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The Superficiality of Life on this Planet

sg micheal, 2010/NOV/15

As i have come to know it, human life on this planet is grounded/attached in/to superficiality.
This is an untenable situation. We need to correct it as soon as possible. Our bodies, no matter
how substantive we think they are - are like makeup. What do ladies do in the morning? They
put on makeup. At night, they take it off. The intention/reasons can be many.. But the fact is: our
bodies are like makeup: before we are born, we enshroud our spirits with this flesh; when our
bodies die, our spirits shed the body - it is NOT the other way around. Our bodies do not release
our spirits - it's important to know the difference and truth of our existence. Again, when we die,
our spirits shed the body. Our bodies are superficial; our spirits are eternal.

So, in hand with this perspective - we must realize nothing on this planet is real except what is in
our hearts. This is the essential Truth of our existence. NOTHING ON THIS PLANET IS REAL

i loath typing in all-caps. It's repulsive to me. But there is an occasional need.. And this moment
is one such .. My consistent readers know something incredible has happened recently in my life.
i cannot not share these events with them. It would be wrong for me to hide these experiences.

Conversely, "don't throw your pearls before swine" can mean: don't love the wrong person. Don't
give your heart to the wrong person. Sure, they might "feel good now" like they are your
"destiny". But don't let the illusion of adoration confuse you. Adoration is not the same as love.
And love is only a glimmer or shadow of the blazing glory of true love.

True love is patient, kind, giving, enduring, faithful, loyal, consistent,.. All these things and
more. True love endures the illusion of death .. In truth, none of us know how many
days/hours/weeks/months/years we have on this planet. None. But all of us have an obligation to
grow in our spirits. Otherwise we waste our chance. What is the purpose of life on this planet
except for our spirits to grow???

My ex and others may think i'm crazy/stupid/pie-in-the-sky-dreamer. This was our most huge
difference: i Know there is a spiritual side to our existence; she ignores it. She pretends there is
no spiritual side. She believes when we die, there is nothing. No continuance. But events in my
life have shown me beyond a shadow of a doubt there Is a spiritual side to our existence. You
can torture my body (as she frequently did), but there is nothing you can say or do which will
convince me otherwise - my personal life experiences have convinced me (an amateur scientist
and engineer) there is something more than what our eyes see..

For lack of a better expression, i call this 'the spiritual plane' (plane meaning space or
dimensionality). i'm not an expert in this .. i can only identify it presently. i have studied time
and space and am convinced matter is little bits of 'frozen time' - temporal 'singularities' (not true
singularities) if you will. Again, matter - the stuff we see around us - is simply little bits of
frozen time. So matter itself is an illusion as the Buddhists realized long ago.. Matter is an
illusion, death is an illusion,.. If we realize the Truth of our existence, we have an obligation to
stop obsessing with the superficiality of human life and refocus on what is in our hearts.
Again, if we realize the truth of the illusion around us (including our bodies), if we can
acknowledge in our hearts that death is yet another (albeit vivid) illusion, then our spirits have a
chance to grow. If we attach ourselves (our egos and reasons for living) to this illusion, we have
no hope of growing. It might be fun to enchant, adore, fuck (please forgive the expression), and
otherwise wallow in the illusion of the body, but it is no substitute for true love and no substitute
for spiritual growth.

i refuse to fuck; i can only make love; i can only give myself completely.

At the risk of 'beating a dead horse', i must repeat this essential truth of our existence: the only
Real thing on this planet is what is in our hearts. If we hate, if we resent, if we focus on negative
things, we die spiritually. In so doing, we torture our own spirits. i beg you all - please do not
walk that path. To Know that path is to condemn your spirit to an 'eternity' of being a cockroach.
Is that what you really want? To live as a cockroach??? Why take a huge step backwards? What
is the joy/point of that???

i cannot threaten you with any substantive consequence of living an evil life. You Know in your
heart-of-hearts that living an evil life has its own 'rewards'.. Every action (or even thought) has
its consequences.. i'm not here to preach 'fire and brimstone' - that is not my path/destiny..

My mission in this life is to: inform, protect, love,.. i cannot waste my life preaching the
consequences of living an evil life - if that is your path, you must follow it. If it is your destiny to
'jump tracks' (leave the path of an evil life to follow one more blessed), that is your true path.
Only you can find your true path.

The best i can do in this life is to inform others around me the basic/essential truths of our
existence. i did not not learn these things from a book. i learned them from my personal life
experiences. i learned that what we see around us is only an illusion, that our bodies are a kind of
illusion, that physical gratification and attachment to illusion is temporary/superficial and has no
lasting benefits, and 'finally' that death is an illusion. Physical death is an illusion. The only thing
Real is what is in our hearts.

The only thing real is what is in our hearts.

i beg you - put love there.

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