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An undergraduate research proposal presented to the faculty of SCC (Taguig)

In partial fulfillment of the background of the subject
Practical Research 2



Research Adviser
October 2019

Chapter l

The problem and Its Background


For those of us that wear makeup consistently, it can often be difficult to go

without it. Many of us started to wear makeup in middle or high school and it has
become a part of our daily routines. We get up in the morning, put on clothes and do our
makeup. Often times, we don’t even realize how much it affects us until we are in a
position to be without it. Imagine it’s Sunday morning, and you’re going to Findlay
Commons for breakfast. You aren’t wearing any makeup. You feel different, don’t you?
Maybe you make less eye contact when interacting with people? Chances are, you feel
less confident because you aren’t wearing any makeup.

I decided to some research on this topic. Throughout my research, a common theme I

kept finding was the societal expectations influence girls and women into feeling like
they have to wear makeup. There are pressures to look certain ways in various
situations, and women often vary their beauty routine to match the situations they will be
in during each specific day.I also found that many women associate their physical
appearance with their over all confidence and self esteem. When wearing makeup,
women are able to cover up imperfections and highlight certain points in their face,
which makes them feel more confident.

Background of the study

Throughout the ages cosmetic products have been used to make one feel
and appear more beautiful. Commonly, products like powder, blusher, mascara, and lip
color, to only name a few, have been adopted by woman to enhance their appearance.
The practice of beautifying one’s self dates back to ancient times, as early as 1500 B.C.
Painting around the eyes with various colors and using kohl to darken brows and
eyelashes was common in ancient Egypt and ArabiaDiamond & Diamond, 2008). The
Egyptians believed strongly in the use of cosmetics for religious reasons. Their belief
was that their appearance had a direct correlation to their spirituality. They used
cosmetics not only to appear more beautiful, but they believed that by painting around
their eyes they could ward off evil spirits (Mellor, n.d.).
When the Greeks adopted the practice of using makeup the meaning behind wearing
the products changed. Egyptians adorned these products for the purpose of spirituality,

but for the Greeks wearing makeup was purely for appearance sake (Mellor, n.d.).
Centuries later when the Roman Empire implemented the use of cosmetics, it created
high demand and utilization of products throughout Europe. Pumice stone was used to
whiten teeth, rouge to stain cheeks, and a white lead powder was used to whiten the
skin (Diamond & Diamond, 2008). At this time makeup was used not only to improve
appearance but as a sign of social status. Those who were laborers and worked out in
the fields always had tanned skin; therefore it was thought more beautiful to have pale
skin, a sign that you had money and did not have to work (Mellor, n.d.).The use of
cosmetics continued to grow and evolve through the years. By the late 1800s and early
1900s cosmetic companies had developed a wealth of new products and created
additional business for themselves. Despite the fact that makeup had already been
around for centuries it was still primarily used by highly sophisticated consumers. Even
through the 1950’s there were many products that were not considered to be socially
acceptable. Socially you were not deemed to be a “nice” girl if you wore too many
cosmetic products (Diamond & Diamond, 2008). In more recent years the cosmetic
industry had increased its output by fourfold from 1958 to the early 1980’s (Wilder,
1982). During the 1970’s the cosmetic industry began to offer a wide variety of products
and color options. Women were no long wearing one simple look, and wearing makeup
became somewhat an expression of self (Diamond & Diamond, 2008). Over the next
thirty years makeup continued to evolve as fashion progressed. Makeup itself became a
staple item that many women used, and continue to use every day. According to current
information, the cosmetic industry brought in $209.9 billion in 2007 (Kirillov, 2008).
Through time makeup has had many different significances, defining spirituality and
even defining social class. One thing has always stayed unchanged and that is the idea
that makeup causes one to appear more beautiful. This study is important in understand
whether or not this idea really has an impact on how women view themselves.
Understanding that makeup enhances beauty is not a new challenge, but understanding
whether or not it has an impact on a woman’s perception of herself is. Through the
collection of data a better understanding of the relationship between use of product and
perception of self was developed. This will lead to a greater understanding a woman’s
purpose for buying makeup, especially on such a personal level, and can lead to greater
understanding of use and purchase habits.

Theoretical Framework

1. Self-Esteem
Self-esteem is a self-evaluation of individual’s own value and ability in either positive or
negative fashion (Moon & Yoo, 2003). Positive self-esteem individuals believe in their
own worth and expect self-improvement and adapt well with others and surroundings.
Thus, they may see stability and achievements in social relationships. Conversely,

negative self-esteem individuals may find themselves as the source of self-denial and
self-dissatisfaction and heavy reliance to others.

2. Makeup Satisfaction

Makeup satisfaction is a degree of satisfaction of makeup progress or result (Kim,

2013). The psychological effects of makeup may include caress of skin upon contact,
completion of hope of transformation, and stress relief or pleasurable tension during
makeups (Kim, 2013). Negative self-esteem, an individual who evaluate his own value
and ability negatively, finds superficial satisfaction and self-fulfillment from makeups and
thus increases makeup satisfaction as opposed to positive self-esteem, an individual
who evaluate his own value and ability positively. In other words, self-esteem appears
to play a huge role in makeup satisfaction.

3. Lipstick Effect

This "lipstick effect" is a common psychological phenomenon that boosts the confidence
of a woman when she wears makeup and feels physically more attractive. It helps
women to have the feelings of self-esteem, personality, and attitude. An important thing
is a boost or improvement in the self-esteem helps to boost the cognitive abilities

Conceptual Framework

In this data we show how our research study focus on:

Input Process Output

THE EFFECT OF • Conduct a survey • Identify the effect

MAKEUP ON SELF- of makeup on the
ESTEEMON •Unstructered self esteem
GRADE12 interview and
STUDENT IN validation • How makeup
ST.CHAMUEL boost our confident
COLLEGE(TAGUIG) • Analysis of data

• Self-esteem
• Satisfaction
• Effectiveness

Figure 1.Conceptual Framework


Statement of the problem

The study intends to determine whether cosmetics such as perfume,facial wash,and

make up effect on the self esteem level of grade 12 studentsin SCC.

This study aims to:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Name
b. Age
b. Gender
c. Civil status

2. What are the commonly use of cosmetic ise cosmetic products of grade 12
3.What are the personal reasons why grade 12 students use cosmetics products?
4.Do not wearing cosmetics product make grade 12 student not confident or
otherwise self-conscious?


There is no significant difference in the perceived personal needs of the respondents

when they are grouped by profile.

Scope and Delimitation

The study wil cover the effect of makeup of grade 12 student on their confidence level
with the use of cosmetics such as perfume,facial wash,and makeup.Participants must
atleast utilize one or several cosmetics product at one point in their life whether
independently or with the assistance of othersThe age range of he respondents falls in
the ranges of 16 to 18 years old.The number of study participants would depend on the
saturation of gathered data.

Significance of the study

This study will yield benefits to the following:

Participant: The student of the study will be able to identify and undertand causes of
their behavior to utilize cosmetics product an insight formed from reports allow the
participantsto examine their behaviors.This study assist the individual identify the
imagethey project relative to their behavior

Schools: The result of the study will enrich the curriculum of the school through the
acces of new trend of adolecents behavior related to cometics use.The behavior of this
segment of the population predicted on the prevailing trend can be predicted and this
will help school administration to plan for administrators may tailor policies that will
promoted and protect and protect the interest of this group

Teachers: The study will add credibility to the teachers through the information about
adolecents behavior.The teacher can identify normal nature of adolecent behavior and
even correct their class and plan discussions that are more exclusive and respecful of
curious expressions of identify it could bridge the gap between students and
teachersand help promote good satisfactions and professional relationship when
teachers earned the respect of their students.

Future Researchers: The formulation of the study will help future researchers to
develop interest in the subject and explore factors,underatand or lacking in the
research.This would create rich source of information for the particular subject.

Definition of terms

Makeup - cosmetics such as lipstick or powder applied to the face, used to enhance or
alter the appearance.
Self-esteem - confidence in one's own worth or abilities; self-respect.
SCC – St.Chamuel College
Satisfaction - fulfillment of one's wishes, expectations, or needs, or the pleasure derived
from this.
Effectiveness - the degree to which something is successful in producing a desired
result; success.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter dealt with different related local and foreign studies and literature that were
associated with the research being conducted.

Foreign Literature

In America, women are constantly bombarded with images of what our society deems
beautiful. As a result, many women tend to feel inadequate and their feelings of
confidence and expectations of self are affected. “When one’s body is disliked because
of deviation from norms of function or appearance, replicated evidence shows that
anxiety, insecurity, and low self- esteem are regular correlates” (Jourard, 1964). A study
by Turner et al. (1997) found that the media shapes, rather than reflects, societal
perceptions of the female body. In addition, they found that women’s body image
satisfaction is influenced by their exposure to the thin ideal presented in fashion
magazines. More often than not, the images these women are seeing have been
computer-edited and their models have been airbrushed and piled with makeup to
camouflage any slight flaws that may, in reality, exist.
An abundance of research exists on how women feel when comparing themselves to
the ideal of thinness that exists in American culture. “For the most part, what a woman
observes in the
mirror is what she uses as a measure of her worth as a human being” (Lerner,
Karabenick, & Stuart, 1973). The majority of research on women and their self-esteem
has historically been related to how they feel about their body shape and size (Trampe,
Siero, & Stapel, 2007). However, not much attention has been given to a particular
action women can take to improve their self-confidence – applying cosmetics. Cosmetic
products such as foundation, mascara, and
blush are a quick and impermanent means to improving one’s appearance and thus
improving confidence (Miller & Cox, 1982). Cosmetics are a quick means of
improvement versus more long-term, arduous changes such as diet and exercise. As
only a handful of studies exist to date,
there continues to be a need for more exploration of the topic in such areas as what role
makeup.plays in the lives of women, when and why women use makeup and, what is
achieved with its use.

Foreign Studies

Past research studies have indicated that positive emotions help in the improvement of
academic performance. The present study related to wearing makeup has tried to see
whether the positive boost in the self-esteem could bring the similar effect or not. The
researchers divided the undergraduate students into several groups. The students had
to complete a set of tests that include multiple choice questions from a general
psychology textbook.The students had to answer those questions. Before the test, the
research team asked students of a specific group to apply makeup. Students of another
group heard the "positive music excerpt" and the last group colored a sketch of one
human face. The research team carried out the test to explore the effects of wearing
makeup. It was believed by the research team that students wearing makeup would
perform much better than students of the other groups. The researchers thought that
these students would get the highest boost in their positive feelings. The outcomes of
the tests revealed that the students who heard the music had the good results on the
cognitive performance.But, the students wearing makeup performed much better than
the students who heard the positive music. The findings are available in the popular
journal Cogent Psychology. The researchers stated that it was not only the makeup that
helped to bring better test results, but the findings suggested some new facts.Bondi
Beauty reported that the researchers asked the participants after the test to do a self-
report on how beautiful they actually felt. Participants wearing makeup reported higher
perception about beauty compared to other participants. This indicates that wearing
makeup could provide a better sense about self-esteem that may bring positive effects
on the cognitive performance of an individual.Through the findings, it is clear that
wearing makeup enhances the self-esteem that could interact with the cognition. The
researchers are now aiming for further research. They must try to see if makeup brings
long lasting effects on the cognitive performance.

Local Literature

The object of this project was to test whether the use of makeup destroys facial skin or
enhances your appearance on the surface as well as at the chemical level. Our society
has been conditioned to appreciate beauty, especially beauty born of chemicals,
powders, and crèmes,artificial though it is. Our hypothesis is that although makeup
does reduce the health of your skin, it also raises the self-esteem of the ladies of our
society. As in all things, makeup should be used in moderation. Girls are conditioned
to believe that the more make-up they wear, the more attractive they are. The objective
of our project is to prove this null and void.
In this day and age, we have the technology to create make-up that shields our faces
from natural and man-made elements such as the wind, sun, and pollutants all the while

enhancing our innate features. However if we do not use these special products
they can have negative effects to our skin and health. Did you know that if you share
eyeliner or mascara with one of your friends, you could transfer all kinds of bacteria and
even microscopic bugs to your friend? As with all facial products we most definitely
need to scrub off the daily residues of our cosmetics. Research from scientists all over
the world show us the price that those who fail to follow this one rule must pay.
According to, over 50% of makeup products contain dioxane which
is s form of a carcinogen, a cancer-causing substance. In our project, we took pictures
of ourselves with heavy makeup on and pictures devoid of all cosmetics. As ladies of
only fifteen or fourteen, most of us have only been wearing makeup for a few short
years, but in those short years our skin has already begun to undergo a process of
degeneration that will continue until our dying day. "Acute exposure causes irritation,
headache, dizziness, and narcosis. Chronic inhalation exposure can produce damage
to the liver and kidneys, and blood disorder," Makeup, used too
often and in disproportionate quantities, has caused this retrogression in our facial skin,
both on the surface and at the cellular level. We do not claim the right to say that all
and every brand of makeup is harmful to the skin. There are several companies of
cosmetics who are devoted to creating products that cover both objectives; healthy skin
as well as beautiful skin.Not all people are fooled by the layers of foundation, lines of
black pencil, and cherry red gloss that we adorn our faces with on a daily basis. There
are those who can see the “faults” that we try so desperately to cover up. But are our
natural appearances truly that undesirable? Studies show that most men are in fact
intimidated by a woman who stencils on eyebrows and has spiky black lashes half an
inch long. The purpose of makeup was to accent our inborn qualities rather than to
erase our faces and redraw them according to society’s idea of perfection. Is not what
was naturally created more beautiful than a painted façade? Women of this day and
age have come to rely upon their cosmetics to the point where some will not leave their
own homes without at least foundation on. Our dependence upon these products has
made people do strange and dangerous things which they later regret. Is the price we
pay truly worth the compacts and tubes?Makeup should be used to heighten our innate
features; not destroy or besmirch our phenotypes and confidence. When used in
moderation, makeup can be a boon to every girl who chooses to wear it. It might give
her the added confidence to talk to someone she
admires, or prompt her to be more outgoing and photogenic. Our project was done to
show that today’s use of makeup has sadly corrupt its original purpose, but with
education comes knowledge and if we apply this awareness we are sure to make
something of ourselves. Use common sense and a cool head when applying your daily
retinue of cosmetics, and not only will you appear more beautiful and approachable,
your skin will thank you for it.

Local Studies

Researchers came to this conclusion by asking 186 undergraduates to take a simulated

university examination. They split the students into three groups: The first one wore
makeup, the second tuned in to upbeat tunes, and the last colored a picture of a face.
Those who primped themselves were found to get better test results.To back up the
findings, the students were asked how they felt. The participants who wore makeup and
listened to happy songs reported that they had a positive mood while taking the
exam.Although the first two groups had a chirpy disposition, the study aims to
emphasize how cosmetics enhance one's self-confidence, therefore affecting mental
performance.So yeah, if you're feeling blue or can't seem to absorb the stuff you're
reviewing for class, raid your kikay kit and level up your face game!


This new study set out to see if the positive boost in self-esteem from wearing makeup
could have the same effect.The female undergraduates were placed into different
groups and given a series of tests to complete.The tests consisted of answering multiple
choice questions about a chapter from a general psychology textbook.Before taking the
test, members of one group were asked to apply makeup, another group listened to “a
positive music excerpt,” and a third coloured a drawing of a human face.The team
believed that those wearing makeup would experience the greatest boost in positive
feelings, and therefore would perform better in the tests than the other two groups. The
results showed that although there was a significant increase in cognitive performance
from the group who listened to positive music, as predicted it was those in the makeup
group who performed significantly better than females in the other two groups.The team
pointed out that makeup wasn’t the only way of boosting test results.These findings do
offer new understanding into the ways in which boosting physical self-esteem through
using makeup may interact with cognition. They now suggest further research to look
into whether makeup has longer lasting effects on cognitive performance.


Research Methodology

In this chapter, the research method, sampling and sampling

technique, data collection or instrumentation, data gathering,
procedure, statistical treatment and research locale would be

Research Method

Since the study strived to determine the effect of makeup on the self
esteem of grade 12 students,indescriptive method was utilized by the
researchers to be able to gather the necessary data, wherein the
effect of makeup on the self esteem of grade 12 students in St.
Chamuel Institute of Technology Taguig Branch was discussed.

Description of the Respondents

The data presented in this study were based on the answers to the
survey questions from the respondents who were the St.Chamuel
Institute of Technology.

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