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This article shows the results from a research about an analysys of english textbook for
nineth grade students of junior high school on the basis of the 2013 curriculum. This research
was qualitative research with descriptive methode. The object is English textbook for eighth
grade junior high school. The title of the book is ‘When English Ring A Bell. This book is
published by Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.
In this research, researcher use the textbook content as the data. The technique of
analyzing dara are: comparing the materials provided within the textbook with the core and
basic competence by the Curriculum 2013.
After the researcher collect the data through the complicity of the content, it asumed
that the textbook contents are not complite enough to fulfill criteria in 2013 curriculum. It
means the textbok not in a good category to named a perfect one. It means that the aproach and
the methode that is suggested in 2013 curriculum are not fully implemented in the textbook.

Key words: English Tetbook, analysis, curriculum 2013


The 2013 curriculum is a curriculum compiled by the government to perfect the

previous curriculum, with the aim of becoming what students and the community need. This
curriculum offers many things, from material, media, to teaching methods. One of the many
things bargained for is the textbook. Textbooks are a guide for teachers and students, besides
being a source of textbooks, they are also a medium of learning, so almost all teachers use
textbooks in teaching.
The textbooks must be an important component in learning, because textbooks can be
a medium and also a source. Therefore this textbook must be suitable and in accordance with
the syllabus based on the 2013 curriculum.
Unfortunately, the use of textbooks in learning is not as expected, because from what
some researchers found, textbooks do not meet the criteria that are feasible. Indeed, there are
not many shortcomings to be found, but nevertheless it remains a factor in implementing the
2013 curriculum.

A. Curriculum
1. The Definition of Curriculum
According to Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 Pasal 1 Ayat (19) tentang Sistem
Pendidikan Nasional, kurikulum adalah seperangkat rencana dan pengaturan mengenai
tujuan, isi, dan bahan pelajaran serta cara yang digunakan sebagai pedoman
penyelenggaraan kegiatan pembelajaran untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan tertentu. Based
on this definition, there are two dimensions of curriculum. The first is planning and
arrangement of the goal, content, and material of the study; the second one is the way or method
used in teaching learning process. In larger definition, curriculum is every ativity or programe
that have to be runed and followed by all the element of the school from the begining until
2. The 2013 Curriculum
According to UU 20/2003, Tema Pengembangan Kurikulum 2013 adalah kurikulum
yang dapat menghasilkan insan indonesia yang produktif, kreatif, inovatif, afektif melalui
penguatan sikap, keterampilan, dan pengetahuan yang terintegrasi.
We can conclude that the 2013 Curriculum has some aspects, that are: graduate
competence (kompetensi lulusan), contents, structure, process of learning, process of
evaluation / assesment, syllabus, and textbook. 2013 Curriculum is arranged and developed by
seeing the potential students, the developing of era, and the students’ needs.
The 2013 Curriculum was actually a revised version of Schoolbased curriculum. Based
on the Design Guidelines of KTSP issued by BSNP in 2006, School-based Curriculum was
implemented based on the philosophy that every school in Indonesia deserves to manage its
own competency based on its teachers’ and learners’ competency and local potential sources
and deserves to manage its own curriculum based on the content standard provided by BSNP.

3. The Purpose of 2013 Curriculum

Based on Permendikbud Tahun 2013 No.70, the aim of 2013 Curriculum is preparing
Indonesian people to have life skills as person and citizen with good faith, productive, creative,
innovative, affective, and take a part in society, nation, state, and world civilization.

B. Textbook
In the learning process, textbooks are something very important, because textbooks are a
medium and also a source. Teachers must be able to use textbooks very well, teachers must be
able to choose content in textbooks that are in accordance with the curriculum. By using
textbooks, there are many advantages that can be obtained by the teacher, for example for
beginner teachers, textbooks will help and facilitate the learning process.


The researcher uses qualitative research with descriptive method to complate the
research. This resrtearch is non – hypothesis research. It collects data, analyzes them and draws
a conclusion based on the data only, without taking general conclusion. The researcher just
make a table that contain some assessment for the complicity of the textbook.


A. Research Findings
1. Textbook Content Analysis
According to permendikbud no. 70 th. 2013 the content of analysis textbook are:

a. Mengacu pada kompetensi inti yang telah dirumuskan untuk kelas dimana buku
tersebut ditulis.
As we know, that 2013 curriculum has core competence that become an important
aspect in thiscurriculum. According to what the researcher has found, the first chapter
of textook ‘Think Globally Act Locally’ has fulfill all the core competence.

b. Menjelaskan pengetahuan sebagai input kepada siswa untuk menghasilkan output

berupa keterampilan siswa dan bermuara pada pembentukan sikap siswa sebagai
outcome pembelajaran.
This aspect already fullfilled in chapter one
c. Menggunakan pendekatan saintifik melalui mengamati, menanya, mencoba,
menalar, dan menyaji.
This hapter has complete all the steps of scientifik approach
d. Menggiring siswa untuk menemukan konsep yang sedang dipelajari melalui deduksi
[discovery learning]. Siswa sebisa mungkin diajak untuk mencari tahu, bukan
langsung diberi tahu
This chapter has content this aspect
e. Memuat penilaian capaian pembelajaran secara bertahap mulai review [ulasan],
exercise [latihan], problem [pemecahan masalah], challenge [tantangan yang
membutuhkan pemikiran mendalam], dan project [kegiatan bersama dalam
memecahkan permasalahan yang membutuhkan dukungan sumber lainnya].
Not all of those points above is implemented in chapter one. There is no enough review
and challege about the material in the chapter.
f. Menekankan penggunaan bahasa yang jelas, logis, sistematis
The chapter contains this point.
g. Keterampilan tidak selalu dalam ranah abstrak, tetapi juga harus konkret dalam
bentuk tindakan nyata.
The chapter just show that studets must practice with their friends in the classroom aor
mimic the teachers. There is no explanation or task that indicated students must applied
the materials outside the classroom or at daily life.

B. Discussion of the Findings

Based on the research findings above, here the researcher wants to discuss further about
the t of the textbook entitled ‘When English Ring A Bell’ based on the data:

1. Textbook Content Analysis

Analysis Result
Aspect that have to Follow-up Analysis
No Not Partially
be analyzed Fulfilled Results
Fulfilled Fulfilled
1. Conformity with

competency standards
2. Conformity with core

3. Conformity with basic

4. The suitability of the
material with the 
5. Scope of material Information on time
reviewed from: allocation is not
a. Converage of found in this book,
essential so the teacher must
concepts/ rearrange the

material division of time
b. Time allocation in all
allocation chapters, as well as
the lesson paln

6. The depth of
enrichment material
reviewed from:
a. Scientific 
mindset and;
b. Characteristic
of students
7. Integration of various

8. Application of the

scientific approach
9. Authenti assessment In this book there is
available in students no authentic
books material, in this
book only about
light material, the
teacher must add
authentic material
according to the
location where the

teacher teaches so
that the learning
process becomes
more interesting.
Because there is no
authentic material,
of course authentic
assessment cannot
be done.
10. Column of interaction In the book there is
between teacher and no column of
parent interaction between
teacher and parent,

the parent can
control what the
student do.

2. Precentage of the Textbook Contents.

From all ten points of assessment, there are three points that are not fulfilled by the
chapter one in the textbook. Each point is worth 10 percent, if all points is fulfilled, so the
percentage will be 100%, but according to the result, the point of chapter one in the textbook
is 70% only. So, the researcher can say that this book is not good enough to be used in 2013


A. Conclusion
1. Content Developed
Overall the English textbook has followed the demand of the 2013 Curriculum, but
because there’s no authentic material or content this book become not suitable enough for 2013
curriculum. It means that this English not very good.
2. Approach and Method Developed
Talk about approach and method, this book present it perfectly, proved with all steps
of scientific approach is contained in this chapter. About aproach and method developed this
book has 100% score, means that it is very good.

B. Suggestion
This textbook is compiled and written by humans, therefore there will certainly be
deficiencies because indeed imperfection is a part of human beings. Of course, in writing this
journal the author also made mistakes and also had flaws. So as a reader, researchers suggest
seeing and also reading other sources to support and complement the shortcomings of this

To complement the shortcomings of textbooks, the authors suggest that teachers be more
careful and more critical in using books. Besides that the teacher must also research the
shortcomings that exist in the textbook, so that the book becomes compatible with the 2013
curriculum and is petrified in the application of the 2013 curriculum


Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003.

Permendikbud Tahun 2013 No.70.

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