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Before we discuss about that, do you know what is Rahmatan lil 'Alamin?

The literally meaning of Rahmatan lil 'Alamin is the welfare of the entire universe. So, Islam
Rahmatan lil 'Alamin may imply that Islam is a religion that brings welfare or has the characteristic
for the welfare of the entire universe.

According to the word Allah in Surat al-Anbiya which says, "And We sent you but to
(become) a mercy to the world".

Innalillahi Miata rahmatin

The meaning is "Allah has mercy hundred"

however ninety-nine mercy was held in Qudrah and irodah Allah, and one of the mercy that
is shared for all of his creatures, and because of this mercy that huge elephant will not be stepped
on her children to death even if he could, that is where there is mercy and affection, and with a
mercy the hungry lion will not eat his son, because of what? Because they have a sense of affection

But when the affection has been lifted off in the human heart, then we watched on
television, read the newspapers, we heard how a woman who was said to have the kind heart, care,
lover, now she throw her son into the river, in the trash, in a ravine, in places dirty place with no
mercy at all.

Therefore God says

Ulaika kal anam

"They were like animals even worse, worse, worse than animals."

Islam forbids people to apply arbitrarily against the creature of God, just look at the word of
Allah as contained in the Hadith al-Imam al-Hakim, "Who is the arbitrary killing of birds or other
animals that are smaler than them, God will ask accountability to them ". The bird has a right to be
slaughtered and eaten, not killed, and thrown. It was so beautiful Islam is not it? With animals it
should not be arbitrary, especially with the human. You can imagine if people understand and
practice the teachings of Islam, it will be really beautiful and peacefulness of this world.

That is why Islam is the welfare of the entire universe, because Islam protects the rights
every part of his creation.

Indonesia is the country with the largest Muslim population in the world, once again, the
largest in the world. Then see the description above, Indonesia should be a beautiful country,
peaceful, and civilized. But just look at the reality, we can not close our eyes and ears with daily
news to update you about the sad stories and uncivilized. Starting from children who do obscenity,
gambling, sucking methamphetamine, free sex, drinking, killing a family member, suicide, mutilation,
and so on. Up to our officials who commit immoral, and massive corruption. Almost every day this
kind of events out in the news.and the human rights become a reason for them to commit
irregularities. Actually, what happened? Where are their morals? Are not most of them are Muslims?
Are not Muslims should be rahmatan lil 'Alamin?
If it is said does not seem too uneducated. I'm sure most of them have basic education, even
some who have bachelor even more. So why their morals are very shattered? The answer is, they
are not understand and running of islam with kaffah or comprehensive. If they know that killing
animals just arbitrarily forbidden by Islam, they wouldn’t dare to kill a fellow man, moreover to kill a
fellow muslims. If they know that Islam forbids to steal and cheat and they do not the ban on it,
which perhaps they dare to commit the corruption.

Islam is indeed protect any rights of his people. But human rights have rules, not all human
beings are entitled to do according to the desires of all his desire. If only in the name of Human
Rights every person can do anything, then what was left in this world? If you hate me you can kill
me, if I hate you I can kill you. But , wheter it is taught by Islam? Is there a justice?

If you want to feel the peace in Indonesia, then that should be addressed is a moral nation,
not just an education and the real moral education, complete, and ordered by the human creator is
Islam. Every Muslim is required to learn about his religion. That way we will be able to become a real
caliph in the earth as the porpuse o our invented that is a blessing for the universe. Do you already
spirit to learn and practice the rules of Islam? Or we are even more excited to learn and follow the
Japanese culture or Western culture than Islam? How many Islamic books we've read?

For the last time, I want to convey to you. Okay, all acts of irregularities committed by the
majority of muslim. All allegations leveled bad for Muslims. Then, if there is something wrong in
Islam? No, there is nothing wrong in Islam. It should be underlined that Islam teaches kindness,
justice, beauty, and all the things that make a prosperous life and death. Should not we embraced
Islam apply the rules set forth in Islam? Then if there are Muslims who do deviate, is there is a
mistake from Islam? No, There is no reason on any name to commit a crime, including human rights.

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