006; Rainville et al., 1999). Therefore, the hypnotizabil-
ity of one person is the key to an effective hypnotic induction (Holroyd,
2003), even if hypnotizability and suggestibility do not share the same
psychophysiology (De Pascalis, Ray, Tranquillo, & D´Amico, 1998).
Studying high and low hypnotizable people, a number of studies
Downloaded by [Institutional Subscription Access] at 01:41 06 October 2011

detected changes in the electrophysiological state. Regarding the occip-

ital alpha waves, London, Hart, and Leibovitz (1968) and other authors
(Bakan & Svorad, 1969; Edmonston & Grotevant, 1975; Engstrom,
London, & Hart, 1970; Morgan, MacDonald, & Hilgard, 1974; Ulett,
Akpinar, & Itil, 1972) found a higher emergence in high than in low
hypnotizables; although other studies did not replicate the results
(Barabasz, 1983; Perlini & Spanos, 1991). Crawford, Corby, and Kopell
(1996) observed a significantly higher activity in the right parietal area
for highs in high alpha (11.5–13.5 Hz), beta (16.5–25 Hz), and high
theta (5.5–7.5 Hz) bands. This is also true for the beta band in the right
parietal cortex (Ulett et al., 1972). Furthermore, high hypnotizables
showed a greater power in the theta frequency band (Crawford, 1990;
De Pascalis et al., 1998; Graffin, Ray, & Lundy, 1995; Sabourin, Cutcomb,
Crawford, & Pribram, 1990; Tebecis, Provins, Farnbach, & Pentony,
1975) and, significantly, in the parietal region (Crawford et al., 1996).
Focusing the gamma band power around 40 Hz, De Pascalis et al. (1998)
found markers in the right and left hemisphere as well as Schnyer and
Allen (1995) in the parieto-midline-to-right temporal areas.
Examining high and low hypnotizable subjects, De Pascalis et al.
(1998) detected greater theta 1 (4–6 Hz) amplitudes in the highs’ right
posterior and bilateral frontal regions and smaller alpha 1 (8.25–10 Hz)
amplitudes in the bilateral frontal cortex. Taking a look at the mis-
match negativity scores at different time points, both high and low
hypnotizables and suggestibles, respectively, demonstrate their clear
dissimilarity from each other (Gruzelier, 1998; Jamieson, Dwivedi, &
Gruzelier, 2005). Therefore, high suggestible people at the baseline
run a posterior weighted neurophysiological state whereas low sug-
gestible people have an anterior weighted state (Isotani et al., 2001).
In a single-case study by Fingelkurts, Kallio, and Revonsuo (2007),
an experienced and highly hypnotizable subject in hypnosis showed
1-year stable physiological changes in the alpha, beta, gamma, delta,
and theta frequency bands. Consistent with the findings of others (e.g.,
Dietrich, 2003; Gruzelier, 1998, 2000; Holroyd, 2003; Kallio, Revonsuo,
Hämäläinen, Markela, & Gruzelier, 2001), the authors (Fingelkurts
et al., 2007) also detected an inhibition within the left-frontal area.

A standard paradigm for investigating the electrophysiology of hyp-

nosis aims on the comparison between a state of hypnosis and a
baseline state recorded before and/or after the session. This method
often does not lead to specific results as the many states that can be
seen in various phases of a meditation or hypnosis session are not con-
sidered separately but are merged together leading to a more or less
unspecific result. Therefore, in this analysis we aim on presenting a
highly resolved time-series analysis that uncovers different state pat-
terns of the brain during specific periods of the session. A hypnosis
induction usually consists of several instruction phases or paragraphs
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and in each of them the subjects’ subjective experiences might be very

different. Thus, one could expect that each instruction that guides the
client into a different state of consciousness, awareness, or cognition
also could be correlated with specific brain activation patterns. This
hypothesis could be proven and illustrated in the present study by
showing the various physiological state changes during 26 minutes of
a hypnosis induction.

Physiological Measurement During Hypnosis

Experimental Procedure
To uncover the physiological changes in electrical brain dynamics
during a hypnosis session, 64 channels of EEG plus peripheral phys-
iological measures were recorded in 1 highly susceptible participant
(male/aged 25). The participant was seated on a chair approximately 1
meter in front of the hypnotist. The recordings were carried out using
a 72-channel QuickAmp EEG amplifier system (Brainproducts GmbH,
Munich, Germany) and a 64-channel electrode cap with actively
shielded Ag/AgCl electrodes (ANT, Netherlands). EEG was recorded
from DC to 70 Hz at a sampling rate of 250 S/s and a resolution of 0.07
microvolt. Peripheral measures were the electrocardiogram (ECG) for
determining the heart rate, vertical and horizontal eye movements for
artifact correction, respiration, and skin conductance response (SCR)
from the nondominant hand.
For statistical analysis, the EEG data were first corrected for eye
movements; phases with large amplitude movement artifacts were
removed from the analysis. A Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) was applied
using a window size of 2 seconds. The resulting Fourier amplitudes
were converted into spectral power by squaring. The power spectral
density (PSD) in the bands of interest was defined as the mean of the
Fourier coefficients of 4 to 7.5 Hz (theta band), 8 to 12 Hz (alpha band),
12 to 16 Hz (sensory motor rhythm [SMR] or beta 1 band), 16 to 25 Hz
(beta band), and 25.5 to 70 Hz (gamma band). The region from 47 to
53 Hz was ignored due to the possible 50 Hz humming artifact. The

question in this study centered on the state changes during the session
rather than on absolute values. Therefore, the PSD was converted into
relative changes to a baseline. In this case, the baseline was defined
as the EEG during the first 2 minutes of the introduction phase of the
session because the EEG patterns remained nearly homogeneously con-
stant during that time. A relative PSD-change measure was defined as
the log2 of the PSD divided by the median PSD during the baseline
phase, that is, the first 2 minutes of the recording.
The 26-minute hypnosis induction session followed a predefined
written instruction manual. The instruction could be subdivided into 11
Downloaded by [Institutional Subscription Access] at 01:41 06 October 2011

different phases, namely (a) an auto-focusing and introduction phase,

(b) fostering physical relaxation, (c) fostering mental relaxation, (d) lev-
itation induction without levitated body parts, (e) beginning of arm
levitation, (f) step-by-step instructions to allow the subject to go deeper
and deeper into trance (counting from 1 to 5), (g) step-by-step instruc-
tions from 6 to 10, (h), a metaphoric story, (i) trance anchoring, (j)
termination of the session, when the hypnotic trance is brought to an
end, and (k) awakening with open eyes. Those phases are listed in
Table 1 with the associated time limits that were journalized during the
induction. All phases were predefined in the instruction sheet except
for the step-by-step trance induction, which was post hoc divided
into two parts because of the very high PSD increase in the second

Table 1
For the Analysis the Hypnosis Session Was Subdivided into 11 Phases for Comparison
With Each Other

Phase Content Time (Minutes:Seconds) Remark

1 Introduction and 0:00 – 3:25 eyes open

2 Fostering physical relaxation 3:25 – 6:30 eyes closed
3 Fostering mental relaxation 6:30 – 9:50 sinking deeper
4 Levitation induction 10:00 – 12:00 arm not levitated
5 Arm levitation 12:00 – 14:30 left arm levitated
6 Step-by-step trance 14:30 – 16:15
instructions (up to 5)
7 Step-by-step trance 16:15 – 17:40 highly increased EEG power
instructions (6 to 10)
8 Story of eagle 18:30 – 21:15 from normalized EEG on
9 Trance anchoring 21:15 – 24:00
10 Termination 24:00 – 25:25 left arm sank down
11 Awake 25:30 – 26:24 eyes open


The results of physiological changes during the induction are dis-

played in a time-resolved manner. Each graph of the subsequent figures
displays the time trace of 11 major phases, which are listed in Table 1
and marked in the graphs. Sixty-four-channel EEG data are displayed
in units of an effect size as described above.
The most predominant changes were visible in five frequency bands,
that is, theta, alpha, SMR, beta, and gamma bands, which are plot-
ted in Figure 1 as a spectrogram graph. All PSD increases relatively
Downloaded by [Institutional Subscription Access] at 01:41 06 October 2011

to the baseline are shown in yellow/red while the decreases are coded
in blue/green. A color scale value of 2 means a four times higher PSD
compared to the baseline PSD while –2 would be 1/4 of the baseline
PSD. Taking a first look at the spectrogram one can see several occur-
rences of various significant changes during the session that are often
synchronous to the phase limits as listed in Table 1. The alpha PSD, for
example, sometimes showed increases of about 30 times the baseline
PSD (power of +5 in the spectrogram) with peak values of more than
100. The spectrograms show the changes of each of the 64 electrodes in
vertical order. Thus, global sudden state changes are visible as vertical
colored lines while horizontal lines indicate local changes with a longer
duration. The topographic plots in Figure 2 show the spatial distribu-
tion of the PSD changes relatively to baseline. The color coding values
range from 1/10 to 10 times the global reference PSD during the first 2
minutes of the induction.
In the following, the specific changes in each phase are reported.
The session began with the participant’s eyes open and consisted of
an auto-focusing task in which he was instructed to fix his eyes on a
spot and afterward release. Physiologically, this process was accompa-
nied by strong and frequent fluctuations in skin conductance, however,
also with a rather uniform course in all EEG bands. The gamma band
showed some fluctuations and towards the end of the introduction
phase theta and gamma power started to increase slightly. One should
also notice the heightened gamma activity in the right frontotempo-
ral area. At minute 3:25, the participant closed his eyes and then was
slowly guided into physical relaxation. When he closed his eyes, his
whole physiology changed. The skin conductance response quieted
almost immediately and the respiration rate dropped from about 10
to 12 cycles/minutes. to about 6 cycles/minutes. Both measures stayed
constantly low for the next 7 minutes of relaxation. Simultaneously, the
EEG power in all frequency bands increased dramatically. The biggest
increase could be seen in the parietal and occipital region of the alpha,
SMR, and also the beta band (about 10 times higher than baseline). The
increase in theta and gamma activity returned to baseline values for
some time during that phase but again increased. This phase ended at

introduction and fostering physical and step-by-step termina-

autofocusing trance induction story of trance
mental relaxation arm levitation tion
eyes open 5 10 eagle anchoring eyes open
closed eyes induction arm levitated arm sank

40 0
60 –5
5 10 15 20 25

40 0
60 –5
5 10 15 20 25

40 0
60 –5
5 10 15 20 25

40 0
60 –5
Downloaded by [Institutional Subscription Access] at 01:41 06 October 2011

5 10 15 20 25

40 0
60 –5
5 10 15 20 25
reference Time/min

Figure 1. Spectrogram of the standardized band power (PSD) of the five most interesting
frequency bands. The first 2 minutes of the trance induction did not show relevant
changes and therefore served as reference for the standardization (PSDref). Color
coding ranges from –5 to 5 in units of the log2(PSD/PSDref).

introduction and fostering arm step-by-step termina-

autofocusing physical levitation trance induction story of trance eyes open
and mental relaxation tion
eyes open closed eyes 5 10 eagle anchoring
induction arm levitated arm sank



0 reference 5 10 15 20 25

Figure 2. The topographies of the mean activity in each phase from the displayed spectro-
grams in Figure 1 are shown for the five frequency bands. The same color coding
as in Figure 1 was used, here in the range between –1 and 1 in units of log10

6:30 with the instruction to feel the body in its own harmony and then to
forget all sensation and sink deeper. During this instruction starting the
fostering of a mental relaxation, one can see another highly significant
change in EEG activity. Both theta and gamma activity calmed down
to values lower than baseline. The most predominant decrease could
be seen almost globally in the gamma range whereas the right fron-
totemporal gamma activation disappeared. The alpha rhythm, SMR,
and beta activity decreased over sensory motor areas and remained

increased over frontal, parietal, and occipital areas exhibiting a typi-

cal eyes-closed pattern. This instruction phase of sinking deeper and
deeper changed at minute 10:00 to feel one hand becoming lighter. In
this phase, the power in all bands and areas slightly decreased com-
pared to the phase before, resulting in a decrease relative to the baseline
of the alpha and SMR over sensory motor areas especially over the right
hemisphere, which would correspond to the left-hand area. At about
minute 10:40, there was a sudden increase of SCR and respiration fre-
quency (from 6 to 20 cycles/minutes). At this time, the hypnotist asked
the subject to feel a thin layer sliding between the hand and the arm
Downloaded by [Institutional Subscription Access] at 01:41 06 October 2011

rest. This might have caused an intense sensation and possibly excite-
ment; however, the EEG did not show any significant changes at that
moment except for a slightly further decrease in sensory motor alpha
power. The left arm began to lift up from the armrest from minute
12:00 on. The process of levitation itself (taking a few seconds only) did
not exhibit visible state changes in the EEG and peripheral measures.
However, when comparing the mappings in Figure 2 before the levita-
tion and after, one can see an increase in frontal and parietal/occipital
alpha and SMR power while the activity especially over the right motor
cortex (motor area of the left arm) remained decreased. This represents
a typical SMR desynchronization that can usually be measured dur-
ing an actual or just imagined arm or hand movement (Pfurtscheller &
Aranibar, 1977). On the left hemisphere this decrease was shifted pari-
etally towards the primary sensory cortex. The strong central gamma
decrease continued in that phase. The arm levitation induction ended
with a story of a rising balloon touching the clouds. Here, the uplifting
imagination ended with a picture in which the participant should give
his ballast to the clouds, which became heavier and heavier leading
to a fruitful rain. At that time the increased respiration rate dropped
back from 20 to 10 cycles per minute (Figure 3 at minute 14:20). The
increased SCR already returned to normal values with the beginning of
that balloon story indicating a calming of the arousal level. The heart
rate variability reached its smallest values during this arm levitation
The participant was then given a suggestion to go deeper into a
trance state. Due to the strong change in EEG activity after step 5 of
10, we decided to report those two phases separately. This was the only
post hoc definition of the analysis boundaries. In the first half of the
trance induction, the overall activity homogeneously increased very
little only while roughly maintaining the power distribution of the pre-
vious phase. Here, the PSD intensity and distribution in all frequency
bands were very similar to the phase of mental relaxation before minute
10. However, after count 5 the EEG activity unexpectedly increased
globally in all frequency bands. The PSD increased steadily for about 1
minute and reached its peak intensity at count 10. The intensity reached
Downloaded by [Institutional Subscription Access] at 01:41 06 October 2011


introduction and fostering physical and step-by-step termina-

arm levitation story of trance eyes open
autofocusing mental relaxation trance induction tion
induction arm levitated 5 10 eagle anchoring
eyes open closed eyes arm sank

40 120

30 100

20 80
Heart Rate

10 60

0 40



0 5 10 15 20 25


Figure 3. The skin conductance response (SCR, bottom), respiration frequency (top, blue), and heart rate (top, red) are depicted for the entire hypnosis
session. The heart rate variability synchronized by the breathing rhythm is also visible very nicely.

values of about 20 to 50 times of the reference PSD with peak val-

ues of more than 100 times the reference PSD. Despite seeing a very
global increase, the highest values were found in the central, parietal,
and occipital alpha and in the parietal and occipital SMR. The face and
the body of the participant remained quiet and did not look tensed.
Therefore, muscular tension or movements are not very likely the ori-
gin of such activation. The heart rate variability, the respiration and
SCR response remained normal and relaxed during that phase; only
the heart rate was a quite high (about 100–110 beats/minute) indicat-
ing a high metabolic activation. After step 10, the hypnotist remained
Downloaded by [Institutional Subscription Access] at 01:41 06 October 2011

quiet for about half a minute. During that time, the strong PSD level
remained high and decreased within a few seconds to an activation
picture again very similar to the phase of mental relaxation but slightly
increased in power. During the following story of an eagle, the trance
anchoring this typical heightened activation pattern became even more
prominent. While the theta activity returned to its reference level from
the beginning of the session, the alpha, SMR, beta, and gamma band
activity reached increased values in the occipital area of up to 10 times
as well as the parietal alpha and SMR. The frontal and central alpha
also reached an increased level up to five times over several minutes
until the termination phase. During the termination phase, overall, the
activation levels again dropped back to values of the mental relaxation
state. The alpha and SMR decrease over the both sensorimotor areas
especially the right hemispheric left hand area reappeared while the
subject moved his arm down to the arm rest. The heart rate and respi-
ration frequency increased and huge SCR changes were associated with
the process of returning to a normal wake state. Directly after opening
his eyes, the EEG was still in an altered state compared to the begin-
ning of the session. This state was characterized by a central, frontal,
and parietal decrease in activity in all frequency bands while predom-
inantly higher frequencies showed strongly increased PSD values over
left and right frontal and temporal areas.

Through this method of a time-resolved spectrographic illustration,
it could be shown that numerous more or less significant physiological
state changes occur during a hypnotic trance induction session. Those
changes can be visualized after referencing the spectral power values
to a baseline. Surprisingly often, state changes were in line with the
boundaries of the instruction phases indicating that certain instructions
led to distinct physiological changes.
The heightened alpha rhythm, SMR, and beta activity over sen-
sory motor areas during the physical relaxation phase possibly indicate

the physical relaxation because the SMR and µ-rhythm should be

strongest in idling states. The phase after the physical relaxation induc-
tion showed decreased PSD activities that might be plausible by the fact
that some instructions suggested sensations in body parts and hands
between minute 8 to 10 and therefore desynchronized the relaxation-
related synchronization further.
In the classic hypnotic phenomenon of arm levitation, specific sug-
gestions during hypnotic induction may dissociate physical movement
from normal conscious volition (Blakemore, Oakley, & Frith, 2003;
Haggard, Cartledge, Meilyr, & Oakley, 2004). In our highly hypnotically
Downloaded by [Institutional Subscription Access] at 01:41 06 October 2011

responsive subject, the left arm rose upwards “all by itself” with-
out any awareness of conscious intention to move the arm. In other
words, self-induced movements are attributed to an external source.
Our results are in agreement with the PET-study by Blakemore et al.
(2003) who reported differential brain activity in a deluded passive
movement condition where subjects attributed the movements to an
external source as compared to an identical active movement. The
authors concluded that as a result of hypnotic suggestion, the func-
tioning of a cerebellar-parietal network is altered so that self-produced
actions are experienced as being external.
The decreased frontal beta and gamma power from the phase
of mental relaxation can be interpreted as a deep mental relaxation
state. The wide spread gamma decrease and simultaneously a gamma
increase in occipital and temporal areas seem to be indicative for the
hypnotic state with the exception of the trance state at the end of the
step-by-step induction. Further investigations should test whether this
could be valid for other subjects, too.
The strong overall PSD increase at the end of the stepwise trance
induction seemed to be a real EEG effect not caused by movement arti-
facts. We were able to watch the participants’ facial expression at all
times. Also, a video recording that showed the participants’ face did
not show any significant muscle tension or movements during that
phase. Interestingly, this probably highly aroused brain state did not
show many significant SCR changes indicating that this trance state
was probably not an emotionally aroused state. On one hand, one
might associate the brain dynamics to a highly relaxed state derived
from the presence of strong alpha and theta rhythms. On the other
hand, the strongly increased broad band activity including the beta and
gamma range would suggest that more likely the brain switched into a
highly activated state that indicated an extremely unusual altered brain
state. The step-by-step-induction is a technique in which the hypno-
tized person goes deeper and deeper into hypnotic trance. In our study,
the subject was instructed to go on an imaginary journey in hypnosis.
The further the participant had to walk in imagination downstairs the
deeper was the level of experienced hypnotic trance. There is evidence
that imagined movements under hypnosis are experienced as “real”

movements. Konradt, Deeb, and Scholz (2005) analyzed motor imagery

in hypnosis. They used a mental walking task based on the design
by Decety and Jeannerod (1996). In an imagery journey, subjects were
instructed to walk mentally through tunnels of different lengths and
gates of different widths. Interestingly, the further the participants had
to walk in imagination, the longer they took. Results confirm that hyp-
nosis extends to different aspects of the subject’s personal awareness
and may turn one’s experience into a different form of reality (Peter,
2009; Revenstorf, 1996).
The right frontotemporal gamma activation from the beginning that
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disappeared during the hypnotic states returned after the end of the
session but then associated with a similar left hemispheric activation
leading to a highly symmetric picture. The predominantly left temporal
and frontal gamma increase after opening the eyes could be associated
with a heightened awareness combined with relaxation (see also the
similarity to the physical relaxation state).
The most dominant brain patterns can be summarized as follows:

• The increased left and right parietal and occipital alpha as well as the
central parietal SMR and beta increase can be associated to the closed-
eyes condition.
• Alpha and SMR desynchronization is strongest in phases of the arm
levitation due to motor execution and/or imagination—probably even
unconscious processes affect the µ-rhythm desynchronization.
• The major hypnotic state seems to be characterized by an increased
frontal alpha, a decreased central, frontal, and parietal gamma in both
hemispheres, and an increased occipital gamma.
• A state in deep hypnotic trance occurred that was characterized by a
strong overall heightened activity in all frequency bands.
• The wake state after the hypnosis session still can be regarded as an
altered state compared to the baseline at the beginning. It showed a
reduced activity over all frequency bands in large central, frontal, and
parietal areas, while gamma in temporal and left and right prefrontal
areas was strongly increased. The activation pattern was very symmet-
ric. This might be the characteristics of a highly relaxed but mindful wake

These findings are also in agreement with the results by Katayama

et al. (2007) who reported differences in brain activity in deep and
light hypnosis. Furthermore, our most pronounced decreases in activ-
ity within the sensory-motor areas in alpha, gamma, and theta bands
should be interpreted in the context of motor imagery.
With this study, we could show that a hypnosis induction process
leads the client into a number of distinct states of subjective expe-
rience or states of consciousness that can be observed in correlating
electrophysiological states of brain dynamics. The time resolved analy-
sis, presented here, is a powerful way to uncover those state changes.

As a consequence of those findings, we would like to encourage

researchers to analyze hypnosis sessions by focusing on the differences
between various states of consciousness initiated by a specific induc-
tion procedure. Currently, we are planning to realize a real-time system
that allows for monitoring state changes during a hypnosis session.


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Analyse elektrophysiologischer Zustandsmuster und -veränderungen

während der hypnotischen Induktion

Thilo Hinterberger, Julian Schöner und Ulrike Halsband

Abstract: Hypnose kann als eine geführte Induktion verschiedener Zustände
des Bewusstseins angesehen werden. Dieser Artikel beschreibt eine

Zeitreihenanalyse, die die elektrophysiologischen Zustandsveränderungen

während einer Sitzung als Korrelat der entsprechenden Instruktionen
darstellt. Bei einem sehr suggestiblen Probanden wurden ein 64-
kanaliges EEG sowie periphere physiologische Messungen durchgeführt.
Signifikante Veränderungen des Zustands traten synchron mit spezifischen
Induktionsinstruktionen auf. Einige Muster, wie z.B. die sensomotorische
Desynchronisation über dem Handareal der rechten Hemisphäre bei der
Arm Levitation (linker Arm), könnten physiologisch erklärt werden. Es
gab eine hochsignifikante Zunahme der Breitbandaktivität während der
mehrstufigen Tranceinduktion, was auf einen tieferen hypnotischen Zustand
hindeuten könnte. Diese Studie liefert einen illustrierten Beweis für die
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Nachweisbarkeit von Veränderungen des physiologischen Zustands als

Korrelat verschiedener Zustände der Wahrnehmung, des Bewusstseins oder
der Kognition während der Hypnose.
Jan Mikulica
University of Konstanz, Germany

Analyse des modèles et des changements d’état électrophysiologique

durant une induction hypnotique

Thilo Hinterberger, Julian Schöner et Ulrike Halsband

Résumé: L’hypnose peut être considérée comme une induction guidée
de divers états de conscience. Cet article traite en détail d’une analyse
de série chronologique visualisant les changements d’état électrophysi-
ologique qui se produisent durant une séance d’hypnose et qui sont en
corrélation avec les instructions données. Soixante-quatre (64) canaux de
mesures physiologiques périphériques et d’EEG ont été enregistrés chez
un (1) sujet hautement hypnotisable. Des changements d’état significat-
ifs sont survenus synchroniquement avec la transmission d’instructions
d’induction particulières. Certaines répétitions de mouvement pouvaient
être expliquées physiologiquement, comme la désynchronisation sensori-
motrice dans l’hémisphère droit lorsque le bras gauche était soulevé. On a
noté une augmentation hautement significative de l’activité sur large bande
de fréquence durant l’induction progressive de l’état de transe, ce qui sem-
ble indiquer un état hypnotique profond. Cette étude prouve la détectabilité
de la présence de changements dans l’état physiologique et leur corrélation
avec différents états de perception, de conscience ou de cognition durant
Johanne Reynault
C. Tr. (STIBC)

Análisis de patrones de estados electrofisiológicos y sus cambios durante la

inducción hipnótica

Thilo Hinterberger, Julian Schöner, y Ulrike Halsband

Resumen: Se ha conceptualizado la hipnosis como una inducción guiada
de varios estados de conciencia. Este artículo detalla un análisis de series

temporales en donde se visualizaron los cambios de estados electrofisiológi-

cos durante una sesión como correlatos de las instrucciones. Se tomaron
sesenta y cuatro canales de EEG y mediciones fisiológicas periféricas en un
sujeto altamente susceptible. Ocurrieron cambios significativos de estado,
sincrónicos con instrucciones específicas en la inducción. Algunos patrones
se pueden explicar fisiológicamente, como la desincronización sensoriomo-
tora sobre el área de mano en el hemisferio derecho durante la levitación del
brazo izquierdo. Hubo un incremento significativo en la actividad de banda
ancha durante la inducción progresiva a trance que pudiera señalar un estado
hipnótico profundo. Este estudio provee evidencia ilustrada sobre la detec-
ción de cambios de estado fisiológicos como correlatos de distintos estados
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de conciencia o cognición durante hipnosis.

Omar Sánchez-Armáss Cappello
Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi,

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