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Copper Reaction


One of the most important metals is Copper. It is classified as an excellent conductor of

heat and electricity and possible with other metals such as bronze (copper with tin) and brass

(copper with zinc). Alloy of copper are harder and stronger than metallic copper. Copper is

malleable, has a reddish-orange color. It has a functional importance that are significant in nature

and human. It also is considered as an essential nutrient for biological study and for modern living.

Since prehistoric time, copper has been an important material to society. This was the first metal

used and later, they discovered more significant functions.

Graedel and Nriagu explained the copper cycle through anthrobiogeochemical earth

system. The copper cycle experiment demonstrates the chemical reactions involving copper. The

recovered copper must be close enough or exact to the initial copper. Thus, the copper was back

to its original form by the undergoing chemical transformations. Scientists discovered that this

experiment is considered a law. The law of conservation of mass explained why mass cannot be

created or destroyed in chemical reaction. There are also several chemical reactions occur during

the process, but these reactions do not cause the gained or lost mass of copper

A. M. R. P. Bopegedera. Analysis of Copper-Bearing Rocks and Minerals for Their Metal

Content Using Visible Spectroscopy: A First Year Chemistry Laboratory

Exploration. Journal of Chemical Education 2016, 93 (9)

Rauch, J. N., and T. E. Graedel (2007), Earth’s anthrobiogeochemical copper cycle, Global

Biogeochem. Cycles, 21, GB2010

History of copper - through the ages from the Copper Age to modern times. European

Copper Institute. Retrieved from


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