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Sexually Transmitted Disease  This can make it difficult or impossible for the

 Are infections that are passed from an infected women to get pregnant later on.
person to another uninfected person through  This could cause an eye infection or pneumonia
sexual contact in your newborn. Having chlamydia may also
 Can be caused by bacteria, parasites, yeast, and make it more likely to deliver your baby too early.
viruses. Examples are Chlamydia, Gonorrhea,  9.2% of 15-19 years old and 8.0% of 20-24 years old
Syphilis, Chancroid, Human Papillomavirus, were positive.
Herpes Simplex Virus, and Trichomonas  Symptoms: An abnormal vaginal discharge;
burning sensation when urinating, rectal pain and
 Examples of STD also include HIV and AIDS.
 HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus.
HIV is a virus that attacks the immune system,
our body’s natural defense against diseases. If
 In females, gonorrhea can also infect the cervix.
HIV is left untreated, a person’s immune system  In babies, gonorrhea most commonly affects the
will get weaker until it can no longer fight off life- eyes that can develop blindness, sores on the
threatening infections and diseases. scalp and infections.

 No symptoms
 Stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency
Syphilis (shangkur)
 HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. AIDS is the  The sores are usually painless, but they can
most serious stage of HIV, and it leads to death easily spread the infection to other people. You
over time. get syphilis from contact with the sores.
 The virus attacks the immune system making the  The sore appears at the spot where the bacteria
individual prone to infections. entered your body.
 HIV destroys an important kind of the cell in your  Even the palms of your hands and the soles of
immune system (called CD4 cells or T cells) that your feet. This rash is usually not
helps protect you from infections. itchy.
 The virus survives throughout the body and may  If left untreated it can lead to brain damage,
be transmitted via body fluids such as blood, paralysis, and blindness.
semen, vaginal fluids and breast milk.
SYMPTOMS  It attacks tissue in the genital area and produces
an open sore.
 May feel feverish, achy, and sick.  The ulcer may bleed or produce a contagious
 Feeling really tired, dizzy, and lightheaded fluid that can spread bacteria during intercourse.
 Headaches
 Losing lots of weight quickly Human Papillomavirus
 Bruising more easily than normal  Touches someone else’s genitals or mouth and
 Having diarrhea and fevers throat — usually during sex
 Feeling short of breath  Usually harmless but some types can lead to
 Bleeding from the mouth, nose, anus, or vagina cancer or genital warts.
 Skin rashes  But there are vaccines that can help prevent HPV.
 Feeling very numb in your hands or feet
Herpes Simplex Virus
TRIVIA!! HIV does NOT spread through:
 HSV-1 causes sores around the mouth and lips.
 skin-to-skin contact  Can be spread through kissing and sharing of lip
 hugging, shaking hands, or kissing balm, toothbrush or utensils.
 air or water  HSV-2, the infected person may have sores
 sharing food or drinks, including drinking around the genitals or rectum.
fountains  Treatment focuses on getting rid of sores and
 saliva, tears, or sweat (unless mixed with the limiting outbreaks.
blood of a person with HIV)
 sharing a toilet, towels, or bedding Trichomonas Vaginalis
 mosquitoes or other insects  Trichomoniasis can be treated with medication
(either metronidazole or tinidazole). These pills
Chlamydia are taken by mouth. It is safe for pregnant
women to take this medication. It can cause
 Over 1.5m cases were reported in 2016, making
severe nausea and vomiting.
it the most common notifiable condition in the US.
 Even when chlamydia causes no symptoms, it Natural Methods of Contraception
can damage your reproductive system.
- Natural birth control is a method of preventing - Ovulation or releasing of egg
pregnancy without the use of medications or physical - These side effects often subside after a
devices. These concepts are based on awareness and few months' use.
observations about a woman’s body and menstrual cycle. - Women with a history of migraines may
- People follow this method because it is effective and notice an increase in migraine frequency.
because others are more inclined with their religious - Oral contraceptives should not be given
beliefs. to women older than 35 years who also
- Abstinence can also help you focus on 2. TRANSDERMAL PATCH
things that are most important to you and - Patch that attaches to your skin and
planning for your future. contains medication.
- The drug from the patch is absorbed into
- Fertility awareness methods help you your body over a period of time.
track your menstrual cycle so you’ll know - If using more than one patch at a time,
when your ovaries release an egg every don’t overlap them. The entire sticky side
month (this is called ovulation). needs to be in direct contact with the
- The days near ovulation are your fertile skin.
days when you’re most likely to get
pregnant. - Small soft, silicon ring that is placed
3. BASAL BODY TEMPERATURE inside the female’s reproductive organ
- You'll be most fertile during the two to and steadily releases the hormones
three days before your temperature estrogen and progestogen into the
rises. bloodstream, which prevents the release
- Some women may choose to use the of an egg each month.
basal body temperature method for - A new ring is inserted on the first day of
religious reasons. the next menstrual cycle.
- One ring provides contraception for a
- Just before ovulation, the amount of - When used correctly however, the
mucus made by the cervix noticeably chance of getting pregnant is less than
increases, and the mucus becomes thin
and slippery.
- Just after ovulation, the amount of mucus - You can start using the vaginal ring 21
decreases, and it becomes thicker and days after giving birth, and you'll be
less noticeable. protected against pregnancy straight
- It’s best to start this method with the help away.
of an expert because it can be hard to
learn on your own. 4. SUBDERMAL IMPLANT
- Long-term birth control option for women.
5. SYMPTOTHERMAL METHOD - Releases a low, steady dose of a
progestational hormone to thicken
cervical mucus and thin the lining of the
uterus (endometrium)
- These kits use test strips that show
- Progestin thickens the mucus on
changes in the level of LH in the urine.
your cervix, which stops sperm from
7. COITUS ( koidəs) INTERRUPTUS swimming through to your egg and also
- One of the oldest methods that prevents stops ovulation.
conception. - Can be removed at any time by your
- Goal of the withdrawal method is to prevent health care provider during the 3-
sperm from entering the vagina. year period, but must be removed by the
end of the third year.
- Doesn’t offer protection from sexually
1. ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES transmitted infections.
- Accdg to family planning organization, it
can be 99% effective if it’s taken correctly
and continuously.
- follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) from
the pituitary gland in the brain
- LH and FSH play key roles in the
- Stop your body from releasing eggs and
development of the egg and preparation
of the lining of the uterus thickens the mucus at the cervix.
- It lasts for 1 up to 3 months and doesn’t - female condoms are made of
interrupt sexual intercourse. polyurethane and synthetic latex
- Long-term, reversible, safe and one of
the most effective birth control methods MALES
- Prevent pregnancy by changing the way - It takes several months for the vasectomy to
sperm cells move so they can't get to an have its full effect.
egg. - Although a vasectomy is considered a
- It can be put in at any time during your permanent form of birth control, it can be
reversed with a second surgery.
menstrual cycle, as long as you're not
pregnant. FEMALE
- It can be taken out at any time by a - Tubal ligation, or “getting your tubes tied,” is
specially trained doctor or nurse. where a surgeon seals the fallopian tubes with a
plastic clip or ring.
7. CHEMICAL BARRIERS o This not only traps the egg in the ovary,
- These chemical barriers can be bought but it also blocks sperm from entering the
in drugstores or prescribed by a health fallopian tubes to reach the egg.
care professional. - Essure system, a doctor inserts a non-hormonal
- Spermicides are easy to use, cost less metal coil into the fallopian tubes.
and can be bought in many stores. o These coils cause scar tissue to develop
- They have no effect on a woman’s in the tubes over the course of about
natural hormones. three months, which blocks the passage
- Spermicides do not affect milk supply if of eggs and sperm.
you are breastfeeding. o This method is not reversible.
- Barrier form of birth control. Combined Glossary
with spermicide, it prevents pregnancy
Cervix: The lower, narrow end of the uterus at the top of the vagina.
by blocking the uterine opening, and by
stopping the sperm from moving and Hormones: Substances made in the body by cells or organs that
fertilizing an egg control the function of cells or organs.
- No serious health risks.
Uterus: A muscular organ located in the female pelvis that contains
- More spermicide is needed if it's been in and nourishes the developing fetus during pregnancy.
place for more than 3 hours.
- Some women develop cystitis (a bladder Vagina: A tube-like structure surrounded by muscles leading from
the uterus to the outside of the body.
infection) when they use a diaphragm or
cap. Doctor can check the size – Spermicide: A chemical (cream, gel, foam) that inactivates
switching to a smaller size may help. sperm.

9. CERVICAL CAP Vasectomy: minor surgery to block sperm from reaching the
- In order for a cervical cap to work best, it semen that is ejaculated from the penis.
must be used with spermicide (a cream
Thimble: worn to protect the finger and push the needle in
or gel that kills sperm).
- Smaller than diaphragm.
- You can leave the cervical cap in longer
than a diaphragm
- Diaphragms are slightly more effective


- either lubricated or non-lubricated
- Easy to get, to use, and have no side
effects and help prevent cancer of the
- DON’T store condoms in your wallet as
heat and friction can damage them.


- Internal condoms offer convenience and

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