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13.8 billion years 13.65 billion years 13.6 billion years 13.5 billion years 13.

3 billion years
ago ago ago ago ago

The Big Bang Methuselah star Reionization era begins First black holes form Mass star formation

12.6 billion years 12.9 billion years 13 billion years ago 13.17 billion years 13.2 billion years
ago ago ago ago

Hubble ultra deep

Milky way forms Reionization era ends GRB 090423 First galaxies form

11.4 billion years 11 billion years ago 10.4 billion years 9 billion years ago 7.8 billion years ago
ago ago

Star formation Oldest known evidence Mizars form

The Milky Way’s cosmic halo Universe becomes for dark energy
forms rate peaks habitable

5.8 billion years ago 6.2 billion years ago 6.4 billion years 6.7billion years ago 7.5 billion years ago

Tau Ceti form Cygni forms Alnitak form Arcturus form

Age of an average earth
like planet
4.57 billion years 4.4 billion years ago 4.25 billion years 3.9 billion years ago 3.5 billion years ago
ago ago

Oceans forms on Life emerges on Cyanobacteria

Sun forms Earth Mintaka forms Earth fossils

155 million years 250 million years 320 million years 380 million years 525 million years
ago ago ago ago ago

First birds Sirius form First reptiles First tree like plants First trilobites

130 million years 66 million years ago 7.5 million years 0.25 million years 0.3 million years
ago ago ago ago

First flowering plants Betelgeuse Neanderthals evolve Atmospheric carbon
extinction event dioxide restores
The lightest elements (hydrogen,
helium, deuterium, lithium) were
produced in the Big Bang
nucleosynthesis. According to the
Big Bang theory, the temperatures
in the early universe were so
high that fusion reactions could
take place. This resulted in the
formation of light elements:
hydrogen, deuterium, helium (two
isotopes), lithium and trace
amounts of beryllium.

Nuclear fusion in stars converts

hydrogen into helium in all
stars. In stars less massive than
the Sun, this is the only
reaction that takes place. In
stars more massive than the Sun
(but less massive than about 8
The burning of helium to produce heavier elements then continues solar masses), further reactions
for about 1 million years. Largely, it is fused into carbon via
the triple-alpha process in which three helium-4 nuclei (alpha that convert helium to carbon and
particles) are transformed. The alpha process then combines oxygen take place in succesive
helium with carbon to produce heavier elements, but only those stages of stellar evolution. In
with an even number of protons. The combinations go in this the very massive stars, the
order: reaction chain continues to
produce elements like silicon
1. Carbon plus helium produces oxygen.
2. Oxygen plus helium produces neon. upto iron.
3. Neon plus helium produces magnesium.
4. Magnesium plus helium produces silicon. Elements higher than iron cannot
5. Silicon plus helium produces sulfur. be formed through fusion as one
6. Sulfur plus helium produces argon. has to supply energy for the
7. Argon plus helium produces calcium. reaction to take place. However,
8. Calcium plus helium produces titanium.
9. Titanium plus helium produces chromium. we do see elements higher than
10. Chromium plus helium produces iron. iron around us.

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