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½ Laterization ʹ brick-red color of the soil it
produces, warm moist regions of the world (tropics), rapid
weathering of parent material / Podzolization ʹ makes gray soil,
occurs in areas where the vegetation has limited nutrient
requirements and where the plant litter is acidic (coniferous forest
The landscape can be changed by a storm (flooded streets,
cover, high lat )/ Gleization ʹ restricted to waterlogged areas, in cool
(Sulfu trees, and darkened skies) climate, produces gley soils, have high organic A horizon /
Calcification ʹ arid climates, produces calcium salts / Salinization ʹ
The troposphere is composed of many large variable arid/semiarid places, at enclosed valleys and basins, , salts are toxic to

  ½ Ô) Rock formed of sediment that is consolidated most plants, soil develops in salt / Climate & Pedogenic Regimes ʹ
parcels of air that are distinct from one another
by the combination of pressure arrangement 2) a) Clastic Sedimentary distinguished on climate and the vegetation cover
Rocks (composed of preexisting rocks [cobbles, gravel, sand, silt, or
    clay]) b) Chemical and Organic Sedimentary Rocks (formed by the
precipitation of soluble materials or sometimes by more chemical
Ô ÷ aust be large reactions) 3) compose most common exposed bedrock of continents
(granite) Ocean floor crust is basalt & gabbro
2 ÷ aust have uniform properties in the horizontal
 ½ Ô) drastically changed by heat and/or pressure,
3 ÷ aust be a recognizable entity and travel as one 2)it causes its mineral components to be recrystallized and
rearranged, 3) Œoliated ʹ is minerals in rock show
Air mass develops by remaining over a uniform land or sea
surface long enough to acquire the characteristics from

y÷ Œor air to stagnate, it needs to be very stable

y÷ aost air masses, then, form in areas with anticyclonic

Source Regions- Regions of Earth͛s surface that are

particularly well suited to generate air masses

Ideal source regions are ocean surfaces and extensive flat

land areas that have a uniform covering of
Warm air masses can develop in any season over the waters of the
south Northern Atl /The Gulf of aex /Cari Sea
-Cold air masses develop over the N Atl /Pac And over snow land of
N -central Canada

½ Ô) Climate aaps 2) Economic/Resouce ¦  ¦   
¦  Soils high in volcanic ash
aaps 3) Physical aaps 4)Political aaps 5) Road aaps 6)
¦   Dry Soils
Topographic aaps !  Recently formed soils
  Soils in areas of permafrost
#   Contain mostly organic matter

  Young soils
  Soft soils
$%  W/ a lot of oxygen compon
 Ashy soils
  Have the last of their nutrient
bases leached out
  O & A horizons fall through
surface cracks and end up
below deeper horizons

Denundation ʹ A lowering of continental surfaces / Joints ʹ Cracks

   that develop from stress / Hydrolysis ʹ the chemical union of water
w/ another substance to produce a new compound that is nearly
always softer and weaker than original / Solifluction ʹ soil flowage /

½ Ô) Cylyndrical Projection 2) aercator Projection
3)Plane Projection 4) Conic Projection 5) Pseudocylindrical Projections
6) Interrupted Projection

Crust - aantle (Lithosphere, Asthenosphere, Centrosphere) ʹ Inner

and Outerore

½ Ô) Solid, naturally found in nature, 2) inorganic, 3)
have a specified chemical composition wherever found that varies
only within certain limits, 4) Contain atoms arranged in a regular
pattern to form solid crystals

½ Ô) Silicates (Oxygen & Silicon), 2) Oxides (an
element combined with oxygen), 3) Sulfides (Sulfur & another
combination), 4) Sulfates (Sulfur, Oxygen, & another element), 5)

½ Ô) formed by cooling and solidification of molten rock,
Carbonates (Carbon, Oxygen, & another element), 6) Halides (Salty),
2) Two main categories a) Volcanic/Extrusive Igneous Rocks (on
7) Native Element (not chemically combined with anything else)
surface), b) Plutonic/Intrusive Igneous Rock (below surface)

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