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We’re slowly turning into a zombie

If I ask you what would you describe a zombie, you would say that they’re like a living
dead with no brain, soulless and no emotions too.

My definition of a zombie is somehow similar yet different. Different in a way that as
the time passes by, we’re slowly becoming a zombie. The purpose of us, being a human,
slowly fades.

They say as technology advances humans are becoming redundant because we’re
slowly being dependent on it. We’re becoming too materialistic as our attention turns
into tangible things that do not matter as we exert our time into it even on Sundays.
Crimes and immoral acts are quietly spreading, in the result, our trust and assurance are
being affected and that makes the doubts of the people to rise up.

Yes, it’s great that we create more, but we are being less as human. We tend to
always choose the easiest path rather than to work hard wherein it is where we grow as
an individual. We complain too much and forget how blessed we are. In this generation,
being careless is not acceptable that makes us care less.

Researchers and psychologists have long been trying to understand the changes that
have occurred in our values, our ethics and our attitudes toward others. The younger
generations were, on average, less interested in “intrinsic” goals and more interested in
“extrinsic” ones – especially the millennials. They viewed “money, fame, and image” as
being among the more important life-goals, whereas they saw aspirations “concerned
with self-acceptance, affiliation, and community as less important.”

Some statistics have shown how different our generation is. Seventy-eight percent of
Millennials would choose to spend money on a desirable experience over buying
something that is desirable. They are all about creating, sharing, and capturing

If today we’re slowly turning into a zombie, then I would say that a zombie is like a
robot. That follows only what the norms do. Like what’s new and what’s in trend.

Are we really going to be like this? To be infected by the offer of our advance
generation. We all know that our improvement has the objective for our own sake, but
do we really have to be blind in what matters the most? Our values, character, and faith
should remain pure even there’s a constant evolution of our generation.

Comparing to life before, we are way more different them. It’s great that we all want
a great progress, but we’re too infected by the virus of the effects of it. We’re slowly
transitioning into a zombie with a fading of mind, heart, soul, and emotion. And I
wouldn’t be surprised if the past generation would call us as a zombie generation.

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