Sie sind auf Seite 1von 2

Slide 2 and 3:

Expalantion is easy, relatable to class 11 and 12. Hope everyone can do it.

Slide 4:

The main purpose of this to show the inter convertiblity of sound and electricity in machinery. Included
the engineering part. You can read from the slide.But yet hear is a summarised explanation.

The bold two names in the 1 point are piezoelectric transducer. they are substances which bring change
in the capacitance of a substance when there is change in pressure or temperature on the transducer.

the 2nd point is the explanation for a sound to electricity machinery called condenser microphone. Pls
refer to the diagram as it is very corelatable to that.

when sound energy or sound waves hit a plate connected to the diaphragm, it applies force on the
diaphragm. the pressure created on the diaphragm is directly proportional to the sound pressure and
diaphragms area (pressure=Force/area). depending on the change in the diaphragm, the amount of
capacitance in the substance is changed using the piezoelectric transducer. the change in the
capacitance can be further turned into change and creation of voltage whicvh is stored in the battteries.

Slide 5:

Read from slide content.

Slide 6:

here a point is to be noted by anyone who is presenting. show the difference between communication
and talking

Communication and talking can be quite ambiguous, so let me clarify

what I mean. Every species communicates. It is their key to survival.
Even single-celled organisms have the ability to communicate. This
communication doesn’t have to be in the form of the spoken word. It
could be done through actions, gesticulations, chemicals, sounds, or
even dances!

Communication is usually inbuilt. A young creature doesn’t need to

learn how to communicate from its parents. For instance, a cat doesn’t
teach her kitten how to purr when its happy or hiss when its angry. A
dog doesn’t need training to wag its tail when it’s happy, or to bark.
Similarly, in humans, we shout out in pain or fear. This is innate
behavior and doesn’t require teaching. However, our talking is
something we do learn. We learn different languages from our
parents, or from other humans.

Talking is a unique thing. It is a combination of sounds and syllables

arranged in various combinations and lengths to express various
thoughts, emotions, ideas, etc. Apart from the basic production of the
sound, a major component is the meaning behind the word. The
words “dog” or “apple” have no meaning apart from the one decided
upon by English speakers. The same sound may have different
meanings in different languages; similarly, the same object may have
different names in different languages. My point is that when we speak
of talking, it involves both the production of the sound and the
meaning behind it.

then continue with slide presentation.

ps - dont read the entire thing from above. just get the jist of the idea and speak about thing

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