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Text: John 20:19-23

(Show a withered plant). Can you see this? This plant was deprived of every factor that is
necessary in order for it to live that’s why it withered away. And “science” would tell us that it is
impossible for a thing that has ceased to live to become alive again. But some 2000 years ago
this was proven wrong. Now if you’ll turn your Bibles to John 20:19-23, we can see that Jesus
Christ, who died on the cross for our sins and was buried afterwards resurrected after three days.
And this is a vital doctrine for us Christians. Our whole faith rests on the resurrection of Christ.
And this morning we’ll talk about the resurrection of Christ. We can see in the passage that…

Proposition: The Gospel of the Resurrection of Christ Brings About Comfort and Commission in
the Lives of the Believers

Transitional Sentence: Now what is this comfort and commission that the resurrection of Christ
brings? The resurrection of Christ has three natures.
Its first nature is…

I. It is a Gospel of Peace (it brings peace) vv. 19-21

Jesus greeted his disciples with the statement “Peace to you”. In later Rabbinic Hebrew
this phrase became a standard greeting. But it is also true that if something is repeated, it is for
the purpose of emphasizing an important point. I believe that the phrase spoken here by the
resurrected Jesus to the disciples must surely have been intended to reassure and calm them.

A. This Peace Dispels Fear

Now, the disciples were afraid. They were in the room shivering in terror, expecting that
at any minute the Temple police would knock on the door and get them. Yes, fear is a reality to
every one of us. Not even the disciples were immune from this. I have my own fears. You have
your own fears. Every one of us have fears. Fear of what may happen tomorrow. Fear of making
crucial decisions. Fear that I won’t be able to do what I am supposed to do. But then Jesus
entered the scene. At first they were shocked and they panicked but then His very presence and
the words that He uttered took their fears away. Their fears turned to peace.

And what Jesus is saying in this action is: I come to my own when they are afraid. I don’t
wait for them to get their act together. I don’t wait for them to have enough faith to overcome
fear. I come to help them have enough faith to overcome fear. And this is still true. The risen,
living Jesus is still doing this. He comes when we cry out to him in our fear. He helps us. I have
called to him for countless times: “Jesus please help me.” And he has come near with the
promise: “Fear not I am with you, be not dismayed, I am your God, I will help you” (Isaiah
41:10). He will do this for you too, if you receive Him into your life for Who He really is.
B. This Peace Dispels Doubt
Why do you think these disciples gathered in the first place? Probably the disciples met
there for some religious exercise, to pray together; or, perhaps, they met to compare notes, and
consider whether they had sufficient evidence of their Master's resurrection, and to consult what
was now to be done, whether they should keep together or scatter; they met to know one
another's minds, strengthen one another's hands, and concert proper measures to be taken in the
present critical juncture. Yes, they had questions, they were confused, and they have doubts. And
doubt is also an undeniable fact. It is true to each and every one of us.

But the peace that the risen Lord brings takes it all away. He gives us the assurance that
we seek. They now saw him alive whom multitudes had seen dead two or three days before.
Now the only doubt was whether this that they saw alive was the same individual body that had
been seen dead; and none could desire a further proof that it was so than the scars or marks of the
wounds in the body. And he showed these marks to his disciples, for their conviction. They had
not only the satisfaction of seeing him look with the same countenance, and hearing him speak
with the same voice they had been so long accustomed to. But they had the further evidence of
these peculiar marks: he opened his hands to them, that they might see the marks of the wounds
on them.

Dearly beloved, are you in doubt right now? Are your questions still unanswered? Or
perhaps you may be asking am I truly saved? If I will die, where will end up?

You know what? Jesus Christ is and will always be the answer. Jesus gave the disciples
the assurance by showing His wounds. And this is what the peace that the Risen Saviour brought
is all about. The peace that comes from knowing the fact that our salvation is sure, our eternal
standing has been secured and the God that we serve is true and alive!

A Christian doctor carried out an interesting survey recently involving his patients. As
they waited in the waiting-room, they were asked to fill out a little survey on themselves. One of
the questions asked was “What is your number one wish?” On analyzing the answers the doctor
found that the number one wish of 67% of his patients was to have peace of mind.
That is one of the greatest pursuits of mankind for hundreds and thousands of years,
peace. Peace in the middle of this chaotic, war-filled and full of shouting world. The world may
offer peace but that won’t last long, because that is not true peace. True peace only comes from
knowing that Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, lives.
The gospel of the resurrection of Jesus Christ does not only bring peace but…
II. It is a Gospel of Joy (it brings joy) v.20
When the disciples recognized Jesus they were suddenly overcome with joy. This is a
fulfilment of Jesus’ words to the disciples in the Last Discourse (16:20-22) that they would have
sorrow while the world rejoiced, but that their sorrow would be turned to lasting joy when they
saw him again.

A. Because of the Restoration of Hope

Then we read that “the disciples were glad.” Of course they were glad because for a
moment there they lost their hope and probably they also felt lifeless because of the death of
Christ. But among these spiritually lethargic disciples the Life Himself now appeared, and as
they felt the quickening influence of His presence, the darkness, the clouds and mists of doubt
and fear began to disperse, and as the new day of hope arose upon them, no wonder they were

They were glad to see their Lord again, to hear His voice, to rejoice in His presence. They
rejoiced, for now the mystery of the cross and the grave would be becoming clear to them; the
promise of His resurrection, and all it involved would now be recalled vividly. The conviction
that He was indeed the Messiah, and that the things which He suffered, and which had almost
deprived them of faith and hope, “He ought to have suffered and to enter into His glory” (Luke
24:26), would come home to them with power, dispelling and scattering doubt and fear.

Brethren in the Lord, I don’t know what you are going through right now. I don’t know
your struggles in life. Maybe you have lost your hope with regards to the circumstances in your
life. But the encouragement for us this morning is this, look back on the cross, look up to our
Risen Lord, fall down on your knees and look forward to His return. (Rev 21:4) And God shall
wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor
crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. The
disciples used to be in that position, but the hope that the Lord Jesus Christ brings filled their
hearts with inexhaustible joy.

B. Because of the Reaffirmation of God’s Faithfulness

And they would be glad also that, in spite of their faithlessness in forsaking Him in the
garden, and their want of trust in His teaching, their forgetfulness of His mighty works, He had
not forsaken them—that He appeared to them so graciously, that His first greeting was one of

Indeed, God is and will always be faithful to us despite of our unfaithfulness to Him.
(Lam 3:22-23) The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. It brings guilt in our part for all those
things that we’ve done that did not glorify Him. But what a greater comfort it is to know that
every day God’s goodness, God’s faithfulness, God’s grace, God’s mercy and God’s love will
always abide in our lives.

And that gladness which Jesus brought to His disciples was not confined to them nor to
the day of His resurrection. He brings not only peace but gladness into the hearts into which He
enters. Because His entrance means forgiveness of the sinful, unbelieving past, it brings comfort
to troubled souls; it gives assurance that the promises of God in His word will come to pass; it
dispels the darkness that through sin, has shut out the light of God’s countenance; and in the
risen Christ, baring the marks of victory, it makes men rejoice in the revelation of infinite,
eternal love.
Dwight L. Moody also says it well, “Happiness is caused by things that happen around
me, and circumstances will mar it; but joy flows right on through trouble; joy flows on through
the dark; joy flows in the night as well as in the day; joy flows all through persecution and
opposition. It is an unceasing fountain bubbling up in the heart; a secret spring the world can’t
see and doesn’t know anything about. The Lord gives His people perpetual joy when they walk
in obedience to Him.”

Happiness comes from people and things which are only for a moment but true joy can
only be experienced in the presence of our risen Lord who lives both now and forever. Don’t
trade that joy with happiness.
And lastly, it is not just a gospel of peace and a gospel of joy but also…

III. It is a Gospel of Power (it brings power) v.21-23

Jesus was going to pour out the Holy Spirit when he ascended into heaven (Acts 2:33).
That happens about seven weeks after his resurrection. We read about it in the first chapter of
Acts. “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you” (Acts 1:8). The
work of the Holy Spirit that Jesus gives is that He makes us able to do what we are simply not
able to do on our own. He gives us power.

So here in John 20:22 Jesus is doing some kind of a foreshadowing of what is about to
happen in Acts 2, “He breathed on them and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.” He didn’t
say, receive Him at this very moment. He said in effect: realize that my breath, my life, my word
will be in the Holy Spirit. We’ve seen this before in John 14. Jesus said, “I will not leave you as
orphans; I will come to you” (John 14:18). The risen, living Jesus has come to us. He has sent us
the Holy Spirit. His Spirit. He has breathed on us.
A. The Power to Proclaim the Good News of Salvation
"Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you; as My Father hath sent Me, even so
send I you."

In other words Jesus was saying, "As I have been commissioned by God, you have been
commissioned by Me." He is going to send His disciples into the world. But disciples can't go
into the world as apostles unless they are confident and at peace in their own heart. Now, there
were more than just the Apostles in the room, even the women and some of the other disciples
may have been there (Luke 24:33). So, Jesus commissions them: "You are going to be My sent
ones; you are going to carry the gospel." And that's the first phase of the commission.

Yes, God called some men and women to become missionaries. But please understand
that you, yes you who is sitting right there. You have been sent by God to make disciples of all
nations. The call to evangelize, the command to proclaim the good news of salvation is not just
for pastors, Bible women or missionaries. It is for every believer!

Brethren in the Lord, our task is to carry the gospel to the world. We, the body of Christ,
are the continuing ministry of Jesus Christ. But the question is, “when was the last time that you
shared the gospel?” I believe many of you haven't shared the gospel with anybody in the last six
months. If that is true, then that is a tragedy because you have been commissioned by the Lord
Himself to be His sent one. It is so easy for Christians to revolve in their little Christian circle of
friends. This is often how we live, not moving out and contacting the world as sent ones from
Jesus Christ.

Each one of us have our own areas of ministry. Our family, our friends, our work places,
our schools. And not just that. It’s not just the people that we know but it’s also the people that
we don’t know. Every person that we come across is a ministry opportunity. That person is a
harvest field.

Luke 10:2 says, ‘Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers
are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his
harvest.” One pastor even said that the labourers are in the pews. So don’t just sit there! Go, and
make disciples of all nations. Proclaim the good news of salvation.

B. The Power to Live by Our Purpose

This person, this power, is our only hope for accomplishing the purpose He has for us.
And He gives that purpose in verse 21b: “As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.”
It was like Jesus was saying, I want you to live in the world as my representatives. My
ambassadors. I want you to take my peace and take my power, and glorify my Father the way I
have (John 12:27-28).
Please make no mistake, evangelism, making Jesus known in the world, it is not just
about preaching the good news of salvation, it is not just by our lips. It is also by our lives. Yes,
you heard it right. We are also sharing the gospel through the lives that we live. But the question
is, what kind of life are you living?

In Gen. 1:27, it was said that we were created in God’s own image. But what do we mean
by that? It means that we are the image bearers of God. We are to mirror God. And that is what
we are striving for, Christ-likeness, to become more like Jesus.

Sad it is, but this is true. We have failed to image God in our lives. We are prone to
image ourselves more than God. We are prone to manifest pride, greed, selfishness more than
humility, kindness and servant hood. Sin instead of holiness and righteousness.

Mahatma Gandhi, a preeminent leader of the Indian nationalism once said, “If Christians
would really live according to the teachings of Christ, as found in the Bible, all of India would be
Christian today.”

Let’s examine our lives today. How are you doing as an image bearer of God? If the
people will look at your life, who will they see? Will they see God? Or will they see you?

Yes, Christ’s resurrection brings us peace and joy, a truly great comfort to us. But let us
not forget the responsibility that comes with this great privileges. We have been sent by God to
proclaim the truth, to proclaim the finished work of salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ. But God
wouldn’t let us go just by ourselves. He sent us the Holy Spirit, the One who gives us power to
do His will in our lives. May we be found faithful until the day that our Risen Lord and Saviour

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