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Fall 2011

Instructor: Prof. Jacob Fish, 212-854-5275, email:

Office Hours: TA

Course comments

1. The material in this course is based on the book entitled “Nonlinear Finite Element
Method” by J. Fish. The book is currently in preparation. pdf file of the book can be
found in the directory below
2. Introductory courses in Continuum Mechanics and Finite Element Method are
3. Grading: 20% for class assignments and 80% for the project.
4. The project topic should be relevant to the course material and should include at least
some portion of programming. A progress reports and a final report are required. The
progress report is due on October 30. The final report should be submitted by December
5. Guidelines for project write-ups will be given later.

Course outline

1. Introduction

2. Solution procedures of nonlinear system of equations

2.1. Solving nonlinear equations with one unknown

2.1.1. Newton method

2.1.2. Convergence of Newton method

2.1.3. Secant method

2.2. Nonlinear solution methods for system of equations

2.2.1. Newton method

2.2.2. Local convergence of Newton method

2.2.3. Globally convergent Newton method

2.2.4. Line search

2.2.5. Continuation methods

2.2.6. Secant method for system of nonlinear equations

2.2.7. The Broyden’s Method

2.2.8. The BFGS method

2.2.9. Quasi-Newton method

3. Selected topics in continuum mechanics

3.1. Preliminaries: tensor calculus

3.2. Particles, Configurations, Deformation, and Motion

3.3. The Material Derivative

3.4. Deformation Gradients Tensor

3.5. Polar Decomposition

3.6. Velocity Gradient, Rate of Deformation, Vorticity

3.7. Deformation of surface and volume elements

3.8. Lagrangian strain measures

3.9. Stress measures

4. Stress update procedures

4.1. Additive decomposition based rate of deformation theories

4.1.1. Rotational stress update

4.1.2. Material Stress update

4.1.3. Material stress update for rate independent hypoelastic-plasticity

4.1.4. Material stress update for rate independent hypoelastic-plasticity

4.1.5. Extension to hyperelastic-plasticity

4.2. Multiplicative decomposition based theories

4.2.1. Hyperelastic materials with damage

4.2.2. Hyperelstic-plastic materials

5. Consistent Linearization

5.1. Linearization of internal force

5.1.1. Linearization for additive decomposition of rate of deformation

5.1.2. Linearization of incremental rotation from polar decomposition

5.1.3. Linearization of internal force for hyperelastic materials

5.2. Linearization of external force vector

5.2.1. Linearization of a traction term

5.3. Implementation issues

5.3.1. Matrix and vector notation

6. Special topic

6.1. Linearized buckling analysis

6.2. Nonlinear dynamics

6.2.1. Linear Momentum Principle, Equations of Motion

6.2.2. Implicit Time Integration Scheme

6.2.3. Explicit integration schemes

6.2.4. Contact


i) Books
J. Fish,”Nonlinear Finite Element Method” in preparation, pdf file of the book will be
J.C.Simo and T.J.R. Hughes, “Computational Inelasticity.”
H.Kardestuncer, "Finite element Handbook." Mcgraw-Hill, 1987.
K.J.Bathe,"Finite element procedures in Engineering analysis," Prentice-Hall, 1982.
L.E.Malvern,"Introduction to the mechanics of a continuum medium,"Prentice-Hall,
J.T. Oden, "Finite Elements of nonlinear Continua," McGraw-Hill, 1972.
Owen, D.R.J. 7 Hinton, E., "Finite Elements in Plasticity-Theory and Practice," Pineridge
Press, Swansea, 1980.
M.A. Crisfield, "Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Structures," John
Wiley & Sons, 1991.
J. Lubliner, "Plasticity Theory," Macmillan Publishing, NY, 1990.
Belytschko, T., Liu, W. K. and Moran, B., Nonlinear Finite Elements for Continua and
Structures, J. Wiley & Sons, New York, 2000.
ABAQUS Theory Manual, HKS, Inc., 1994.
J. E. Dennis, Jr. and R.B. Schnabel, “Numerical Methods for Unconstrained Optimization
and Nonlinear Equations,” Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1983.
J. Nocedal and S.J. Wright, Numerical Optimization, Springer-Verlag, NY, 1999.

ii) Journals
Park, K.C.,"Partitioned Transient Analysis Procedures for Coupled-Field Problems:
Stability Analysis," J. Appl. Mech., Vol.47, p.370, 1980.
Argyris,J.H.,and Kleiber,M.,"Incremental Formulation in Nonlinear Mechanics and
Large Strain Elasto-Plasticity - Natural Approach. part 1," Comp. Methods in Appl.
Mech. and Eng.,vol. 11, p.215, J. 1976.
Dafalias, Yannis F.," The Plastic Spin Concept and a Simple Illustration of its Role in
Finite Plastic Transformations," Mechanics of Materials, vol. 3, p. 223-233, July
Hecker,S. S.,Stout,M.G.,and Eash,D.T.,"Experiments on Plastic Deformation at Finite
Strains, "from: Plasticity of Metals at high strains, eds. Lee,Mallet, pp.162-169.
Kleiber,M.," Kinematics of Deformation Processes in Materials Subjected to Finite
Elastic-Plastic strains," Int. J. Engng. Sci.,vol. 13,p513,1975.
Dienes, J.K.,"On the Analysis of Rotation and Stress Rate in DeformingBodies," Acta
Mechanica, Vol. 32, p. 217, 1979.
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Problems: Computational Implications," Computer Methods in Applied Mechnics
and Engineering, vol. 46, pp.201-215, 1984.
Prevost, J.H., Hughes,T.J.R.," Finite-Element Solution of Elastic-Plastic Boundary-Value
Problems," J. of Appl. Mech., vol. 48,pp. 69-74, March 1981.
Reed, K.W., and Atluri,S.N.," Analysis of Large Quasistatic Deformations of Inelastic
Algorithm: Apllications," Comp. Methods in Appl. Mech. and Eng., vol. 40, pp. 171-
198, 1983.
Aifantis, Elias C., " The Physics of Plastic Deformation," Int. J. of Plasticity, vol. 3, pp.
211-247, 1987.
Key, Samuel W.," A Finite Procedure for the Large Deformation Dynamics Response of
Axisymmetric Solids," Comp. Methods in Appl, Mech. and Eng.,vol, 4, pp. 195-218,
McMeeking,R.M., and Rice,J.R.," Finite-Element Formulations for Problems of Large
Elastic-Plastic Deformation," International J. Solids Structures, vol. 11, pp.601-616,
Needleman,A.," Finite Element for Finite Strain Plasticity Problems," from: Plasticity of
Metals at high strains, eds. Lee,Mallet, pp.387-434.
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Nonproportional Loading," Int. J. for Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol. 21,pp.
941-957, 1985.
Simo, J.C., and Taylor, R.L.," Consistent Tangent Operators for Rate-Inde-pendent
Elastoplasticity," Comp. Methods in Appl. Mech. and Eng.,vol 48, pp. 101-118, 1985.
Crisfield, M.A.," A Fast Incremental/Iterative Solution Procedure that Handles ’SNAP-
THROUGH’," Computers and Structures, vol. 13,pp.55-62, 1981.
Crisfield, M.A.," Snap-Through and Snap-Back Response in Concrete Structures and
the Dangers of Under-Intergration," International J. for Numerical methods in
Engineering, vol. 22, pp. 751-767, 1986.
Bathe, Klaus-Jurgen, and Dvorkin, Eduardo N.," On the Automatic Solution of
Nonlinear Finite Element Equations," Computers and Structures, vol. 17,No. 5-6,pp.
871-879, 1983.
Riks, E.," An Incremental Approach to the Solution of Snapping and Buckling Prob-
lems," Int. J. Solids Structures,vol. 15,pp. 529-551, 1979.
Crisfield, M.A.," An Arc-Length Method Including line Searches and Accelerations," Int.
J. for Numerical Methods in Eng.,vol.19,p.1269, 1983.
Crisfield, M.A.," Accelerated Solution Techniques and Concrete Cracking," Comp.
Methods in Appl. Mech. and Eng., vol. 33,pp. 585-607, 1982.
Crisfield, M.A.," Local Instabilities in the Non-linear Analysis of Rainforced Concrete
Beams and Slabs," Proc. Instn. Civ. Engrs., part 2, vol. 73,pp. 135-145, 1982.
Borst, R. de," Computational of Post-Bifurcation and Post-Failure Behavior of Strain-
Softening Solids," Comp. and Strucs.,vol.25,No.2, pp.211-224,1987.
Simo, J.C.,Wriggers,P.,Schweizerhof,K.H.,and Taylor,R.L.," Finite Deformation
Postbuckling and Contact Constraints,"from: Innovated Methods for Nonlinear Prob-
lems, eds. Liu,W.K., Belytschko,T., and Park,K.C., Pineridge press, U.K.
Yokoo, Yoshitsura.,Nakamura, Tsuneyoshi and Uetani,Koji," The Incremental Per-
turbation Method for Large Displacement Analysis of Elastic-Plastic Structures," Int.
J. for Numerical Methods in Eng.,vol.10,pp.503-525,1976.
Tracey,Dennis M., and Freese, Colin E.," Adaptive Load Incrementation in Elastic-
Plastic Finite Element Analysis," Computers and Structures, vol.13, pp. 45-53, 1981.
Bathe, Klaus Jurgen, and Cimento, Arthur P.," Some Practical Procedures for the
Solution of Nonlinear Finite Element Equations," Computer Methods in Appl. Mech.
and Eng., vol.22, pp. 59-85, 1980.
Powell, G. and Simons, J.," Improved Iteration Strategy for Nonlinear Structures," Int. J.
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Bergan,P.G., Holand,I., and Soreide,T.H.," Use of the Current Stiffness Parameter in
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Wiley & Son publication, chap.1,New York.
Nayak,G.C., and Zienkiewicz,O.C.," Note on the ’ALPHA’-Constant Stiffness
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Zeid, Ibrahim," Fixed-Point Iteration to Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis. Part I:
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Benallal,A., Billardon,R., Doghri,I.," An Itergration Algorithm and the Corresponding
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Lee,E.H., "Finite Deformation Theory With Nonlinear Kinematics," from:Plasticity of
Metals at high strains, eds. Lee,Mallet, pp.107-121.
Simo,J.C., and Taylor,R.L.," Consistent Tangent Operators for Rate-Indepen- dent
Elastoplasticity," Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Eng.,vol.48, pp.101-
118, 1985.
Kleiber,M., Konig,J.A., and Sawczuk,A.," Studies on Plastic Structures: Stability,
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Nagtegaal,J.C.," On the Implementation of Inelastic Constitutive Equations with Special
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Hughes,T.J.R., and Winget,J.," Finite Rotation Effects in Numerical Integration of Rate
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Pinsky,P.M., Ortiz,M., and Pister,K.S.," Numerical Integration of Rate Constitutive
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Simo,J.C., and Ortiz,M.," A Unified Approach to Finite Deformation Elastoplastic
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in Applied Mech. and Eng., vol.49, pp. 221-245, 1985.
Simo,J.C., and Pister,K.S.," Remarks on Rate Constitutive Equations for Finite Problems:
Computational Implications," Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
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E.Stein, D.Bischoff, N.Muller-Hoeppe, W.Wagner and P.Wriggers, "Five lectures on
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J. Fish and K. L. Shek, "Finite Deformation Plasticity Based on the Additive Split of the
Rate of Deformation and Hyperelasticity," Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng., Vol.
190, pp. 75-93, (2000).
J. Fish and K. L. Shek, "Finite Deformation Plasticity of Composite Structures: Com-
putational Models and Adaptive Strategies," Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng., Vol.
172, pp. 145-174, (1999).
J. Fish and K.L. Shek, "Computational Aspects of Incrementally Objective Algorithms
for Large Deformation Plasticity," International Journal for Numerical Methods in
Engineering, Vol. 44, pp. 839-851, (1999).

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