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Tamayo, Alpha B. 1.

The implication of Ethical Egoism and

Psychological Egoism
Explain.” Is conduct right because the gods command it, or do
the gods command it because it is right? Psychological egoism is the empirical doctrine that
the determining motive of every voluntary action is a
Plato’s books are written as conversations, or dialogs, in which desire for one's own welfare. On this view, even
Plato’s teacher Socrates is always the main speaker. though all actions are regarded as self-interested
actions, the egoist readily points out that people
One of them, the EUTHYPHRYO or the EUTHYPHRYO DILEMMA usually try to conceal the determining motives for
is a physiological problem concerned with a view of morality their actions because such concealment is usually in
their self-interest.
related to theism.

Socrates asks ‘’ is conduct right because the gods command it, Psychological egoism is a descriptive theory resulting from
or do the gods command it because it is right’’. observations from human behavior. As such, it can only be a
true empirical theory if there are no exceptions. In science, a
purported law only needs one disconfirming instance to
In the EUTHYPHRYO DILEMMA asks ‘’ do god’s love good disprove it. Psychological egoism makes no claim as to how
action because it is good, or is good action good because it is one should act. That all persons seek their self-interest on this
loved by the god’s’’. theory is a purported fact, and this belief is viewed by the
psychological egoist as nonmoral and verifiable.
To explain the first statement, God loves good things because
they are good. This is called to be the divine command theory, All forms of egoism require explication of “self-interest” (or
states that God determined independently that there is “welfare” or “well-being”). There are three main theories.
goodness. Example, in Exodus 20:16… we should be truthful Preference or desire accounts identify self-interest with the
simply because God requires comes this ways “The satisfaction desires. And most of these desires are restricted to
builders of the skyscraper make the building tall”. So it’s the self-regarding desires. What makes a desire self-regarding is
controversial, but there are clear cases and counter-cases: a
builders make the skyscraper tall, it is a statement. That the
desire for my own pleasure is self-regarding; a desire for the
problem of this is that it holds that there is something outside welfare of others is not. Objective accounts identify self-interest
of God, which God has no control.. God is not fully omnipotent. with the possession of states (such as virtue or knowledge) that
The point is this position denies that God is necessary for are valuable independently of whether they are desired. Hybrid
morality. accounts give a role to both desires (or pleasure) and states
that are valuable independently of whether they are desired. For
And to explain the second statement, which is good is good example, perhaps the increase to my well-being brought about
by a satisfied desire (or a pleasure) itself increases insofar as it
merely because God says that it is because God says that it is
is a desire for (or pleasure in) knowledge. Or perhaps the
good. The choices are arbitrary based on random choice, and increase to my well-being brought about by a piece of
then morality is not objective. This means of the view holds that knowledge itself increases insofar as I desire (or take pleasure
anything and any time could become good or bad. Example: in) it. Hedonism, which identifies self-interest with pleasure, is
“MURDER IS WRONG” it goes like this God commands a either a preference or an objective account, according to
murder, then it is a just murder, it is necessary that one obey whether what counts as pleasure is determined by one’s
God, other that is obedience may bring punishment. In the bible desires.
God commanded Jonah to go to Nineveh to teach them the Psychological egoism claims that each person has but one
word of God because they don’t know what they are doing. But ultimate aim: her own welfare. This allows for action that fails to
then he got scared and turns back to god’s commandment. So maximize perceived self-interest, but rules out the sort of
by going to a right direction he went on different direction. On behaviour psychological egoists like to target — such as
the boat he rides on, a storm came and to stop this they need to altruistic behaviour or motivation by thoughts of duty alone. It
allows for weakness of will, since in weakness of will cases I
throw Jonah from the boat. “it is a right or wrong that they have
am still aiming at my own welfare; I am weak in that I do not act
to throw Jonah to the ocean it is not a comment”, and eaten by as I aim. And it allows for aiming at things other than one’s
a big whale. That he spends 3 days and 3 nights in the stomach welfare, such as helping others, where these things are a
of the whale. This is on disobedient in God’s commandment means to one’s welfare.
and the punishment that God gave him. That God command it
because it is right. It was said directly to Jonah the command. Psychological egoism is supported by our frequent observation
of self-interested behaviour. Apparently altruistic action is often
revealed to be self-interested. And we typically motivate people
We don’t have the right to judge the God’s decisions. Because by appealing to their self-interest (through, for example,
God Loves US and that is true a commandment we don’t have punishments and rewards).
of to correct. We should not Question it. This is my opinion to
Socrates point of view. A common objection to psychological egoism, made famously
by Joseph Butler, is that I must desire things other than my
own welfare in order to get welfare. Say I derive welfare from
Philosophers both past and present have sought to defend
playing hockey. Unless I desired, for its own sake, to play
theories of ethics that are grounded in a theistic framework. hockey, I would not derive welfare from playing. Or say I derive
Roughly, Divine Command Theory is the view that morality is welfare from helping others. Unless I desired, for its own sake,
somehow dependent upon God, and that moral obligation that others do well, I would not derive welfare from helping
consists in obedience to God’s commands. Divine Command them. Welfare results from my action, but cannot be the only
Theory includes the claim that morality is ultimately based on aim of my action.
the commands or character of God, and that the morally right The psychological egoist can concede that I must have desires
action is the one that God commands or requires. The specific for particular things, such as playing hockey. But there is no
content of these divine commands varies according to the need to concede that the satisfaction of these desires is not
particular religion and the particular views of the individual part of my welfare. My welfare might consist simply in the
divine command theorist, but all versions of the theory hold in satisfaction of self-regarding desires. In the case of deriving
common the claim that morality and moral obligations welfare from helping others, the psychological egoist can again
concede that I would not derive welfare without desiring some
ultimately depend on God.
particular thing, but need not agree that what I desire for its
own sake is that others do well. That I am the one who helps
them may, for example, satisfy my self-regarding desire for
The psychological egoist might reply that the soldier is lying or Second, Elliot Sober and David Wilson argue that evolutionary
self-deceived. Perhaps he threw himself on the grenade theory supports altruism. Parental care might be explained on
because he believed that he could not bear to live with himself egoistic grounds: a belief about the child’s distress causes the
afterwards if he did not do so. He has a better life, in terms of parent pain that the parent believes she can alleviate by
welfare, by avoiding years of guilt. The main problem here is helping, or the parent believes that she will be caused pain if
that while this is a possible account of some cases, there is no she does not help. Parental care might also be explained on
reason to think it covers all cases. Another problem is that guilt altruistic grounds: the parent has a non-instrumental desire
may presuppose that the soldier has a non-self-regarding that the child do well. Lastly, parental care might be explained
desire for doing what he takes to be right. by a combination of these mechanisms. Sober and Wilson
argue that more reliable care would be provided by the altruistic
The psychological egoist might reply that some such account or combination mechanisms. Given the importance of parental
must be right. After all, the soldier did what he most wanted to care, this is a reason for thinking that natural selection would
do, and so must have been pursuing his perceived self-interest. have favoured one of these mechanisms. The egoistic
In one sense, this is true. If self-interest is identified with the mechanism is less reliable for several reasons: beliefs about
satisfaction of all of one’s preferences, then all intentional the child’s distress may fail to cause the parent pain (even
action is self-interested (at least if intentional actions are bodily injury does not always cause pain, so pain is unlikely to
always explained by citing preferences, as most believe). be always caused by beliefs about distress); the parent may fail
Psychological egoism turns out to be trivially true. This would to believe that helping will best reduce her pain; there may not
not content defenders of psychological egoism, however. They be enough pain produced; the combination view has the
intend an empirical theory that, like other such theories, it is at advantage of an extra mechanism.
least possible to refute by observation.
This argument has drawbacks. Natural selection does not
There is another way to show that the trivial version of always provide back-up mechanisms (I have but one liver).
psychological egoism is unsatisfactory. We ordinarily think Natural selection sometimes has my desires caused by affect
there is a significant difference in selfishness between the that is produced by a belief rather than directly by the belief (my
soldier’s action and that of another soldier who, say, pushes desire to run away from danger is often caused by my fear,
someone onto the grenade to avoid being blown up him. We rather than by the mere belief that there is danger). And in these
think the former is acting unselfishly while the latter is acting cases, as in the case of the imperfectly correlated pain and
selfishly. According to the trivial version of psychological bodily injury, there seems usually to be enough affect. The
egoism, both soldiers are equally selfish, since both are doing altruistic hypothesis also has some of the same problems: for
what they most desire. example, just as there might not be enough pain, the non-
instrumental desire that the child do well might not be strong
The psychological egoist might handle apparent cases of self- enough to defeat other desires. Indeed, without an estimate of
sacrifice, not by adopting the trivial version, but rather by how strong this desire is, there is no reason to think the
claiming that facts about the self-interest of the agent explain egoistic hypothesis is less reliable. It may have more points at
all behavior. Perhaps as infants we have only self-regarding which it can go wrong, but produce more care than a direct but
desires; we come to desire other things, such as doing our weak altruistic mechanism.
duty, by learning that these other things satisfy our self-
regarding desires; in time, we pursue the other things for their Even if evolutionary arguments can be met, however,
own sakes. psychological egoism faces the problems noted earlier. In
response, the psychological egoist might move to what
Even if this picture of development is true, however, it does not Gregory Kavka (1986, 64–80) calls “predominant egoism:” we
defend psychological egoism, since it admits that we act unselfishly only rarely, and then typically where the
sometimes ultimately aim at things other than our welfare. An sacrifice is small and the gain to others is large or where those
account of the origins of our non-self-regarding desires does benefiting are friends, family, or favorite causes. Predominant
not show that they are really self-regarding. The soldier’s desire egoism is not troubled by the soldier counter-example, since it
is to save others, not increase his own welfare, even if he would allows exceptions; it is not trivial; and it seems empirically
not have desired to save others unless saving others was, in plausible.
the past, connected to increasing his welfare.

The psychological egoist must argue that we do not come to Ethical egoism is the normative or prescriptive
pursue things other than our welfare for their own sakes. In doctrine that each individual should seek as an end
principle, it seems possible to show this by showing that non- only that individual's own welfare. The idea here is
self-regarding desires do not continue for long once their that an individual's own welfare is the only thing that
connection to our welfare is broken. However, evidence for this is ultimately valuable for that individual.Ethical
dependence claim has not been forthcoming. egoism does not claim that all persons, in fact, seek
their own self-interest; ethical egoism only claims that
First, Daniel Batson and colleagues found that increased we should or ought to seek our self-interest, even
empathy leads to increased helping behaviour. One hypothesis though all persons might not do so.If ethical egoism is
is altruistic: empathy causes a non-instrumental desire to help. to be regarded as a theory, it must be universalized to
There are many competing egoistic hypotheses. Empathy might hold for all persons.
cause an unpleasant experience that subjects believe they can
stop by helping; or subjects might think failing to help in cases
of high empathy is more likely to lead to punishment by others, Ethical egoism claims that I morally ought to perform some
or that helping here is more likely to be rewarded by others; or action if and only if, and because, performing that action
subjects might think this about self-administered punishment maximizes my self-interest. (There are possibilities other than
or reward. In an ingenious series of experiments, Batson maximization. One might, for example, claim that one ought to
compared the egoistic hypotheses, one by one, against the achieve a certain level of welfare, but that there is no
altruistic hypothesis. He found that the altruistic hypothesis requirement to achieve more. Ethical egoism might also apply
always made superior predictions. Against the unpleasant to things other than acts, such as rules or character traits.
experience hypothesis, Batson found that giving high-empathy Since these variants are uncommon, and the arguments for and
subjects easy ways of stopping the experience other than by against them are largely the same as those concerning the
helping did not reduce helping. Against the punishment by standard version, I set them aside.)
others hypothesis, Batson found that letting high-empathy
subjects believe that their behaviour would be secret did not One issue concerns how much ethical egoism differs in content
reduce helping. Against the self-administered reward from standard moral theories. It might appear that it differs a
hypothesis, Batson found that the mood of high-empathy great deal. After all, moral theories such as common-sense
subjects depended on whether they believed that help was morality require that an agent give weight to the interests of
needed, whether or not they could do the helping, rather than others. They sometimes require uncompensated sacrifices,
on whether they helped (and so could self-reward). Against the particularly when the loss to the agent is small and the gain to
self-administered punishment hypothesis, Batson found that others is large. (Say the cost to me of saving a drowning person
making high-empathy subjects believe they would feel less guilt is getting my shirtsleeve wet.) Ethical egoists can reply,
from not helping (by letting them believe that few others had however, that egoism generates many of the same duties to
volunteered to help) did not reduce helping. others. The argument runs as follows. Each person needs the
cooperation of others to obtain goods such as defence or
friendship. If I act as if I give no weight to others, others will not not let others exploit me. The problem is that, as the discussion
cooperate with me. If, say, I break my promises whenever it is in of the cooperation argument shows, it also fails to fit some of
my direct self-interest to do so, others will not accept my the confident moral judgments we make.
promises, and may even attack me. I do best, then, by acting as
if others have weight (provided they act as if I have weight in Second, one might argue for a moral theory by showing that it
return). is dictated by non-moral considerations -- in particular, by facts
about motivation. It is commonly held that moral judgments
The divergence between ethical egoism and standard moral must be practical, or capable of motivating those who make
theories appears in other ways. them. If psychological egoism were true, this would restrict
moral judgments to those made by egoism. Other moral
First, the ethical egoist will rank as most important duties that judgments would be excluded since it would be impossible to
bring her the highest payoff. Standard moral theories determine motivate anyone to follow them.
importance at least in part by considering the payoff to those
helped. What brings the highest payoff to me is not necessarily One problem with this argument is that psychological egoism
what brings the highest payoff to those helped. I might, for seems false. Replacing psychological with predominant egoism
example, profit more from helping the local Opera society loses the key claim that it is impossible to motivate anyone to
refurbish its hall than I would from giving to famine relief in make an uncompensated sacrifice.
Africa, but standard moral theories would rank famine relief as
more important than Opera hall improvements. The ethical egoist might reply that, if predominant egoism is
true, ethical egoism may require less deviation from our
Second, the cooperation argument cannot be extended to ordinary actions than any standard moral theory. But fit with
justify extremely large sacrifices, such as the soldier falling on motivation is hardly decisive; any normative theory, including
the grenade, that standard moral theories rank either as most ethical egoism, is intended to guide and criticize our choices,
important or supererogatory. The cooperation argument rather than simply endorse whatever we do. When I make an
depends on a short-term loss (such as keeping a promise that it imprudent choice, this does not count against ethical egoism,
is inconvenient to keep) being recompensed by a long-term and in favour of a theory recommending imprudence.
gain (such as being trusted in future promises). Where the
immediate loss is one’s life (or irreplaceable features such as The argument has other problems. One could deny that
one’s sight), there is no long-term gain, and so no egoist morality must be practical in the required sense. Perhaps
argument for the sacrifice. morality need not be practical at all: we do not always withdraw
moral judgments when we learn that the agent could not be
An ethical egoist might reply by taking the cooperation motivated to follow them. Or perhaps moral judgments must be
argument further. Perhaps I cannot get the benefits of capable of motivating not just anyone, but only idealized
cooperation without converting to some non-egoist moral versions of ourselves, free from irrationality. In this case, it is
theory. That is, it is not enough that I act as if others have insufficient to describe how we are motivated; what is relevant
weight; I must really give them weight. I could still count as an is a description of how we would be motivated were rational.
egoist, in the sense that I have adopted the non-egoist theory
on egoist grounds. Finally, if I do not believe that some action is ultimately in my
self-interest, it follows from psychological egoism that I cannot
One problem is that it seems unlikely that I can get the benefits aim to do it. But say I am wrong: the action is in my self-
of cooperation only by conversion. Provided I act as if others interest. Ethical egoism then says that it is right for me to do
have weight for long enough, others will take me as giving them something I cannot aim to do. It violates practicality just as any
weight, and so cooperate, whether I really give them weight or other moral theory does.
not. In many situations, others will neither have the ability to
see my true motivation nor care about it. Moore argued that ethical egoism is self-contradictory. If I am
an egoist, I hold that I ought to maximize my good. I deny that
Another problem is that conversion can be costly. I might be others ought to maximize my good (they should maximize their
required by my non-egoist morality to make a sacrifice for own goods). But to say that x is “my good” is just to say that
which I cannot be compensated (or pass up a gain so large that my possessing x is good. (I cannot possess the goodness.) If
passing it up will not be compensated for). Since I have my possession of x is good, then I must hold that others ought
converted from egoism, I can no longer reject making the to maximize my possession of it. I both deny and am committed
sacrifice or passing up the gain on the ground that it will not to affirming that others ought to maximize my good.
pay. It is safer, and seemingly feasible, to remain an egoist (Sometimes Moore suggests instead that “my good” be glossed
while cooperating in most cases. If so, ethical egoism and as “x is good and x is mine.” This does not yield the
standard moralities will diverge in some cases. There is another contradiction above; since it does not claim that my possession
way to try to show that ethical egoism and standard moral of x is good. But it yields a different contradiction: if x is good,
theories do not differ much. One might hold one particular everyone ought to maximize it wherever it appears; egoists
objective theory of self-interest, according to which my welfare hold that I ought to maximize x only when it appears in me.)
lies in possessing the virtues required by standard moral
theories. This requires an argument to show that this particular Moore also suggests that the reason for me to pursue my good
objective theory gives the right account of self-interest. It also is the goodness of the thing I obtain. If what I obtain is good,
faces a worry for any objective theory: objective theories seem then there is reason for everyone to pursue it, not just in me,
implausible as accounts of welfare. If, say, all my preferences but anywhere. Again, moving to good-for-me avoids this
favor my ignoring the plight of others, and these preferences do consequence. But something close to this argument is
not rest on false beliefs about issues such as the likelihood of plausible, especially for some bad things. Any connection
receiving help, it seems implausible (and objectionably between me and the pain that gives me reason to alleviate it. If
paternalistic) to claim that “really” my welfare lies in helping so, I have reason to alleviate the pain. A second argument
others. I may have a duty to help others, and the world might be against ethical egoism was made by Prichard. He argues that
better if I helped others, but it does not follow that I am better self-interest is the wrong sort of reason. I do not, for example,
off by helping othersOf course the divergence between ethical think the reason I have a duty to help a drowning child is that
egoism and standard moral theories need not bother an ethical helping benefits me . This is convincing when “duty” means
egoist. An ethical egoist sees egoism as superior to other moral “moral duty.” It is less convincing when, as Prichard also
theories. Whether it is superior depends on the strength of the thinks, the issue is simply what one ought to do. He takes there
arguments for it. Two arguments are popular. to be only one sense of “ought,” which he treats as “morally
ought.” Any other “ought” is treated as really making the non-
First, one might argue for a moral theory, as one argues for a normative claim that a certain means is efficient for attaining a
scientific theory, by showing that it best fits the evidence. In the certain end. But ethical egoism can be seen as making
case of moral theories, the evidence is usually taken to be our categorical ought-claims. And the historical popularity of
most confident common-sense moral judgments. Egoism fits ethical egoism, which Prichard so often notes, indicates that
many of these, such as the requirements of cooperation in self-interest is not obviously irrelevant to what one ought to do
ordinary cases. It fits some judgments better than utilitarianism (in a not specifically moral sense).
does. For example, it allows one to keep some good, such as a
job, for oneself, even if giving the good to someone else would A third argument, like Moore’s, claims that ethical egoism is
help him slightly more, and it captures the intuition that I need inconsistent in various ways. Say ethical egoism recommends
that A and B both go to a certain hockey game, since going to
the game is in the self-interest of each. Unfortunately, only one
seat remains. Ethical egoism, then, recommends an impossible
state of affairs. Or say that I am A and an ethical egoist. I both
claim that B ought to go to the game, since that is in her self-
interest, and I do not want B to go to the game, since B’s going
to the game is against my self-interest.

A fourth argument against ethical egoism is just that: ethical

egoism does not count as a moral theory. One might set
various constraints on a theory’s being a moral theory. Many of
these constraints are met by ethical egoism — the formal
constraints, for example, those moral claims must be
prescriptive and universalizable. Ethical egoism issues
prescriptions — “do what maximizes your self-interest” — and
it issues the same prescriptions for people in relevantly similar
situations. But other constraints are problematic for ethical
egoism: perhaps a moral theory must sometimes require
uncompensated sacrifices; or perhaps it must supply a single,
neutral ranking of actions that each agent must follow in cases
where interests conflict; or perhaps it must respect principles
such as “that I ought to do x is a consideration in favour of
others not preventing me from doing x;” or perhaps it must be
able to be made public in the way, just noted, that ethical
egoism cannot The issue of what makes for a moral theory is
contentious. An ethical egoist could challenge whatever
constraint is deployed against her. But a neater reply is to move
to rational egoism, which makes claims about what one has
reason to do, ignoring the topic of what is morally right. This
gets at what ethical egoists intend, while skirting the issue of
constraints on moral theories. After all, few if any ethical
egoists think of egoism as giving the correct content of
morality, while also thinking that what they have most reason to
do is determined by some non-egoist consideration. if one
wished, argue for ethical egoism from rational egoism and the
plausible claim that the best moral theory must tell me what I
have most reason to do.

2. What and explain the position of Ayn Randy.

Ayn Rand (1905–1982) was a novelist-philosopher who outlined

a comprehensive philosophy, including an epistemology and a
theory of art, in her novels and essays. Early in her career she
also wrote short stories, plays, and screenplays. Rand’s first
and most autobiographical novel, We the Living (1936), set in
the Soviet Union, was published only after many rejections,
owing to widespread sympathy for the Soviet “experiment”
among the intellectuals of the day. We the Living was quickly
followed by the dystopian novel, Anthem (1938), written as “a
kind of rest” from work on her next major novel, The
Fountainhead (1943). The Fountainhead, also published after
many rejections because of its individualism, and largely
panned by critics, soon became a best-seller by word of
mouth. The Fountainhead brought Rand international fame,
and Atlas Shrugged (1957) sealed this fame. By 1958, Rand’s
novels, increasingly philosophical, had won her ideas a
sufficiently devoted following for her to form, in association
with psychologist Nathaniel Branden (with whom she later
broke), an official “Objectivist” philosophical movement,
complete with journals and lecture courses. For all her
popularity, however, only a few professional philosophers have
taken her work seriously. As a result, most of the serious
philosophical work on Rand has appeared in non-academic,
non-peer-reviewed journals, or in books, and the bibliography
reflects this fact. We discuss the main reasons for her rejection
by most professional philosophers in the first section. Our
discussion of Rand’s philosophical views, especially her moral-
political views, draws from both her non-fiction and her fiction,
since her views cannot be accurately interpreted or evaluated
without doing so.

3. Explain Emotivism

In ethics the views of moral judgement do not function as

statement of fact but rather as expressions of the speakers or
writer’s feelings. According to this example “you acted wrongly
in stealing that money” we are not stating the fact by “you stole
that money”. Saying that something is wrong we are expressing
our feelings of disapproval towards it.

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